Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 303 The King of Gods Stepping into the Hall of Valor

Chapter 303 The King of Gods Stepping into the Hall of Valor
"Spirit Butterfly" sat leaning against the golden steps of the Golden Palace Hall, covering the slashed abdomen with one hand, and stood with a long knife by his side several times trying to force himself to get up, but there was a large pool of blood rubbing against his feet, and he couldn't help it. slippery.

bark. bark bark
The rune long sword forged from Uru metal, the sword edge was scratched on the ground of the palace and dragged forward intermittently. It was also famous and legendary in the mortal world. Sif, known as the goddess of "land and harvest", walked towards collapse step by step. opponents, leaving trails of dripping blood all the way.

He is missing an arm.

Sif's only remaining left arm was still holding the sword steadily, her long black hair was already wet with sweat and blood, the half-covered silver helmet on her head was chopped off, and her nose was sucking vigorously, bit by bit The blade sticks to the neck of the butterfly
A pair of glistening palms and the secret man's soul blade set up the divine sword cut by Heimdall, and Colossus' tattered body finally could no longer swing the giant ax made of Adamantium alloy.

The White Queen's diamond body suddenly radiated white light, and at the moment when the mind pierced Heimdall's mind with chaotic convulsions, the short blade of the Red Devil flashed, and the silver light slashed across the forehead of the guardian of the God Realm.

In the Nine Kingdoms, in the entire universe, there is no such pair of unique "all-seeing eyes".
Outside the reconstructed Odin Treasure Chamber, hundreds of Loki's phantoms surrounded the two Summers brothers with daggers. A blue icicle shot from Scott's back. Alex pushed his brother away, but It was instantly frozen by the extreme frost.

Loki's fair face was no longer there, his eyes were dark red, and his skin was black and blue, like a corpse that had been frostbitten to the extreme.Loki held the "Ice Treasure Box" secretly kept, and the chaotic and twisted icy power inside continued to shoot at the young Scott Summers.

Roaring, he completely took off the suppression glasses, the red laser beam collided with the tide of ice, and the newly restored treasure hall disintegrated inch by inch again.
And above the high altitude of God's Domain.

Laura held the fainted "Storm" Ororo and handed it to Eric. Bucky threw down Edman's arm, which was affected by Odin's rune magic, and held a handle that was left behind by someone. The long-handled warhammer slammed into the head of the Protoss warrior.

Thor's body was covered with claw marks, and his limbs were sealed by two dark brown seabed metal giant pillars. "Mjolnir" landed in front of Thor, and the electric sparks flickered from time to time, vibrating and suspended.

"Magneto" clenched his fists tightly, with rare large beads of sweat streaming down his face, and the metal substance controlled by electromagnetic force was still wrestling with Thor.

Asgard returned from day to night again, but there was no cloud in the sky, and there was no cover for the dots of stars.

Laura watched the figure of Phoenix Wing falling slowly from the end of the Milky Way rush forward, catching Jean Grey, who was momentarily out of strength and limp.

From time to time, Qin's body shone with brilliant silver chains condensed by the power of Odin, and an energy-like silver gun was tied to her chest. There was no wound or blood, but the power of "Phoenix" was temporarily blocked.

Odin fell on the Rainbow Bridge with his strong upper body naked, his majesty and vigor remained the same, even his frosty white hair and beard were not messed up, as if defeating the phoenix didn't take much effort from the old god king.


Odin Poulsen looked at the war-torn Asgard Continent, and said in a low and hoarse voice.

The gun of eternity was raised across the top of the head, and the streamers of thousands of rainbow bridges fell from the sky and scattered in every corner of the Golden Palace.

The one-armed protoss female warrior Sif, the Psylocke who is about to be beheaded, Loki, the Summers brothers, and even the red devil father and son who are constantly moving and flashing around cannot escape the projection of the power of the Rainbow Bridge.

The colorful light in the sky gradually faded, and with the feet of the God King Odin as the boundary, members of the Howlett Family and the Sirius Legion, regardless of whether they were dead or injured, were teleported together, and the army of God's Domain was also moved behind Odin.

"Enough, Midgardian, look around you."

Odin's single eye was neither sad nor happy, only a blank dead silence remained, and the pupils of the eyes looked forward without focusing.

