Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 67 The Face of Evil

Chapter 67 The Face of Evil
"Where did you find this amazing boy, Abraham, did his medical report get faked?"

Colonel Chester Phillips rubbed his big nose, widened his eyes, and looked at Steve Rogers, who was the first to complete armed swimming training. No.1 of the training task.

Professor Erskine was pinching the hem of his clothes and wiping his round-rimmed glasses. He took a deep breath and said strangely.

"I am as surprised as you are, Colonel Phillips. Although he has always said that he is very good and is no worse than anyone else, I have never believed it. I just value his original intention and character of persisting in joining the army."

When Steve first entered the camp, he attracted everyone's puzzled and mocking gazes. The top of his head almost reached everyone's chin, and his body was thin, but he looked fairly well-proportioned.

But with such a physical foundation, under the same load and training task standards, he has always been ranked in the forefront. His physical strength seems to be extraordinarily abundant, and it is almost impossible to see Steve Rogers sweating profusely.

It didn't take long for Steve to attract more eyes, which only became more complicated.

And fighting training has become a performance by Steve alone. None of the officers and soldiers of the entire battalion can hold his hands for more than ten seconds. The opponent will not cause serious damage.

"I also think that the final candidate of the plan is him. Not only his special physical condition and fighting skills, but the character he has shown these days is the most important."

Peggy Carter spoke softly but firmly with a strong British accent. She was wearing a military uniform, her hair was tied up, and she had some light makeup. Her eyebrows and eyes were typical of a British woman, intellectual and intelligent. In this male training camp Extra dazzling.

"But I found out his unusual background." Colonel Phillips said seriously.

"He has a close relationship with Bruce Howlett, and it is said that he calls this Mr. Howlett, who has great influence throughout the West, his teacher."

The colonel's words attracted the attention of Dr. Erskine and Carter. Although they didn't care much about high-level capital and politics, Howlett, a family well-known in the military industry, still had basic common sense.

"Are you worried that he has other purposes?" Professor Erskine thought for a moment, then straightened his tie and said.

Agent Carter smiled sweetly. She took out a grenade from the armament box next to her and looked at it twice.

"Gentlemen, this is an easy test."

Boom, Carter threw the grenade into the middle of the team doing burpees and shouted, "Be careful with the grenade!"

The crowd was chaotic, and everyone scattered, only Steve ran over.

There are no bulletproof bunkers around, and this is not a training ground for explosives. Steve picked up the grenade with his right toe, stepped up and changed legs, kicked his left leg from bottom to top to the top of his head, and pumped the grenade high into the air, disappearing in an instant , and then quickly withdraw to keep the surrounding people away from this area.

Agent Carter, the colonel, and the doctor stared dumbfounded at this handling method. Of course, the grenade did not explode. It was hard for them to imagine how high the kick was. After more than ten seconds, it landed almost precisely. Back to the original place, a small pit was smashed out.

The people in the entire camp also discovered that there was a problem with the grenade, and they did not release the insurance.

Erskine said with a strange expression: "This handling method is indeed somewhat. But at least he is the only one who rushes forward to solve the problem, instead of just running for his own life."

"So if he really has another purpose, he will definitely not risk his own safety." Agent Carter continued, looking at Steve with more and more different eyes.

"The power of serum will not only regenerate the body and break through the limit, but also magnify the emotions and character. The better the better, the worse the bad. I never care whether the candidate's combat quality and physical condition are outstanding, but his Is the will and spirit worth it."

With lingering fear, Dr. Erskine recalled John Schmidt's terrifying appearance after injecting the semi-finished serum. He finally said firmly: "Get ready for the experiment."

New York, Brooklyn.

Azazzo has been following his father's orders recently, staring at that Dr. Abraham Erskine, waiting for Steve to finish the experiment, and looking for an opportunity to take the doctor away.

He had already discovered that there were other people following Erskine, but in the eyes of Asazzo, no matter what purpose these people had, they could not affect him.

Steve and Carter drove together and came to an old antique shop in the Brooklyn neighborhood. He looked at the neighborhood with some familiarity. He had left too many memories here since he was a child. He was beaten, and then he was beaten back one by one. of.

Asazo waited bored on the roof of the antique shop. If today was the day of the experiment, he would soon find an opportunity to snatch the doctor away, and the boring tracking task would be over.

He took out the newly made Edman dagger, and while playing with it, he smiled wickedly.

With a bang, Asazo flickered and disappeared, and came to the underground space of the experiment. He teleported several times in succession, and found a hidden ventilation duct location. The scene of being a guinea pig.

"Mr. Senator, gentlemen."

Colonel Chester Phillips greeted a group of government officials and military chiefs in the observation hall above.

