Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 304 The Vacant Throne

Chapter 304 The Vacant Throne

"Wolverine! Wolverine! Wolverine"

When there was a pair of extra arms under the armpit, the yellow-skinned Nadu star holding four hatchets was cut into several sections with two claws, and the "lizard man" with a height of nearly three meters and a thick long tail was pierced by a bone blade from the lower jaw skull top.

Hong Hong's shouts overwhelmed all the sounds of the city, and even the scavengers who toiled among the "garbage mountains" could feel the long-lost enthusiasm of the "competition city".

The Saka Star Champion Arena is very much like the gladiatorial arena in the ancient Roman era on Earth.

The magnificent ring-shaped metal and megalithic structure can easily accommodate more than 10 spectators, like the arena auditorium of the "Exposition" of intelligent creatures and races in the universe, and the shouts of mountains and tsunamis continued to erupt.

Some unrestrained viewers even tore off their clothes, exposing their private organs growing in various parts, and indulged and crazily felt the pleasure of killing.

On the gladiatorial battlefield paved with the unique blue-gray "iron stone" on Saka, more than a dozen corpses with unique shapes collapsed here and there.

A figure wearing dark blue and black leather armor, eight-edged metal shoulder armor on both shoulders, and sleeveless arms with a shiny white jade bone shield and thick long bone claws looked around indifferently.

James Howlett was unmoved by the cheers of these Saka stars, and his indifference at the moment formed a huge contrast with the madness of the battle just now. It was only the third time he played in the battle, and he gained a large number of "killing fans" ".

And in the giant box stand with the best location in the arena, a skinny old man was crouching on the edge of the stand and watching James carefully, suddenly silent, and then suddenly grinning, like a madman.

James used "Wolverine" as his gladiator code name, and quickly spread throughout this chaotic planet, the only one obsessed with life-and-death competitions.

He withdrew the claw blade between his finger bones and shook his back habitually, but the blood stains on his body were not forced out by the energy from the pores as before.

The life energy and fierce energy that could have surrounded the whole body all the time were firmly "locked" between every inch of flesh and blood, not to mention the almost imperceptible power of hellfire.

The nameless flame stored in the treasury of Asgard's Asgard abolished all the powers of James except the ability of his body.

Any power that exists in the form of energy or energy-like is replaced by a fire that burns in the flesh, even in the depths of the soul.

This nameless fire was still burning and destroying James' life, but after the initial stage of extreme pain, the extremely vast and majestic vitality became the firewood for the slow burning of this flame.

James could feel that his life was slowly draining away, and the traces of the years that had never been left on his body also spread unconsciously.

The only positive improvement is that James feels that his pure physical strength is getting bigger and bigger, even so big that the bones and flesh and blood can't bear it
"Master Wolverine, I don't know your taste. These are the characteristic races of Saka. Of course, we have prepared a lot of people similar to your appearance."

The stubby fingers fiddled with the long whiskers, and the squat, catfish-like arena logistics officer pointed at the female creatures kneeling in a row behind him and smiled lewdly.

Since the first "screening battle", James has been given a separate rest cabin, and after today's killing field where only one person can survive, the championship candidate nicknamed "Wolverine" has become an arena new darling.

Beside a huge bed made of dragon skulls, the hot hot spring pool is continuously bubbling, and a long table is filled with various Saka star wines and delicacies, as if living in a barbaric palace .

James was shirtless, sitting on the bed with a big horse. He looked at a row of "relaxation objects" with different skin colors and shapes, some of which could not even be regarded as humanoid creatures, and shook his head helplessly.

The logistics officer waved his hand clearly, and a row of women immediately got up and left the room, and then another group of ten came in and sat kneeling in front of James.

This time, most of them have the appearance of females that conform to human aesthetics. Except for some differences in light red or turquoise skin, there are a few pointed-eared beast tails, like the glamorous females of elves and half-orcs in fairy tales. Really made James look a few more times.

