Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 302 The World Tree, and the Secret of Odin's Power

Chapter 302 The World Tree, and the Secret of Odin's Power
A streamer of silvery white metal was firmly held in the palm of Odin Poulsen's palm, his big rough hand tightly clamped Bucky's fist, and then he shot straight and vertically without fancy, forcing Laura who rushed forward had to defend with claws.

The diamond spurs protruding from the little wolf girl's toe pierced deeply into the crystal-like surface of the Rainbow Bridge. Under the impact of Odin's slashing with a spear in his hand, her feet pulled out two nicks that were more than ten meters long before slowly stopping , a pair of bright diamond claws have been covered with fine cracks.

"Boy, this piece of iron is very good!"

Odin's one eye was filled with a slurry-like silver light, and he squeezed Bucky's iron fist with his left hand, and lightning flashed everywhere, but it didn't cause the state of blasting into a ball of iron mud as imagined by the god king, and didn't even leave the slightest mark .Can't help but see the splendor in his eyes, and he shouted in surprise.

Before Bucky's other fist hit, Odin pierced his chest with the spear in his right hand, and the fingertips of his left hand gathered silver light, and quickly drew a square rune on the back of the Adamantium alloy hand. runes.

The moment the rune was generated and glowed with the "Power of Odin", the old God King's beard trembled slightly, and he softly recited a rune spell.



The iron arm slammed deeply into the surface of the Rainbow Bridge, causing Bucky's sturdy body to fall suddenly.

Although this arm made of pure Adamantium alloy weighs nearly [-] kilograms, it is one step away from Styx Serum and Bucky Barnes. At a lower temperature, it has never been affected in weight, and has always been no different from a flesh and blood body.


Bucky's arm, which he had been swaying freely for decades, suddenly became as heavy as a mountain, and the penetrating injury on his chest didn't have much effect.

He half-kneeled on the Rainbow Bridge, the skin all over his body was burning red under the power of the secret technique, and gradually raised his arms inch by inch.

The golden phoenix screamed and jumped down from the sky. Odin glanced at the humans who were struggling to resist the magic power of the runes. He snorted contemptuously and kicked Bucky to the rainbow bridge. The light red sea of ​​God's Domain stained with blood.

The one-eyed silver light then stared solemnly upwards, the spear of eternity pierced straight up, and two beams of light, one gold and one silver, burst together, and Jean Gray and God King Odin Qiqi disappeared.

Above the black clouds of the Asgard continent, under the galaxy, the hoarse roar of the old god king and the cry of the "phoenix" even overwhelmed the roar of thunder and storms.

There are only shining golden and silver lights among the black clouds, and the blurry silhouettes like an epic picture are reflected in the thick clouds and mists. The scene of ancient giants fighting with starry sky behemoths is finally no longer the absurd fantasy of people.

From the moment Odin woke up and appeared, the golden light curtain covering the four sides and the dome of the Golden Palace disintegrated and dispersed bit by bit.

Although the God's Domain army, whose morale had been revived again, did not have the numerical advantage it had at the beginning, it finally showed the mighty protoss talent and fought against the Sirius Legion in chaos.

The flames of war and swords between the two armies gradually permeated every corner of the Golden Palace.

Thor swung "Mjolnir" and flew into the sky. The young woman who dared to "steal" Thor's authority had already become a thorn in his side.

The burst of blue-black smoke and dust shifted her position in a thrilling manner at the moment Sol swung his hammer and slammed into Storm.

"Nightcrawler" Kurt grabbed Ororo Monroe's arm and flashed above the conical dome of the palace, and a pair of blue feet with two fingers were like suction cups pawing at the smooth golden wall.

He turned sideways and patted his chest with lingering fear.

"Call out, Ororo, you have to be careful, you and that Thunder God Thor are surrounded by lightning all the time, it's hard for me to teleport and approach as easily as other people."

At high altitude, Sol, who lost his target for a while, was pinned down by the "Archangel" Warren, who was dancing his iron wings and surrounded him tightly. The wings modified by Adamantium alloy were like two giant blades.

The eagle bred in the "wolves", with the impact inertia of supersonic flight, and the kung fu strength of years of practicing the killing technique [Fire Falcon Fist], slashed at the thunder god with the strength of Sol. He couldn't stabilize his figure in the air for a while.

Worthington III occasionally had iron feathers shot out from the ends of his thick wings, and even drew a few shallow bloodstains on Sol's face.

