Marvel: The Journey

[World War II] – Another Meeting With Agent 13

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In the heart of the bustling city, in a recruitment station,

Steve hurriedly slipped on his shoes, as his eyes caught sight of a notice board that warned applicants about the severe consequences of falsifying enlistment forms. The thought of getting in trouble made him nervous.

Just as Steve was about to leave, the door burst open, and a towering soldier walked in. Steve felt a sudden surge of intimidation as the soldier loomed over him. He gulped and muttered under his breath, "I'm in trouble."

To his surprise, the soldier respectfully stepped aside as Dr. Abraham Erskine, a distinguished scientist, walked in wearing a lab coat. He quickly picked up a file from the table and glanced at it as he spoke, "So, you want to go overseas, kill some Nazis?"

Steve was taken aback by the unexpected question and could only manage to stutter, "Excuse me?"

Dr. Erskine introduced himself and explained that he represented the Strategic Scientific Reserve. Steve felt a sense of relief wash over him as he realized that he was in the presence of someone important. After a moment of hesitation, he shook Dr. Erskine's outstretched hand and said, "Steve Rogers. Where are you from?"

Little did Steve know that this chance encounter with Dr. Erskine would change the course of his life forever. 

With a smile on his face, Dr. Erskine looked at Steve and asked, "Queens, 73rd and Utopia Parkway. Before that, Germany. That bothers you?"

Steve pondered over the question for a moment, trying to make sense of what Dr. Erskine was getting at. After a moment of thought, he simply shrugged.

Dr. Erskine continued, "And, where are you from, Mr. Rogers? Is it New Haven, or Parasmus, or...," he trailed off, reading through Steve's file. "Five exams, in five different cities."

Steve's heart raced as he realized that his cover might have been blown. He tried to interject, "That might not be the right file—"

But Dr. Erskine cut him off and clarified, "It's not the exams I'm interested in. It's in the five tries." He peered at Steve and asked, "You didn't answer my question. You want to kill Nazis?"

Steve suddenly realized that this was more than just a routine recruitment interview. He cautiously asked, "Is this a test?"

Dr. Erskine smiled and replied, "Yes."

Steve felt a surge of nerves and apprehension. He knew that his answer would determine his fate. He took a deep breath and spoke from his heart, "I don't like bullies, Doctor. I don't care where they're from."

Dr. Erskine nodded approvingly and picked up a stamp. As he laid out Steve's file, he cautioned, "I can offer you a chance, only a chance."

Steve replied with conviction, "That's all I'm asking for."

With a firm stamp, Dr. Erskine approved Steve's application and asked, "So, really, where is the little guy from?"

Steve grinned widely and replied, "Brooklyn, New York."

The door to the office at Camp Lehigh swung open with a sudden jolt, and Ian swaggered in with an air of confidence as if he owned the place. He spotted a brown-haired woman poring over some files with a quiet intensity. Without hesitation, Ian strode up to her, relishing the opportunity to provoke her. In a dramatic shift of accent, he drawled, "Queen Hampstead?"

Peggy was deeply engrossed in reading the files when she was rudely interrupted by a disrespectful comment. She had already dealt with one such recruit who called her 'Queen Victoria' earlier, and the last thing she needed was another recruit to test her patience. Peggy was thoroughly irritated and annoyed by the audacity of the newcomer to disturb her work.

Turning around to face the source of the disturbance, Peggy's annoyance quickly transformed into a pleasant surprise as she recognized the new arrival. With a sense of excitement and familiarity, Peggy rose from her chair and exclaimed, "Westbrook? Ian Westbrook?"

Ian, who had expected such a response, couldn't help but smirk at her reaction. He stretched his hand for a handshake and replied, "In the flesh."

 Peggy shook Ian's hand as a smile played on her lips while she jokingly quipped, "I thought I'd never see you again, considering your serious abandonment issues."

Ian was taken aback by her teasing, and he couldn't resist poking fun at her too. He covered his mouth in shock and replied, "What? Queen Hampstead can joke? I thought all you can do is maintain that stoic expression on your face."

Peggy rolled her eyes in response to his comment, and she warned him in a stern tone, "Say one more thing, and I'll punch you in the face."

Ian couldn't help but smile, and he raised his hands in surrender as he backed away from Peggy. "Okay, okay, you win," he said, trying to diffuse the tension.

 Peggy looked at Ian's military uniform with pride. From a lowly Corporal to an honored Sergeant, Ian had grown so much. "You've come a long way since I last saw you," she said, admiring his medals.

Ian chuckled and replied, "Yeah, I managed to do what others failed at." But as he looked around the room, his expression grew melancholic. "It's been two years since I left Camp Lehigh and so much has changed. There are so many strangers here now. Did I miss something?"

Peggy nodded sympathetically, understanding how Ian felt. "You missed a lot," she said with a sigh. "But I'm sure you've been keeping busy with your missions."

He noticed a file lying on her desk. His curiosity was piqued, and he strode over to take a closer look. "What are you reading over there? Why is the file of the weakest boy I have ever seen on your desk?" he asked.

Peggy hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering nervously between Ian and the file. But before she could reply, he noticed something else. "I saw the scientist we saved back then, among some soldiers. Why is he here?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Peggy hesitated again before speaking. "It's classified, Ian. I can't discuss it with you."

Ian's eyes narrowed. "Classified? Come on, Peggy. You know me. We've been through so much together."

Peggy sighed. "I know, Ian. And I trust you. But this is above my clearance level. I can't say anything more."

As Peggy remained tight-lipped, Ian grew more insistent. "Don't tell me?! He is going to experiment on the boy?!" he exclaimed, feigning shock.

Peggy's expression faltered as her eyes widened. "Aha! I was right! He is going to experiment on the boy," he declared triumphantly, pointing at Peggy.

Peggy let out a resigned sigh and gestured for Ian to follow her toward the desk. She took a seat and pushed the file towards him, watching as he perused it with intense concentration. Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed his ear, causing Ian to yelp in pain. With a stern expression, Peggy warned him in no uncertain terms, "You never speak of this to anyone. You never saw this file, I never showed it to you, and you certainly don't blabber about it to anyone."

Peggy released Ian's ear, and he straightened his posture, rubbing the reddened spot. He faced her, and after meeting her glare, he saluted her while saying, "Yes, Ma'am!" in a resolute tone. His obedience amused her, and she couldn't help but chuckle.

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