Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 130: Asgard was trampled out?

"It's really impossible!" Thor shook his head repeatedly.

"To break into the royal city, they need an army that is not inferior to Asgard. With all due respect, I can't think of anyone in the universe with such an army..."

"But since the topic is said, if someone in the option really has such an army, he led the army and Asgard after a fierce and tragic battle, and then hit the city."

"But Asgard's royal city has a defensive barrier! That defensive barrier, if it is attacked by force, even my father can't break it!"

"I don't think anyone can defeat the Asgard army and still have the power to break the barrier of the royal city's defense."

"To take a step back, even if they even broke the defensive barrier, the king city is also protected by a powerful army, as well as me, Loki, and my father!"

"Leave aside me and Loki, my father is the most powerful warrior in the entire universe. He must defeat the army in the royal city, and then under the protection of the three of us, can he kill my mother."

"This is simply impossible!"

After Thor said that, everyone at the scene also felt it was impossible, because it was almost equivalent to destroying the entire Asgard.

Although everyone doesn't know much about Asgard's structure, this does not hinder everyone's understanding and cognition.

Everyone has studied history, and it is also a good substitute.

It's just like those countries in the Middle Ages were beaten to the palace by the enemy, and even the queen was killed. Isn't this equivalent to the entire country being maimed?

"In other words, no matter who the enemy is, he has the ability to destroy Asgard while fighting at Asgard at home! Right?" Hawkeye summed up Thor's words.

At home and away, that is a completely different situation.

It's not that Asgard can be destroyed with the same level of military power as Asgard. If the two sides are fighting in the same unfamiliar place, they can indeed be compared like this.

But this is an invasion of Asgard!

It requires a military force far stronger than Asgard to do so.

"This kind of power simply can't exist!" Thor said decisively.

If there is such a huge force in the universe, how could he not know at all? This is very unreasonable.

That kind of huge force, no matter how low-key or low-key, will surely be famous throughout the universe, unless they deliberately hide themselves and hide them airtight.

But since they are all so powerful, what's the point of concealing yourself?

Besides, it is not that they can hide it if they want to hide it, unless they completely close themselves and never interact with the outside world.

"Anyway, let's take a look at a few people in the options." Hawkeye Button proposed on the side, "See if you can get something."

"Dark elf? Thor, I remember that in the last round of answers, there was also an option for this dark elf. Who are they?"

Captain America looked at Thor, looked at the other party seriously and asked.

"When I was a child, I heard my mother tell me the story of dark elves. They were born at the beginning of the universe and existed before light appeared! They are elves bred from darkness."

As everyone watched, Thor talked freely and introduced everyone.

"It doesn't sound like an elf." Hawkeye Button murmured slightly.

"The dark elf holds a terrible weapon called the etheric particle. With that kind of weapon, he can even plunge the entire universe into endless darkness!" Thor continued.

"An extremely dangerous guy again." Black Widow interrupted. "It even sounds more dangerous than Thanos."

Thanos is just the overlord of the universe. Although he invaded the earth, he still failed when he mastered six infinite gems.

Not only that, everyone has seen the video of the opponent fighting with Tony Stark, Captain America, Captain Marvel and other ability enhancers.

The opponent is not too strong to be too exaggerated.

But the dark elf?

At the beginning of the universe, it was conceived from darkness, listen to this background.

The other party can even plunge the entire universe into endless darkness, just listen to this skill.

No matter how the comparison is made, this is a guy who is more dangerous and powerful than Thanos.

"What happened later?" Dr. Banner asked on the side at this moment.

"Later? My grandfather King Bauer led Asgard's army and fought a long and cruel war with the dark elves, eventually exterminating the dark elves and destroying their weapon, the etheric particle."

Thor introduced to everyone.

"So Thor, the news of the extinction of the dark elves you know is limited to the stories you heard when you were a kid?"

Captain America asked sternly.

"Yes, that's it." Thor nodded.

"Tor, if this is the case, I have to tell you the depressing news that the dark elves may not have been extinct."

After getting Thor's confirmation, the black widow said to Thor solemnly.

This is the experience gained from the lesson of blood!

At that time, all of them were very sure that the Hydra was dead, but what was the result?

Not only did the Hydra not die, it was even stronger than they thought! Even S.H.I.E.L.D. has been thoroughly infiltrated.

Now Nick Fury still has a lot of headaches for everyone, and even a few of them can't believe anyone.

This is just a few decades!

The dark elves were wiped out by Grandpa Thor's generation. I don't know that tens of thousands of years have passed, making it even more unreliable.

"Romanoff is right!" Tony Stark nodded on the side and solemnly echoed, "According to the experience of answering questions, the things described in the options, even if they are only interference items, are very likely to happen. of."

"What's more, the dark elf option has appeared more than once, the last time the question of Rainbow Bridge, it also appeared in the option!"

"Fine!" Thor nodded, agreeing with everyone's opinions, "For the time being, think that the dark elves still exist."

"Then the dark elf, is it possible to destroy Asgard?" The black widow shrugged.

"The dark elves were once exterminated by my grandfather. Even if there is a remnant party by chance, they are just lingering defeated dogs. How can they defeat Asgard? Not to mention, their weapons have been destroyed!"

Thor did not hesitate to get rid of the dark elf.

