Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

00003. Well, this was not expected.

I will be putting hyperlinks in each chapter, so people reading can understand what I am talking about. It might be for a person, place, thing or just random info about it. Do keep in mind that when I link things it might not be exactly what or who I am talking about in the story because this is my own version of the world. It is more there for people who have never read or watched anything to do with Marvel Comics or Naruto. I hope you enjoy the story, please let me know what you think about it.

The first few days after my birth were a little weird to say the least. It was hard to look around, because my new body didn’t want to listen to me at all and everything was a blur from my poor eyesight. Honestly I might need glasses, which would suck. I was also tired a lot, I would be up for a few hours at most then it was dreamland again.

Then there was chakra, which was a new experience. Since I never had it in my first life, it was pretty easy to find the tiny amount in my body that I had. At first it was this tiny wisp of energy, the first time I found it was interesting. Just trying to interact with it caused it to disappear completely. When it came back, it was two wisps of energy this time. It still disappeared after trying to interact with it. But when it came back it was three little wisps of energy, flickering like a candle wick.

Each interaction was the same, it would disappear as soon as I could touch it. From the knowledge I had this could be considered normal. Most people wouldn't have any chakra until they are at least a few years old. I would spend my time trying to play with my internal chakra, and testing my mindscape for weaknesses.

When I wasn’t pretending to be asleep working in my mindscape, my parents would be excited just to hold me. It was a little weird at first, but honestly I was a baby at this point and they were my parents. Speaking of them, I have no idea how they are together. My father is so laid back and seems to joke around a lot. My mother on the other hand is the complete opposite of him, she seems so strict and no nonsense. But she is also very caring, there is this look she has on her face whenever she looks at me or my father sometimes. I can’t describe it properly, but it just feels like unconditional love. Then again her face is pretty blurry, it could just be a scowl.

After five days in the hospital, my parents were finally allowed to take me home. I was also able to see better. Not totally clear yet, but the more I had my eyes open the better my vision was getting. I really didn’t want to wear glasses.

A few days after we were home, they had a party with some friends to show me off. I found out a few things, my father had two best friends. They were a pair of brothers and since they were such close friends, I guess my mother was lucky to get along with both of their wives so well.

One of which looked like she was about to burst, from how big her pregnant belly was. There were a few other people at the party, but it was hard to pay attention to them. With the amount of noise from the people around I barely caught anything unless I was being held by someone while they talked. Stupid baby ears, just like my eyes they didn’t work that well right now.

One thing I did catch because everyone cheered at the news, one of the brothers was asked to be my godfather while his wife was asked to be my godmother. They both looked stunned when asked, but my new godfather just nodded yes while his wife broke into tears and started to hug my mom while saying something to her I didn’t catch since I was in a baby carriage and not being held by either of them.

It was a pretty eventful first week at home all things considered. I spent most of my free time messing with trying to touch my chakra and playing around in my mindscape. I was also trying to control my body, but that was slow going. Those stories about people being reincarnated into a baby and doing “muscle training” are bullshit. You have no motor control at all, hell I can’t even stop myself from drooling. My mouth just likes to hang open randomly and I start to drool out of my mouth. And don’t even get me started on fine motor control.

My life settled down pretty fast into a routine, waking up and trying to control my body till I was too tired to move. Then I would switch to exhausting my chakra just trying to play with it. I had a ways to go to actually be able to do even a simple technique.

Over a month passed like this, with only my parents close friends coming over to visit and hang out a few times. Good news was my vision was pretty much normal at this point as far as I can tell and my ears worked a lot better now. I hadn’t left the house yet though, my mom was content to just stay at home with me and dad.

Speaking of my parents, I was finally able to get a look at them. I still don’t know their first names, because they normally call each other anything but their real names. But my father is a tall man. How tall I can’t tell, but he is about half a head taller than anyone I have seen next to him and has to be a foot taller than my mother. Whenever they hug my father can rest his chin on my mothers head. As for looks, well he is pretty plain looking honestly. He has a clean shaven face, black hair, brown eyes, with a smile on his face all the time like he just heard a good joke.

My mother, on the other hand, seems tall compared to my godmother and her other pregnant friend, she is a few inches taller than either woman. She is also slender with baby weight still around her hips and tummy. I almost always see her with a serious look on her face. I think that's just her resting face. Kinda like resting bitch face, but instead she just looks like she is in some really important meeting and paying extra attention. But sometimes she will give a million watt smile at me or father though. She has a very pretty face, with brownish red hair and light blue eyes.

Like I said before I honestly have no idea how my father pulled someone like my mother. He might have a decent build for himself, but he is a 5 of 10 in looks while my mother would be close to a 9 of 10. There is definitely a story here and I intend to find out when I am older.

It took a while, almost six weeks, but I was able to make some progress with chakra though. Honestly with all the knowledge I had, it was actually pretty easy. I could feel the small amount inside myself I had built up and I would use it up to play with the Yamanaka clan techniques in my mind. Once it was exhausted I would just go back to testing my mental fortifications looking for weak points.

One thing I did find out that will be a huge boon in the future, I learned about hand seals and why I don’t need to use them. Apparently Orochimaru and Kabuto had figured out in their research that hand seals weren’t needed for any chakra molding. It was there to help younger ninjas learn faster and act as a crutch for them. That is why some ninjas could do some things without hand seals or one handed. So I just started learning without relying on hand seals as a focus. It makes it a lot harder to learn, but the end result will be worth it. I still plan to use hand seals later after I master a technique without hand seals. It’s always good to have trump cards and keep your enemies guessing.

