Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 66

Chapter 67 Jerry’S Noble Temperament


“We’re here, Filch is patrolling the second floor, be careful when you go back!”

After the just contact, the Weasley brothers felt that Jerry was indeed similar to what his brother Ron said, a different Slytherin.

And the key is that the other party also seems to have a talent for tricking, and they have some like-minded tastes, so when they were on the fourth floor, they kindly reminded Jerry.

“Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out!”

Jerry glanced at the location on the fourth floor, then nodded and continued walking downstairs.

It’s only ten days since the start of school, and the Weasley brothers couldn’t help but wonder. Are they going to explore the forbidden area on the fourth floor?

Yes, at the school opening banquet, Dumbledore himself declared the fourth floor a restricted area. Any little wizard who went there would be courting death. How could these two daring fellows, the Weasley brothers, hold back their curiosity and spy on them? !

I didn’t go there right away on the night of the opening banquet, which was considered very good.

However, I don’t know if these two can successfully walk in front of the three-headed dog like the three of Harry.

It is estimated that it should not be so smooth, and they may not even be able to enter the door at the beginning.

Jerry has no interest in the Weasley Brothers’ fourth-floor adventure.

Because there are secrets on the fourth floor, of course he knows, but the things in there are not things that he can plan with his magic ability now.

Or be honest and pragmatic about your own magic theory foundation, and try to learn more useful magic spells!

Turning on Superman mode, flexibly avoiding Filch who was patrolling on the second floor, Jerry came to the entrance of the Slytherin dungeon.


After reading the command, he stepped into the Slytherin common room that had been away for a month.


Sunday morning, September 11th, in the Great Hall on the first floor of Hogwarts.

Jerry sat on the long Slytherin table, elegantly eating pumpkin porridge with a spoon, and attentively looking at the “Wonderful Magical Puzzles and Their Solutions” borrowed from the library.

Most of the other little Slytherin wizards were excited for the broomstick class that was coming up in the afternoon.

The most conspicuous is little Malfoy. At this time, he is proudly telling the various stories that happened when he rode his broom before he entered school.

For example, there was an extremely terrifying dodging of a Muggle helicopter.

Anyway, they were all boasting, and the other little wizards were also not to be outdone, and they all told how amazing their flying broom skills were.

“Daphne, peeking at Jerry again!”

Pansy, with short hair, glanced slyly at the other end of the long table. Jerry, who was concentrating on reading, bumped into Daphne next to him.

Daphne blushed slightly and said:

“What is peeking, I am looking at it aboveboard!”

Pansy laughed softly when she heard the words.

There are only four girls in Slater’s freshmen, of course, they are assigned to a dormitory, so the relationship is still very good.

“But, I heard Draco say that Jerry seems to have a good relationship with the freshman in Gryffindor, and is also a betrayal!”

Pansy smiled again with a hesitant look on her face.

But Daphne responded angrily immediately:

“Draco is jealous of Jerry’s excellence, Jerry is not a traitor, you don’t understand Jerry’s ambitions, he doesn’t need to fight against those people in Gryffindor, because he never put Gryffindor In the eyes of those people, he is the best!”

“Actually, I don’t think he is a betrayer. At least he earned a lot of credits for Slytherin, and now Slytherin’s credits are the first of the four colleges!”

Pansy nodded in approval.

She and Draco had known each other since childhood, and knew that Draco was more competitive. Maybe Jerry’s performance completely overwhelmed him during the school year, so he would say that.

However, she did not fully believe Daphne’s statement. It was only eleven days after the start of the school year. It will take time to test whether Jerry is as good as Daphne said.

Slytherin’s little wizards are all proud, and only those who are far superior to them can lead them.

“However, in the afternoon flying broom class, your Jerry probably won’t be able to stand out any more!”

At this moment, Pansy suddenly thought of something, and raised an eyebrow at Daphne with a smile.

During this time, Pansy had known that Jerry was not the child of some famous wizard’s family at all, but came from a Muggle orphanage, but his parents may be wizards, or one of them may be wizards.

This also means that Jerry has never touched a broom before.

And the children of the wizard family, who have not been exposed to broomsticks since childhood, they should not be too familiar with them.

Although Draco’s experiences were mostly bragging, his skills in riding a broomstick were definitely not bad.

In the broomstick class, it is estimated that it is difficult for Jerry to have any outstanding performance.

And she also heard Draco tell him to laugh at Jerry and the famous Harry Potter in broomstick class.

Hearing Pansy’s words, Daphne frowned slightly, but quickly said firmly:

“Even the first contact, I believe that Jerry is the best, he must be the best, no one can be better than him!”

“All right!”

Pansy shrugged a little speechlessly.

But then she took another look at Jerry and smiled:

“He still looks a lot like a real It’s hard to imagine that he was born in a Muggle orphanage, maybe his parents were some famous wizard.

That’s why he has the noble blood in their bodies to have such a noble temperament! ”

If Jerry knew what Pansy was thinking at this time, he would definitely laugh.

The noble temperament of a ghost, he just doesn’t like drinking pumpkin porridge, so he will eat it slowly with a spoon. If it was a bowl of salty tofu brain, he would have finished drinking it.

At this moment, a large group of owl postmen swarmed along the windows of the auditorium, dropping envelopes and packages in front of the little wizards.

It was the owl delivery link each morning that arrived.

Here, little Malfoy received a new magic candy sent to him from his mother, and immediately showed it off to the gluttonous Goyle and Crabbe.

Pansy looked at Malfoy, who was showing off with candy, and then glanced at Jerry, who was sitting elegantly drinking pumpkin porridge and concentrating on reading, and shook his head helplessly:

“Draco, compared to that Jerry, you really don’t have any advantage other than birth! Oh, maybe you have a broom.”

Girls always mature earlier than boys, and in Pansy’s opinion, Draco’s showing off with candy was a little too childish.

Even if he excels in broomstick class, it is estimated that it is difficult to shake Jerry’s current position in the hearts of all first-year Slytherins.

“But I still think Goyle is the most handsome one!”

On the other side, the strong Milison suddenly interjected.

Pansy and Daphne rolled their eyes as they watched Goyle, whose mouth was full of oil.


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