Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 67

Chapter 68 Accident In Broomstick Class


“My memory ball!”

“Malfoy, do you want a fight?”

A loud roar pulled Jerry out of the sea of magical knowledge.

He turned his head to look at the place where the riot took place.

It turned out that little Malfoy snatched the memory ball sent to Neville by Grandma Neville when he was passing by the Gryffindor long table, and Harry and Ron were helping Neville to get ahead.

However, due to the timely arrival of Professor McGonagall, the conflict has not reached its climax, and it has ended ahead of schedule.

After closing the book and checking the time, Jerry got up and walked towards the Slytherin dormitory.

There was a Transfiguration class in the morning, and he hadn’t picked up the textbook yet.

Some people will think that since Jerry has memorized all the contents of the Transfiguration textbook, and the magic spells in it have also been used, is there any point in class?

Jerry will tell you, of course it makes sense!

It’s like you memorize the entire math book, and then you can use the formulas in it through self-study, but it’s a truth that you still need to go to math class to listen to the teacher’s explanation.

Moreover, in terms of the complexity of magic, it is not much worse than mathematics.

Under the teacher’s explanation, many small details that were overlooked in self-study will also be discovered at this time, and many knowledge, experience and small skills, which are not mentioned in these books, will be popularized in the classroom by the teacher.

Therefore, Jerry still attaches great importance to class, and he will listen to almost every class very carefully.

Because only in this way can his magic foundation be strong enough.

“From the ground up, every brick and tile is the foundation!”

If you want to become a top-level wizard like Dumbledore, without a solid enough foundation, it is definitely impossible to achieve magic.

Self-study, class, and communication with classmates are all indispensable bricks and bricks for building tall buildings.


At half past three in the afternoon,

The sun is shining and the breeze is gentle, which is a very suitable day for riding a broom.

Jerry and a group of little Slytherin wizards came to the big lawn at the gate of the castle, and there, twenty brooms had been set up in advance.

It’s just that the twenty broomsticks looked a little worn out, and even some branches were poked out, which seemed to be worse than his three-star sweep.

After a while, Jerry saw Hermione, Harry and other little Gryffindor wizards coming from the castle, followed by their broomstick teacher, Ms. Hooch.

Ms. Hooch looked to be in her early thirties, with short gray hair and eagle-like yellow eyes. Jerry felt that she might have the blood of some eagle-like magical animal flowing in her body.

“Okay, what are you all waiting for? Everyone stands next to a broomstick. Quick, quick, hurry up!”

As soon as Ms. Hooch arrived, she immediately urged the little wizards to stand beside the two rows of broomsticks.

Eleven in Gryffindor and nine in Slytherin, so Hermione was temporarily placed next to Jerry.

“Tighten your hands, push your body forward, don’t keep looking down, look forward, don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous, I’m not nervous, I’m not nervous, I’m nervous, I’m nervous…”

Looking at Hermione next to him, Jerry whispered about the flying skills recorded in “The Magic of Quidditch”, his nervous body trembled slightly, and he couldn’t help but want to laugh.

However, he still comforted in a slow and low voice:

“Hermione, it’s alright, it’s just a broom, let’s not fly so high for a while, take your time!”

“But I’ve never ridden a broom before!”

Hearing the comfort from her close friend, Hermione stopped talking, but there was still a worried look on her face.

Jerry said without blinking:

“It’s okay, I haven’t ridden it before. It’s my first time. It’ll be good to ride a few more times in the future!”


At this time, Ms. Hooch also came to the middle of the little wizards and began to explain the magic spell and some usage skills for controlling the broom.

After the theory is finished, the next step is the practice.

“Stretch out your right hand, place it over the broom handle, and say the spell!”

Under Mrs. Hooch’s order, everyone stretched out their right hands and said in unison:

“Two puffs!”

As the magic spell took effect, everyone’s broomsticks also started automatically.

Some flew directly into the hands, such as Jerry, Malfoy and Harry, etc., some just rolled on the ground, such as Hermione, Dean, Parvati, and some remained motionless on the ground, such as Neville and Seamus.

“Hermione, your will must be firm, strong, and you must not get up, be obedient, and I will immediately convey to it the emotion that you are chopping firewood!”

Seeing that Hermione didn’t let the broom get up several times in a row, Jerry’s eyes were red with anxiety, and he quickly taught her his unique skills.

Jerry is still very experienced in broomsticks, after all, he has been flying on it for a month.

And he was the same as Hermione at the beginning, and later, through the refreshing function, he was keenly aware of the shortcut to master the broom.

That is the transmission of emotions, and the broomstick is also a bully and afraid of the hard. The more nervous you are, the better you can read www. The more cowardly is, the more disobedient it is.

The firmer and tougher you are, the harder it will be.

Sure enough, with the help of Jerry’s little tricks, Hermione quickly mastered the method and made the broom fly successfully.

On the other side, Daphne, who had already picked up the broom, saw Jerry carefully teaching Hermione’s skills, and suddenly secretly made a mistake, she shouldn’t have picked up the broom so quickly.

Half an hour later, under the careful guidance of Mrs. Hooch, the last Neville also successfully picked up the broom.

“Okay, as soon as I whistle, you kick your legs off the ground and kick hard.”

Mrs. Hooch went to the front of everyone with a whistle.

“Stand on the broom, go up a few feet, then lean forward a little and drop back to the ground vertically. Listen to my whistle, three, two…”

However, before Madam Hooch’s whistle blew, Neville, who was too nervous, kicked his feet hard and shot straight up like a rocket.

In a blink of an eye, Neville’s flying height exceeded the few feet that Ms. Hooch said just now, and came to a dozen feet, or even twenty or thirty feet later, that is, a height of more than ten meters.

Then, his face turned pale, his hands softened, the whole person shouted, slipped off the broom, and quickly smashed to the ground under the action of gravity.

Due to the suddenness of the incident, even Mrs. Hooch didn’t react.

However, just when everyone exclaimed, a figure “swiped” up from the ground, like a sharp arrow, rushing towards the position where Neville fell.

It turned out that not everyone didn’t react, at least Jerry, who had expected it for a long time, responded in time.


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