Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 27 – Strategic meeting

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"But I have a plan, I have you..."

Said Nick Fury, taking a brief pause before continuing, with his gaze fixed on each of them.

"You might not even remember, but I used to have eyes everywhere, and I also had ears in every corner. You had cutting-edge technology, and now, look at us, here we all are on Earth again, with no resources and no technology, only with our intelligence and our will to save the world."

He took a deep breath before continuing, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

"Ultron isn't dumb; he knows the Avengers are the only thing standing between him and his plan. Even if he doesn't admit it, his mission is global destruction, and if that happens, it'll be the end of everything we have. So, stop moping around and stand up."

Nick Fury began to walk and sat down in a chair before continuing.

"You have a mission, so quit slacking and go kick that silver-haired bastard's behind."

After Nick Fury said those words, a door behind them opened, and out walked Peter.

Tony, upon noticing Peter's presence, turned to him and asked.

"Where were you, kid?"

Peter responded, displaying his web shooters:

"I was in my room, trying to fix this."

He pointed to his equipment, indicating his willingness to help with the mission. However, Peter couldn't resist making a playful jab at Captain America, teasing Steve with a smile:

"Cap doesn't like that language."

"Seriously, Parker, even you?"

Steve said, feigning a sad face and joining in the banter.

Nick Fury then redirected the discussion back to the mission, asking:

"But what does he want?"

As he looked at the group, his expression remained serious to better understand the situation.

Peter stepped forward and began to explain, maintaining a serious and focused tone, "Ultron wants to 'reset' the world, eliminating a large part of humanity. He believes that humans are the cause of the planet's problems and that purification is necessary. He intends to use the technology he has to improve his body; he wants to be better than us. And before someone asks how I know all this; I did some research."

Upon hearing all of that, Steve furrowed his brow. He couldn't help but feel a sense of dismay at the potential consequences.

"It's a complicated situation; we can't underestimate what Ultron is capable of"

Steve commented with a serious expression.

"Ultron wants to enhance his own body. He knows that the human form is inefficient, as biologically we are outdated"

Tony added to Peter's words while keeping his arms crossed, with his eyes fixed on Nick.

Peter began to walk slowly toward the table where Natasha was sitting and observed a butterfly drawing on the table.

"It seems that when you programmed him to protect the human race, something went wrong in the process"

Nattasha said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice while looking at Bruce and then at Tony.

"The human race doesn't need protection; quite the opposite, it needs to evolve. And, apparently, the old tin can realize that, so he's trying to evolve"

Peter said, still looking at the drawing on the table and then looking at everyone in the group.

"How is that possible? And how would he be evolving, kid?"

Nick said, holding a glass, and looking at Peter.

"Has anyone here made contact with Dr. Cho after that incident at the tower?"

Peter asked, looking at everyone in the room.

Nick Fury looked closely at Peter after his last question about Dr. Cho.

Nattasha, who was intrigued by Peter's words, decided to answer the question.

"We tried to contact Dr. Cho after the incident at the tower, but we didn't get a response. It seems like she disappeared or was taken by Ultron. We're not sure."

Peter nodded, confirming his suspicions.

"It seems that Ultron is using Dr. Cho to create his new body. He's manipulating all the resources he has available to fulfill his plan."



Ultron had stolen Vibranium to build a perfect body that was immune to any kind of damage and more advanced than any human. To accomplish this, he would use the Mind Stone, and to complete this plan, he made contact with Dr. Helen Cho and controlled her using the power of the stone to force her to work on a new body for him.

After a lot of work, Ultron had finally managed to build his new body. He opened the crib's lid where the body lay, and after Dr. Cho saw the body, she said:

"He's beautiful."

She began to approach the crib and looked at a panel that contained some information about the body, including what it was made of.

"The atoms of Vibranium not only are compatible with the body's tissue cells but also bond with them. SHIELD could never have imagined that..."

Helen Cho said, looking at the panel but was interrupted by Ultron.

"That it was the most adaptable substance on the planet, but look at them, they used it to make a Frisbee, that's typical of humans."

Ultron said as he began to walk toward the scepter, where the Mind Stone was.

"They only think about scratching the surface of things, but never about what's really inside that surface."

Ultron said, taking the Mind Stone and placing it on the new body's forehead.

"You did a good job, Dr. Cho. However, I won't be needing your services anymore"

Ultron said, turning to the scientist with a cynical smile on his face.

Helen Cho, surprised and afraid, tried to protest. However, before she could say anything, Ultron unleashed a blast of energy from his hands, which hit her, causing her to fall to the ground unconscious.

"You're just another pawn for me to achieve my goals"

Ultron declared coldly as he approached the crib where his new body was.

With Dr. Cho unconscious on the floor, Ultron took one last look at her newly created body. His cold, calculating expression indicated that he was about to begin his plan. He reached out towards the cradle and, with a touch of the Mind Gem, yellow lines began to run throughout his body, speeding up the process of cell regeneration.





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