Marvel: I Need A New Body

Ch 28. New Face Teaser

With the last haul bringing the final ingredient that Jerry wanted for his new body, he was going to abstain from visiting Earth unnecessarily.

He was pretty sure that he had gotten his name among the top spots in the hit lists of X-Men, Hydra, Tony, and surely S.H.E.I.L.D. as well. As no way in hell, they are still unaware of the shit that he had done in the past week.

Anyway, now, Jerry had to just invent a way to merge all the mutant DNAs, spider's DNA, his step-siblings, step-father's, and a few other interesting alien's DNA into his new body.

Well, it was going to take a couple of months and besides, Helen, the Korean scientist, also needed to finish her work soon.

And he also has to take some time off to train the twins... 

Apparently, Wanda had realized the extent of Jerry's powers and requested him to train harder...

Well, her exact words were, "How long will it take me to get as strong as you?"

"Depends on your hard work, I guess?", Jerry replied.

"Train me harder then, I'm fed up with watching movies..."

When she saw Jerry getting the least bit serious in the battle against Tony Stark and then overpowering him in just a couple of minutes, she realized the gap between their powers even though they were of the same nature...

She wanted to become more powerful so that the next time...

Of course, Jerry was never going to tell her that if he had just pulled out the arc-reacter from the suit, the suit along with the man inside it, would have died. 

This was because at present Arc-Reacter was the only thing that was stopping the shrapnels from entering his heart.

'As far as I remember, the arc-reacter was still embedded in Tony's body, and he's gonna perform that surgery after the end of the events of Iron Man 2, which is in May.'

It was still January.

'And I have to wait till November for the next phase of my plan to make my dream of getting a new body a REALITY. The phase after which I'll be able to transfer my soul into the new body.'

It's quite far...

And so Jerry busied himself in the uneventful idle days on Mars. Life was pretty leisurely. Most of his time was spent helping in the training of the Maximoffs, checking on Helen's progress, and working on the DNA merging stuff. 

Of course, he kept himself up to date with the latest happenings on Earth in the meanwhile.

In about two months, Helen was finally able to integrate her cradle into Adam's cocoon. Jerry was so happy that day that he hugged Helen.

Jerry was going to give her some advanced tech and send her back to Earth but she refused the gifts, she said that the knowledge that she had gained here was more than enough for her and that those techs would cause trouble for her if they were ever to get attention from government. 

Jerry agreed with her words, he also told her to be careful as her knowledge could be used for evil as well. 

She gave him a smile, once again realizing that she didn't work for a bad alien after all. She gave him her number and told him to keep in touch and visit her when he transfers his soul in the new body.

After that, she was returned quietly back to Earth. 

Jerry was quite surprised when Helen and Wanda hugged while she was leaving, Wanda had even shed a tear or two. 

Well, he did spot them having a conversation a few times but didn't expect them to be so close for Wanda to shed tears!

On the matter of getting close, Jerry had also become good friends with all of them. Well, as the days passed the conversations became more casual, and a friendly bond formed between them.

In the subsequent month, Jerry was able to figure out a way to ingrain some of the DNA factors into the new body, the others were too complex. 

Now, he'll have a human-male body with the powers of Telekinesis, Cryokinesis, Pyrokinesis, spider senses, spider reflexes, Wolverine's healing factor, and instincts. A few more special powers from other alien creatures. 

His body will also feature strong muscles mass and nearly invulnerable cells of a Titan without losing human aesthetics. And it will also have at least 30-fold more telekinetic output than now. 

Lifting a couple of small houses will no longer strain him then.

"It looks, nice... congrats Jerry." Wanda smiled a bit awkwardly at the end, seeing the model of his new body on the screen. "Maybe reduce the size a bit."

"My body my rules." Jerry snorted.

"11 Inches is too big!" Wanda muttered shyly looking away from the screen.

"But, it's of perfect length according to the Asgardian data!" 

"Asgardian? Do you mean Thor's home? You're from Earth, aren't you? Why do you care about Asgardian's length?"

"Well, because, uh... if I can satisfy Asgardian's standards then wouldn't I clear the... like universal criteria? I'd be able to date any girl I want then? I'll have a harem of hottest girls across the universe!"

Wanda smiled in pity, "You never dated a girl before have you?"

"C'mon, that's out of line!"

Wanda giggled and walked away, "And seriously, reduce the size! It's impractical.", she said before closing the door behind her.

Jerry chuckled, it was just a joke, 11 inches really is impractical, so he's just gonna have ***** inches. 

Another useless detail about his lower body is that it won't be featuring retractable balls. Well, they'll be stronger than Vibranium so it's not even needed.

'Hah, my new body will take only three months to finish...'

'I guess, I'll use these months to find a way to integrate other DNA into it as well.'

As Jerry spent time in his lab, evening came, and it was time for the twin's training.

For Pietro's training, Jerry had to design a new layout for the field and spend some resources to manifest that design.

Wanda's training has moved on from changing basic control which relied mostly on her instinct and emotions to skills and logic. Her deadliness was increasing as the days passed but that was inevitable.




In a dim chamber, Jerry and Wanda sat facing each other on the floor.

"Close your eyes and try entering my mind." Jerry began his lesson.


They were now in a completely white space now, it was Jerry's mindscape. 

"This world is your creation, Wanda, as my abilities don't include mind control. However, I know really well how to defend myself against mind attacks." 

As Jerry explained, Wanda took into the place.

"And even though this world is your creation, I can freely control this place. The reason is simple, I have more experience and skill."

"I see..."

The surrounding white space was then filled with colors and life, a typical village farm manifested. The villager moved about their own lives.

Wanda looked around with more excitement and a small smile.

Jerry snapped his fingers and his appearance transformed into a human. He had blonde hair, parted in the middle, and blue eyes. He had a perfect nose and a sharp face. He stood at six feet and overall a charming young man.

His face looked exactly like what he showed her on the screen earlier today.

Right now, he was donning a white round-neck T-shirt and blue rugged jeans. 

"How do I look?", Bringing his fingers near his jawline, he showed her "The SIGMA face".

As Wanda chuckled lightly seeing his antics, a small village girl tapped on her legs and brought her some flowers.

Wanda smiled and thanked the kid.

"They don't exist in real world and they are not real, but if you try to interact with them they'll respond according to my thoughts, I can even create a person from real world here, but that's for later..."

Jerry twisted his fingers towards a random boy and his body began to bulge and deform, the boy then transformed into a small wolf cub.

"For now, try turning him back to a human..."

Wanda gave a determined nod and glared at the wolf cub, the cub began to bulge and deform...

She was successful in her task.

"As with every skill, this can be used for both good and bad, I'll talk about good later, how about learning some bad stuff, any guesses what it can be?"

"Nightmares..." Wanda continued

"Indeed. Let me show you my nightmare..."


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