Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 163: Infernal Affairs: Enter 9 snakes undercover

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has changed, you said it yourself!"

"Hydra has grown under your nose, but no one noticed it!"

Captain America stared at Nick Fury with his eyes, and said to Nick Fury with a serious face.

"Why are we meeting in the cave? Because I noticed this." Nick Fury argued for reason.

"How many people died in vain before you?" Captain America asked, staring at Nick Fury sharply.

This question came to the point, and Nick Fury was speechless, unable to speak any rebuttals, and even his eyes drifted away, not daring to look at Captain America.

Obviously very guilty.

"I don't know about Barnes." A few seconds later, Nick Fury said weakly to Captain America.

"Even if you know, would you tell me?" Captain America threw a sharp question over again, making Nick Fury misfire again.

Everyone knows that Nick Fury will not tell Captain America.

"Do you still plan to divide the management? SHIELD and Hydra are the same, not leaving one!" Captain America followed, and said to Nick Fury.

"He's right!" Agent Hill immediately agreed with Captain America and said to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury looked at the other people on the scene again, but found that Black Widow, Sam and others all agreed with Captain America's proposal.

"Okay!" Nick Fury finally made a compromise. He said to Captain America, "Now we follow your orders, Captain."

In this simple cave, a few people decided the fate of the world's largest intelligence agency.

This is consistent with everyone's previous guesses to a certain extent.

Captain America did indeed intend to destroy the Hydra in one fell swoop because the Hydra has grown to a certain extent.

Of course, what the US team did is also inextricably linked to its values ​​inherited from World War II veterans.

But in any case, the development and growth of Hydra is an important reason.

Then the camera began to switch.

However, in the square in front of the Sanquyi Building, a group of people in suits and leather shoes were walking towards the entrance of the Sanquyi Building surrounded by the crowd.

The figure of Alexander Pierce was in it. From that look, Pierce personally went out to meet the group of people.

The high status of that group of people is evident.

"It's them!"

Others didn't know who those people were, but Nick Fury recognized them at a glance. All of them were members of the World Council.

In terms of authority, it must be above Pierce.

"Are you happy flying?"

Pierce opened his mouth to greet everyone while leading the way.

"Not bad!" A blonde woman in a light blue professional dress replied casually, "But the way to here from the airport is not very good."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot control everything." Pierce shrugged.

"Including Captain America." Another bald man in a suit added another sentence.

This sentence also confirms everyone's previous speculation. It is clear that Captain America is still in the wanted stage during this period of time.

Speaking of this, Pierce has brought everyone to the door of the Triquy Wing Building. There was a special agent waiting there for a long time, and he gave Pierce a box.

Inside the box are some exquisite badges.

"These devices are controlled by biometrics, allowing you to pass through here unimpeded." Pierce introduced the badges to the committee members.

The committee members didn't think much about it. They brought their badges and followed Pierce into the Tri-Wing Building.

Then the camera switched again.

In the top-floor office, Pierce and the four committee members were pushing the cup and changing, talking and laughing.

But all of a sudden, there was a voice in the broadcasting system of the Tri-Wing Building, the voice of Captain America.

"Attention agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., I am Steve Rogers. You have heard a lot about me these days, and some people have received orders to arrest me, but now, you should know the truth!"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has changed. It has been taken over by Hydra. Alexander Pierce is their head, as are the special forces and the Insight Project team."

Following Captain America's words, the committee members in the office couldn't help but look at Pierce.

Seeing Pierce's face calm and calm, he just took out his cell phone and tapped a few times. Obviously, he was contacting someone.

"I don't know who else, but they must be in this building, and they may be standing by your side!"

"They are about to succeed and gain absolute control. They assassinated Nick Fury, but the matter will not end there!"


It has to be said that this "lengthy story" of Captain America is still very provocative, and of course it also benefits from the long-standing position of the American team in the hearts of the American people.

The committee members in the office did not hesitate to believe what Captain America said.

"You self-righteous bastard!" The bald man in a suit suddenly shouted at Pierce.

At this time, a team of special forces entered the office, and a man in a curly-haired suit immediately issued an order to those special forces: "Arrest him!"

But a special fighter immediately took out the gun and pointed it at the man in the curly-haired suit.

As Captain America said, the entire Special Forces team is already a member of the Hydra.

In this way, although the US team was caught off guard and exposed the old bottom, Pierce still took control of the situation for the first time.

"Let me ask you a question, if the terrorists attack South Asia tomorrow." Pierce brought two glasses of wine and walked to the man in the curly-haired suit.

One glass of wine was handed to the man in a curly-haired suit.

"You also know that they will drag your daughter into the football field to be executed, and you can stop all of this by pressing a switch, will you press it?" Pierce asked intently.

Using this example to compare the insight plan, it can only be said that the reasoning of Hydra is quite willful.

"If you switch it, it won't." The man in a curly-haired suit threw the wine glass in his hand at once.

When Pierce saw this, he immediately took a gun from a member of the special forces team, intending to shoot the man in the curly-haired suit.

But at this moment, the fifty-six-year-old blonde woman suddenly kicked the curly-haired suit man aside.

Then he was as strong as a wind, and quickly rushed to Pierce, punching Pierce back.

Bang bang bang!