Emma Howlett dispersed the diamond avatar, and "Archangel" Warren was slashing his wrists with his iron wings, spilling blood on the seriously injured Psylocke and Colossus Peter.

Qin took a deep breath, and didn't care about the silver spear condensed by the "Power of Odin" passing through her chest. She slowly pushed away Laura who was supporting her, and walked to the White Queen step by step, and faced her with her. Facing God King Odin.

"Gungnir" was stuck in front of Odin. He waved his arms, and the silver chains and spears on Jean Grey's body disappeared. Bucky fell on the Rainbow Bridge, becoming as heavy as a mountain by the rune magic The runes drawn on his arm also scattered.

Odin lifted the ice that had frozen Alex Summers, and chanted a spell softly, isolating the God's Realm metal from Magneto's control, and released Thor who was temporarily trapped.

"Humans, do you really want to see this land covered with the corpses of your compatriots?"

The earliest generation of winter wolves, Remus Pete, died, his son Kurt also lost a leg, several mutant students who were familiar with him in the academy died, and many soldiers of the Sirius Legion, even Alex, who escaped from the extreme cold, is also in extremely dangerous condition
As for the Asa Protoss, they piled up the entire vast square in front of the Golden Palace with numerous corpses.

"Odin, I'm not defeated yet."

The golden phoenix wings on the back of the qin were much dimmer, and even scattered and broken.But the fighting spirit in her eyes was still high-spirited. Although there was a huge difference in stature in front of Odin Poulsen, who was more than two meters tall and looked like a little giant, his aura was not weakened by half.

"Phoenix from 'Desire', if you want to fight, I will fight with you until this continent is broken, and I will not hesitate!"

hum!The Spear of Eternity flew back into Odin's palm again, and the entire continent trembled secretly with the mighty power of the old God King holding the gun, and stared indifferently at the emerald green eyes of the "Phoenix".

"Howlett is not dead, at least not yet. I don't know how long he can last under the burning of the 'Eternal Flame', and where he got lost in the teleportation accident at the Rainbow Bridge, but with his vitality, maybe there is still Chance."

Heimdall stepped out little by little, a wound running from the left forehead to the right eye completely destroyed his eyes, and the rainbow key "Bultsteel" Excalibur in his hand became his long staff for guiding the blind .

"Do you think it will end like this, God King Odin?"

Eric Lanshere, Laura, Asazo, and Bucky all stood behind Emma Howlett. The White Queen's face was very calm, and her words were like a lake without waves.

But this piece of lake was covered with a light mist, like her deep sorrow shrouded in lingering.

"Of course not, Mrs. Howlett, the Nine Worlds, and even this universe has just begun."

Emma looked deeply at Odin's face, he was still radiant and imposing.

"Gods, remember, from now on there will be no such thing as the Nine Kingdoms, and the earth will no longer be your territory. The arrogance from the 'God' will eventually turn into a flame that destroys the 'God'."

At this moment, Emma Howlett, the only one who can represent the Howlett family and the will of the "Wolf Emperor", glanced at the remaining Protoss warriors, and spoke sonorously.

Then he turned and left, walked along the long rainbow bridge, passed through thick pools of blood, passed through the formation of the Sirius Legion, and never looked back.

Odin Poulsen is like the last lighthouse keeper.

Although there are still sons Sol and Loki behind him, as well as the queen Frigga who rushed to him, and the surviving protoss army full of blood and wounds.
But he looked so lonely, waiting alone for the lighthouse that he had been guarding all his life to collapse in the final attack of the hurricane and tsunami.

Until the human army supported the wounded comrades, carried the body of the dead brother on board the ship, and evacuated without a trace in that one-eyed eye.Only then did Odin's rosy and strange face suddenly turn cold.

The silvery-white hair is so gray that the naked eye can see it, the big hand holding "Gungnir" quickly shriveled and gave birth to some dark brown spots, and even the strong and tall body cringed a little bit. .


Sol and Loki watched the Eternal Spear fall to the ground without any warning. God King Odin fell into the arms of his wife, Frigga, and lay on the Rainbow Bridge with her support, with his head resting on his back. Frigg's arms.

".My fate shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't have to bear the pain of watching you leave. I should walk in front of you."

The queen of days, Frigga, had already shed all the tears she was about to shed. She didn't shed a single tear in front of her husband, but just put her cheek against Odin's forehead and shook it slowly.

