Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 68 Erskine's New Direction

Chapter 68 Erskine's New Direction

Dr. Erskine smacked his mouth, feeling a little thirsty. He suddenly touched his chest indiscriminately, sat up abruptly, and looked around the unfamiliar ancient stone room, as if he had come to some ancient ruins.

On the stone platform not far away, a young man with half-long hair sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

His face is very delicate and handsome, but his temperament is desolate and majestic.He has a burly figure, but no bulging muscles can be seen.

"James Howlett, nice to meet you, Dr. Erskine."

Erskine, who was just about to speak, saw the man open his eyes and speak in a calm manner. He wondered about the surname Howlett, and asked subconsciously, "Where am I?"

"Edmond, Canada, underground of Howlett Manor." James said without any concealment, and even reported his real name at the beginning.

Dr. Erskine thought for a moment, then said cautiously: "You are that Mr. 'Howlett'? Rogers and you."

"Yes, Steve Rogers, the head of the Howlett family, is my student, but he doesn't know much about me."

James still answered every question, and frankly revealed his identity.

Erskine nodded, in front of this man, he felt more and more settled down, although he had just walked through the gate of hell, and came to such a strange place again, and saw a strange person.

"I think, I should thank you, I remember I was shot, unexpectedly"

James smiled, "Dr. Erskine, how much do you know about the true face of this world?"

"Not everyone can rush to the beach, but we can all cheer! Every time you buy an E-series defense bond, you will add an extra bullet to the soldier's gun."

Steve was wearing a red and blue tights, highlighting his majestic figure, holding a Stars and Stripes shield, and proficiently speaking the lines of propaganda.

The passionate music coupled with the hot female backup dancer in short skirts behind her made the atmosphere of the hyped show even more exciting.

This is one of the hottest performances specially arranged for high-level political and business leaders in New York. James has never been interested in such activities, and almost no one will bother him about this kind of thing.

However, when Asazo badly mentioned that the protagonist of the show was "Captain America", which has become popular in recent months, he still came to watch it in a low-key manner with great interest.

"Hey, Captain Rogers, there is a big man waiting for you in the theater box, and the Senator tells you to go quickly."

The performance manager came backstage and said to Steve who was changing clothes. The latter looked helpless and couldn't help complaining.

".Whose child did you take a photo with to sign again? I've mentioned this many times, and I—"

"Rodgers, this is our job. Recruiting and collecting donations for the country is as honorable as the warriors who fought on the battlefield. Go, the senator looks serious."

Steve walked upstairs to the theater with a desolate expression. The current situation is not what he wants, but another option is to cooperate with the test in the laboratory, continuously take blood samples and tissue samples, and reproduce the super serum one day earlier.

When he reached the door of the VIP room, he saw Senator Brandt bowing slightly, retreating and closing the door with a flattering expression, and earnestly asked himself a few words, and hurriedly urged him to go in.

James smiled and looked at Steve, who was stunned after pushing the door. He had become completely reborn, tall and strong, and Asazo, who was standing beside him, was wrapped in bandages, and his tone was very teasing.

"Salute to you! Captain America Mr. Steve Rogers."

A Sazuo even saluted in a strange way, Steve's face turned even redder, he walked closer step by step, lowered his head, yelled "Teacher" in a muffled tone, and tapped his toes on the floor lightly.

"You have to know your size now, it's weird to be like a child." James also teased.

"The test I gave you seems superfluous. This way of joining the army really doesn't require life and death."

Steve glanced at the palms of his hands, and said with a bit of urgency: "I want to really go out and kill the enemy, but I have no choice, I"

"You can come to me. When you encounter a problem that you can't solve, it is a smart person's way to seek help that you may get."

James shook his head, smiled, and continued: "But you have never been smart. Except for boxing, you are extremely stupid. Asazo."

In front of Steve, the Red Devil teleported between the two, put his hands on the shoulders of the two, and under Steve's shocked eyes, the three disappeared into a puff of black smoke.

The boundless reddish-brown wasteland is dotted with sparse cacti and tumbleweeds. This is a barren plain in the northeastern part of Wyoming.

On a piece of almost flat land, stands a huge stone, prism-shaped like a tall tower, uprooted from the flat ground, with amazing momentum, nearly 300 meters high, and an ax-like nearly circular platform at the top, with a diameter of more than 80 meters.

Asazo brought the two of them to the center of the neck of the basalt volcano known as the "Devil's Tower", flashed again, and teleported to the side.

"Come on, what's the problem, wait until I see your current ability, remember, go all out."

