Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 84: An Actual Star War


"All right, sweethearts, you're a team and there's nothin' to worry about. We come here, and we gonna conquer, and we gonna kick some, is that understood?" 

— Sergeant Apone, (Aliens)


<{Aboard Ronan's Primary Command Ship}> 

<(Omniscient POV)> 

"What is happening? Why have the enemy forces not backed away despite the huge army Thanos has sent us as backup?" Ronan muttered with an angry frown on his face as he looked at the giant pyramid still floating in space on the opposite side. 

"They are not like the regular armies that we normally fight, my lord. They are like savages, demons that only focus on killing using everything they have. They are not even the least bit afraid of death. In fact, they are no less dangerous than the infamous Chitauri army that Thanos lent us for this war. One could even say that these... cyborgs are even better than them when it comes to working together in a horde." A blue-skinned Kree woman standing behind Ronan dutifully answered him without missing a beat, scared that her silence might result in her death at the hands of her own boss.

"Better than Chitauri? That's impossible. The Chitauri army is known for their absolute loyalty and their discipline because of their hive mind while the outriders are known for their wild savagery.

I could have understood if this army of flying bugs would have won against the Outriders since those beasts are just a bunch of wild dogs trained by the Titan to kill, torture, rampage and rape others instead of their own kind like they used to before the titan trained them. But winning against a disciplined well-trained army like the Chitauri in direct conflict? That was impossible especially since this was just a new no-name army nobody had even heard of before." Ronan bellowed in rage before breaking the display nearest to him with a single swing of his Kree war hammer while the Kree woman just watched it happen with a scared look.

Ronan and his forces had originally encountered this army while exploring the star system for a unique energy signature that was coming from here. He, like many others, had been tasked by Thanos to search the galaxy for some hidden mythical weapon that the mad titan wanted, a weapon that was supposed to have an energy signature similar to the one they traced.

Ronan had entered this particular star system to scan the planets to pinpoint exactly where the energy readings were coming from. Unfortunately, however, they couldn't find anything related to the energy readings they had previously received since most of the planets in the star system were either completely submerged in water or frozen in ice leading to them being unable to be properly scanned.

But just when they had lost all hope and were about to leave, they detected some stray battle and mining ships entering the desolate star system, trying to land on one of the flooded planets. Now, this was extremely fortunate for Ronan and his people since their appearance on the planet out of nowhere made it pretty apparent that the newcomers knew something about the energy signature that they had previously detected.

Ronan's original plan was to intercept these ships and force the crew to give up whatever information they possessed. He was extremely confident of easily defeating any small crew with the help of his loyal soldiers even if they were the Nova Corps themselves but alas, reality was often more disappointing than one would think. 

What he had foolishly thought of as weak forces hired from some small mercenary organization gave him and his crew more than just a run for their money. Ronan and his men had to give their all just to somehow survive their assault.

However, as a warlord, he had some pride of his own. He could not and would not just admit defeat to a nobody. So, he called upon all his forces hiding throughout the galaxy to help him win the battle. But then more of those cyborgs arrived in dozens of exploration and combat ships as backup to help their brethren win the war. 

For Ronan, this was supposed to be an easy and quick battle where he was supposed to just crush the bugs, take whatever intel they had, find the energy source using the intel, and then present it to Thanos to secure a permanent alliance to complete his objectives but sadly, victory never came. For some reason, the short and easy battle turned into a full-scale war. 

However, not everything was lost. After Ronan threw away the last remaining bit of his pride in front of Thanos, grudgingly informing him about the... problem he had encountered, much contrary to his expectations, Thanos offered a part of his own forces to Ronan instead of threatening or insulting him because of his inability to show results. Turns out the mad titan was actually mad enough to give him command over a significant portion of his Chitauri army just like that. The only condition that Thanos placed on Ronan was that he absolutely could not fail in bringing him what he wanted.

But that hadn't scared the Kree warlord at all. Instead, it motivated him because he knew that once he won, it would only be a matter of time before he could use Thanos' forces and wage a war on the Nova empire like he originally wanted. The mad titan had himself promised to help him do that as a reward after all.

Ronan was confident that with Thanos' army and his own brilliant leadership, no army could defeat him, no army could bear the brunt of his anger... though unfortunately, it turns out that he was wrong. 

The Kree warlord was more than surprised when he saw that the legions of soldiers he had originally considered as mere mindless bugs enhanced by machines were in reality powerful enough to even hold back the full-powered assault of the Chitauri combined with his own personal forces. Even though he had superiority in numbers compared to the enemy, they failed to use it to their advantage. 