"This is Clem." The senator introduced to Colonel Phillips a man with glasses, a straight nose, and a suit with a wide collar, but he didn't seem familiar with him, and he couldn't remember the other person name.

"Fred Clemson, from the Foreign Office, looks forward to the success of your experiment, Mr. Colonel, so that it will soon be widely promoted."

Mr. Clemson took the senator's words smartly and introduced himself.

Steve took off his shirt and hat and lay down in the much larger experimental cabin. The cold touch around his body made him a little nervous and uncomfortable. He and Ms. Carter exchanged a last glance, watching her walking into the observation room. Back, took a few deep breaths.

The experimenters were finally adjusting and preparing the equipment. Professor Erskine said something with the microphone, and exchanged glances with Howard Stark.Steve's mind was a little messed up, and he didn't listen. He kept adjusting his blood, and finally stabilized, looking as usual.

".The experimenter will inject a series of serum to stimulate the division and growth of cells, and then there will be a large amount of high-energy vitamin ray irradiation. The countdown to serum injection is 5, 4, 3"

Dr. Erskine finally gave the order to start the experiment, and the experiment cabin slowly closed, like a huge metal silkworm chrysalis. Asazo watched the changes below from the vent near the ceiling, and bit his fist excitedly.

The machine began to hum continuously, and six tubes of blue serum were pushed into Steve's body. He felt a burst of coldness penetrate into his body, followed by a tearing burning sensation.

Howard Stark pushed the control lever, increasing the energy input little by little, and a dazzling glare shot out from the experimental chamber. As the energy was pushed to the maximum, the mechanical control panel and the cable circuit burst out dazzling arcs and sparks. .

Steve couldn't help roaring inside. The pain seemed to break and tear the bones and muscles of his whole body. The growth that could be clearly felt in his body was compressed into a short period of physical growth that should have been ten years old. for 1 minute.

He suddenly felt that the strange strength that he could play in the past training was growing crazily. The third stage that the teacher said, the strength that can spread all over the body, completely broke through the final barrier of the face and head.

Steve yelled one last time in the experimental cabin. The majestic strength in his body came out from every pore, and the experimental cabin was collapsed from the inside out. He stood naked on the metal platform with his pants on. It became extremely small, and the thighs were already ruptured. Many people around were knocked aside by the blast, and got up in embarrassment.

He seemed to feel that his vision had changed a lot. It turned out that he had grown a lot taller, from the original 1.6 meters to nearly 1.9 meters. His body was full of muscles, and he looked like an ancient Greek sculpture.

Steve, who already had good facial features and contours, has truly turned into a handsome and stalwart man. The blood in his body is like the tide hitting the shore, surging continuously, and the strength is as substantial as it is at the mercy of his thoughts.

Dr. Erskine didn't expect that the final change would be so huge. There seemed to be signs of some kind of energy bursting out of Steve's body. He pushed his glasses and leaned over to check.

Everyone in the observation room above also hurried down to witness this miracle at close range. Agent Carter had already rushed into the experiment site, and unconsciously stroked the reborn Steve, concerned about whether he was injured in the explosion just now.

Mr. Fred Clemson from the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" stared straight at the center of the arena, the experimental subject who looked like Hercules descended, and at the same time deftly assembled a miniature firearm in his leather bag. I made up my mind.

For the victory of Germany, even if they die together, this miraculous plan of the enemy must be prevented.

Taking advantage of everyone's panic, he reached the edge of the laboratory table. Fortunately, the only serum potion left was still there. He pulled out the potion and inserted it into his arms, walking towards Dr. Erskine.


Two shots in a row hit the doctor directly, and Clemson turned around and ran out after finishing the shot, escaping frantically before everyone could react.


Azazuo didn't care about concealing his identity. He flashed to Dr. Erskine's side in an instant, put his arm on him, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The eyes of the people around were dazed, and then they saw a puff of black smoke, and Dr. Erskine who was lying on the ground disappeared.

Only Steve's pupils shrank, and he could clearly see the person wrapped in silver-gray silk bandages, but he didn't know that this "elder" who had known him for five or six years had such abilities.

He quickly came back to his senses, and rushed to the door of the laboratory in one step. The metal floor was dented, and Steve chased after the shooting assassin.

On the ground floor of the Howlett Manor on Long Island, Asazo took Dr. Erskine to the stone room where James retreated.


James didn't ask any more questions. Seeing Erskine who was shot and dying, he just quickly said two words that he didn't understand.

Asazo didn't hesitate, and disappeared again. In two breaths, a huge black-skinned giant with a height of more than two meters was brought over.

He was as thick as an upright black bear, with thick lips and small eyes. He was dressed in coarse linen and even a bloody apron, like a ferocious butcher, making people daunting.