The darkest hour before dawn is almost over, and the sky of Asgard no longer seems so deep and suffocating.

"I'm sorry, my wife, maybe I really don't deserve such blessings from fate. I should have endured all the parting and pain before walking into Valhalla alone."

Odin is like the only gray and white in the whole colorful world, only the one eye, all the light and vitality of his body are only kept in the depth of the one eye, turning around a little bit to look at the two sons.

"Sol, Loki, you will all be kings in the end but don't be bound by the illusion of 'God', be careful, be careful Hai. Loki, I have something to say, I have something to say."

The sun of the continent of Asgard finally cast the first beam of light on the Rainbow Bridge, and also on Odin's face, but his eyes did not have time to see the rising light.

Odin Poulsen's chest was heaving intermittently, and his last words were very fragmented. It turned out that even if you are the Lord of the Nine Realms, or the King of the Gods, time and fate will not be left when he is about to leave. Half point back.

The last army of God's Domain fell to their knees under Saul Odinson's mournful roar.

Loki was silent for a long while with a dull expression, only the sharp humming continued in his ears. Suddenly, Loki pushed Thor away like crazy, knelt and crawled to Odin's side, crying messily. His cheeks were smiling, and his eyes were unusually red.

"You can't die! Father, father. Odin! You still haven't finished talking to me. Tell me, please make it clear. I beg you, please. Tell me, father, who am I?" who I am!"

The king of the gods lying in Tianhou's arms turned into specks of gold flakes, which drifted away with the wind under the sunlight of the morning sun, leaving not even a piece of intact clothes.

Frigga suddenly remembered that over the millennium years since the two brothers Sol and Loki grew up from childhood to adulthood, Sol, who always seemed strong and reckless, cried many times, while Loki, who was weak in appearance,
This was the first time in Rocky Odinson's life that he shed tears.


The atrium world, Midgard. Maybe this place can no longer use the name that the Asir are used to.

It is in the Nordic Norway on Earth, on a deserted island not far from the small town of Tonsberg where the "Universal Rubik's Cube" was discovered.

This season is still a day of luxuriant grass and bright sunshine.

Although Norway's welfare is generous, the pace of life is slow and comfortable.But the old Nordic people, or the descendants of the Vikings, are still used to herding sheep, cattle and horses.

After all, it has been thousands of years and there is no chance for them to gallop on a fast boat with black sails holding a sharp axe.

Grazing is the last memory and comfort engraved in the bones.

The shepherd dog sits on a relatively flat bluestone and guards the noisy flock, barking from time to time to threaten the lambs who run a little far away.

The green grass was eaten up one after another, and the sheep also moved a little bit, changing to a piece of ungnawed grass and continuing to eat.

In the distance, the old shepherd was smoking a yellowed pipe with a peeling paint in his mouth, sitting on the edge of the reef, looking at the sea that hadn't changed in his life.

He was already very old, and when this batch of lambs grew fat, the shepherd would be able to save enough money for his own coffin to drink and warm himself in the old house until the day he died.

I don’t know if it’s because the ears are not working well. Hearing the howling of the sheepdog getting louder and more anxious, the old shepherd finally moved his buttocks and helped move the old cold leg with his hands. Come here, turn around and look in the direction of the sheep.

Strands of dark green light emerged strangely, and as the light was pulled, a pitch-black hole was torn apart above the flock of sheep.

The old shepherd stood up tremblingly. He suspected that his eyes were completely dazzled. He actually saw a slender arm surrounded by black air protruding from the black hole. With the momentum of calling at the beginning, he hid behind his master.

At the same time that the black-armored slender hand stretched out, the joyous flock of sheep completely stopped bleating, and fell down one after another as if they had been poisoned, and soon became a pile of rotten flesh. bones.

"Huh, this smell, hum, it's not bad."

Wearing some broken fluorescent green armor, a large white chest was exposed, and the black hair was wet and draped over his shoulders.

The woman's eye sockets looked like they were painted with heavy eyeshadow, but they didn't look gaudy between her high nose bridge and deep concave browbones.

Depravity and nobility, the two opposing temperaments perfectly blended together.

She sniffed the faint smell of blood left by the bones under her feet and nodded in satisfaction, but the joyful expression just disappeared in a flash, and the thick black mist billowed up.
"Father, I really want to watch you die with my own eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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