Of course, his army was effective in slowly tiring out their foes on the other side and was even slowly but steadily inching towards a possible victory but then entered a strange woman wielding an ordinary-looking sword and riding a strange creature with a new wave of cyborgs as backup. That woman almost singlehandedly changed the direction the war was going. 

'Not just her, even the strange woman effortlessly annihilating the Chitauri troops I sent on a recon mission to that planet with her strange powers is also extremely dangerous. However, I can't help but have a feeling that these two are ultimately not the leaders. Somebody else is controlling this army from behind the curtains, somebody extremely dangerous..., the only question is who?' Ronan thought with a big frown on his face as his eyes searched for something on the displays in front of him. 

Suddenly, the Kree subordinate who was also keeping watch on the various screens released an audible yelp as her eyes widened her eyes in surprise, "My lord, that sword-woman you told me to keep an eye on has begun attacking the ships we placed on the defensive front around our main command ship. She is trying to lead her newly arrived troops straight towards us in a direct charge. We need to stop her now, otherwise it will be too late... M-maybe we should retreat for now so that we can..." 

"We cannot retreat, no matter what..." The warlord interrupted her words in a stern voice, his words almost sounding desperate. He couldn't afford to escape like a coward after losing such a considerable amount of his forces in the war. He was either going to win or he would have to die trying.

'Most of my important subordinates are busy with their own battles. I have already sent Korath to eliminate the other woman with powers, so I will have to face this swordswoman myself... although I still have "her". I wanted to win this battle without having to use that woman's skills in battle, but it seems that I have no other choice but to let her participate in the war.' He thought to himself with an annoyed growl.

But the very next moment, the annoyance on his face was replaced by an ugly smile as he slowly caressed the weapon in his hand. 'No, even if the army is on the cusp of losing, I can still win with my universal weapon alone. After all, with the last key I stole from the Kree military outpost, I have successfully unlocked almost all of its hidden abilities. Even a Centurion of the Nova Corps cannot defeat me in combat now.' 

"Direct the command ship to enter the atmosphere of Morag and also issue an official intergalactic dominion duel to the other party." He ordered with an authoritative voice after contemplating the situation for some time. "Also, tell Thanos' daughter to get ready for battle, it seems that quite contrary to our expectations, we might need her skills after all." He added with a grumble.


<{On the Planet of Morag}>

"I hope that this works." Susan Storm muttered with an audible gulp as she flew towards the Chitauri forces who were desperately fighting the Para-demons in a struggle for their survival. 

After seeing just how bloody, uncaring, and monstrous the alien soldiers on both sides of the war were, she had finally made up her mind to let herself go and use her powers to the maximum even if it meant killing a few of them.

As soon she reached closer to where the battle was happening, a few of the Chitauri noticed her and began to shoot with their energy weapons at her.

Atem had already used his telepathy to inform his Para-demon army that Susan was an ally, not an enemy, and since all of the Spikes were connected with each other through their own telepathy and their armor's comms, none of them made the mistake of attacking Susan. 

Under a barrage of fire, the last bit of hesitation Susan had in her mind in using lethal force against the enemy disappeared from her mind as she raised her hands to do what she had never even tried before.

Under her control, a forcefield appeared around some of the Chitauri who were shooting at her, encircling them in an invisible sphere. But before they could use their energy weapons to break away from their prison, she twisted her fingers slightly, rapidly decreasing its size, making it smaller and smaller until the pressure from the shrinking forcefield began to crush the weapons and cybernetically enhanced bodies of the Chitauri trapped inside. In a few seconds, after the sphere had shrunk to the size of a small human, only a ball of pulpy flesh mixed with some metal parts and blue blood could be seen floating in the air.

"So, this was what he was talking about. The power that I myself did not know I was capable of... This is indeed quite freeing to just let myself go." Susan mumbled as she observed the pile of flesh that dropped to the ocean after she dispelled her forcefield.

For some reason, she could feel a sense of pleasure in what she just did. Not the taking a life or torturing part, but the part where she did not have to constantly hold herself back from using too much force. For her, it was like being able to hit something with all of her strength to get rid of the stress and frustration that had slowly accumulated in her body. It was relaxing and she wanted more.

"He wants me to treat this war like my own personal rage room... Heh, He was right. I might just have some actual fun here... I think I might be a little sadistic. It seems that Atem somehow knows me more than I know myself. I guess that is what people call true love." She remarked to herself with a happy smile on her face as she glanced at some of the other Chitauri soldiers rushing towards her with staffs in their hands.


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