Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 131: Hammer became Thor

With the words of Tony Stark and Black Widow, Thor's eyes lit up.

"Dark elves!" Thor exclaimed, looking at everyone excitedly, "If this is the case, it is most likely that the dark elves, the dark world they live in, Wat Alheim, belong to one of the Nine Realms!"

"And our Asgard's activities are basically within the scope of the Nine Realms. If you say who has the most opportunity to arrange people to mix into Asgard, it belongs to them!"

"Thor, in the myth, where Surtel lives, it seems to be one of the nine worlds, right?" Hawkeye glanced at Thor, his eyes shimmering authentically.

"Yes, Musbelheim is indeed one of the nine realms, but there are some wild beasts and wild people living there! Except for Sirtel, most of them have low intelligence and are dominated by primitive desire to fight."

"So I don't think they can accomplish things like mixing into Asgard."

"So according to Stark's second theory, the most likely one is A, the dark elf." Captain America concluded.

"Yes, if the enemy is attacking Asgard from within, the most likely option is the Dark Elf. If the enemy attacks Asgard, the most likely option is Thanos!"

"Tor, it's up to you to choose."

Tony Stark also nodded, and said to Thor.

"I never believe that anyone can invade Asgard head-on and maimed Asgard!" Thor hardly hesitated and gave his own answer, "I choose A, the dark elf! "

【correct answer! 】

[Congratulations to the answerer Thor Odinson for getting a bottle of super **** water. 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

With this sentence of the system, Thor's hands immediately added a small bottle that looked ordinary and seemed to have nothing special.

But Thor's face suddenly showed an expression of extreme excitement.

Because suddenly there was more information about Super Shenshui in his mind.

"Hahaha, is this Super Divine Water? This is simply tailor-made for me!" Thor laughed very excitedly.

"Tor, seeing you being happy like this, what is the role of Super Divine Water?" The Black Widow couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Super Divine Water, as long as you drink it, you can stimulate all the potential in the human body!" Thor said to the black widow with enthusiasm.

"Is there a key prerequisite for this, that is, the person who drinks the super **** water has huge potential in itself?"

"For ordinary people like me, drinking super-shen water should be no different from drinking drinking water, right?"

Tony Stark keenly grasped the key points in Thor's words, looked at Thor and asked.

"No Stark, you are wrong." Thor shook his head, "Super Divine Water is highly toxic. People who drink Super Divine Water must first resist its poison in order to stimulate their own potential. !so……"

Speaking of this, Thor patted Tony Stark on the shoulder, "It's still different from drinking water, at least you won't die if you drink drinking water."

"In that case, apart from Thor and Dr. Banner, the rest of us have no blessings at all."

Hawkeye Button slightly vomited, "Maybe we can add a captain."

"Thank you Button, but I don't think I can drink it either." Captain America shook his head.

It's just that his physical abilities are beyond ordinary people.

Have greater strength, faster speed, super resistance to attack, more agile reaction speed, nothing more.

But anti-drug?

Sorry, Captain America is really not good.

"Everyone, my divine power is about to recover! This is the best news I have received since I came to the earth for so long."

Thor smiled like a child, so happy.

Immediately afterwards, I stopped talking nonsense, and swallowed the super **** water in a big mouthful.

Super divine water suddenly poured into Thor’s limbs, and the huge medicinal power instantly acted on every cell of Thor...

Thor was surrounded by a pang of pain that pierced the soul.


Thor shuddered and immediately fell to the ground in pain, convulsing and convulsing unconsciously all over his body, as if he was about to die at any time.



Everyone at the scene was shocked and swarmed around, checking Thor's situation in a rush.

This is what Thor said that Super Divine Water is poisonous?

This is too poisonous, right?

Will Thor be poisoned to death?

Fortunately, after Thor struggled painfully on the ground for a while, he finally recovered his calmness slowly.

He gasped heavily: "I have to say, it feels terrible!"

"Tor, how are you doing now?" Captain America helped Thor up in the past, and looked at Thor with a serious face and said.

"Now? It feels so great now!" Thor couldn't help but laugh.

Now he has not only recovered his divine power, but also stronger than before!

Super Shenshui, really inspired his full potential.


As Thor said, as soon as his thoughts moved, his body began to crackle with flashes of lightning, and even lightning flashed in his eyes!

Then Thor casually pointed forward with his hand.


A bolt of lightning split instantly.


Thor continued to experiment for a few more times, and he moved at will.

"Now I can control thunder and lightning without a hammer!" Thor's face was full of excitement, "I am the real Thor!"

"That's right, you used to be more like a hammer **** than you are now!" Tony Stark looked at Thor, who was now flashing with electricity, and nodded solemnly.

"Congratulations Thor, you have now fully recovered your divine power." The Black Widow smiled, looking at Thor approvingly.

"Thank you!" Thor laughed, then looked at Captain America, "Rogers, you give me the hammer now, I will definitely be able to pick up my hammer!"

Captain America didn't have any nonsense, and handed Thor the hammer that he held easily in his hand.



The hammer hit Thor directly, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"What?" Thor was a little dazed, some could not understand, "I have recovered my supernatural power, why can't I still hold the hammer? What is the qualification my father said?"

"Thor, since the captain has picked up the hammer, then you might as well think about it, what is the captain has but you didn't have it?"

Tony Stark glanced at the two and asked.

