Marvel: I Need A New Body

35. I Got A New Body

As Wanda tightly embraced Jerry's head, silent sobs shook her slender frame. 

Pietro, sensing his sister's pain, moved closer to offer his comforting presence. Frigga, the queen of Asgard, also approached, settling beside Wanda to share a gentle, reassuring hug.

Later that evening, a small funeral in Asgard's tradition was held for Jerry. The attendance was modest, with Wanda, Pietro, Jane, and the royal family, accompanied by a handful of Asgardian soldiers. 

Jerry died fighting for Asgard, and as such his soul would rest in Valhalla, at least that's what the prince of Asgard, Thor, said to comfort Wanda earlier.

As Jerry's lifeless form gently drifted away on a boat, Wanda's eyes remained void of emotion

Wanda had only endured since the day Stark's missile struck her home. 

From the harsh days in the orphanage, where even a bite of bread was a battleground, to the revelations of the world's dark truths and the painful experiments that transformed her and Pietro into weapons for Hydra.

Amidst the turmoil, the past year had brought a sense of relief. 

It was fun.

The training with Jerry, those casual conversations, the satisfaction she felt when he absolutely destroyed Stark, his genuine care towards her, even his obsession towards getting a new body...

Everything seemed okay. 

She felt that it was okay to not fill her entire mind with hatred toward her enemies...

She felt like it was okay to live in the present, to appreciate the presence of the man in front of her.

Her mind wanted a happy, fairytale-like life and whenever she was with him, she subconsciously felt like she was the beauty of that beast...

Initially, their partnership had been formed due to mutual benefit, but as time progressed, Wanda's feelings evolved. 

She wanted to support him, spend more time together, and cherish the moments of happiness they shared. 

He looked so pitiful when he confessed his feelings in the mind realm. She could practically hear his regrets. Even in his final moments, he honored their initial agreement, fulfilling his promise to help her.

'How dare that fucking Elf, kill him...'

How the death of her first love, which couldn't even take shape, was going to impact Wanda's powerful yet fragile mind, no one knew...

As Jerry's body dissipated into cosmic dust at the edge of asgard, a single tear escaped Wanda's eye, and a fierce thirst for revenge kindled within her heart. 

And the revenge was taken...



Everyone knew where Malekith would go after getting his hands on the Aether. 

Since the Aether was extracted from Jane's body and Frigga wasn't killed in this universe, there was no argument between Thor and Odin. And so, they could strategize together with a calm mind to defeat the enemy. 

Meanwhile, Wanda took Pietro and headed to Earth in Jerry's mothership. 

Before dying Jerry had also told her the pass-key. Using this she was able to become the second in command of the mothership. 

In a few hours, Asgard was also done with the preparation for war against the Dark Elves. But when the army of Asgard arrived on Earth, it was already too late...

Upon arrival, Asgardians discovered a grim scene of devastation – the remnants of Malekith's mothership strewn across the Earth, of course , it was all the doing of the merciless Chitaurian army. 





















[ Manual Soul Ejection, successful! ]

[ Initializing System Boot Up. Please wait...]

'Huh? System?'

'Wait... did it just activate? AFTER I'm dead!'

'So, this is what it feels like to die, huh. I'm getting a deja vu.. It's strange being in soul form. It's kinda like Strange's Astral Projection...'

'And... the appearance of the system at a moment like this must mean that... I won't really be dying, huh. Am I getting transferred to another world? Again?'

Last time, when Jerry's soul entered the Marvel Universe, it was unconscious. It was perhaps because of the attacks from unknown entities. 

But due to that the system was unable to get a response from him, and that's why it couldn't remove Jerry's soul from Ebony's Maw automatically. 

That's why it suggested a manual ejection of his soul— suicide. But unfortunately, even that wasn't conveyed to Jerry.

And that's why Jerry struggled on his own for more than 1.5 years in an attempt to get a new body. And it could've been entirely avoided if Jerry had just given up on his life, and chosen the easy way out. 

But thanks to him not giving up and keeping living on, he experienced so much in his life and was able to build so much in just a short amount of time. 

He even found love and proposed to her even though it was at the end of his life...

Anyway, this time, during the soul transfer procedure, Jerry was wide awake to read the system logs.

[ Please wait... Booting System... ]

[ 1%....]

[ 4%...]



As the system was booting, Jerry found that he could read old system logs too. 

And when he found the logs that the system had sent him before it shut down, he was shocked.

He couldn't help but sigh at the... stupidness of the system. 

'Aside from the fact that it couldn't even convey the final message. I don't know what to feel about my system suggesting suicide...'

'Besides, how was I supposed to see this log when I'm, for some reason... maybe unconscious during all that time...'




[ Boot Complete! ]

[System Online! ]

[ Initiating Reincarnation... ]

As Jerry watched this log, he just wished that he could be reincarnated in the same universe again. Not as an ugly alien on some remote planet though, and definitely not as an Inchunian. 

He just wished that he could go back to how things were going. He just wanted to be with Wanda, now. He would never forget that kiss... 

[ Reincarnation Failed.... ]

'This again. The same failure was shown above too. Sigh, what did I deserve to get this system... If it was the least bit smart then it would've at least shown me the cause of this failure...'

[ Troubleshooting problem... ]

[ Unable to troubleshoot! System damage found! ]

'I see, how was it damaged anyway...'

'This seems off... my damaged system... me being unable to respond to system last time... it doesn't seem like system's fault. What if system was a-attacked. No, what if my soul was attacked...'

If Jerry had a heart right now, it would've been beating really hard.

[ Searching for alternative... Found! ]

[ Proceeding with Transmigration into a compatible body. ]

[ Number of matches found: 01 ]

'Hm, the logs above show that last time it couldn't find a compatible body, and then it had to search for a Soul-compatible body. What changed this time?'

[ Force ejecting the occupying soul from the compatible body... Successful! ]

[ Implementing Host's soul transfer... Successful! ]

[Acquiring requested skills...]

[Acquiring Skill: Resurrection ]

[ Integrating Resurrection into the Host's body... ]

[ Acquiring Skill: Beelzebuth]

[ Skill added to the queue for integration into the body...]

[ Acquiring Skill: Sheild]

[ Skill added to the queue for integration into the body...]

[ Acquir]n!g Skil*@3.... ]

[ Failed to acquire more skills! ]

[ Troubleshooting problem... ]

[ Unable to troubleshoot! System damage found! ]

[ Proceeding with the integration of the already acquired skills... ]

[ Skill: Resurrect... 9% ]





[ Integration of acquired skills into the body, successful! ]


And then Jerry could sense the outside world...

A cold sensation was felt throughout his body. He slowly opened his eyes and found that he was inside some kind of glass pillar...

'That sci-fi terminal over there, those bulky cables, those blue streaks of lightning...'

They all looked familiar. Indeed, it appears that he was transmigrated into the body he was creating all this time!

 A wave of happiness washed over him as he realized he had been transmigrated into the body he had spent so much time crafting.

'I got a new body, huh....'


Hey guys, so this was how Jerry got his new dream body... 

It might've been a bit anti-climatic, some called it forced but it was what I had planned from the start. 

But I don't think it was forced though. Each scene was reasonable. Malekith and Kurse getting freed from mind stone's effect because of the fall on the ground. Even him getting stabbed from behind when he was exhausted from stopping the ship. And besides, Maw was old and a non-divine alien.

When Frigga, Thor's mom, Odin's wife, and a goddess could die from a stab then why couldn't Maw?

Tell me if you liked it or not.

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