Marvel: I Need A New Body

Long Awaited Kiss (Jerry’s pics!)

It has been thirteen agonizing days since Jerry's demise, casting a heavy shadow on Wanda's soul. 

After brutally massacring the dark Elf king and his small army, she ordered the Chitaurian soldiers to carry out the clean-up and scavenge the remains of the Dark Elf's mothership. 

Resources are precious, that's what she was taught by Jerry and she was going to follow all his words.

Once done with the aftermath of the battle which also involved a short conversation with the Asgardian king and its prince, who asked her how she defeated Malekith and some other related questions. 

Truth be told, Malekith wasn't that tough of an opponent. It was just that due to his ship, he was a bit tricky to find. 

But after he obtained the Aether he discarded the caution out of his being. 

And Wanda took that opportunity. 

And she went for the kill. 

Killing him was way too easy and non-complex than capturing him.

She was also questioned on how she and Jerry were able to obtain the Chitaurian army. 

Thor really didn't have fond memories with this race of troops. And she didn't like them questioning her any more. 

When powerful egos clash, it often goes the wrong way but before it could escalate any further, Pietro intervened and told them that Jerry stole this whole army from their original masters.

Wanda then relocated the mothership to Mars before being summoned to Asgard once again by Frigga.

Frigga wanted to show gratitude to the girl who saved her life, but more than that she empathized with her pain and wanted to be there for her. 

And it really did improve Wanda's state. Not because she was able to move on from Jerry's death. 


In a conversation, Frigga told her that the Sceptre and the Aether were artifacts to utilize the powers of the Infinity stones. Wanda had heard the word "stones" a few times from Jerry's mouth, but she never asked him about those.

And when Frigga told her about the Soul Stone, it clicked in her mind...

There was a new goal in her mind, she was going to revive Jerry using the powers of the infinity stones. She was going to collect all the six of them. 

Anything is possible in this universe, he used to tell her. And she would bring him back, fulfill every one of his desires. Give him anything that he wants. Love him so much that he could never escape...

In simpler words, she was obsessed with him. 

Her obsession, which took root in her heart from her thinking that she was in a fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast, was taking a proper form...

For the next few days, in her pursuit, Wanda scoured Asgard, Earth, and Knowhere for clues, utilizing the stealth ship for discreet travel.

As her search continued, thirteen days passed since Jerry's death. Today, she was immersed in some Asgardian books on magic in her room in Asgard's Royal Palace. 

Frigga has become really fond of Wanda and has come to care for her as her own daughter. The Queen really liked talking with the girl, giving her small tips about magic, lending her magic books, and seeing her progress. 

Pietro is even afraid that Wanda might get adopted. 


As Wanda read, her name echoed through the room, and she jerked in surprise, recognizing the voice. 

It was a familiar voice, one she thought she would never hear again. A voice that belonged to Jerry, a presence from her past in the mindscape.

"I know this voice. It's Jerry's voice when he turns into his human form in the mind realm," she thought, her heart pounding with a mixture of shock and anticipation.

But at a pessimistic thought of someone playing a prank on her, her visage leaked chaos energy, as rage surged in her heart.

"If anyone is messing with me, then it's gonna be their last mistake!" Wanda declared to herself, determination flashing in her eyes.

She propelled herself towards the window, leaving a trail of crimson energy in her wake. 

As she burst out into the open air, the sight that met her eyes was so shocking, so impossible, that it momentarily stopped her in her tracks. For an instant, relief washed over her, but then a realization struck, and pure rage filled her stares.

A man was floating there, hands clasped behind his back. His blonde hair parted in the middle, and his eyes, a deep blue, looked like vast oceans. He was dressed in Ebony Maw's black outfit, creating an uncanny resemblance.

"Long time no see, Wanda." He said with a small smile.

She gritted her teeth, "Why does your presence feel like his!" A tear drop rolled down her cheeks.

"Why does your presence feel like his!" she demanded, a single tear betraying the rage within her.

The blonde man regarded her evenly. "Because it really is me. Ah, I know -" He snapped his fingers theatrically. "How about I tell you something that only you and I know, to prove that it's really me?"

It was unneeded though.

The presence of his aura alone is all the proof, a person's aura is unique and Wanda can sense it. Just to confirm twice, she invaded his mind.

But there was no need for this too.

His smile, his small gesture, that theatrical snap, they were exactly like his.

'It really is him...'

Wanda's chin quivered, a wave of countless emotions filled her being. She propelled herself into his chest and tightly hugged him as if he would disappear again.

"I missed you so much, I missed you so much..." she whispered, rubbing her face against his chest, savoring the reality of his presence.

Jerry, with a gentle smile, caressed her back as she sniveled in his chest. The warmth of his embrace felt both familiar and comforting. 

A nostalgic smile formed on Jerry's face as he raised her teary face and gently kissed her.

Wanda shuddered, then melted into the kiss, snaking her arms around his neck to pull him closer still. After several breathless moments, they finally separated, though their brows remained touching.

"Ho- How...?" Wanda stammered, astonished by this whole situation.

Rather than answer, Jerry deepened the kiss, using his tongue to explore the welcoming warmth of her mouth. Wanda's eyes widened briefly in surprise before fluttering shut, feeling the sweet sensation. She even let her own tongue into his mouth, savoring his unique taste.

"Hey, bastard! Let go of my sister!" Pietro shouted from one of the balconies. 

"Wanda, get away from him!" he yelled again, his concern evident.

Fortunately for the lovebirds, Pietro couldn't reach them in the sky, and they found it easy to ignore his protests and enjoy their passionate kiss.

Jerry and Wanda continued their affectionate display, oblivious to the outside world. 

Pietro's distant shouts became background noise as Jerry and Wanda levitated higher into the sky. 

They danced in the air, Jerry spinning Wanda with a grace that defied gravity. 

This was truly a Jerry's dream come true moment. 



[Jerry Images]

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