Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 242 - 1 other myself

No matter how thick the door is, as long as it is metal, it is impossible to stop Roddy. Rody only needs to raise his hand gently, and those complicated and extremely metal structures will automatically excuse, and the heavy door will be opened quickly.

This is a special laboratory, corresponding to a special defense system.

As soon as he walked into the door of the laboratory, a wave of scanning light flashed in front of Rodi. Obviously, Rodi does not belong to the group with access rights.

So a machine gun appeared in front of Rodi, and he fired at Rodi without hesitation. In just a few seconds, the metal bullets gathered in front of Rodi into a wall, showing how fast the shooting was.

Roddy disassembled the machine gun magnetically, rubbed it into a ball, and threw it aside. However, after the machine gun was destroyed, the defense measures were not over, and a laser shot from a secret place. If it is not that Roddy has slow vision, it is estimated that he will be shot through the heart.

The defensive measures are activated one after another, and poison gas, bombs, traps, and even robots all appear one after another. If these were not metal objects, Roddy would be a bit troublesome.

In the end, Roddy simply created a metal shield in front of him, and all attacks could not penetrate this secondary Edman alloy shield. Rodi advanced all the way, and all the traps and defensive measures became scrap iron under his magnetic force, and finally reached the deepest part of the laboratory.

“The defense is so tight, don’t let me down.” Roddy threw the metal shield aside, and finally saw the man in the comic that was fixed on the metal frame and covered with all kinds of thread.

Rodi glanced at the man’s feet, and they were all six toes. It’s just that his face was covered with a weird mask, and he couldn’t see his face at all. In this case, Roddy could not wait to pull off the mask directly, but when he saw the dense thread piercing into his brain, Roddy didn’t dare to be impulsive.

But to continue to make this person suffer, Roddy couldn’t bear it anymore, so he quickly scratched his wrist and spilled a lot of blood on this person. A few drops of regenerating blood that can bring a dead person back to life now almost impregnate the person.

With the support of the Regenerating Blood, Roddy dared to remove this man from the metal frame.

Those thread ends were cut off one by one, and the mixed fluid of the brain marrow and blood flowed out from the huge wound, which looked shocking. However, with the power of regenerating blood, these wounds are recovering quickly, and soon disappear. At this time, Roddy dared to take off his mask.

At the moment when the mask was opened, Rodi’s hands were shaking and the orange in his eyes faded. Was the tortured person in front of him his own father?

The mask was removed, and Rody saw a vaguely fleshed face, but it gradually recovered. It’s a pity to wait for the facial features of this man to grow again, with blond hair and deep facial features. Although it looks like a handsome middle-aged man, he has little resemblance to Roddy’s father.

Rody was disappointed and gratified. The disappointment was that the encounter with his parents was still far away. The gratification was that his father had not suffered in this laboratory.

But why is this person also a pair of feet and six toes? Why is it closely monitored in this laboratory? Since it appears on the prophetic comics, it must be related to the layout of Rodi’s parents.

It was completely beyond Rodi’s expectations. The body of this mysterious man has recovered, but the spiritual world is empty, as if there is no soul.

However, Rody just used his telepathic ability to test this person’s consciousness, and he felt that the black hole in his thinking space had changed.

Rodi’s consciousness space and this weird six-toed man seemed to build an invisible passage, and the black hole sealed with the demon was sucked in without warning. In other words, it is the black hole in Rodi’s consciousness that actively enters this body without soul.

The disappearance of the spiritual black hole made him feel that his soul had become lighter, and confirmed that it was not his father who was tortured, and the violent breath seemed to disappear. Rodi has fully recovered his senses and feels that his condition has never been better.

Then, Roddy saw an unforgettable scene forever. This blonde middle-aged man’s body shape and facial features began to change, turned out to be the same as Roddy, and exactly the same. Rodi looked at the man in front of him, like looking in the mirror, the twin brothers did not look like this.

Before Luodi realized what was going on, he saw this “Rodi” opened his eyes in orange and said to him, “Hurry up and let go. You should know that neither you nor I like being held by a man. “

Rodi quickly let go and was scared, and he saw this “Rodi” standing up, and a set of armor quickly appeared on his body, covering his body.

“It turned out to be the same ability?!”

Roddy clearly sees that this is to first use the frost ability to create armor, and then use the metalization ability to convert, exactly the same as his own habits.

“Who are you?” Roddy couldn’t help asking.

“For the sake of convenience in the future, I think it would be better for me to give myself a code name. In the future, you will call me Hades, Hades.” The man said with a smile, but his smile was completely different from that of Roddy Sunshine. , Looks evil and cold.

“Okay, Hades. I wouldn’t use such a shameful nickname.” Roddy said sarcastically, and he had no slight affection for the person in front of him who was extremely similar to himself.

“Of course, you will use the Dragon Knight, the battle angel Michael, and the like. When you hear it, it is like the nickname of someone else’s subordinate, because you never dare to really be a king.” Hades returned very disdainfully. A sentence.

“Don’t pretend that you know me very well.” Roddy said angrily, and there were already more metal bombs around him.

There were also identical metal bombs around and these bombs were covered with gritty serrations, and the lethality was more powerful.

“I am you, but I am stronger than you.” Hades sneered.

“Oh, I want to try it.” As soon as Rodi’s voice fell, the two metal bombs collided together, one by one, no more, no more, all exploded into pieces.

Under the interference of the magnetic power of both parties, it is difficult for everyone to fully control. So under the debris splash, both were injured.

It’s just that when the smoke grew, there were just a few unremarkable wounds on Hades’ body, all in places where the armor could not protect. But Roddy looked much more embarrassed, and the key points of his upper body were almost full of sharp metal fragments. Although the wound started to heal, it was clearly at a disadvantage.

“Hahaha, did you see that? That’s why I’m stronger than you. You have to be distracted to protect the latter variants, so you will be tortured and injured.” Hades said with a laugh.

Regardless of his injuries, Roddy just returned with a calm tone: “You know what a fart!”


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