Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 85: A Great War in Space (2)


"This is war there is no justification for taking the enemy's head. There is no excuse we can make to the enemy if we don't use every trick at hand to hammer out a victory."

- Shimazu Toyohisa, (Drifters)


<Atem POV> 

"Well, I guess Susan finally found her calling. She seems to be having fun... too much fun to speak the truth" I murmured as I saw Susan make a small forcefield inside one of the Chitauri soldier's mouths and expand it on will, exploding its head like a juicy watermelon.

All of a sudden, why do I suddenly feel like a Sith lord trying my best to bring my apprentice to the dark side?

'You alright there, Susan? If you want to stop or talk about this, I am right here.' I contacted her using my telepathy to ensure she wasn't out of her mind or didn't go too over the top in her battle. 

'You can talk in my mind? Oh, of course, you also have the powers of a telepath. Sometimes, I forget that I am dating a literal god. And, no, I don't think I need to talk, I am having too much fun right now. I never knew using my abilities could be so fun. The more I use them, the more skilled I get. I guess in my brother's words, I am leveling up. And you were right by the way, these monsters are similar to mindless insects, killing them doesn't feel bad at all although I have to admit that they make excellent lab rats. I might even take a few of them back home for research. I think it is high time I started working for my fifth doctorate.' Susan communicated her thoughts to me with a confident grin on her face all the while she crushed three Chitauri soldiers between two of her forcefields.

'... I see. Then continue what you are doing and make sure that you polish your skills to the max with their help. I am proud of you, Susan.' I replied, sending some feelings of encouragement through our temporary telepathic link.

'Thanks, but I would appreciate it more if you reward me in... some other wild way... if you know what I am talking about.' Susan replied through the link with an extremely seductive and particularly suggestive voice that seemed to ooze with pure sexual frustration and arousal.

What did I expect? Even though most comics and movies show her as a loving mother-like figure who is the empathetic voice of the Fantastic Four, they still forget to mention that she is an amazing bio-scientist in her own right and no less brilliant than some of the best scientists in the world. In fact, she might be even better than Reed when it comes to researching biological sciences. And, of course, that makes her much more experienced in dealing with both living and dead organisms. 

'Yep, not squeamish with body fluids at all.' I thought to myself as I saw Susan becoming invisible before sneaking up on some of the Chaitauris and killing them using a Chitauri staff she had previously snatched from one of them using her forcefield. 

Although she was actively trying to avoid getting their green blood on her FF costume, some of it still splashed on it although that hardly even bothered her. Instead, it seemed to encourage her more to end them even quicker as she increased the pace of her attacks.

At the same time, my para-demons weren't just standing still watching Susan kill their enemies either. They were also actively participating in the fight, slaying the Chitauri that Susan missed while also watching her back and protecting her from any ambush. After all, I wasn't just going to let her fight a war completely defenseless. I might have abilities that could literally bring people back from death, but I would never let one of my women die in the first place. 


The sudden sound of a spaceship entering the planet's atmosphere distracted me from Susan's extremely entertaining and bloody fight, making me look in the direction where the actual war was happening. 

Quite predictively, Brunhilde was doing a very good job of suppressing and annihilating the enemy forces. She along with the one thousand para-demons she had brought as backup had already succeeded in killing tens of thousands of Chitauri soldiers. It wasn't just because of the amazing strength and combat abilities of the para-demons that they were so successful but because of Brunhilde's tactics and skill of leadership as well. Even though she herself refused to acknowledge it, she was definitely one of the most skilled and experienced generals I could have ever gotten a hold of.

Even Zoya didn't need to directly interfere in the battle too much as the para-demons with their superior targeting software, hivemind characteristic of the Spiked, and the top-notch weapon technology embedded into their cyborg bodies under the leadership of the Valkyrie leader were enough to easily overwhelm Thanos' entire chitauri army like they were nothing.

'But I have to say, it almost seems like the numbers of the Chitauri soldiers are much more here in this universe than what was shown in MCU. Even though there are no Leviathans, Black Order, or Outriders here, this can still easily topple the numbers shown in Infinity War.'


Two huge explosions rang out in the sky all of a sudden as a couple of para-demons blasted one of the spaceships meant for guarding the main ship of the enemy into pieces with the help of the plasma cannons fitted into their chests.

Another guardianship was also following the main ship into the atmosphere of Morag, but Brunhilde seemed to have set her eyes on it and was rapidly approaching the ship on her unicorn with a huge broadsword in her hand. It seemed like she had no intention of letting the enemy forces follow their leader onto the planet and was probably thinking of defeating them after cornering them on Morag, making sure that they would have absolutely no way to escape.

Getting closer to the spaceship, Brunhilde raised her sword to slice it into two but before she could do so, a new figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere on a glider. Getting close to the Asgardian warrior, she jumped on the Valkyrie with a pair of twin blades in her hands, intent on killing her with a single swing. However, Brunhilde's advanced Asgardian senses easily detected the attack and dodged it at the perfect moment before grabbing the throat of the attacker and throwing her to the ocean below to be eaten by the native alligator-like species. 

The female who had just tried to attack Brunhilde was, however, prepared for this already. With a quick swipe of her gauntlet, her glider immediately changed directions and flew toward her, saving her from the fall just before she hit the water. 

'Hmm? I have to agree that the green-skinned woman is quite agile and fit... Wait, green-skinned? Isn't that woman Gamora, Thanos' favorite daughter?' I thought with a surprised expression on my face as I watched the woman prepare to attack Brunhilde again. Wow, Gamora looks really different from her movie version. Instead, she looks a lot like her... game counterpart from the Guardians of the Galaxy video game.


"Master, there is an update. The Kree warlord, Ronan seems to have issued an official intergalactic dominion duel against us. That means he wants a temporary ceasefire and wants to decide the outcome of this war through individual battles instead of an all-out war." Zoya's voice appeared in my ears, diligently informing me of the sudden change in the situation.

"A dominion duel? What do you mean?" I asked as I observed Gamora circling Brunhilde on her glider, trying to search for an opening to attack again while the Valkyrie, on the other hand, seemed annoyed at being stopped from destroying her target and thus looked at her new enemy with a cold look in her eyes. 

"According to what I found in the archives; it is a sort of honor duel in Kree culture where two warlords and their chosen champions fight each other in single combat and decide the result of a war without involving any of their armies or other subordinates. The side that wins the battle or battles will be directly declared the victor of the campaign, even if their side had been on the losing side earlier in the war. Although this sort of duel is more prevalent among Krees, a lot of other civilizations, like the Xandarians also respect the rules of this ritual and do not interfere with them. They even officially accept them in some cases... I think Ronan is challenging us to such a duel because, for some reason, he thinks we are Xandarians and he is confident that he can beat you or any of your chosen champions in single combat." Zoya informed. 

"... A battle to decide the war..., sounds a little boring... Nah, just continue like we are doing right now. This is much more entertaining anyway, especially since we are going to be witnessing a fascinating battle... a battle between two female warriors. And always remember Zoya, one thing a man should never do is interrupt a battle between two women." I nodded like a wise sage while inwardly wondering if I should record the ensuing battle or not. 

"The winner from an honor duel gets to keep everything from the loser without exception," Zoya responded with an impassive voice.

"... However, all of a sudden, honor does sound very honorable." 


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