Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 66 Alloy and Rubik's Cube

Chapter 66 Alloy and Rubik's Cube

Nordic mythology, also known as Norse mythology, is a unique mythology system in Scandinavia. The earliest history of oral transmission can be traced back to the 1st-2nd century AD. In its legend, the world is composed of an infinite star. The "Sacred Tree", the Nine Kingdoms are distributed on it, and the gods, giants, elves, dwarves, mortals and other lives exist in the Nine Kingdoms.

John Schmidt looked at this wood-like relief with a specific material, and recalled a little bit of research on Norse legends in his mind. He stroked the three roots of the World Tree, where they respectively entered Asgard, the kingdom of the gods. The Fountain of Uldr, the Fountain of Mimir in Jotunheim, the Land of the Giants.

There is also Niflheim, the country of fog, under the root of the tree there is the spring of Hevagmir and a poisonous dragon "Nidhogg" that keeps eating the root of the tree.Legend has it that it gnawed on the root of the tree until one day, when it was finally able to bite through, Ragnarok would come.

"Nedhogg the Dragon."

Schmidt stroked the relief of the poisonous dragon wrapped around the root of the tree, and pressed the somewhat protruding eyeballs of the poisonous dragon like a ghost.


There was a square gap in the relief, and it became loose. Schmidt pulled out the wooden box on which the poisonous dragon was carved, and looked at the old man with satisfaction.

He gently opened the cover of the wooden box, and the dazzling ice-blue light shone on the entire stone castle like daytime, with a constant light.

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Odin's treasure."

Schmidt chanted almost like a groan, and he covered the wooden boards again, and the wooden box covered the light of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube completely.

This whole piece of wood carving and the wooden box containing gemstones should be strange objects with extremely strong isolation and detection capabilities. Otherwise, such a high-energy object cannot be sensed by equipment detection and other means at all. The one who has truly protected the Rubik's Cube for more than a thousand years should be It is a relief of this unknown material.

He also looked at the huge and deep sarcophagus, the hollow part between the hands of the skeleton, no matter who found it first, he would have taken the wrong thing.

Schmidt smiled contemptuously, and waved at the guards. The old man watched the massacre in Tønsberg ferociously, and became more intense.

Seeing Asazo's proud expression as if he had made great achievements and offered treasures, James sighed.

He picked up the crystal-like translucent cube on the table, looked at it a few times, and crushed it.

"Father, what are you doing! This is the treasure of the Nordic gods!"

Asazuo's eyeballs almost popped out. He searched for clues with great painstaking efforts, and even teleported into a huge sarcophagus. The treasure he got after intimate contact with a thousand-year-old corpse was pinched like this. exploded.

"You also know that this is the treasure of the gods. Can the treasure of the gods be crushed so casually?"

James looked at Asazo angrily, and the depressed Red Devil also figured out that something was wrong, and his tail drooped on the ground in frustration.

"No! Take me there."

James seemed to have thought of something, got up and grabbed Asazo's arm, and the two disappeared into the study in a cloud of black smoke.

"cough cough"

Asazo couldn't help coughing due to the thick smoke and dust inside the stone castle. James looked around the ancient stone castle that had been ravaged by shells and fire, his heart sank.

The walls of the stone castle were almost destroyed, and there were still many corpses lying on the ground outside. At his feet, a grim-faced old man stared at his protruding eyes, and died without closing his eyes.

A wall that seemed to have been torn down was covered in white dust, and there was a square hole in the lower right corner. James walked over and took a closer look.

"I'm late."

He said lightly, this demolished stone wall and void should be where the real thing is.

Azazuo looked at the [-]cm-square hole very strangely, and said puzzledly: "I have carefully checked this stone castle, even the hole as big as a fist, but I didn't find any interlayer here. what!"

"What was this wall originally?" James asked seriously.

"A relief, it seems to be made of wood, with a huge tree carved."

He pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said with relief: "It should be that the reliefs are different, otherwise a similar ability would have found the treasure."

James' biggest impression of this world is that the overlord of the universe came from outside the sky, collected a few gems, defeated all opponents, and finally wiped out half of the life in the entire universe.

He knew that a Nordic god appeared in the story and was extremely powerful, so he searched for legends and ancient books for many years, looking for all kinds of Nordic myths, and therefore became interested in this legendary treasure of Odin, guessing in his heart that it might be possible. It really exists on Earth.

Judging from the current situation, his conjecture should be correct, but someone who had the same idea as him, although he came a step later, had a high probability of finding the real treasure.

"Let's go, go back and ask Remus to send someone to carefully investigate what happened here and who did it."