With his hands in his pockets, James said easily but unquestionably.

Of course, Steve had too many things to ask in his heart, but he also clenched his fists at this moment, pulled away the cloaked boxing style that the teacher taught him specially, and mustered all the energy in his body.

After he entered the third stage of the Killing Technique, the strength of his whole body could come out vigorously without any stagnation, as if there was an endless supply. Heat waves rose from his whole body, the steaming air twisted slightly, and his muscles became more swollen.

A puff of smoke rose from behind Steve, and he rushed towards James, his arms and fists were like two iron whips, and in an instant, there was a sonic boom, and it hit James' forearm, which was casually erected.

The astonishing blow was struck silently, like a mud cow falling into the sea, Steve blasted his fists and whipped his legs one after another, all of which were stopped by James casually to eliminate the attack invisible.

Cloaking fist can also be called splitting fist. Steve liked to play defensive counterattack since he was a child. His fist can protect the whole body very well, and then wait for an opportunity to counterattack. James once said that this set of fighting techniques was designed for Steve. , belongs to the shield technique.

"Hurry up."

Seeing the teacher's urging calmly, Steve let out a muffled growl, and accelerated his attack desperately. Since the serum was injected, he no longer felt tired, and his body would always have inexhaustible strength, gradually turning into afterimages, blurred one slice.

【Hundred fists】

Steve's fists and arms swelled vigorously, covering his whole body in pieces, like a group of shield-shaped afterimages, like a high-speed spinning top, hitting James.

Asazo looked at Steve, who was attacking with some trepidation. If he had only used fists and kicks without using his abilities, he should have been unable to beat this kid.

boom!boom boom
James flicked Steve's fists left and right. He relied purely on his own strength, speed and boxing skills, without using any strength.

Seeing that the student's attack output had reached the limit, he finally broke through the shield, and hit Steve's chest with a counterattack, which exploded more than ten meters away, but he did not suffer any damage.

"It's not bad, the strength and endurance are good, and the speed response is average."

Seeing the purplish-faced student slowly recovering while clutching his chest, he couldn't help but compare with the black panther in Wakanda. Steve was better in pure strength and physical fitness, but not as fast.

With the Killing Technique close to him, he entered the third stage and generated the strength of the body. It must be much stronger when fighting, but he is far from being able to affect the Zhenjin armor.

Steve Rogers had been mentally prepared for the fact that his teacher was not an ordinary person, but he didn't expect that the current self would not have the slightest ability to make the other party serious.

His current pure physical data has more than three times the improvement level of the serum theory. This also puzzled the scientists. They feel even more sorry for Dr. Erskine. Maybe only he can reveal this secret.

"Dr. Erskine is here. His gunshot wound has been healed. You will meet again when you have a chance."

James tidied up the sleeves that Steve made a little out of place, picked up the coat that Azazzo handed over, and put it on.

"Teacher, then you..." Steve was vague and didn't know what to say.

"This world is far more complicated than you think. Look at yourself and you will understand that extraordinary power has always existed, but I didn't expect you to be"

James pondered for a moment, and continued: "I will arrange for you to go to the battlefield when I go back. Asazo will look for you from time to time. Remember to tell him if there is any special situation. He will definitely not be able to help telling you about us. Things, go ask yourself slowly, you are qualified to know this."

After speaking, James waved his hand, and the three of them drifted away for a while, and returned to the VIP room of the theater. He asked Steve a few more words, and left with Asazo.

Edmond, basement of Howlett's old house.

Dr. Abraham Erskine was drooping his head, looking at the experimental materials under the microscope with full concentration. The spacious underground palace became a sophisticated experimental base, full of bright lights, and various experimental instruments and machinery. The swinging reagent bottle was working in an orderly manner.

James walked down the aisle and briefly mentioned Steve's situation and his current physical level to Erskine.

"The moment he succeeded in the experiment, he erupted with a power far exceeding the expectations of the data. This should be related to your special cultivation skills."

Dr. Erskine asked curiously about the unknown.

"Yes, he met me by chance when he was in his teens, and because he has a good understanding of the skills I'm studying, he was accepted as a student."

The doctor nodded, as if discussing academic research, and said eagerly: "Your ability seems to be another evolutionary path. I don't understand the principles and mysteries of it, but it is extremely remarkable to understand it. At least now my research , can’t reproduce that kind of power.”

James smiled, "There are many powers of technology that I can't match. That's why I rescued you. How about it? Is there any progress in its research?"