Another thing I don’t actually need to do is call out techniques. The calling out of a technique was pretty much only a thing from the story. They were ninjas, why the hell would they yell out the name of the attack they were gonna use. Good news for me though, because yelling out a technique I was using right now would be hard since my vocal cords don’t work at all.

But I was able to use three Yamanaka clan techniques. I had enough chakra to use only one at a time, but I had three to play with for now which was great. I had yet to actually set anything up, I was just practicing them and figuring out every little aspect of how they work and testing them for weaknesses. When I found one I would figure out how to fix the issue. It was a process, but honestly it was fun and I love to solve problems. One of the reasons I was such a good programmer in my last life. That and I honestly had nothing else to do laying in my crib at night. My sleep schedule was so wonky.

My parents were pretty happy though, I would only cry if something happened or I was hungry. I was a really quiet baby, but I would always interact with them when they picked me up. Most nights they didn’t get woken up in the middle of the night. I only pooped myself a few times in the middle of the night when I was asleep and needed to be changed. I was actually pretty proud of myself for that feat, my butt was the first thing I learned to mostly control. Trust me, I was fine drooling out of my mouth randomly, but pooping myself was not on the table.

It was almost two months when something actually came up. My parents were excited about going to someone's house for something.

“Come on honey, we need to get going and help them set up before the other guests get there.”

My father came over to my crib, reached in to pick me up as he replied. “I am ready to go, I was just grabbing Theo.”

He walked out of the nursery which was my room and walked into the living room. He was in some casual clothes. My father looked my mother over as she walked into the living room and gave her a low wolf whistle before saying, “You know, I wouldn’t mind trying to give Theo a little brother or sister.”

My mother actually blushed at his comment before saying, “How can you think like that, I still have all this extra weight from the pregnancy.” She looked down at herself and frowned a little as she looked at her hips and waist line.

My father set me down and then swept my mother up in a tight hug before kissing her on the cheek and then beginning to whisper something I couldn’t hear in her ear. Her face started to flush red at whatever he was saying till his hands started to squeeze her butt and she pushed him away while saying, “Don't start anything you can’t finish Mr. Mercer! We need to hurry up or we will be late, come on and let's go.”

My father gave her a silly grin as he winked at her and said, “I am sure we could spare five minutes, you are wearing a dress after all.”

“Maybe for you, quick shot. I would need at least half an hour.”

My fathers face crumpled a little at that as he said, “You are going to hold that against me for the rest of my life aren’t you?”

My mother smirked as she picked me up and said, “Only when it’s useful, like now. Now if you are a good boy at the party, you can get a treat tonight when we get home and Theo is asleep.”

That seemed to perk my father up and he walked to the front door and opened it up for my mother to exit. He grabbed my car seat cradle and we ended up only walking to a house one home over from ours. We were greeted at the door by the man who was my godfather, it looks like he lives next door to us.

He reached out and shook my fathers hand as he said, “Jacob it’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you too, Ben.”

Ben turned to look at my mother and me and said, “You look radiant Dani. How is little Theo?”

My mother smiled and gave Ben a half hug as she said, “You look great yourself Ben and Theo is perfect. He is probably the most well behaved child I have ever seen.”

“I would believe it, I have only heard him cry once.”

He moved to the side and gestured to my parents to come inside as he said, “Please come on in, we still have about an hour before they get here and still have a lot to do.”

After coming inside, my parents set me in the cradle on the couch and then began to help Ben and his wife set up an extra table, some chairs and then they set out food. It wasn’t long before someone knocked on the door and Ben’s wife went to answer it.

I couldn’t see who showed up, but I did hear them talking.

“Mary, Richard! You look great. Come in and let me see my new nephew!”

I could hear a man laugh before he said, “Settle down May, we will show him to everyone at the same time.”

May and Ben and Richard and Mary… There is no way.

They all moved in from the door and the two people who showed up set a baby carrier next to mine on the couch. They were Ben's brother and his wife. Who just had her baby. I didn’t pay attention to much else after that because I was busy thinking about if my speculation was true or not.

It didn’t take long for other people to show up and then it seemed like Mary and Richard were ready to show off their newborn. They pulled him out of his crib, he was asleep as his mother held him up for people to see him. “This is our son.”

She looked at her husband who then looked over at his brother and smiled as he said, “His name is Peter Benjamin Parker.”

Are you fucking kidding me? My godparents are Ben and May Parker. This must be why he said it would take too much karma to change my starting point. I guess I am gonna be best friends with Peter, especially since my parents live next door. Could be a lot worse I guess, I wonder when he is gonna get his powers? Will we live next to MJ? I wonder where his parents work, are they S.H.I.E.L.D. agents or do they work for Osborn? Shit is Osborn alive here? Green Goblin would be a pain in the ass to deal with.

The rest of the day passed pretty fast and I was back home before I knew it. The only other thing to happen was Ben and May were asked to be Peter's god parents also.

Looks like we are god brothers? Not sure how that works, but it’s fine with me. I will make sure Peter can take care of himself when he meets Flash even without his super powers. If I can get Peter into pretty good shape before he is bit, it might make him more powerful, that was always one of the popular theories about him.

As I was thinking about all of this I started to hear some noise coming from my parents room. I escaped into my mindscape, no one wants to hear their parents doing that…

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