Marvel: The Journey

[World War II] – Meeting The Scrawny Brooklyn Kid

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Ian and Peggy sat down to discuss the file containing Steve's information. Peggy explained that Steve was chosen by Dr. Erskine for an experiment that would turn him into a super soldier. She went on to tell him that Dr. Erskine had been captured by HYDRA and taken to Castle Kaufmann. Johann Schmidt, the leader of HYDRA, had ordered his men to send Dr. Erskine to a concentration camp. Peggy described how Schmidt had injected himself with the serum, which had given him incredible abilities but also disfigured his face to resemble a red skull. 

While Peggy briefed Ian on the information contained in Steve's file, he carefully concealed his true emotions. He knew that this project was highly classified and that he couldn't afford to arouse any suspicions from Peggy. So, he acted like he was hearing everything for the first time, even though he was already aware of the details.

When the clock struck late, Ian stood up from the chair and stretched his back. He bid farewell to Peggy and left her office. As he shut the door behind him, he took a deep breath and let out a sigh. 

The sun rose on the practice field of Camp Lehigh the next day, casting a golden glow on the recruits who were assembled for their training. Peggy stood in front of them, her sharp eyes scanning each recruit as they went through their paces, ensuring that they were meeting her standards. The sound of grunts and heavy breathing filled the air as the recruits pushed themselves through push-ups, each one looking determined to prove their worth. 

 However, Peggy's attention was drawn to Steve, who was struggling to even do one push-up. His arms shook with the effort, and his breathing was labored as he tried to lift himself.

Dr. Erskine and Colonel Philips watched from a distance, observing the recruits on the practice field. Colonel Philips seemed exasperated as he remarked, "I guess I just don't understand the European sense of humor, Doctor," as they walked toward the group.

He looked at Steve, who was struggling to keep up, and asked with disbelief, "You're not thinking of picking Rogers, are you?"

Dr. Erskine, however, was resolute in his decision as he replied firmly, "I am more than just thinking about it. He is a clear choice."

Colonel Philips gritted his teeth, clearly unhappy with the decision, and continued, "When you invited a ninety-pound asthmatic onto my army base, I let it slide because I assumed he'd be useful to you, like a gerbil. I never thought you'd pick him." He then gestured towards Steve, "Look at him! He's making me cry."

Dr. Erskine rolled his eyes, knowing that Colonel Philips was missing the bigger picture. "I'm looking for qualities beyond the physical," he explained.

But the Colonel was not interested in Dr. Erskine's reasoning. "Do you know how long it took to set up this project? The groveling I had to do in front of Senator Brandt's committee?" he said, clearly frustrated.

As they continued to argue, they noticed Hodge effortlessly powering through the push-ups. "Hodge passed every test we gave him. He's big, he's fast, and he takes orders. In short, he's a soldier," the Colonel pointed out.

But Dr. Erskine was not swayed, "He's a bully."

The Colonel's eyes lingered on Dr. Erskine for a prolonged moment until the sound of footsteps caught their attention. They pivoted around and noticed Ian striding towards them purposefully.

Ian saluted Colonel Philips, who responded with the same. "At ease, Sergeant!" said the Colonel as he admired the medals on Ian's uniform. "You are one impressive soldier! Your reports from the Solomon Islands showcase your extraordinary efforts - from eliminating Japanese soldiers and destroying bases to securing the airfields, you've done it all!"

Ian humbly accepted the compliment while Dr. Erskine praised him as well. "You have come a long way, Sergeant. I am thoroughly impressed.", his admiration was evident in his tone.

 Dr. Erskine then turned to Colonel Philips and proposed, "Perhaps we should let Sergeant Ian be the judge of who we should select for the program.", with a knowing glint in his eyes.

Colonel Philips nodded and Dr. Erskine turned to Ian and posed a question, "Sergeant, among these recruits, which one do you think is the better soldier?"

Ian surveyed the recruits intently, and as his gaze shifted across the group, he couldn't help but notice the scrawny frame of Steve Rogers, who appeared to be struggling with the exercise. With a sense of excitement, he strode towards the truck and retrieved a grenade. The scene from the movie flashed through his mind, and he knew this would be the perfect opportunity to see what the recruits were made of.

Ignoring Dr. Erskine's question, Ian hurled the grenade toward the recruits, shouting a warning to them. Panic set in as they frantically scrambled for cover. Hodge dived beneath a nearby jeep, while Steve instinctively threw himself on top of the grenade, yelling for everyone else to get down. Moments passed, and the expected explosion never came. Confused, Steve slowly opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings.

Meanwhile, Dr. Erskine's face lit up with a broad smile, while Colonel Philips glared at him in disapproval. Steve looked around at the others, unsure of what had just transpired. He finally gathered the courage to ask, " this a test?"

Ian walked over to Steve with a warm smile, offering a hand to help him up. Steve dusted himself off, still disoriented from the sudden grenade toss. Ian turned to Dr. Erskine and confidently declared, "I think you found your answer, Doctor."

Dr. Erskine beamed, knowing that Steve's selfless and quick reaction proved his theory that the serum would enhance Steve's character.

As Ian approached them, Colonel Philips stormed off in anger. Dr. Erskine turned his gaze to Ian, sizing him up for a moment before posing a question, "Sergeant Westbrook, would you like to witness a historic event?"

Ian's heart raced with excitement. He recognized the significance of Dr. Erskine's proposal and responded eagerly, "Yes, sir! I would be honored."

When Dr. Erskine walked away, Ian approached Peggy who was intently observing the recruits. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, "Is that your boy?" with a nod in Steve's direction.

Peggy's eyes narrowed as she attempted to step on Ian's foot in frustration, but he effortlessly dodged the move and sauntered away with a smirk. As he glanced back at her and then at Steve, Peggy's face turned slightly red with anger and embarrassment, her fists clenched tightly, still fuming at his comment.






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