Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 68: Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo


"If you want revenge, do it on your own! Don't draw innocent people into it!

- Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach)"


<(Atem POV)> 

"Is that truly Jeff?" I inquired while resting in the aftermath of our orgy, my finger gesturing towards the photo in Gwendolyn's phone. "He seems to have experienced a... considerable jump in growth. Are you certain he is a shark, Gwen? He might even be a mutant whale of some sort... like a meta-blue whale?"

"Huh? What are you suggesting?" Gwendolyn Poole, aka, Gwenpool, retorted with a frown. "He's merely a juvenile at this stage. My adorable Jeff is still a baby, he is still maturing." She defended.

"Are you really calling Jeff a baby?" Jean from the other end of the room remarked with a wry grin. "He devoured two organ trafficking mercenaries during our recent mission in Africa. Astonishingly, he retained their entire attire and tactical equipment inside him without a trace of expulsion. We know because we waited days, hoping that he would expel some of their remains, as we wanted to match their DNA against a similar organ trafficking incident in New York. That shark can even digest plastic for all we know. 'Baby' hardly seems an apt descriptor for him now, nor does 'cute,' for that matter." Jean chuckled softly at her memory of the formidable, almost twice-human-sized grey-hulking predator. 

"Oh, that reminds me. I forgot to tell you, but while working on that mission I found someone special among the mercenaries, a certain abandoned member of the Wakandan royal family. He seemed to be the leader of the small independent mercenary organization." Gwen revealed after she suddenly remembered about the "royalty" she had captured a couple of days ago. "Oh, by the way, he is currently in the super-secret torture room under the central embassy building. I was thinking of making him Jeff's playmate, but you can visit him before that if you want to chat with him." 

"It's not a torture room, Gwen but a prison, well, officially at least. So, don't call it a torture room. If word gets out, it will be a PR nightmare." Vanessa remarked, adopting Emma's calm businesswoman-like demeanor with uncanny precision, mimicking both her facial expressions and vocal cadence quite literally using her shapeshifting powers. 

She was lucky that both Emma and Selene weren't here today due to them being busy with some political and business-related stuff, otherwise, they would have immediately made Vanessa regret imitating them. They not only had the most serious personalities among all of my girls, second to only Morgana but also did their best to maintain their elegant and graceful image by any means possible due to the serious nature of their jobs. 

"HAHAHAHA, that was so real. Now, do me, do me." Gwen cheered.

"That's what she said," I could not help but react with a smile at Gwen's words.

"He already did, remember? He took complete advantage of your elastic powers. I don't think I in my one thousand years of life have ever seen someone's holes being stretched that much." Morgana tried to crackle a joke which resulted in Gwen sporting a dreamy smile on her face. 

"If we are speaking about the guy who was just recently imprisoned on the charges of metahuman organ trafficking, then I have actually already interrogated him, you don't have to visit him personally darling." Jean quickly uttered, her voice sounding almost panicked. "You see, I have been recently experimenting with my powers with Wanda and we needed human subjects to practice some new skills. We normally prefer to choose the vampire and werewolf criminals that Blade imprisons in the tortu... uh, prison. When we saw him, I believe his name was Erik killmonger, we thought that he was also some type of inhumane beast due to the weird patterns on his skin. Only after I started my practice did I understand he was just an ordinary human." 

"Hmm? You "practiced" your telepathy on him?" Morgana asked with a curious expression. "Is he still sane?" 

"... Yeah, about that, that's why I told you not to visit him. I may or may not have performed a new mental technique on him that I recently came up with. It forced him to live through a dozen different lives as a street dog in just ten minutes." She grinned, a trace amount of pride leaking into her voice. 

"Show off," Elizabeth muttered to herself, not liking the fact that Jean had become so much better than her when it came to intricate telepathic skills like these. 

Of course, she herself had also vastly improved in the use of her powers, but her area of expertise was using psionic energies much like how a Green Lantern from DC used his emotional energy... that is if the Green Lantern was a hot female ninja with an obsession for the color purple. 

"I must admit, your advancement in telepathic prowess is commendable," I praised. "However, Killmonger's descent into a state of mental idiocrasy poses a significant obstacle to my future plans. I initially intended to use him to lay claim to the Kingdom of Wakanda to open up its advanced technology and the Vibranium supply it has been hoarding to the world. But now that he will even struggle to think for himself and form proper sentences, that plan will probably not work." I said while taking a quick look at Ororo through the corner of my eyes to see her expression. 

As far as I remember, Ororo is supposed to know T'Challa due to them having met when they were young. Both of them had positive emotions towards each other which even developed into a crush when they became adults in the comics leading to them marrying later on.

However, contrary to my expectations, Ororo's reaction to hearing Wakanda's name was mostly subdued. There was a faint flicker of recognition in her eyes, but otherwise, she remained impassive. This was probably because as a citizen of Kenya, bordering Wakanda, she likely harbored awareness of the nation's reputation and hypocrisy in stealing technology from all over the world but never giving anything back in return, only hoarding and stockpiling important resources without any intention of contribution. 