The monster-like giant didn't react for a while, but when he saw James, he bent deeply, lowered his head humbly, put his hands on his chest, and greeted him respectfully.

"Save people first".James said in a steady but eager tone, the black giant nodded, and walked towards Abraham Erskine with heavy steps. The old man had already started to vomit blood, his pupils began to slacken, and he was about to die.

The giant fan-like black hands gently pressed the two blood holes in the old man's chest. He closed his eyes tightly, and the thick black blood vessels and bean-sized beads of sweat on his forehead suddenly protruded. He raised his head and opened his mouth wide. Shout out loud.

Clouds of black and red smoke sprayed out from the huge man's big mouth like wasps, filled the space of the stone room, and soon disappeared. He seemed to be extremely tired, and sat on the side limply, like a ball Like a mountain of meat.

Dr. Erskine's complexion became ruddy visible to the naked eye, and his breathing became stable. There were two bullets on his chest, but the holes where the bullets entered disappeared.

"Thank you, John."

James breathed a sigh of relief, but it was just in time.

Asazo, who was on the side, let go of his tense nerves and removed the bandages on his face. If this job goes wrong, his father will definitely be angry. Since that boy Steve came, he has been Often referred to as other people's children.

"It's an honor for Kofi to serve you, and Kofi also likes to relieve the pain of others."

The big black man spoke in a strong voice. He was huge and terrifying, with a low voice, but his tone was extraordinarily gentle and gentle. His rough and brutal appearance revealed a warm and innocent smile, with a childlike natural sincerity.

James shook his head with a smile, and asked kindly: "Are you still used to staying in the manor? Your help is very important to me. I really have to thank you very much."

"Sir, although you don't want Kofi to be called that, but you will eventually become my king. Kofi is very happy to be able to stand beside my king. Thank you for your protection. I live very happily there, and everyone They got along very well, and Coffey was taking care of a newborn calf, a big kid who made his mother suffer a lot."

The dark-skinned giant smiled foolishly, and James patted him on the shoulder. Seeing that he was anxious to go back to take care of the cows that had just given birth, he asked Asazo to send him away first.

John Coffey was rescued by James from Louisiana in the southern United States around 1935.

For many years, he has been using his own capital power to secretly investigate and discover mysterious events or people within the reach of the Howlett Group, most of which are false rumors and tricks.

But in this long period of more than half a century, some real people with mysterious power have also been found.

There is a bleak and chilling Cold Mountain prison in Louisiana. There is a cell numbered E-block. Because the floor is green, it is called the "Green Mile". On the other side is the electric chair used by these death row prisoners.

The local investigators of the Howlett Group heard that there was a strange black prisoner in this death row. It was rumored that he could take away the pain of others. If it is confirmed, you will receive a very rich bonus.

Under the careful and in-depth investigation of this investigator, and after personally seeing the black giant twice in the name of the Howlett Group, he was sure that this man was really weird, so he reported it to the chief directly under him.

After a few days, the "murderer" John Coffey disappeared, and the warden didn't keep it secret. He only vaguely mentioned that a big man had intervened, so don't ask about the whereabouts of this big black man.

James wasn't sure if Coffey was a mutant, and his research methods hadn't reached the ability to identify through genetic structure, but this monster-like man had extraordinary mysterious powers.

Through physical contact, he can transfer the other party's pain and injury into his own body, and then expel it like spitting out filth. Even seriously injured people who are dying, as long as they have a breath, they can still be saved.

Of course, he cannot reverse life and death, nor can he prolong the life of a person who is dying.

Coffey was left by James in Howlett's old house in Edmond, where he took care of the livestock and planted the land. The reason why he was put in prison was to save two girls who were murdered to death by perverts. At the scene of the crime, he was put on death row without any suspense based on the current attitude towards black people.

This villain has a terrifying appearance and a huge body, but he is surprisingly peaceful, sensitive and silent, like a child when he is innocent, and at the same time, he seems to have some indescribable mysterious power, which makes people involuntarily trust him.

When Coffey saw James for the first time, he felt inexplicable fear and awe. He called "My King" and hung his head for a long time, refusing to get up. James didn't know why.

After a while.

Azazzo flashed back, James thought for a while, and asked him to bring himself and Dr. Erskine, who had not yet awakened, back to the old Canadian house, and put him on a stone bed in the palace of the old house, quietly aside settled down.

In the end, Steve failed to capture the German spy alive, not because he couldn't do it, but because he couldn't control the soaring strength and energy. , the last tube of serum also shattered on the ground.

The experiment was successful, but the most important researcher was shot and disappeared strangely, and the last finished serum was also destroyed. Steve did become a super soldier. Everyone saw him showing off his powers, but the military and the government wanted The most important thing is to create super troops that can affect the battle situation in batches.