Hearing this, Dr. Erskine hurriedly asked James to come closer, motioned him to look at the microscope lens, and explained excitedly.

"The miraculous plant you provided is really a treasure. It should be a stimulating herb with the potential to stimulate the human body, but somehow it has been affected and evolved into a brand new plant."

James looked at the Wakanda heart-shaped grass extract magnified a thousand times under the lens. The lavender cells were full of activity, and there was even a faint glow, which was very lively.

"It can be absorbed purely through ingestion, changing and intensifying the telomeres of human cells, stimulating growth and expansion. This process is best to put the body in an anaerobic state, and it has neurological stimulation. The process of ingestion may produce Hallucination."

"And its grass leaves have the opposite inhibitory properties, which can quickly metabolize the effect of eating the heart-shaped grass. If you rely solely on this plant to gain power, then the grass leaves can also counteract it accordingly, but simply swallowing Clothes are really wasteful, too crude."

"The serum I researched is essentially to develop the limit of the human body's potential, or even break through, but this unique plant, if it is extracted through serum extraction methods, extracted and rectified, and then properly updated and blended, it will definitely be able to create a truly perfect super serum! "

Listening to Dr. Erskine's narration, James nodded slightly. He looked at the doctor and asked seriously.

"Then, does this serum still help me?"

The doctor thought carefully for a moment, and said after consideration: "Yes, but it's not that big. I have studied your blood and some tissue samples, and I can't even imagine it. I don't even know if your cells have a limited lifespan." , and how quickly they repair and multiply”

Erskine kept shaking his head. What he saw broke his own understanding of human gene research and evolution. This kind of mutant gene with infinite potential and change, under the continuous excavation of Mr. Howlett, It's as unimaginable as a mortal transforming into a god.

"I need to re-research and formulate your blood and genetic samples, plus the extraction of heart-shaped grass and the basis of super soldier serum, so that I can advance to your current level, but potions alone are not enough. A large amount of high-purity energy is required to achieve genetic transition."

"Just like after Steve injected the serum, he mobilized almost the entire Brooklyn area's electricity and converted it into Vita Rays to supply his body's growth and evolution after breaking through the limit. Your requirements for energy will be extremely high. "

James understood clearly, bowed his head and thought for a while, looked at Dr. Erskine who was hesitant to speak, and said directly.

"If you have anything to say, you might as well just say it."

The doctor nodded slightly, looked at James with solemn eyes, and gently supported the laboratory table.

"A character like you exposed the secret to me again, and you want to become... stronger. I don't know what you want to achieve in the end."

James nodded. A lawful and kind person like Dr. Erskine would not succumb to power and oppression. It is expected that he would have such doubts.

"You have also seen the corpses of those ancient frost giants."

Erskine lowered his head silently. When this Mr. Howlett showed him the true face of the world, he took him to the magnificent giant grave hidden deep underground.

He didn't even have time to be amazed by the magic of the devil-like person who resembled Schmidt, and was shocked by the piles of dead blue-black giant corpses.

He also had to accept that the Norse gods were not rumors, and the fact that Schmidt's search for the power of gods was not absurd, but as a scientist, "gods" became real, which made him collapse his cognition.

"So you should be aware of how fragile and small the human world is. Even if you develop a powerful evolutionary serum, it will still be a drop in the ocean before the gods and the universe."

"The war between humans is just a fight between several different ant groups. One day, we will face enemies far beyond our imagination."

Dr. Erskine suddenly raised his head, looked at James with burning eyes, and asked seriously: "So you are planning for this world? One day you will have enough strength to fight."

"No, no, no." James grinned, even smiled, and he said calmly.

"I'm not that great, and I don't want to be that great, it's just for myself. If one day the world is going to be destroyed, if I can't escape, I have to face it. For that day to come, I have to have enough strength to protect myself and protect me. something to care about."

"I don't like to put my fate in other people's hands and wait for the judgment. It is what I have to do to seize power, no matter what price I will pay in the process."

He shrugged his shoulders, and finally said in self-deprecating way: "Just treat me as having persecution paranoia."

Dr. Erskine calmed down instead. He let out a long sigh of relief and relaxed. After a while, he stretched out his hand to James.

"Then I will help you, Mr. Howlett."

Erskine has his own standards for judging people. This Mr. Howlett speaks for himself, but he is honest and true. With Steve's example, the doctor also inexplicably trusts his teacher a little more.

James shook hands with him, then suddenly remembered something, and said briskly, "By the way, doctor, don't pay too much attention to the so-called gods, they are just more powerful individual beings."