"You don't have to worry about that. Even if Jean had completely short-circuited Killmonger's mind, we would still be able to rebuild it back, if a couple of us telepaths were to work together to do it. The Frost "Oracle" sisters would probably be the best suited for this type of job. They could just reconstruct his mind from scratch as an absolutely obedient slave of ours to command and use without worrying about some other telepath potentially undoing his brainwashing or something." Elizabeth Braddock, aka, Psylocke proposed with a straight face.

"Okay, that's slightly disturbing," Ororo interrupted. "I thought we decided that straight-up mind-controlling people wasn't something we were going to support. Did you guys forget that? Also, can you please stop using human subjects for your experiments, Jean? Or at least stop telling us about it. I still have bad dreams sometimes after what you did to Scott. He once tried to physically abuse Logan because of what you did to him." Ororo Munroe, aka, Storm requested. 

Ororo was not just one of the most benevolent and empathetic among all my romantic partners, but also the one most profoundly attuned to the rhythms of nature and existence. Undoubtedly, her presence served as a voice of morality in my actions, something I had learned to appreciate, especially because of how loose my own morals could be at times. So, despite her resistance against some of our more... unethical plans, none of us actually disliked her for that because we knew that she wasn't acting or being a hypocrite. 

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what type of monsters I had been using for my psionic and telepathic experiments. Let's take Killmonger for example. He is the son of the Wakandan Prince N'Jobu. When he was a child, his father was killed by N'Jobu's own brother who is the king of Wakanda due to him selling national secrets after which Killmonger swore vengeance on Wakanda and its entire royal family. He is a former United States Navy SEAL captain and used to operate in a special Black Ops unit due to numerous confirmed kills of his targets. He was one of the few who killed any target he was given without mercy or a second thought even if they were children, innocent women, or the elderly.

Due to his enormous success rate, he was able to join the CIA where he completed top secret missions for them. After striking a deal with the top brass of the CIA, he opened his private mercenary contractor to do illegal deals for them. From international smuggling of illegal animal parts and drugs inside the bodies of dead soldiers to "sourcing" and supplying metahuman body parts for different companies and research organizations, he has dipped his fingers into almost anything that can provide him with contacts, connections, and a fierce reputation in the underworld..." Jean revealed.

"Supplying metahuman body parts? But I thought we made it completely illegal to do that through manipulating public opinion and using our people inside the United Nations and different governments around the world." Vanessa asked with a confused look on her face.

"Making something illegal doesn't mean it won't happen, Vanessa. Drugs are also illegal, yet it is one of the biggest industries in the world. Terrorism or committing murder is illegal as well but it still happens. As long as humans exist, evil concepts like these will also exist. What matters is if the government is efficient enough to stop it or at least deal justice in case it wasn't able to stop the crime in time. But unfortunately, here the very government that is supposed to protect the common people is now manipulating the events that are causing their grief... *Sigh* Which organizations are even buying these metahuman body parts? Do we know any of them? Also, why haven't this problem been caught by the quintuplets?" I asked. 

"The Frost sisters can't read the minds of all seven billion population at once. They can search through them using different keywords or parameters or increase their chances of finding something if they focus their search on specific areas, but they won't be able to find something if they don't even know what they are looking for. Millions of people smuggle various stuff each year. Finding a particular group of terrorists is much harder than it sounds on paper, no matter how powerful the telepath or the machine is." Jean patiently explained.

"As for the companies, there are numerous names which are mostly just either small-time organizations or paper companies, but more than 60 percent of the drugs and mutant organs shipments are delivered to two companies, Confederated Global Investments and Van Corp, both of which are companies owned by someone named Wilson Fisk also known as Kingpin in the underworld. Killmonger used to think that Kingpin acted as a dealer or a middleman who further illegally supplied these organs and drugs to the various smaller organizations in America." She completed. 

"Interesting, so Killmonger made his name and Kingpin made his fortune by capturing metahumans, cutting them open, and then selling their organs to various buyers... So, do you still think we shouldn't use a person like him for doing something good, Ororo?" I asked looking at the weather goddess who had a complicated expression on her face. 

"... No, he deserves it. Both Killmonger and this Kingpin deserve what is coming for them, even if it includes mind-controlling them like puppets for the rest of their lives." Ororo spoke after a few moments. She sounded like she had made up her mind about her answer. 

"I thought as much. Anyway, this reminds me, I did promise you something when I first awakened to this world, Vanessa. Do you still remember what?" I asked looking at the blue-skinned shapeshifter who seemed like she was in deep thought about some bad memory. 

My sudden question surprised her a little, bringing her out of her reverie. 

"A promise?... Wait, you mean..." Her face morphed into one of immense astonishment as she finally figured out what I was talking about. 

"Yep, I think it's finally time you have your revenge and kill Kingpin for what he did to you and your parents when you were young."


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