"It's possible Thanos!" Tony Stark turned his attention to option B at this time. "We have all seen that Thanos owns a huge interstellar fleet, and he eventually collected six infinite gems. !"

Everyone agreed with Tony Stark's words.

"I agree with Stark." The Black Widow nodded and agreed. "The Tyrant has a powerful force that can deal with Asgard's army. He himself has six Infinite Gems, which can break Odin. Unbreakable defense! Even in the end, kill your mother!"

"If he can really do this kind of thing, I think it is possible."

Thor was also silent.

He has never seen what Thanos’ fleet looks like, but when he shared intelligence with Nick Fury and others before, the other party had described it.

So Thor also knows something.

Thanos’ fleet indeed has the strength of a tough Asgardian army.

As for Thanos, who has six infinite gems, it is indeed reasonable to break into the royal city and defeat Odin.

After all, it is an infinite gem!

"You have a point." Thor nodded after some thoughts, expressing his approval.

"What about Hela? We all know how powerful she is. She squeezed Thor's hammer with one hand." Captain America turned his attention to the C option at this time.

"Yes, Hela is indeed very good. She squeezed my hammer, but I don't think she can be better than my father! She is at least as good as my father."

Thor shook his head.

"Nothing is absolute, we don't know Hela's strength, in case, I mean in case, is he really better than your father?"

"After all, the only thing we know about her is that she squeezed your hammer with one hand, nothing more."

Tony Stark made an objectionable and reasonable hypothesis.

"So Hela is also possible, right?"

"Hella to be determined." Captain America made a final decision. "Let's look at the next one first."

Their understanding of Hela is too limited, and on this basis, it is not enough to make any effective judgments.

"Sulter? If I remember correctly, this is a person in myths and legends. I didn't expect it to actually exist." Hawkeye Barton sighed, "It seems I need to know the world again."

"Sulter, I think it can be ruled out." Thor took the Hawkeye's words and said, "Because the magic weapon of Sulter, the eternal fire, has been taken away by Asgard, and it is kept in Asgard. In the treasure house."

"Without the eternal fire, Sirtel is not worth mentioning."

"So what if Sirtel has the eternal fire?" Tony Stark asked in a deep voice on the side.

"I haven't seen it, but I heard from my father that my grandfather once had a war with Sirtel, and he was not Sirtel's opponent at the time."

"That's why my grandfather sent my father to steal the eternal fire, which greatly weakened Sirtel's power and defeated him."

"Well!" Tony Stark shrugged, "The problem is precisely here. We don't know whether Sirtel will get the eternal fire in the future, or something may happen, he got the eternal fire?"

"It's impossible." Thor shook his head. "Asgard's treasure house, that is one of Asgard's most important places. There are destroyers guarding it. It is impossible for anyone to break into it and steal it. Of eternal fire."

Of course, Thor is too absolute. Maybe someone can break into the treasure house in the future, after all, no one can guarantee the future.

But this kind of answer is based on a probability and possibility, and it is impossible to confirm it 100%.

It is enough to judge the magnitude of the possibility.

"So the result of our analysis is that AD can be ruled out, B is the most likely, and C is to be determined?" Dr. Banner concluded.

"Tor, this is a question about you, you can answer it." Captain America glanced at Thor and said.

"Wait a minute!" When Thor was about to choose, Tony Stark suddenly remembered something, and he interrupted Thor.

"Stark, what else do you think of?" Thor immediately asked a little excitedly.

He has already seen Tony Stark's IQ, so at this time he is still very much looking forward to Tony Stark's point of view.

Not only Thor, but everyone else on the scene also looked at Tony Stark.

"Our analysis just now was based on the premise that the enemy killed Thor's mother under the circumstances of a strong attack."

"But this is just our mindset, things don't have to be like this!"

"What if the enemy is not using a forceful attack, but from within Asgard? In some way, they have mixed into Asgard and mixed into the royal city, isn't it much simpler?"

Tony Stark's remarks really made people's eyes suddenly bright.

Compared to disabling the entire Asgard, Tony Stark's hypothesis is indeed more logical.

"Stark, you're on the point!" Especially Thor, he nodded in agreement, "It's really impossible for the whole fleet to hide from Heimdall. It's really reasonable to mix in spies from the inside. "

"Then the problem is,'mixing in Asgard' is not an effective screening condition. In theory, anyone can do it."

But then, Dr. Banner shook his head and said.

"Indeed, all are possible in theory, but the possibility is large or small, I think we can still judge it." Tony Stark continued to talk.

"If you want to get into Asgard, you need to know enough about Asgard! To support it in the corresponding Even if they don’t know before, they must be investigating Asgard. , Searching the Asgard newspaper has a unique advantage."

"Of course, the most important point is that they need to have the opportunity to interact with Asgard! Only in this way can they have a chance to mix people into Asgard."

"For example, Asgard goes out to purchase, go out for war, or conduct foreign exchanges, etc...In other words, their circle must overlap with Asgard's circle!"

Tony Stark analyzed this, and the question that was not clear at first began to become clear.

"If this is the case, Thanos and Hela I think the possibility is the lowest."

The Black Widow followed Stark's thoughts and said, "One of them is a generation of universe overlords, and the other is so powerful, but Thor has never heard of them!"

"This shows that their circle should rarely cross Asgard! Maybe they live in a galaxy far away from the Nine Realms, or other similar situations!"

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