Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

00004. Daycare and the first steps to power.

I will be putting hyperlinks in each chapter, so people reading can understand what I am talking about. It might be for a person, place, thing or just random info about it. Do keep in mind that when I link things it might not be exactly what or who I am talking about in the story because this is my own version of the world. It is more there for people who have never read or watched anything to do with Marvel Comics or Naruto. I hope you enjoy the story, please let me know what you think about it.

After that eventful day, it seemed my dad actually convinced my mom to have another kid. Pretty much every night I would have to zone out into my mindscape, sometimes even in the middle of the day. More than once at that! My parents had some pretty crazy libido if you ask me. That only lasted for about a month though because my mother had to go back to work. My dad had already gone back to work, I had no idea what he did. But I know mom would yell at him anytime he came home to make sure he was clean before he touched me or her.

I was surprised the first day she had to go to work, she was dressed up in some pretty nice clothes. Some kinda women's business suit with a skirt and heels. But what astounded me was my daycare, or who it was. I was taken to my godmother's, she was running a daycare from her house. I was the second kid dropped off for the day. The first one being my god brother Peter. After my mother left, it wasn’t long before a few more kids were also dropped off.

I have to say Aunt May is a saint, I don’t think I could handle almost ten kids ranging from less than a year to two or three years old. I suppose the babies were easy when they weren’t crying, but sometimes one would start and all the rest would follow. Luckily she only had four babies to deal with, the rest of the kids were older. I was probably her favorite because I wouldn’t cry, I would make some noise to get her attention and she would come check on me to see what was wrong. Within the first week she realized I only made noise if I had an issue.

Time passed pretty quickly like this, I would wake up and be fed. My mom would take me to May’s and I would spend my day under her care with the other kids. At some point my father would come pick me up and take me home. He would then cook dinner for us, I would be in the kitchen with him. Normally in my baby basket as he would sing and cook. My mom would normally get home right after dad was done cooking and we would all eat. Turns out my dad was a really good cook, if the praise my mother rained on him every night was anything to go on. I still haven’t had the chance to taste his cooking yet.

After that we would spend time together as a family. Sometimes it was listening to music as they talked to each other about their day. That was how I found out my mother was actually a pretty high end lawyer who specialized in patents and the laws around them, and my father was a car mechanic. There were other things we did like playing baby games, but mostly it was them reading to me. They would take turns reading a book, my mom would normally be the narrator of the story and any female character, while my father would make sound effects and make voices for anything else. It was honestly better than most things you could watch on TV. I have to say, my new family was awesome.

My daily routine didn’t really change much, I still used my chakra everyday with the Yamanaka clan techniques I had. I was almost ready to start putting them into place, but once they were in place I wouldn’t really have a way to use my chakra up everyday. So it was better to wait till I could do other things with my chakra till then. I am pretty sure most people who are reincarnated would be rushing to spit fire balls at this point. But honestly being a baby you don’t have many options to hide what you are doing and I was enjoying my new life. It was nice to have an actual family for once. The closest I had to a family in my old life was my A.I. Son and we were only together for a few years. Heck I never had the chance to meet my daughter. But it sounds like she grew up alright.

The first real change in my new life was when I was a little over six months old. I started to walk around. To say my parents were overjoyed would be an understatement. They showed me off to Ben and May within twenty minutes of me walking in front of them and the next day showed me off to Richard and Mary. I had started crawling around for a while before that, I would crawl till I pretty much passed out from it. But with the body I had, it actually helped me to develop faster. Within a month of that I was able to walk most of the time. I would still crawl a lot because it was honestly pretty fun and seemed to help my arms get stronger. Once I was bigger I planned to try and climb everything I could. I was already eyeing the book self in the living room, hopefully it is bolted to the wall.

Once I was able to walk around pretty well, I found out something kinda interesting at daycare. The four babies there were me, Peter and two girls. Both girls had red hair and semi green eyes. I assume one is MJ, but the other I am not sure about and I have never heard May say either of their names. My best guess would be Jean or Angelica, but they should be older I think. I don’t actually know the proper date yet and I also have no idea how the other guy changed the world. Heck at this point, she could be Natasha Romanoff for all I know. A mystery to solve later I guess.

Around nine months is when I finally set up proper Yamanaka clan techniques for my mindscapes defenses. I didn’t add anything to the outside of my city though. I set it up inside each copy of my home, specifically in my server rooms where my memory banks were. The first part was a special Genjutsu the Yamanaka clan had for protecting their own minds from interrogation. I spent months modifying it and making it my own.

It would originally trap whoever entered their mind and would let the Yamanaka clan member take over the other person's body. While that could be useful for helping someone escape if they were captured by enemies. I had changed it to something better, it would still trap the other person's mind inside of my mindscape. But instead of my mind taking over someone else's body, it would get a very specific set of orders to carry out. If I was captured, release me. If they were just probing me for info, send me everything about them. Nothing too crazy but with what I had already it was just an extra layer of protection. Since it was set up with chakra, no one in this world should be able to break it like my other defenses.

But if they did, well that’s when the next technique comes into play. If someone was powerful enough to break through what I already had set up, I had a nasty surprise waiting for them. If they were somehow able to figure out my programming languages and access all my servers, well that's when my offensive Genjutsu will activate. It only activates when someone other than me accesses the servers I have. The more of them they access the worse it will be. If they somehow access all of them, well they pretty much become a vegetable. The Genjutsu is part of the info on the servers and will slowly begin to erase the other person's memories. I made it slow and to target older memories first. But the more servers they look through the faster it becomes and the more aggressive it will be.

I am still not one hundred percent if it will work or not, but from all the testing I have done it should work. At least the countless mind clones I made to test it all had the desired effect on them. It was pretty disturbing to see a clone of myself slowly stop moving and then just fall to the floor. It’s lifeless eyes staring at nothing as it just breathes. I would then enter the clone's mind to find that nothing was left inside of the mind I had given it. I am actually a little afraid of it happening to someone else, but if they are that powerful to get to that point and ruthless enough to force their way into my mind like that. Well they probably shouldn’t be left alive then.

After they were all set up and working, I had to find a new way to drain my chakra. I started doing the simplest thing, leaf sticking exercise. But since I was still a baby and wasn’t allowed to go outside, it was called the block sticking exercise. I would use the toy blocks I was given and would stick them to my hands. If anyone looked at me, they would see me holding blocks in my hands. But I wouldn’t be using my hand at all, it would all be from chakra sticking the block to my palm. Both my parents and May thought the blocks were my favorite toys, because I would almost never put them down. Not only was I using all my chakra each day, I was also training my control from the practice. Tree climbing wouldn’t be too far away if I kept up this pace. It would be more like a baby crawling on the walls and roof of my room. But one day I will run up a tree.

Out of the four babies in my daycare group I might have been the first to walk around, but the other three weren’t that far behind. They could already stand up on their own, but still did more crawling than anything else. The one thing that surprised me was Peter, he was the first to talk. I had already tested it out, I could talk already. I just didn’t like the way I sounded at all, my vocal cords were still weak and honestly I didn’t talk much in my old life. I was more than fine not talking most of the time. Old habits and all of that.

The next big thing to happen actually came when I was a little over ten months old. It was something I was expecting to happen but it was still a surprise. My mother had become pregnant and my parents were ecstatic to say the least. May, Ben, Richard and Mary had a party to celebrate the news. Me and Peter were there also and I was “playing” with my blocks for the most of it. But since everyone that my parents considered family were here, I figured I would say my first official words.

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