Marvel: I Need A New Body

Clash Of Powers

Once Jerry realized that this whole situation was a setup, an exasperated expression formed on his face.

It was really easy to figure out how Tony had predicted his heist and planned this countermeasure against him.

After all, it was only a few days ago when Jerry had tried to mess with J.A.R.V.I.S.

'I suppose when I first snooped around Stark's servers for the information about the spiders, J.A.R.V.I.S. found out my intentions and then intentionally let me slip away with the information. He predicted that I'd come for the real stuff.'

'And once, Tony and J.A.R.V.I.S. got to know what I was really after, they intentionally announced the false news that Tony was overseas, and me being a moth flew towards the light without any second thought, huh...'

"That was... quite stupid of me...? Well, that explains why I couldn't find the spiders, they have moved away huh....'

Jerry chuckled. "I might have underestimated Stark a bit."

"But still, as long as it's just him, it's manageable. I just hope that those two hold out for a couple of minutes."

Thinking so, Jerry rose from the floor and hovered towards a certain destination in his mind. As he moved, he operated his wrist terminal in order to attempt a forced breach into Stark's private servers to find the location of the spiders, he didn't care if he had to break J.A.R.V.I.S for that.

Reaching there in no time, he aimed his palm towards the floor and took a deep breath.

It wasn't like he was trying to concentrate his power to break the measly floor or anything, he was just preparing himself mentally to face Tony Stark as an enemy,

The floor exploded and Jerry just jumped into the hole, descending softly.




"I'm warning again, kids, stand down. I know you're not the brains behind this little caper. So why don't you both just knock off the whole 'villainous thieves' routine and put an end to this charade before someone really gets hurt?"

There was a hint of condescendence laced within his words as he observed Wanda and Pietro from his metal suit. And his tone absolutely annoyed the twins.


The roof suddenly exploded, dust and debris filled the hall... and as it settled, a new figure emerged, clothed in black from head to toe.

His thin arm spread in theatrics...

"Tony Stark. You're indeed right. They are not the mastermind, I am."

The sudden appearance of Jerry, the mastermind behind the heist, was going to change the dynamics of the confrontation.

"Ah, hello... creepy-thin-limbs-guy, so, you're the rat that J.A.R.V.I.S. chased out of systems that day? What, didn't find your cheese here?"

"Oh, don't worry, Tony, I already know where it is. But I guess I gotta take care of the cat before I could get to the cheese."

Jerry raised his hand, and several nearby metal objects flew toward Tony, forming a metallic barrier around him. Stark, caught off guard, struggled against the force manipulating the metal.

"Let's get out of here guys, the cheese was moved away from here," Jerry chuckled, however, his response was met with silence. "Okay, okay, I'll stop with the cat-mouse metaphor."

Wanda urged Jerry to look towards the Armor blasting off the barrier, breaking through and charging again.

Jerry squinted his eyes with a smirk and flicked his fingers, the floor just below Stark popped out into a tower, sending the suit of red armor far away. A move directly copied from Infinity War. 

Exhaling a soft breath, Jerry urged the twins to escape again, "Let's leave."

Wanda stared in the direction Stark was thrown away in contemplation...

Her mind was still a bit in rage, slightly unstable...

But she had fairly learned to control her emotions, with a sigh she nodded.

She turned to her brother, however, "Hm, where's Pietro?", he was nowhere to be seen.

And they had a pretty good guess of where he might've gone to.


They hurriedly sprinted towards the exit to find Wanda's stupid brother.

"I don't believe it! I had already told him to not confront him even if we encountered him..." Wanda grumbled, she was more worried about her brother than angry at him.


But just as they exited from the gate, the speedster appeared with a smirk on his face, carrying a briefcase in his arms.

"Eh, why is she looking at me like that?" Pietro tilted his head.

"Is that what I think it is?" Jerry enquired.

Pietro's smirk widened as if doing that was possible for everyone. "A suspicious-looking chubby guy seemed to be protecting it. Is this it?"

"Happy Hogan?" Jerry muttered, opening the case and confirming the contents, a smile formed on his face, 'I don't think that Stark's ambush was that much thought out at all... Don't tell me it was someone's mess up or our dumb luck?'

"Oh well, let's leave before Iron Man arriv—"


Iron Man arrived.

Jerry flicked his fingers again to send Iron Man again in the same way, but of course, the same tricks rarely work twice against Tony. He just dodged it in the air, but it was a close call for him.

Tony, assessing the situation, responded with a smirk hidden beneath his mask. "You really think it's going to be that easy?"

Wanda, her scarlet energy crackling around her fingertips, took a step forward.

Pietro, frustrated with the situation, darted forward with incredible speed, leaving afterimages in his wake.

However, Tony's suit, equipped with advanced targeting systems, anticipated the speedster's movements without really seeing him. Before Pietro could even get close, a barrage of bullets showered towards him just like before.

Jerry intervened.

With a wave of his hand, Jerry created an invisible barrier, halting the bullets in the air.

"Seriously, aren't telekinetics getting overpopulated recently?" Tony remarked.

Wanda launched the nearby metallic objects and debris toward Iron Man.

The armored Avenger dodged and weaved through the scarlet onslaught with precision.

However, Wanda's lack of control made her attacks erratic, allowing Tony to evade them effortlessly. Meanwhile, Pietro regained his composure and circled the battlefield, ready to strike again.

Jerry, hovering in the air, surveyed the scene. He raised his hand, and various objects from the surroundings levitated, forming a telekinetic storm that swirled around him.

Tony, recognizing the threat, activated his repulsors to counter the incoming barrage.

The battle became a dance of powers — Scarlet Witch attempting to harness chaotic energy, Quicksilver moving at incredible speed, and Jerry manipulating the environment with telekinesis.

Tony Stark, however, held his ground, using the versatility of his suit to counter each attack.

As the fight progressed, Pietro attempted to exploit his speed advantage, but Tony adapted quickly. With a calculated move, he released a burst of micro-repulsors, creating a localized energy field that slowed Pietro down considerably.

The speedster found himself moving through a resistant force, hindering his ability to maneuver.

Wanda, frustrated by her inability to land a decisive blow, intensified her attacks. Scarlet energy clashed with the suit's repulsor blasts, creating dazzling displays of light and energy.

Tony, always resourceful, analyzed the patterns in Wanda's attacks and adjusted his strategy accordingly.

Jerry, realizing that the twins' inexperience was becoming a hindrance, decided to take matters into his own hands. With a focused gesture, he directed the telekinetic storm toward Tony, overwhelming him with a relentless barrage of metallic projectiles.

The Iron Man suit struggled to contend with the sheer force and precision of Jerry's telekinesis.

Tony, despite his advanced technology, found himself outmatched by the telekinetic genius.

The metal storm closed in, leaving him with limited options. Wanda and Pietro, sensing an opportunity, joined forces again, coordinating their attacks to distract Tony further.

The combined assault proved too much for the armored Avenger. With a final, forceful push, Jerry exerted his telekinetic dominance, sending Tony Stark crashing to the ground.

The Iron Man suit, battered and temporarily incapacitated, lay defeated.

Wanda and Pietro, catching their breath, exchanged surprised glances.

Jerry descended from the air, a smug expression on his face. "Well, that went better than expected. Now, let's get out of here."


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