"That kid Warren won't last long, the eldest prince of the protoss has to be restrained by a fighter who is not afraid of death like my aunt."

Kurt squinted his eyes, looking at the battle between his best friend and Thor, who was not optimistic.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Thor's Hammer and the flying angel's iron wings bombarded together. The huge force caused Warren to lose his balance immediately, and Saul grabbed the end of the wing as he whirled. .

"Hmph, Kurt Howlett, you underestimate me."

The Daughter of the Storm raised her finger to the sky, and the sky immediately obeyed smoothly!

A thunderbolt in the black cloud struck Sol's head precisely, and the body of the blond dancing protoss man suddenly trembled, and he couldn't let go of his hands. warren.

Orolo didn't seem to care about Kurt's warning, and jumped off the dome of the Golden Palace, surrounded by hurricanes, and flew straight to Sol.

"The so-called God of Thunder, I want to see whether this thunder cloud is listening to you or me!"

The sonorous and powerful under the storm girl's gauntlet, Miss Monroe, who has always been above the top in the eyes of the college and the legion, is always overwhelmed by Qin and Laura.

After the second awakening, Orolo Monroe's short white hair had grown long and slender, braided into strands of delicate braids and draped behind her back, and the flashes of light flowed as the braids were waved. Lightning gathered above her head.

Saul Odinson's face has never been so stinky, even when he was beaten and beaten by James on Earth, even when he was beaten by his daughter and students.

But as the pride of Thor, he has never been so nakedly provoked.

In Norse mythology, Thor, the god of thunder and storm power, felt for the first time that the thunder conceived in the sky was no longer completely under his control.

The "Mjolnir" in his hand connects the lightning power of this world to the mortals on the other side, and the sky is torn into two halves, but Sol faintly realizes that the source of his power does not seem to come entirely from his palm Warhammer
Saul Odinson's pride made him abandon the more advantageous melee combat. Thor's hammer had been completely infused with electric light, turning into a cloud of azure blue lightning, which slowly swung as he swung it around. The lasso of the hammer handle forms a fuzzy ring of electric light.

"Mortal of Midgard, your proposal... I like it very much!"


Two vast condensed thunderbolts strike at each other in an instant, the sky of Asgard is like the end of the universe is approaching, the battle between Odin and the "Phoenix", Thor and Storm's thunder and lightning confrontation
The energy that almost exceeded the range that the space itself could bear caused the entire Asgard dome to peel off faintly and tremble, with cracks forming mirror-like cracks one by one.

Inside and outside the Golden Palace, the Sirius Legion and the God's Domain Army scattered everywhere had already been fighting in chaos, continuing the unfinished battle.

"Psychic Butterfly" Elizabeth Braddock was still fighting fiercely with Asgard female warrior Sif, and the two heroic and beautiful figures turned around and hit under the throne of the palace.

Spirit Butterfly vibrates the golden samurai sword in one hand, and the spiritual weapon in the other hand changes from time to time to grow swords, whip locks, war hammers and other forms, while the goddess Sif, who is proficient in Asa martial arts skills, is superior in strength and physique, with a one-handed long sword Dancing non-stop, gradually gained the upper hand.

Meanwhile, Colossus and the Mysterious brothers and sisters were killing the Protoss warrior squad at the junction of the Golden Palace and the Rainbow Bridge. The combination of the battle ax and the soul blade cut off the heads of more than a dozen Asgard warriors in a short time.

"Fandral, take the wounded warrior and retreat from the hidden canal. Your condition is not suitable for you to persist like this."

One of the remaining "Three Warriors of Asgard", Fandral the "Three Swordsman" supported his body with only one leg, and his right leg was severed from the heel of his leg, which was chopped off by Asazor's flashing dagger.

After the appearance of God King Odin, the pressure on the army of the Aesir was greatly reduced. The "Bultsteel" long sword in Heimdall's hand pierced the throats of two winter wolves one after another. Darl yelled.

But as soon as the words fell, Heimdall's divine eyes shrank sharply, and just as he charged in front of Fandral, a familiar silver-white giant ax slashed down on his head, and the azure soul blade pierced through Fandral's back. chest out.

"Secretist" Liana leaped at the nodes of the void, neatly backstabbed the last of the three warriors of Asgard, twisted her wrist, cut across Fandral's chest, cut him in two, and struck ruthlessly Extremely spicy.