James wasn't too disappointed. This was just a ploy to try and go. In the current world, he wasn't worried about someone who could really threaten him. Since he was temporarily taken away, he would just take it back in the future.

On the contrary, the further improvement of his own strength encountered a bottleneck.

He followed Asazo back to the manor, came alone to the stone room where he practiced underground, took off his shirt, and exposed his body with overly thick bones and unique texture. When he thought about it slightly, a reddish flame burst out all over his body.

Whether it is the mutant evolution technique and killing technique that James summed up and developed, or the realm of his own martial arts practice, at the first level, it is the development of the body, from mastering, to discovering potential, to breaking through evolution, Thus came to the second level, James simply named this stage as the energy realm.

At this level, ordinary human warriors stimulate the body to evolve and improve through "Bao Dan", and the original strength becomes more and more majestic, and they can even break away from the body and strike in the air, which is equivalent to practicing the so-called "Qi". Warriors have vigor, and the further vigor is gang qi.

When James was in the first physical state, because of the boundless blood and vitality, he was born with almost inexhaustible energy, and he already had the so-called ability to "release the energy outside".

And after he entered the second level of energy realm through the evolution of mutants, the power gushing out from his body was as real as it was visible to the naked eye, and he even had the ability to release similar energy.

Over the past few decades, he has already mastered the use of this energy and developed many fighting skills, but he has never had an opponent.

The ability to master the use of energy in the body is to benchmark the first stage of this level, and in the second stage, by referring to the internal environment of boxing, James has already had an idea.

The way to achieve the final stage of the energy realm is to condense the so-called vigor, human bioenergy, bioelectric current, magnetic field, etc. into one ball, forming an effect similar to a miniature energy reactor in the body, allowing these energies to aggregate in the body and cycle back and forth.

Different from the control and cohesion of the body's qi and blood tissues in the physical realm, the energy realm controls all life energy, and at the same time, through the energy field gathered in the body, it washes away the physical body and further improves the body's strength.

James looked at the light red energy ripples surging in his palms. With the change of his mind, it changed its shape, and even released an impact forward, easily breaking through the wall of the stone chamber.

For decades, he has mastered this kind of power proficiently, but every time he tries to condense the energy field in his body at the next stage, he will find that the power is insufficient.

He was still able to gather together barely, but he could somehow feel that this kind of advancement was not perfect, and all the life energy in his body was not up to the standard.

Think about it, the mutant ability of the pure Wolverine is nothing more than extremely strong self-healing, bone claws with the same strength as itself, relying on his own practice, constantly discovering the potential, and accidentally absorbing all the life energy of the saber-toothed tiger Victor , has only reached the current level, if you want to go one step further to be truly perfect, you need to take another breath.

Steve Rogers came out of the alley next to the movie theater with a little dejected and hairy Bucky. He had just taught a big man who had spoken badly and insulted army soldiers many times in the movie theater.

Although the opponent looked tall and strong, he was still beaten enough by him. When meeting such ordinary people with no fighting skills, Steve could really keep fighting for a whole day now.

"You're amazing now, Steve, I don't have to stand up for you like I did when I was a kid."

Bucky was tall and handsome, wearing a tall green military uniform and a military cap, talking to his good brother with a red face.

"What's the use, no matter how good you can fight, you don't meet the requirements. You are good, this is very handsome, and it is still the 107th Legion."

With his hands in his pockets, Steve followed Bucky lonely. Seeing that his partner could join the army as he wished and go to the European battlefield, he felt very unhappy.

"Let's go! On the last night before I report for duty, I will take you to an interesting place."

Bucky shoved Steve, hooked his shoulder, and said with a smile.

New York, Future World's Fair.

Different from military expositions for governments and major military enterprises, the Future World Expo held in New York this year is a technology expo for the general public.

The new technological products of various enterprise groups in various countries, as well as the creative ideas of future life, will be displayed here. Tickets for the expo are hard to find these days. Young men and women in New York like to come here to see various Novelty and fun stuff.

The entire exhibition venue was like a large celebration. Steve and Bucky walked under a huge earth-shaped metal structure sculpture, and fireworks were set off from time to time.

"Don't worry, I've made arrangements."

Bucky greeted the two girls not far in front of him, and showed his white teeth with a smile. Steve quickly straightened his hair and straightened the hem of his clothes. How can a young man at this age not care about the eyes of the opposite sex? .

The hall of the exhibition was crowded with people, and booths and products with unique shapes were arranged everywhere. A male voice with a thick and penetrating voice announced "Welcome to the surprise exhibition hall and the future world."