"What Rogers has, but I don't have it?" Thor looked at his hands and fell into deep thought.

"No matter what it is, it is definitely not power! Thor, your current power is far greater than that of the captain, but you still can't hold a hammer!" The Black Widow was affirmed, "Will it be some quality or something? s things?"

For the black widow, everyone at the scene agreed.

After all, the most shining thing about Captain America is actually his almost exemplary spiritual quality.

Compared with this, the strength of the super soldiers possessed by the US team is actually second.

"Quality?" Thor was lost in thought again.

But this kind of thing is not something that you can comprehend by standing there just by relying on fantasy.

"At least compared to you who have lost your supernatural power and can't hold a hammer, you have now recovered your supernatural power!" Hawkeye Button said to Thor solemnly, "If it were me, I would take this as absolute good news. !"

"Yes! Button, this is indeed good news." Thor was comforted, he smiled, "And I'm not as simple as restoring my divine power, my divine power is stronger than before!"

[The answer is over, now it's time to play the answer analysis! 】

The answer analysis began, and the corresponding video began to appear on the big screen in front of everyone.

The first thing that appeared was the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard.

But in the "watchtower" of the Rainbow Bridge, standing a man in golden armor, who looked very mighty and domineering, he knew that he was not a simple character at first glance.

"Tor, is he Heimdall?" Captain America couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, he is Heimdall!" Thor nodded and gave a very affirmative answer.

Everyone at the scene knew it well.

But seeing Heimdall standing in the hall like that, his eyes flickered, as if he had noticed something.

Then, Heimdall suddenly started to turn around and ran out quickly, until he reached the Rainbow Bridge outside, and continued to run along the sling.

Then he ran to a high place, then jumped up, jumped into the void, took up the dagger, and stabbed it fiercely.

"What's the matter? What is Heimdall chasing?" Thor looked dazed.

Because the surroundings are empty, there is no abnormality at all.


But who would have thought that with Heimdall's stabbing, a group of energy in the void began to surge, and a spaceship appeared like that!

It turns out that the spaceship has always been in a state of invisibility before!

"What! How could this happen!"

Thor can be said to be taken aback, this kind of thing is simply unimaginable to him, it's too unbelievable.

There really is a spaceship that can hide from Heimdall's eyes and fly into Asgard!

Before, Thor was confident that any fleet near Asgard would be spotted by Heimdall the first time, but now Thor has been beaten in the face.

There really is a fleet, and it has done this incredible thing in his opinion.

Although only one spaceship is shown on the screen now, no one at the scene thinks that there is only one spaceship.

Because a spaceship invaded Asgard, it was simply moths fighting the fire, and it did nothing.

Since the dark elves have this means of avoiding Heimdall's observation, it is impossible to send a spaceship.

Sure enough, things were indeed as expected.

Heimdall was so "hanging" on the spacecraft, and the operation was fierce, and the space search ship was destroyed by just two daggers, which was brave.


The spacecraft revolved and fell on the Rainbow Bridge, exploding into a mass of ruins.

But before Heimdall could breathe a sigh of relief, he turned around and found that a huge mothership was floating behind him!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Not only that, one spacecraft after another began to fly towards the city of Asgard.

The frontal invasion against Asgard has begun!

"Unexpectedly, the dark elf invaded directly." Captain America said somewhat unexpectedly.

After Thor answered correctly, everyone thought that the dark elf was assassinated by mixing spies as Tony Stark said.

But who thought, the facts were different from what everyone thought, the dark elves turned out to be tough.



On the city wall of Asgard, a "city defense cannon" began to spray fire to the dark elf fleet mercilessly. Asgard's spaceships also started to move to stop the dark elf fleet.

The two sides started a fierce battle.

At this time, the camera switched to the "Watchtower" of the Rainbow Bridge, but Heimdall took out a sword and inserted it into a device.

The surrounding area suddenly began to flicker in circles.

At the same time, within the Asgard King City, a circle of golden spherical energy shields were constantly condensing.

Boom boom boom!

Some dark elf spaceships tried to break into the royal city, but they slammed into the energy shield and exploded immediately.

The energy shield is still very strong.

"This is what I told you about the protection barrier of Asgard King City. Now this barrier is about to close, and the Dark Elf fleet cannot break the barrier."

Thor said to everyone on the scene very confidently.

"However... they did break in." Captain America said in a deep voice.

Thor didn't say much, but fixed his eyes on the big screen. He wanted to know how the dark elves broke through the protective barrier of the royal city.

Because judging from the fleet displayed by the opponent, the opponent doesn't have this kind of strength.

At this time, the camera switched, and the scene was switched to within the royal As the camera moved, there were corpses lying all over the ground, the corpses of Asgard warriors.

An extremely tall soldier in armor, wearing a mask with horns like a bull's head, crossed the corpse on the floor and came into a hall.

That was indeed the cursed warrior of the dark elf.

However, on the high platform in front of the cursed warrior, there is a device that is rotating at high speed and is shining with golden light.

There is also a golden spherical energy body on the device, which looks exactly the same as the large energy enchantment outside the royal city.

Everyone at the scene is not a fool, and they immediately understood that this device must be the stimulating device of the imperial city energy barrier.

The dark elves didn't break the energy barrier forcibly, but destroyed it from within.

It seems that the dark elves have not only adopted one of the two methods of storming or mixing with spies, but adopted both methods at the same time!

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