Then, the youngest warrior in this war and his brother Colossus continued the unfinished battle with Heimdall, the "All-Seeing Eye".

And the brothers "Shock Wave" and "Cyclops" killed the most ordinary fighters of the Protoss in the entire battle.

The ruby-colored beams of light could not be completely resisted by the rune shields and armors of Asgard. The strong shock waves either penetrated the bodies of the Aesir warriors, or directly destroyed their battle formations.

The two brothers pushed forward steadily next to each other, looking after each other's back, for a moment they were helpless.

"Alex! That's the second prince of the Protoss!"

Scott Summers pointed to the green-robed figure who had entered the golden palace, and Loki, who had tried Asgard spells against the White Queen but had little effect, exploded a group of phantom puppets, barely freed from Emma's psychic trauma come out.

The Summers brothers, who were a little overwhelmed, blasted fiery energy flames from their chests and eyes, and each shot out a fan-shaped halo to clear away the surrounding enemies. After looking at each other, they chased in the direction where Loki was fleeing.

And the God King Odin and the "Phoenix", who almost entered the outer space of Asgard, gradually decided the winner.

"Tell me! What happened to James, that power, that smell! What is it!"

Jean Gray raised her hand and shattered the armor on Odin's chest, and the old god king was hit hard with just a slow beat for a moment.

He holds the eternal gun "Gungnir" and kills each shot, and every blow is accompanied by the whole rainbow bridge flashing halo, it seems that this continent has indescribable power supporting Odin Poulsen.

"The power of the phoenix. Your destiny should be eternal pursuit and search, and you should be scattered in countless universes like this, until the end of time and reincarnation!"

Odin's long sigh was like an old man admonishing his younger generation. He floated in the starry sky holding up the spear of eternity, and hammered the void in front of him with the handle of the gun one after another.

Obviously there is no material collision at all, but every time there is a booming sound that runs through the universe.

Nine times in a row, on the infinite starry sky of the universe, the entire continent of Asgard, and the earth called "Midgard" by Asgard people, Jotunheim, Heim Underworld, Niflheim , Muspelheim.
All the nine worlds shone with a halo invisible to the naked eye. The supreme mage far away from the earth stood alone on the top of the snow-capped mountain of Kama Taj. She looked at the vast snow-covered land and mountains in the distance. Lips quivering slightly:

"So it's the secret of the world tree, the secret of the power of runes, Mr. Howlett, with your power, you should also force and understand the mystery of the mighty power of God King Odin in the end."

Jean Gray felt that her body was suddenly put on invisible shackles, which became heavier and heavier layer by layer.

Odin's words made her distort her face in outrage, which seemed to be the most unacceptable curse for "Phoenix".

Little by little, the whole person was completely enveloped by the ignited power of the phoenix, turning into an incomparably solid, fleshy, and clear-winged phoenix bird.

The nine kingdoms that are not adjacent to each other in the sense of the physical space of the universe flashed the glow of mysterious energy one after another, outlining a brilliant golden locus in the shape of a giant tree in the endless vast universe. .

The legend constitutes the whole world, and the world tree whose transliteration is "Yuktra Hill" finally showed its shape, Midgard in the atrium, Asgard in the crown of the tree, and every world tree , cast endless brilliance on Odin's body.

The queen of heaven, Frigga, watched her husband's body made of silver light continue to grow majestically, and soon looked down at the huge phoenix as high as a mountain, but she couldn't cry anymore.
In the entire domain of the gods, all the weapons and soldiers stopped for a while, whether they were humans or the Asa protoss, they all looked towards the giant in the star space.

Eric Lanshere sealed the "Destroyer" weapon layer by layer with various metals snatched from the depths of the sea in God's Domain, and finally freed up some hands and feet, and stared at the sky.

Odin Poulsen, who showed the true body of God the Father, held up the blazing silver spear thousands of meters long, pointing at the phoenix that kept pecking at him.With one breath of His, all the black clouds and thunder in God's Domain were exhausted, leaving Storm and Sol without the strength to rely on to fight.

Odin finally let out a long breath, and the real "Spear of Eternity" swung down with the most primitive, all-or-nothing desperation when hunting wild beasts.
This spear has crossed space and time, and it is unavoidable and unavoidable.

The silver light completely engulfed the golden flame.

(End of this chapter)

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