"Look, Bucky, it's a product of Teacher Group."

Following Steve's guidance, several people looked at the huge booth with the signboard of "Howlett Advanced Technology", on which a mechanical creation like an organ was displayed.

"Computer, what is this? Bucky, although your friend is small, he has a strong tone. Is his teacher the boss of the Howlett Group?"

One of the girls joked softly, and Bucky on the side defended Steve dissatisfied: "Of course, Mr. Howlett is indeed Steve's teacher, but this machine is a bit confusing."

He watched the personnel shown above constantly ask people to say exaggerated numbers and complex calculations, and the machine immediately calculates the answer.

The passionate jazz music from the Stark booth on the opposite side played, and the two teams wore high-cut dance skirts and tall hats. Graceful women ran to the center of the stage with dazzling white long legs and danced enthusiastically.

Soon the surrounding crowd was attracted, and Bucky also pulled Steve and squeezed the two ladies off the stage.

Howard Stark was wearing a silk textured tuxedo with a shiny back, walked to the center of the booth with exaggerated dance steps, embraced a lady dancer and gave him a deep kiss, then wiped his mouth with a handkerchief indifferently, the following From time to time, there were cries of admiration from a woman.

Stark took the microphone and said loudly with confidence and charm: "Ladies and gentlemen! Can you believe that cars will be flying in the air in a few years? Yes, thank you Mandy, you are so beautiful."

Howard Starkla opened the curtain, and while talking, he was joking with the lady who unloaded the wheel and walked by.

"Using Stark's anti-gravity technology, flying cars in the air is no longer a dream!"

As he pressed the button and rotated it to increase the power output, the red classic Ford coupe slowly floated up under the vibration of four specially shaped devices.

The audience in the audience opened their mouths in amazement, and even a few ladies couldn't help screaming.

Crackling currents and flames suddenly ignited under the car, and the car was less than [-] to [-] centimeters in the air. In just over ten seconds, the car crashed down. Stark explained with some embarrassing jokes, but the audience still gave a fierce response. Applause and cheers.

Bucky and the two ladies laughed hilariously, and Steve was no longer by his side.

"You don't really want to miss out on dancing with the girls for that."

Bucky patted Steve on the shoulder, and he found his one-sided brother at a conscription office not far away.

"You go first, I'll be there later." Steve pretended to be relaxed and said, next to him was an easy-going old man wearing glasses and a coffee-colored casual jacket with his pockets in his pockets looking around.

"What else do you want, pretending to be from Ohio? If you are really accepted, and you are found to have falsified your identity many times, the result will be miserable."

Bucky spoke to Steve anxiously, the two of them spoke a little more intensely, and the old man next to him looked curiously at the two young people who were arguing.

".What am I going to do, drive to collect scrap iron? There are so many people who have gone to the battlefield to contribute to their country and their relatives. I am no worse than them. This is not for myself. I am not purely trying to prove something. !"

Steve's look and tone were extremely firm. The old man who had been watching for a long time looked at the thin young man with great interest, and understood what was going on from their words. The old man smiled, as if watching Looking at a foolish junior, but he couldn't hide his appreciation in his eyes.

Bucky didn't insist anymore, the girls shouted at him from a distance to dance, he punched Steve on the shoulder, opened his eyes wide, and said helplessly, "Don't do anything stupid until I come back."

Steve and Bucky hugged each other, then turned around and went inside to do the recruitment medical examination that he had gone through many times. The old man beside him shrugged his shoulders. He thought about it, maybe he could go to Howard Stark later to talk about the past.

A few days later, Howlett Manor.

"Say the name of that plan again."

James lowered his head and scratched the center of his eyebrows, seeming a little annoyed.

"Super soldier plan, master, Steve was absorbed by the special channel of the Strategic Science Corps. After our investigation, the most important strategic plan of the SSR now is this experimental plan that sounds absurd."

"Dr. Abraham Erskine, who was rescued from Germany a few years ago, is the most powerful scientist in the field of biology and genetics. He has been focusing on the research of human enhancement and evolutionary transformation. It is said that it is really possible."

Except for the news that Steve successfully joined the army and was absorbed by the Strategic Science Corps, other information has already been mastered by James. This Dr. Abraham Erskine is also the person he has always needed. Asazo has been watching this Doctor.

But now, James is very helpless to realize that the so-called "captain" in the future will most likely be a student who is not very bright. Save a lot of effort.

"Prepare the car and go to the research institute."

After he went to Wakanda, it was even more difficult for the outside world to find materials for vibration gold. If this trajectory develops, he will have to help this boy Steve.

