Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 162: Nick Fury The Force Awakens

Everyone at the scene was stunned by Tony Stark. They could be said to be caught off guard by Tony Stark.

But when you think about it, Tony Stark really makes a lot of sense.

It even left them speechless.

Even if the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. are all killed and all the people of S.H.I.

"If this is the case, it is the second hypothesis put forward by Chief Fury. We cannot analyze that situation at all."

Hawkeye Button scratched his nose and said to everyone.

"No, that was before. Now after I have clarified the meaning of'destroy', this question can be analyzed." Tony Stark said to everyone seriously.

"Stark is right." Captain America nodded, agreeing very rarely with Tony Stark's point of view.

"Hydra will never let S.H.I.E.L.D. disband. They themselves are a shameless organization. They need the coat of S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"They may kill S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, or they may take over S.H.I.

"Hydra, it can be ruled out instead."

"So on the contrary, it was originally the captain of SHIELD or Natasha, but there was such a possibility!" Hawkeye Button repeated his words on the side.

"If S.H.I.E.L.D. has been fully controlled by Hydra and things can no longer be undone, then there will only be a complete destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It has to be said that the analysis of this topic is also twists and turns. Originally, everyone excluded A and B first, and they all agreed that the answer was in C and D.

But who would have thought that at the moment when the answer was about to settle down, a big turning point of one hundred and eighty degrees would suddenly come.

C and D, which were originally the most likely, suddenly became impossible, but A and B, which were originally impossible, suddenly became possible!

"Then the problem is here." Tony Stark continued with everyone's topic. "Whether it is the captain or Romanoff, what did they do that led to the disbandment of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

The scene fell slightly into silence, and everyone was lost in thought, but after thinking about it, everyone couldn't come up with a reason.

After all, there is too little relevant information.

"It is possible that they handed the intelligence of S.H.I.

"We currently have too little information for analysis to perform any analysis." Hawkeye Barton thought for a while and said seriously.

"No, Barton, guys, we don't need to analyze this at all." The black widow stared at the big screen, her eyes gleaming slightly, "The title says, it's the S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. destroyed in the Tri-Wing Building!"

"Natasha, what do you want to say?" Hawkeye Button didn't understand the meaning of the black widow for a while, so he couldn't help but look at the black widow and asked.

"Barton, no matter which one of the captain and I did in the Tri-Wing Building, S.H.I.E.L.D. was quickly disbanded, right?"

"Everyone should remember that the captain once defrauded Sitwell's scepter and was wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"When the captain and I destroyed the insight plan, we were also wanted, and the time to destroy the insight plan was after the captain defrauded the scepter."

"This means that since we were wanted at that time, our status as wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D. will continue!"

This is natural.

After all, Hydra already knew that Captain America had seen through their identities, and would naturally use the greatest resources and power to prevent Captain America from returning to S.H.I.E.L.D.

From the perspective of Hydra's penetration of S.H.I.E.L.D. at that time, it is indeed unlikely that Captain America wants to "wash off grievances" and return to S.H.I.E.L.D.

The reason why the black widow is wanted is unknown.

But the time point of being wanted can be determined, after Hydra dealt with Captain America in an all-round way.

Not to mention that he also acted with the US team in that state to destroy the insight plan.

So even though the reason is unknown, Black Widow will definitely be wanted by Hydra for a long time using S.H.I.E.L.D., just like Captain America.


"So when you destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D., you also went to the Tri-Wing Building as a wanted criminal!" Hawkeye Button said, taking the words of the Black Widow.

This time point is still very easy to judge. After all, this is the end of SHIELD, and the US team and their wanted naturally happened before this.

When the analysis came here, everyone on the scene couldn't help but reveal a light, quite a feeling of breaking through the clouds and seeing the moon.

From the inability to start at the beginning, to the present, the analysis is done layer by layer, and the answer is gradually touched!

Yes, the analysis has come to this point, and the answer is actually ready to come out. After all, it is not something everyone can do to get into the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. as a wanted criminal.

It is a powerful screening condition.

"Romanoff!" Nick Fury gave a judgment immediately, "The answer is Romanoff! As a wanted criminal, it is perfectly mixed into the Tri-Wing Building. This is the skill of a spy, not a fighter!"

The Sanquyi Building is heavily guarded, with checkpoints and patrol guards everywhere, and electronic eyes and cameras are all over the building.

If you talk about brute force, of course, Captain America, a super soldier, has the advantage.

Can it blend in perfectly?

Captain America really has no advantage.

Because what this needs is not strong combat power, but superb and perfect camouflage and infiltration skills. To put it bluntly, it is spying skills. In this regard, the black widow naturally has more advantages.

There are specializations in the surgery industry, which is also applicable here.

"It's a wonderful discussion. It seems that you have already solved this question." Loki, who has been unable to insert any words, brushed a wave of presence in front of everyone at this time.

It's just a pity that no one at the scene talked to Rocky.

"Sir, this topic is about S.H.I.E.L.D., why don't you... answer it?" The black widow started to propose at this time, and glanced at Hawkeye Button.

Hawkeye Button naturally didn't have any comments. He stretched out his hand and gestured to Nick Fury, saying that it would be fine to let Nick Fury answer.

Nick Fury was not polite with everyone. He directly faced the big screen and said his answer: "I choose B, Black Widow Natasha Romanoff!"