"My lord, you are not currently the highest-ranked champion candidate and the 'ultimate champion', my authority can only be provided to this extent, hehe, wait for you to win two more games, even if it is some beauties in our Gao Tianzun collection It can also be given to you, the kindness he treats the champion is unimaginable."

James stood up noncommittally, and walked to the long table on the side of the palace.

He just twitched his nostrils when he looked at these Saka star features and well-known foods from all over the universe, and nodded with interest.

Seeing a bunch of stubby objects made of purple plant leaves on a tray, he took one and put it under his nose and took a deep sniff.

"what is this?"

The logistics officer swiftly came up and took a look at the table, and then said clearly:
"Your taste is very unique. This is a specialty of the Feather Clan's Shia Empire. It is a small thing that is used to ignite and smoke, and can make the chest burn."

James rubbed his fingertips with great interest, only a few thin sparks appeared after a while, not enough to light the alien cigar, and finally the waiter stepped forward to light it for him with a candlestick.


A cloud of black-purple smoke rolled out from the nostrils. Although it was not as full-bodied as his favorite "Golden Apple" cigar, the special tobacco material brought about a more intense lung reaction, which was quite unique.

James bit his cigar and pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly asked the "Catfish" logistics officer:

"Does Saka have any information about the history of planets and civilizations in the universe, especially about powerful races and special forces?"

The arena logistics officer, who has always been only responsible for satisfying and serving certain desires and life requirements of the "champion", was stunned for the first time when he was asked. His nimble whiskers drooped suddenly, and he patted his head with an embarrassed smile:

"You, your request. No competitive gladiator has ever made a request in this regard, and hey, you have also seen that this planet is not like a place where these things are collected, but Lord Gao Tianzun has lived for some time. He should have seen a lot."

While the logistics officer was humming and explaining, a series of murmurs came out from the beeper hanging on his chest, and then he opened his mouth wide and said with an exaggerated expression:

"Master Wolverine, Gao Tianzun welcomes you!"

The floating platform went straight up to the top of the competition tower.

This tallest building, which is almost deep into the chaotic clouds of Saka, seems to be a big pumpkin pierced on a giant pillar.

The only ruler of Saka Star known as "Grandmaster", "Sage of Competitiveness", and "Gao Tianzun" lives in this "pumpkin" palace.

Before entering the gate, James heard noisy buzzing and chaotic sharp sounds, and when the heavy yellow-green metal door was slowly opened, the strange smell and ear-shattering music that made him frown spread across the surface.

"Look! In more than ten years, the most exciting champion rookie has arrived!"

A tall, thin old man with short gray hair and a blue line on his chin sat in the middle of a complete set of complex musical instruments, knocking at random.

He pointed at the black stick like a microphone and shouted excitedly at James, the movements of tapping and playing instrumental music in his hands were more willful and casual, or simply messing around.

The surrounding crowd either wore exaggerated and complicated clothes, as if dressing themselves up as a performance art, or they were completely naked, dancing with the music played by Gao Tianzun full of enjoyment.

"Come, come! Let me take a closer look at you, um~~ It's rare to see such a powerful fighter."

Gao Tianzun jumped off the giant musical instrument stand, but the annoying weird music didn't stop.

His appearance is no different from that of ordinary human elders, and his walking movements are extremely serious, like a duck.

James frowned even tighter. He couldn't feel that Gao Tianzun was different from ordinary people, especially his demeanor, and he couldn't see any traces of experience or battle.

"Hey! With this appearance, is it possible that he is another lost protoss? Zeus belongs to the Odin family. But your pair of claws don't look like that? Interesting, you are so interesting!"

Gao Tianzun took out a pair of big monocles from his loose clothes, looked closely at James up and down, and kept muttering like he was looking at the goods.

"You know Odin!"

James became more curious about this weird old man, enduring his sour smell that seemed like he hadn't bathed in months and asked in a deep voice.

