Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 243 - I have my standard

The appearance of Hades not only scared Roddy, but also surprised the group of mutants behind Roddy. It’s just that both Hades and Rody use Chinese, so the mutants don’t know what happened.

By the time they responded, the two identical people had already fought, and there was a great chance to affect their appearance, so this group of mutants withdrew from the laboratory very decisively.

Although it is a bit immoral to do so, the strength of these two people is too strong, and then watching the terror will kill you.

In the laboratory, except for the two Rody who were struggling, only Ai Ge was left. Seeing this level of fierce fighting, she was not afraid, but leaving Rodi seemed to be more terrifying than death, so Ai Ge chose to stay.

The battle between Rody and Hades is very strange, the two have the same abilities, and the same habits. At the beginning, it was a round of saturation bombing, and then the mental attack, after canceling each other, the two simply entered the overclocking state for melee.

Two metal figures, you punch me and fight each other with one foot, it looks like a street fight. Roddy has never learned combat techniques systematically, and all rely on abilities to fight.

In the past, the enemies were basically a kind of ability that could not be changed to the second kind, but this time they just met someone who has the same power as themselves, so it will evolve into this boring fight.

A few minutes later, Roddy and Hades found that everyone had no way to deal with each other. The body of the secondary Edman alloy cannot be destroyed except for the magnetic power and the power of the phoenix, and these two powers are capabilities that everyone is good at.

This is a battle destined to have no ending, unless anyone finds the other party’s fatal flaw first.

Just when both of them were a little bored, Rodi suddenly had a good idea. Suddenly rushing towards Hades, Hades was not willing to be outdone. He was raising his fist to teach Roddy a lesson, but suddenly saw a monster in front of him.

The winged snake body, long beard and claws turned out to be Ying Long who hadn’t officially played in a long time. Hades instinctively wanted to summon his Yinglong, but the ability was just activated, and he felt bad.

Ying Long embodied the tattoos on his body. Although Hades’ body also inherited this ability, the tattoos could not be copied directly.

“I actually lost a trick!” Hades understood that he was really defeated this time.

He and Roddy both have slow vision, so even if he intends to use other abilities to kill Yinglong first, he will also be intercepted by Rody. The metal bomb collision just now is the best proof.

Hundreds of metal bombs cancel each other out exactly. The same applies to other abilities.

The appearance of Ying Long is the last weight on the balance, which has changed the whole battle situation.

In such an instant confrontation, Hades was smashed with three punches on his face, and the power of Phoenix was worn away below the left elbow.

Hades understood that Roddy would not give him a chance to recover from his left hand injury. But it didn’t matter. Instead, the three punches in the face were unharmed, but made Hades extremely angry.

Roddy knew Hades’s feelings without telepathy, although his face could not be seen at all.

The one who knows most about himself is actually himself. The three punches were deliberately punched, even if Hades escaped Phoenix’s attack in advance.

Slap, this is the most uncomfortable thing for Rodi itself, but hitting others is unprecedentedly comfortable.

“Who is weaker now?” Roddy said as a winner.

Originally thinking that Hades would quarrel with himself a few more times, he didn’t expect him to say very happily: “You won, now you are stronger than me. But soon, I will be stronger than you.”

“The lost population is greater, and your skin thickness is indeed stronger than mine.” Roddy said sarcastically.

“Is it an empty talk, you know it yourself. You look at what you have done in such a long time, knowing that you are facing an extremely powerful organization, and what savior’s tricks to play. If it is me, it will be long ago. If the whole earth is unified, where will the Hydra and Zitari people come from?” Hades said disdainfully.

Rody listened to Hades and did not immediately refute it. After thinking for a while, he said: “I probably understand that you are actually my evil thought. Unify the world, kill all Hydra, what will all the potential I have thought about these super criminals that have not yet disappeared.”

“What evil thoughts, you see more of the story. I am you, you are me, you see the dead mutant will save, I will. You see the evildoer will punish, I will also. I and you are the most The fundamental difference is that you follow the rules and standards of others, such as laws, such as the so-called morals in your understanding; and I have my own set of standards.”

“So you are my bad thoughts, this one is not wrong, only people of their own standards, must be evil people.” Roddy sighed easily, and probably guessed why the prophetic comics guided him to this place and found this Weird six-toed man.

After absorbing the power of the Phoenix, Rodi’s spirit has always had huge hidden dangers. Excessive use of the power of the phoenix, or in the case of extreme anger, will release that terrifying demon.

And now Rody’s demons have actually materialized through this quirky body without a soul and become another himself, at least there will be no more emotional out-of-control problems.

“Whatever do you think, since you and I are one, then you should understand that we are not easy to convince others. But what are you going to do now? If you don’t take this opportunity to kill me, you won’t have a chance in the future.” Hades said such a problem very seriously.

“We still have a common goal for the time being, at least you are my most reliable ally before being reunited with your parents. And in the future, I believe I will only be stronger than you.” Roddy answered very confidently.

“That really made me look forward to it.” Hades said unwillingly.

The two smiled at each other, with the same handsome appearance, but with very different temperament. A sunny self-confidence, a stern publicity, no one knows whether there will be a moment of fighting again in the future. But at this moment, the two were able to walk out of the laboratory side by side.

Ai Ge looked at the same two Rody in front of her, completely unaware of why they were fighting, and could not understand the lip-sword between them. But in the end, Ai Ge made his own choice and silently followed behind Hades.

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