Immediately after three times, five divided by two, with a dazzling set of movements, all the special forces on the scene were overturned.

He also grabbed a gun and pointed it at Pierce.

The situation was reversed all at once!

"Who is this auntie, it's too fierce!"

Tony Stark couldn't help but exclaimed that the aunt was so old and the combat effectiveness was so explosive, it was too exaggerated.

People who are younger than the aunt's round are not so good.

Nick Fury was also a little confused. He always thought that these committee members were politicians who would just sit in the office and talk about it. That's it.

But I don't want to have such a tiger among them.

"Excuse me, did I dispel your interest?"

The blond aunt pointed at Pierce with a gun in one hand, wiped a hand on her face with the other hand, and took off a mask.

Another face was shown in front of everyone.

It turned out to be a black widow!

Everyone at the scene suddenly realized that, no wonder that aunt was so powerful that she was disguised by the Black Widow after a long time.

I have to say that this disguise skill of Black Widow is really amazing.

Any details, including walking, talking, etc., are seamless, without any loopholes.

This is definitely not something that can be done with a mask. If you are Captain America, even if you wear a mask, you will soon be exposed.

After taking control of the situation, the black widow handed the weapon to another committee member and let that committee member control the scene. She herself walked up to a computer and quickly performed a series of operations.

Obviously, it should be destroying SHIELD.

Everyone at the scene was also very curious about how to destroy it.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is a huge system covering the whole world. Can this be done with just a few keystrokes in the Tri-Wing Building?

"What are you doing?" the bald man in a suit couldn't help asking.

"She is lifting the security agreement and sending all the secrets to the Internet." Pierce said after seeing through what the black widow was doing.

It turned out to be like this!

Everyone at the scene suddenly realized.

It turns out that Black Widow used this method to destroy SHIELD.

As an intelligence agency, if all the secrets of the entire agency are revealed to the world, what kind of intelligence agency is this?

Not to mention, S.H.I.E.L.D. had been infiltrated terribly by Hydra.

Apart from dissolution, there is no second way.

"Including all the secrets of Hydra!" The Black Widow said without raising her head while performing the operation.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s also included!" Pierce said, "If you do this, you won't be able to hide your past. Are you ready to let the world see what you really are?"

"What about you?" The black widow asked calmly, still performing the operation methodically.

But soon, big red letters and warning words appeared on the screen.

"Disabling encryption requires an administrative order." Pierce said with a shrug, full of confidence, "There must be two A-level members present."

As far as he knew, the only A-level member of S.H.I.E.L.D. had died, and the other A-level members were all Hydra, and the situation was still under control.

"Don't worry, your companion is here!" said the Black Widow.

At this time, a helicopter flew outside, and a man in a black trench coat appeared in the office. It was the Nick Fury who should have died!

Now the two A-level members are ready.

The black widow successfully lifted the security agreement and sent all the information of SHIELD to the Internet.

"It's done, it's all of a sudden!" The Black Widow glanced at her phone and said to Nick Fury.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

Pierce suddenly took out his mobile phone and pressed it twice. The badges of several other committee members suddenly began to release a high fever, which melted their chests.

"If you don't want to make a two-inch hole in your chest, just put the gun down." Pierce threatened with the phone.

The situation reversed again.

I have to say that Pierce is not a simple character.

In view of the threat to Black Widow's life, Nick Fury and Black Widow had to compromise and put down all their guns.

Pierce began to control the situation.

But the black widow is not covered, she quietly took out a "small disk", that small disk is not unfamiliar to everyone, and can release electric current.

Black Widow has used it to deal with enemies many times, but this time, Black Widow used it to deal with herself, she squeezed.

An electric current crawled all over her body, knocking it to the ground.

But because of this, the strong current impact also restarted the control program of his badge, temporarily causing Pierce to lose control.

Bang bang!

Nick Fury seized this critical moment, picked up the gun and crashed it, knocking Pierce to the ground.

The picture ends here.

"It turns out that SHIELD was destroyed in this way." Nick Fury sighed with emotion.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., it can be said that he has dedicated his life to the cause of S.H.I.

So now, the same question is before him. What can he do in the face of the ever-growing Hydra?

Is it possible that SHIELD can only be dissolved?

Where is Nick Fury willing!

But in addition to the future method of losing both ends, Nick Fury really can't think of any better way now.

"Nick Fury, maybe my future proposal can be considered." After a moment of thought, Captain America said to Nick Fury with a serious face.

"Captain, I would never consider it, it's still far from that level!" Nick Fury categorically refused.

In the video, there is no way, the insight plan has already begun, and hundreds of thousands of people will be killed if they do not act.

but now?

It is far from critical to that Then tell me, how to solve the problem of Hydra? "Captain America's sharp gaze hit Nick Fury's face, and he asked in a deep voice.

Nick Fury was suddenly speechless when asked.

In view of the current level of Hydra's penetration of S.H.I.E.L.D., even he is currently unable to think of any effective method.

"Easy!" Tony Stark suddenly said, "Didn't Hydra send an undercover agent to SHIELD? Why don't we use the same method? Let's go undercover again!"

"Imagine that one day Pierce thought it was done, and Hydra's undercover agent fully penetrated S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"At that time, he suddenly discovered that all the Hydras he had developed were actually undercover agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau!"

"How exciting is this scene?"

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