Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 26 – Revelations and the Nexus Alliance

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After a few minutes of self-critique, Peter decided to reach for the cellphone in the back pocket of his shorts. Upon unlocking the phone's screen, he was greeted with a picture of his Aunt May and his late Uncle Ben. The image brought a melancholic smile to his face as he remembered his uncle's words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

The photo was more than just a memory; it was a constant reminder of the promise he had made to his uncle after his death. In that dark moment when tragedy shook his family, Peter swore to use his powers to protect the innocent, fight crime, and ensure that no one else would suffer as his Aunt May had. He knew that, as Spider-Man, he carried both a gift and a curse: the power to make a difference but also the responsibility to confront the evil that plagued the city.

"No matter what I do, or how hard I try, those I love will always pay. With great power comes great responsibility. This is my gift and also the curse I bear. Who am I? You already know me, or you've heard of me. I am Spider-Man."

Determined and resolute in facing his fears, Peter decided not to run away and chose to stay and join the Avengers to support them in whatever was necessary.

"I won't run anymore; I made a promise, and I won't break it"

Peter said, his eyes shining, displaying his determination.

"But I think I'll deal with this tomorrow; after all, a little rest won't kill anyone"

Peter whispered, somewhat embarrassed, as he lay on the bed.



7:40 PM

All the Avengers were gathered in the living room. However, there were two differences in that room. First, Peter, who had not yet come downstairs and was in his room. The second was the presence of the former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Nick Fury. After the events of 'The Winter Soldier,' he had faked his own death to hide from threats within S.H.I.E.L.D. Clint, seeing that Nick needed a safe haven, allowed him to hide in his residence as a way to repay what he had done for him.

While Nick Fury spoke, his serious face began to reflect the gravity of the situation.

"Ultron was clever. To buy time, he took you out of the game"

Nick said, with a serious look, gazing directly at Steve.

"I've talked to some of my contacts, and they've told me that, due to the amount of vibranium he stole, it's very likely that he's building something big"

Nick continued, now directing his gaze to the entire team. The Avengers exchanged worried glances.

Steve asked with seriousness:

"Have you found his location?"

Everyone was eager for a lead to track Ultron.

Nick replied, maintaining a serious expression:

"He's not even trying to hide; he's everywhere, the guy multiplies more than shadow clones, that's easy to find, but still, we can't get any idea of his plans."

Tension in the room increased after those words, and Tony, seeing this, decided to intervene, asking.

"What about the nuclear codes? Does he still want them?"

As he spoke, he attempted to hit a dart into a wall, showing his restlessness.

Fury looked directly at Tony and replied:

"He already has the codes, but he's not doing anything with them."

Uncertainty about Ultron's intentions hung over everyone as they tried to find a way to anticipate and thwart the villain's plans.

The minutes that followed were filled with tense silence in the Avengers' living room. Each team member was immersed in their own thoughts, pondering the threat posed by Ultron and what would be required to stop him.

Finally, Steve Rogers decided to break the silence.

"We need to act quickly and intelligently. Ultron is a threat we can't underestimate, and we can't afford to wait for his next moves."

"I've hacked into the Pentagon's 'For You,' did you know that?"

Tony said now, looking in Nick's direction.

After Tony's revelation about his ability to hack into the Pentagon's system, the looks turned to Nick Fury, who maintained his serious expression.

Nick replied:

"I know. We've contacted our friends at Nexus for additional information on Ultron's movements."

"Nexus? Who are they?"

Steve asked with a curious face.

"Nexus is a worldwide internet organization based in Washington; they're like a global network of intelligence and security. Every bit of information goes through there; it's the fastest access on Earth"

Bruce said, still somewhat downcast.

"Does that mean we'll have eyes and ears in places we normally couldn't reach?"

Steve asked, looking at Nick.

Nick just nodded and directed his gaze toward Steve.

"Exactly. Nexus has the capability to access information and track activities at levels we couldn't achieve alone. They also have their own technical resources and highly trained agents."

"And what did they say, are they going to help us?"

Clint asked as he picked up a dart.

Nick Fury maintained his serious expression as he answered Clint:

"They agreed to provide assistance. However, they said they'd focus only on the missiles since Ultron is constantly changing the codes."

"Who's changing the codes?"

Tony asked as he dodged a dart that Clint had thrown at him.

"They don't know either, but from what I've been told, it's some unknown group"

Nick said, looking at Tony.

"Could it be an ally, trying to help us?"

Natt asked, looking at Nick.

"I highly doubt it, but one thing is certain: Ultron has an enemy trying to undermine him, and I'd pay all the money in the world to know who that person is"

Fury said as he sipped his juice and ate a roll.

"Maybe I need to visit our friends in Washington to find out who this unknown is"

Tony said as he approached the others.

"Boss, that meeting was great, but coming from you, I expected a plan, I don't know, something more concrete, and not these simple assumptions."

Natt said, still looking at Nick.






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