"Ha! Of course, I've even met that kid's father or grandfather, eh? What? Oh, bring it here."

Gao Tianzun was pulling his neck with his hands behind his back, and said arrogantly like bragging. Beside him, a fat and strong woman in full armor whispered something in his ear, and then a man with pale skin covered with black spots was tied up Bring it here.

"I'm very busy today, so I don't have time to talk to you."

James looked at Gao Tianzun while talking, took a dark golden cane from the fat woman and poked it at the man, as if corroded by super acid, the man howled and soon became a puddle Foul liquid.

"Don't worry about him, I have to kill this lingering cousin every few years. Well, where did I find my champion, oh! Odin's grandfather, his grandfather should be about the same age as me."

Gao Tianzun rubbed his shriveled chin, rolled up his triangular eyes, and seemed to be trying to remember.

"According to the Asa Protoss, I am a human from Midgard. I fought with Odin and was sent here by his Rainbow Bridge."

James suddenly patiently explained to Gao Tianzun that this weird old man was far more mysterious than he imagined.

"Hey! The Rainbow Bridge won't send you here, hehe, and it won't send you here either, you lost your way! But being able to fight that boy Odin is indeed a good seed to become a 'champion'! "

"Gao Tianzun, tell me, how can you get me out of here."

Gao Tianzun blinked slyly, looked at the straightforward questioning of the rising star in the arena, put his arms around James' shoulders and said with an intimate smile:

"Well~ you are very smart, I thought you would try to kill me or arrest me and escape from here like Ares, hehe, it is very simple to fulfill your wish, I can not only send you away Xing, can tell you what that fire is."

James squinted his eyes slightly, staring at Gao Tianzun's wrinkled smiling face for a moment, only to see him finally said with great ease:
"Young man, what I want is very simple. Please me, hehe, use fighting to please me!"


Howlett family's "wolf's lair" dungeon.

At the top of the central hall, Emma stood in front of James' throne and caressed the wolf head railing on one side. She thought about leaving the earth like Asazor and entering the endless galaxy to pursue her husband.

But some responsibilities that had to be upheld for James made the White Queen choose to stay.

"Why don't you sit on it?"

Jean Gray's voice suddenly came from under the throne, Emma turned around slowly, smiled at "Phoenix" and said:

"Would you like to sit and watch?"

Qin was wearing a pure black robe, with red hair draped over her shoulders naturally, in stark contrast to Emma, ​​who was dressed in white above.

She watched the White Queen walk down the stairs step by step, raised her hand and pointed to the chair that only James had sat on as if inviting her, and shook her head indifferently.

"Without him, I can't find the meaning of staying here, and teacher, I have tried my best."

Qin's face suddenly softened for a moment, and then she was held in Emma's arms, patting her shoulder with reluctance.

"James was going to take it all for you, but now...I'm sorry, Jean."

At this moment, the two seem to have returned to the close teacher-student relationship they once had, and there is no longer the strangeness and alienation of faint opposition.

Emma looked at Jean Gray's cold face again, met her eyes and stepped back a few steps, then turned and left neatly.

She still remembers the last words that "Phoenix" left with herself as the former Jean Gray in Professor Charles's "Spiritual Candle".

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I fell in love with James."

"Jean, I understand. He stands in front of all of us and blocks what scares us the most, that sense of security and dependence. The teacher understands."

"Please exile or seal me up. The desire of the 'Phoenix' is endless. If James accepts my love and satisfies my desire at this moment, he will continue to give birth to more desires and more crazy ones in the future. .”

"Do you think he would do that?"

"But if James doesn't have enough strength to suppress the 'Phoenix', then he will have to bear me alone who is constantly being obsessed, teacher, I'm afraid I won't last long, I don't even know if I'm still myself after waking up"

"Don't be afraid, Qin, you will always be yourself, but we will eventually grow up one day, believe in him, just like I once believed in him."

" won't bear it alone."

(End of this chapter)

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