The bottom floor of the Howlett Institute of Advanced Technology.

There are only three people in the entire institute plus James himself who have the authority and means to enter. Here are the most in-depth experimental samples and research data on Zhenjin.

In the past 30 years, most of the effects of vibrating gold have been researched and developed. The slow progress is the development of alloy metals that can exceed the original vibrating gold in some aspects.

Until more than a month ago, Dr. Myron McLean, the main person in charge of vibrating alloy metals, accidentally put the original vibrating gold and several special metals collected together, and under the action of some kind of catalyst, obtained a A brand new alloy.

Fortunately, the recording and video devices in the laboratory were complete at that time, otherwise it would be difficult for him to replicate this super-strong alloy.

"I named it Primal Adamantium, sir, after the scepter of Hercules in Greek mythology."

Dr. McLean danced and introduced this newly fused alloy to James.

"This is an extremely dense iron-based alloy that is almost indestructible. A piece of pure adelman metal can cut through any known substance, except of course the adelman metal itself. According to theoretical deduction, this metal is enough Under the strong energy blessing, it can destroy Zhenjin."

He displayed a pair of short silver-gray short knives that had been cast. The whole body was made of Adamantium metal.

This is what James ordered McLean to try at the beginning according to the dagger style that Asazzo was accustomed to using.

"The final molecular structure of this substance is extremely stable, and its shape can only be changed by extremely strong atomic-level forces. However, due to the absolute density of Edman metals, there are currently no known forces that can change its molecules. structure."

With a short knife, McLean easily slashed through pieces of material used for experiments. Even with his thin body condition, he could easily cut through extremely hard alloys such as titanium steel and tungsten steel.

"That is to say, this metal not only has the ability of vibration gold itself to absorb kinetic energy and strengthen molecular bonds, but also further improves the density and strength, especially the sharpness."

"Yes, sir."

Myron McLean nodded excitedly, and continued: "The reason why it is called the prototype Adamantium alloy is because when I further experimented with the ratio of the alloy and the catalyst, and reduced the ratio of vibrating gold, I also obtained a kind of Man-made alloys comparable in density, strength, and sharpness."

"And the characteristic of this alloy tentatively named True Adamantium is that it greatly reduces the kinetic energy absorption characteristics of Vibranium, which is more suitable for casting weapons. It can even be simplified again to produce inferior Adamantium alloys with lower quality .”

James thought for a while, picked up the dagger, looked at it, and said conclusively.

"So the original vibration metal has strong applicability, is easy to stretch and deform, and is convenient to cast objects of various shapes. The prototype Adamantium and the derived Adamantium metal are denser and sharper, but difficult to shape, suitable for manufacturing shapes It is a simple weapon, and the derived adelman metal has no absorption of kinetic energy, and is also suitable for making special bullets."

"You are right."

James nodded. It was a little complicated, but after all, it was a relatively complete set of alloy system. He thought about it and ordered again.

"Recast a buckler from proto-adman metal."

"Mr. Schmidt, I'm sorry. With such an energy intensity, I'm not confident that these conductors can withstand the energy vibration during transmission for a long time. Please forgive me. Maybe I'm just being too cautious, but I'm afraid it won't work."

Dr. Zola is in a secret research base of Hydra somewhere deep in the mountains, debugging the conversion instrument that tries to use the energy of the Rubik's Cube in the universe. His short figure keeps appearing next to the base of the instrument, making the final confirmation.

John Schmidt opened the wooden box containing the Rubik's Cube, and the dense blue light illuminated his pale and stiff face. Instead of touching it with his hands, he picked up a special clip, took out the Rubik's Cube, and inserted the energy device he made. Immediately afterwards, a continuous buzzing sound gradually sounded in the converter.

20%, 40%, 60%
He watched Dr. Anim Zola's cautious output of energy intensity, and ran over dissatisfied, "Learn to take some risks! Dr. Zola, I want to see more than that."

The device aroused sparks, and it seemed that it could not bear it anymore. The energy of the Rubik's Cube flowed along the machine's wires throughout the laboratory, and ice-blue cracks appeared in the air, as if the space was faintly torn apart.

"Successful, Anim, the collector is stable."

On the contrary, Schmidt became extremely calm. He looked at the energy body with blue light in the cubic energy conversion pool, and whispered softly: "With this, I can change the whole world."

 Today's [-] chapters, some readers said that I will update one chapter a day, I am crying... It is already more than two chapters of [-] in the new book issue, if it is not too sudden to be on the shelves, there is room for more.
(End of this chapter)

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