Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 83: A Great War in Space (1)


"The purpose of practice is to improve your power. The purpose of the real race is to win."

- Shindo Iroha, (Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria)


<(Omniscient POV)> 

"I really wish you would have meant something kinky when you said you wanted to do something wild. I was imagining stuff that included the usage of ropes, gags, and paddles, not missiles and torpedoes." Susan chuckled self-depreciatingly while weakly shaking her head and watching the grand space war going on above their heads in the vast expanse of space near their planet. 

Atem and Susan were currently floating in the air with the help of his telekinesis, on the planet of Morag just a few feet above the ocean surface. Honestly, he would have preferred to take her directly to one of his ships instead of here, but he didn't want to risk it all, especially since there was no guarantee that they would remain safe within their ship during the war. Also, Atem needed Susan to have a complete picture of what war was truly supposed to be for the role he was preparing her for. 

"That is definitely in the plans for later, but I think you will enjoy this as well, Susan. Of all my girls, there are very few who are as... repressed as you. You need to let yourself loose a little, sweetheart, and believe me when I say that going crazy on the asses of a bunch of random semi-sentient aliens can be considered excellent therapy." I joked while softly caressing her cheek with a caring smile. "Now, do you trust me?" I asked. 

"With my life." She answered without the slightest hesitation.

"Then just close your eyes and feel the true power inside you. You are capable of more than just turning invisible and making invisible forcefields. I have felt your power. You are much stronger than Ben, Richard, or Johnny. You can do so much with your powers once you gain enough control over your abilities. 

Imagine bending light to make life-like illusions or changing the shape of your forcefields to make them as sharp as spears or blades, maybe even making an invisible armor around your own body as thin as a layer of elastic to protect yourself 24/7. Hell, in the worst-case scenario, you can even make your forcefields inside the bodies or heads of other beings like your enemies to instantly kill them from the inside. The possibilities are absolutely limitless." He patiently explained while watching Susan get more and more stunned from learning how powerful she could be if she played her cards right. 

Atem wasn't lying. Susan could indeed be the strongest one of the Fantastic Four. Her abilities were potentially OP if she could just control it and he aimed to help her achieve just that.

However, before he could say anything else, a charming voice interrupted their conversation as a familiar female figure approached them on a... flying worm. "Congratulations Atem, you were right. It seems that your army was not as hopelessly disappointing as I initially thought. Those little armored bugs were able to hold out for quite some time against Ronan's forces, even in their limited numbers." Brunhilde informed as she looked at the two of them with a knowing smile. "By the way, am I interrupting something?" she asked, making an innocent face.

"Brunhilde, you are late. Shouldn't you be a little more responsible for your duties as one of the newest generals of my space army?" Atem asked with a sigh as he turned his focus on Valkyrie, casually ignoring her words. 

"I only temporarily pledged my sword to your service, "my lord", not my soul for all eternity or anything. This is more like a part-time gig to brush up on my skills and ensure I do not get bored... But you are still right. As a general, I do need to make sure that your army doesn't get slaughtered for no reason." Valkyrie stated in a bored tone as if she didn't even consider Atem's "Para-demons" real living beings. "And since you have finally called upon me to act my part as the army general and lead them to victory, I will do so, no matter how bloody this war might turn." She concluded with an exaggerated mock bow before approaching the grand spectacle above. 

"By the way, a piece of warning. If you are thinking of making this girl fight in the war, then do so only after making sure that she is immune to the radiation in space. This star system is more harmful than most systems I have visited before... Also, don't expect me to take care of her in the midst of the war. You will have to look after her yourself. Since you are the one getting her involved, you will be responsible for her." Brunhilde stated before cracking her neck and speeding up to the front of the battle that was happening just above the planet.