【correct answer! 】

Nick Fury was calm on the surface and didn't respond, but he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.


[Congratulations to the answerer Nick Fury for getting a seed of Force Awakening! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

With this sentence of the system, Nick Fury immediately had a crystal seed that looked full of technological sense and magical wind in his hands.

A faint purple light shone on the crystal seed, rippling with an indescribable sense of beauty, and at the same time an indescribable sense of mystery.

Although everyone doesn't know what this so-called "Force Awakening Seed" is, just looking at the appearance, everyone knows that this must not be a simple thing.

"This seed..." There was also a look of surprise and curiosity on Loki's face on one side, "I felt a magical power from this, I'm sorry, can you show it to me?"

"What do you want to do?" Hawkeye Button suddenly warned Rocky with a serious face, "Rocky, don't play tricks!"

"Easy, soldier! If I take away your rewards now, then you will also take away my rewards. Will I be such a short-sighted person?"

Rocky said to Hawkeye Button with a gaze with superior IQ.

This sounded true, but Loki didn't know what he looked like in everyone's hearts now.

No one dares to believe what he said.

Nick Fury suddenly showed a vigilant look, leaned to one side, and guarded Loki.

Not only that, but just like Tony Stark ate the yellow spring fruit before, he hurriedly swallowed the Force Awakening seed with one mouthful.


A soft force was like a stream, and it immediately filled Nick Fury's whole body, bathing every corner of Nick Fury's body, and moisturizing every cell of Nick Fury.

Nick Fury immediately felt that there was a magical power in his body that he didn't possess: the original force.

Not only that, except for himself, Nick Fury can also feel the same power surging between the surrounding heaven and earth.

According to the memory instilled in him by the answering system, the original force is the energy field created by all living things, and it is a supernatural and ubiquitous force!

That seed didn't bring any power to Nick Fury, but awakened the Force that originally existed in Nick Fury's body, but had been dormant!

"It's amazing, this is the force!"

Nick Fury felt the ubiquitous power in the surrounding sky and earth, and nodded in satisfaction.

The only regret is that although Nick Fury has now awakened the Force, this does not mean that he will become a strong one in the future.

This thing is also about talent and training.

The Force exists between the heavens and the earth, and how much it can be used, and to what extent it can be used, depends on the genius of the halogen egg.

"The Force? Nick Fury, what kind of power is this?" Tony Stark couldn't help but asked curiously.

Seeing Nick Fury like this, that should be a remarkable thing.

"Stark, everyone, after the answer is over, I will share the relevant information with you." Nick Fury glanced at Loki with one eye, but said so.

"Sorry, Nick Fury, are you defending me?" Rocky immediately stared at Nick Fury and asked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Rocky, yes!" Nick Fury didn't hide anything at all, and directly admitted it.

"This is really hurtful." Loki said in an exaggerated tone deliberately.

"Put away your set Loki, it's useless with us!" Nick Fury said to Loki unceremoniously.

[The answer is over, now play the answer analysis! 】

Immediately after the system prompt sounded, the corresponding text on the big screen disappeared, and an image appeared in front of everyone.

The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was the director Nick Fury.

But in a very dimly shabby room, Nick Fury was wearing a bandage on one hand, while the other hand was holding a photo.

And that photo turned out to be a photo of Alexander Pierce.

"This man refused to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. He said that peace is not an achievement, but a responsibility!"

"Look, it's this kind of person that makes me unable to believe others!"

Nick Fury said, as if throwing garbage, he threw the photo on the table.

While Nick Fury was talking, the figures of several other people in the room also appeared in the picture. It was the Black Widow, Captain America, Falcon Sam, and Agent Hill.

"We have to stop it from taking off!" The Black Widow said with a serious face at this time.

What this "it" is, everyone has a logical guess: Insight into the mothership. After all, the US team, Black Widow, and Sam are the team that prevented the Insight Project.

And this place is obviously not any base of SHIELD, and it is also in line with the fact that the US team's action is independent of the SHIELD system.

"I don't think the council will answer my call." Nick Fury spoke again, and then immediately opened a box.

Three silver "circuit boards" appeared in front of everyone.

"When the aerospace carrier flies to a height of 3,000 feet, they will form a triangle with the insight satellite, and then be completely weaponized!" Agent Hill introduced to everyone at this time.

"We have to attack those air and sky motherships." Nick Fury's voice continued, "Then replace the positioning blade with our own."

To locate the blade, it is obvious that the three circuit boards are mentioned.

And Nick Fury's words also clearly explained the time node, that is, the eve of the action to destroy the insight plan!

"It's useless to change one or two. We need to connect all three motherships! Even if only one mothership is left operating, it can kill countless Hill is here at this time Said to everyone solemnly.

"We have to assume that all of them are Hydra people. We have to break in and plug in the blade server." Nick Fury said again, "Maybe, I mean maybe, we can still rescue..."

"We will not rescue!" Captain America suddenly interrupted Nick Fury on the side, "We want to destroy the Sky Mothership and SHIELD!"

Whether it was on the screen or in front of the screen, everyone couldn't help but be stunned by Captain America's decision.

That's destroying SHIELD!

But soon, everyone at the scene faintly realized the meaning of Captain America on the screen.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has nothing to do with this matter!"

On the screen, Nick Fury immediately distinguished and said.

"If you leave the task to me, I will do it!" Captain America has made a decision and said nothing.

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