The new tanks and weapons that the German army has recently appeared on the battlefield have a destructive power far beyond the scope of current thermal weapons, much like the energy weapons that exist in the theory of scientists.

An experiment broke up unhappily, and the military frantically used the power of light and darkness to search for Dr. Erskine's whereabouts. He disappeared without a trace under the eyes of everyone, which made the high-level officials even more afraid. Secret means, that will put the entire high-level allied forces at risk.

Only Steve didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, thinking about something in his heart.

Poland, Krakow, Auschwitz concentration camp.

Although Sebastian Shaw was left far outside the core circle of the war by the German military and the "Hydra" of the unified strategic research and development department, he felt that he had come to the right place. As far as the world is concerned, there is no better place.

Xiao looked at himself in the mirror, carefully arranged his tie and hair, paired it with glasses, and wore a decent brown suit, but it was not ostentatious, in line with his identity as a medical officer and a psychotherapist.

He was about to attend a banquet hosted by the camp chief, SS Major Amon Gott, and he couldn't wait to share his new discoveries with Gott.

"Aha! You're here, Klaus, Klaus Schmidt, you bastard, why are you here so late! What the hell are you doing in your little 'operating room' again?"

Amon Gott had already had two rounds of drinking, and with his shirt half open, he came to the banquet center of the room with his arms around Xiao with a smoky smell. This was his personal residence in the concentration camp, a three-story building. He likes to live on the top of the house, where he can go to the balcony at any time and overlook the entire concentration camp.

"This is Schindler, you have seen it before. We should thank our outstanding German entrepreneurs for such a gathering. He got a lot of good things!"

As he spoke, he introduced to Xiao several bottles of good wine, smoked sausage, sturgeon caviar and other rare delicacies in today's world. He also slyly patted Xiao on the chest, and took out a box of simple copper boxes from his pocket. A cigar box with the letter H imprinted on it.

"Schindler even got a box of these! Although they are American, not German, they are the best cigars in the world, one of them, I think, not unforgivable."

Xiao watched Amon show off a very small amount of top-quality cigars owned by an American capital giant, smiled shyly, and shook hands with the tall and heroic German businessman Oscar Schindler.

At the invitation of Amon Gott, the three of them came to the relatively quiet balcony on the third floor, drank wine, and sipped cigars. The businessman Schindler seemed uncomfortable, and Xiao didn't like to be with him. Not familiar enough to share their own research.

"Tell me, Klaus, what new tricks have you come up with? Schindler must also want to hear it, isn't it Schindler?"

Gott's gloomy eyes squinted at Schindler, who was not talking much, and urged Shaw, whose alias was Klaus Schmidt. I laughed and laughed.

"Well, you should know about liquid nitrogen, right?"

Xiao rubbed his hands together and couldn't help but chatted. He adjusted his glasses and continued.

"I have always been curious about how the human body responds to extreme cold, so I tied up the arm of a Jewish prisoner and put it in a liquid nitrogen cylinder. Of course, short-term contact with this substance will not cause any harm."

".But when the liquid nitrogen breaks down all the water molecules in your body and freezes them, you start to get sore, and then your skin burns and blisters. Finally, boom! It shatters like an ice cube Turn into scum!"

Amon Gott laughed harshly, and his laughter echoed in the dead night sky. He shook his head and pointed at Xiao. Oskar Schindler next to him put his hands in his pockets and squeezed them tightly. His thighs trembled slightly.

He took a deep breath on his cigar, and looked at the endless rows of concentration camp camps under the night, as if looking at endless decaying coffins.

 The last few chapters are indeed rather boring. Some readers also said that the main character has fewer roles, the story is lighter, and the black market is also anxious. Originally planned, this was all the foreshadowing content before the release, but it was disrupted all at once.

It will be pushed forward as soon as possible, but it will still maintain a certain rhythm and keep the plastic of the story unchanged.I felt more anxious when I went online, not because I was afraid of bad data, but because every paying reader was actually supporting me. This sense of responsibility made me even more nervous, afraid that the writing would not be good.

I forgot to tell everyone about the subscription data. I remember that the first order was more than 2000 that day, the average order was basically 2, and the favorites were more than 5000 points.Today, there are more than 4000 high-end orders, more than [-] orders on average, and [-] collectors. I have no idea whether this is a good situation, and I dare not ask the editor if I am a little socially afraid.

Basically, it can maintain 6000+ updates per day after it is put on the shelves, and I am embarrassed to ask everyone for tickets. The plot is not very good at the stage, and the number of words per day can’t be [-]. If you want to make an alliance, you still have to work hard to watch it, but if you really put your heart into everyone, the black market can do it.

Love everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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