"... That woman, who was she? And most important of all, how is she "fighting" in space without any sort of protective body suit or stored oxygen reserves? How was the worm she was riding, flying? Also, are you sure that there is nothing wrong with her fighting in a war of this scale without even proper battle armor?" Susan asked with a confused expression as she stared in the direction Brunhilde had gone in with an open mouth.

"Hmm? Oh, that's okay. She isn't a human... or even a normal mortal. Her name is Brunhilde, and she is a Valkyrie from Asgard, a highly trained female warrior with the powers of a god. I doubt there is anyone in this war who can kill her. So, you don't have to worry about it. Instead, you should figure out the best way to use your abilities to release some of the accumulated stress inside you." Atem said while pointing in the sky where a mini enemy legion had just entered the planet's atmosphere and was currently fighting some of Atem's Para-demons, successfully dominating them in the fight. 

"You want me to kill them? But aren't they living beings too?" Susan asked with an unsure face while staring at the two hideous races trying to tear each other apart, my para-demons flying with the help of their armor and the Chitauri flying on their hoverbikes.

"They are indeed living. But honestly, they are no better than battle-hungry beasts. The master they served raised them up for the sole reason of waging war. They are biologically incapable of most emotions and only know how to eat, breed, kill, and ravage their enemies. They were genetically engineered to be battle-hardened monsters and killing them won't be any more different than putting down a rabid wolf or crushing a damn parasite." Atem patiently explained, trying to get her easy with the idea of killing her enemies. 

He had already used his telepathy to look inside the minds of the Chitauri troops who were taking part in the war in an attempt to see if he could somehow convince them to leave Thanos and join his side. But alas, their minds were akin to those of brainwashed drug addicts who were trained from birth to achieve just a single thing for their owner, victory. Changing their minds was next to impossible.

Also, Atem was pretty sure that they had some sort of psionic dampeners as part of their body implants which were actively blocking him from using his full psychic power on them as well.

Not just the Chitauri, even the Krees working for Ronan were just too loyal to the cause. They were almost as racist as the Nazis and seemed to hate all species in the universe that were not Kree, especially species that were the citizens of Xandar.

Fortunately, however, the Outriders from Thanos' army seemed to be absent from Ronan's troops. So, that was one less wild crazy murderous species to worry about. 

"I-I see," Susan answered with a small nod after a few seconds of respite before adding. "I think I am ready. I'll try and have some fun as you said. But don't interfere unless I am in some real danger." She stated before forming a spherical invisible barrier around her body and manipulating it to quickly dart toward the location of the nearest battle zone, using her forcefield like her personal transport. 

"Remember to always keep your forcefield active and filled with enough oxygen so that you don't pass out even in space, Susan. Also, never forget that it is only because of your forcefields that you can fly and survive their attacks. If the enemy succeeds in destroying your forcefield, then you will be without any defense, and killing you will be a breeze for them." Atem yelled a final piece of advice in his lover's direction as he watched Susan nod at him with more confidence than before. She didn't stop flying and even sped up in her flight.

In the direction where Susan was heading, about a few dozen para-demons were relentlessly fighting against a group of around a hundred Chitauri in the open sky. Their battle was bloodier than one would normally imagine because unlike DC and Marvel movies, the "aliens" here actually bled when injured or killed and they bled a lot.

As the Chitauri aimed and fired their blasters and energy guns, Atem's para-demons on the other hand used their plasma and laser weapons along with their superior physical characteristics to resist their enemies. It was a bloody battle on both sides that resulted in the aliens taking part, losing their limbs and lives if they were unlucky enough.

A similar scene was going on in the majority of the spatial battleground as a much smaller number of para-demons tried their best to hold back the huge number of troops under Ronan's command, although they were slowly failing and getting pushed back instead. However, they had still undoubtedly proved their importance and combat power by fighting and resisting what was supposed to be an inevitable one-sided defeat.

But this situation was soon going to change because unknown to Ronan and his army, Atem had finally decided to help his army and change the dynamics of the battlefield. After all, he had even brought back-up as well.


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