He blinked, revealing four slightly protruding canine teeth, smiling confidently.

"Schmidt, so they can be obedient? If these monsters are put on the battlefield, the German army will also be attacked!"

It was raining outside the window, and Poland was already extremely cold in winter.

Amon Gott was in the medical research room of Auschwitz concentration camp, watching Schmidt, next to the head of a monster with multiple huge pustules swollen on his body, use an iron rod to go deep into the brow bone, in his brain Stirring.

Wearing a well-fitting German uniform, Gott has a stern face, profound features, and is tall and straight. Although he lives with an evil soul, his appearance is indeed good.

He covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and looked at Xiao's operation in disgust. Even he couldn't accept such perverted behavior.

"Don't worry, my dear Chief Gort, a batch has already been sent to the front line of the battlefield, and their role will soon be recognized by the empire, and you will definitely receive a commendation order from the head of state."

After the iron awl in Xiao's hand was skillfully stirred, the pustule monster, whose mouth was strangled and struggling desperately, became abnormally dull and calm, staring straight at the ceiling without any movement.

"This is a kind of spiritual therapy that I developed in my early years. I got the inspiration from the ice pick therapy. It doesn't require surgery. By destroying the patient's frontal lobe, destroying his cognitive, emotional, and pain responses, plus other effects Behavioral stimulation training of several brain domains"

Xiao pushed his glasses and said furtively, "They will be the most perfect super soldiers!"

Amon Gott looked into the room, and several others were already standing in the iron box, like mutants without souls, their collars loosened uncomfortably. A vacuum box for the "near-death experiment".

He has seen Klaus Schmier's specially researched and modified monster abilities. This monster that has just undergone surgery can spray extremely strong acid from the pustules on the skin, and can even corrode armored tanks.

There are also those who can roar piercing sound waves, whose skin is so hard that they are not afraid of bullets, and whose bodies have spikes.
For five or six years, Schmidt has been experimenting with captives captured by the German army on the battlefield and prisoners in concentration camps. The probability of success has gradually increased, but it is very limited, and most of the mutants that have been intensified by the experiments are not very capable. Strong, almost no lethality.

Over the years, Sebastian Shaw has only obtained more than a dozen strong mutants. He has already reported to the top and put five into the battlefield. Mutants will continue to be "created" by replicating his experiments on a large scale in Europe.

And his tens of thousands of near-death experiments, and the precious mutant genetic data obtained, also gave Xiao a rich research reserve for this mysterious race that quietly appeared in the human race.

Suddenly there was a scream downstairs, which sounded like Hebrew. Amon Gott walked to the window with an angry expression on his face, and Xiao followed suit and looked down.

A group of newly captured Jews in Auschwitz were drenched in the rain, stepped on the mud, and walked in under the scolding of the German soldiers. The soldiers divided the adults into men and women, and the children were pulled out separately and sent to different cells.

A couple with skinny faces, wrapped in coats, yelled frantically for their son. They desperately tore apart the fences and barbed wire of the concentration camp, begging for soldiers.

"Mommy mommy!"

The boy's voice was already hoarse, he was extremely thin, his clothes were hanging loosely on his body, his skin was pale, drenched in rain, and shivering a little from the cold.

A soldier behind him dragged him, trying to pull him back to the cell, but found that the boy seemed to be being pulled by something, no matter how much he pulled, he would not move at all, and was even faintly led forward.

Seeing this, several German soldiers next to him stepped forward and pulled them up together. The boy continued to scream heart-piercingly, staring at the direction where his parents were being dragged away, tears and snot pouring down the heavy rain, and he stretched out his fingers as if he could catch hold mother's hand.

Amon Gott took out his gun impatiently. He had seen too many such scenes. Gott has always been impatient with noisy things.

Xiao gently pressed his hand, and continued to watch with great interest, the scene seemed to have become even weirder.

The three or four soldiers holding the young man back were unable to move him at all. The iron wires of the concentration camp's iron gates were stretched and twisted by an unknown force, and the young man's hand seemed to be the source of this change.

The soldier on the side picked up the butt of his gun and smashed it on the boy's head. He passed out, and the dragging soldiers lost their strength and were brought down by inertia and fell into the mud.

And the thick and heavy iron gate nearly three meters high turned out to be like a pile of waste paper that had been kneaded into a ball, severely deformed and squeezed together.

Xiao took off his glasses, and those eyes seemed to see the rarest treasure in the world, with a faint greedy light.

(End of this chapter)

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