Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 697

 Chapter 697 The Avenger vs. Thanos (Part 2)

    At this time, Difan, who had completely lost his original graceful and luxurious demeanor, barely raised his head while lying on the ground, and coughed as he watched Jerry walking slowly with a group of people Said:

    “I made Mr. Carmen laugh. I didn’t expect that I just bought two precious collections from you, and they were snatched away by this purple-skinned robber. What ah.”

    “Mr. Di Fan doesn’t have to be like this. I look down on that kind of robbery, who rely on his own force to snatch other people’s things, and he really doesn’t have the spirit of an equal exchange.”

    Jerry laughed, and didn’t look at Thanos’ eyes full of murderous intent, and continued to talk to the emperor. Fan said:

    “Mr. Difan, how about this? Let’s make another deal. I will help you deal with these bandits. How about you sell me your land of nothingness? We avengers from the earth, Just need a place to stay outside the earth.”

    Regarding Jerry’s proposal, Di Fan was stunned for a moment, then looked around the void that was almost in ruins, and Thanos stepped on his back, biting Grinding his teeth, his expression became fierce.

    “Mr. Carmen, if you can really help me out, what does it matter if I give you the land of nothingness!” After

    living for so many years, this is the first time he has suffered such humiliation. All destroyed, and the nothingness of the business is finished.

    If Jerry, a legendary and powerful wizard, can help him vent his anger, it would be nothing to send out the void that has no value. .

    “It’s too much to give away, so let’s do it, I’ll pay one trillion!”

    Seeing that Di Fan had agreed, Jerry smiled and turned to look at Thanos who was stepping on his back.

    Since Jerry’s appearance, Thanos has surprisingly not interrupted, except for his eyes full of killing accidents, because he saw his two daughters, Gamora and Nebula, behind Jerry.

    So he knew that everything that happened now was planned by the other party long ago.

    “You seem to be too confident in yourself, just relying on you and the so-called Earth Avengers behind you?”

    Thanos kicked Difan, holding two infinity gems, and his tone was full of concern for Jerry and those behind him. people’s disdain.

    He could see now that Jerry and the group of people behind him were not the same group of guys who guarded the earth when he sent Ebony Maw to the earth to test it.

    The opponent can defeat his subordinate Ebony Maw, and can defeat Ronan, the strength is indeed not bad. But wanting to defeat him and his armada is simply whimsical, especially now that he has got two Infinity Stones.

    Therefore, even if he knew what the other party must be planning, he didn’t care that much. He has always upheld that in the face of absolute power, all calculations are false!

    “I’ve always been more confident.”

    Jerry smiled slightly and raised his hand.

    Immediately, three gemstones, Reality Gem, Space Gem, and Soul Gem, appeared in his hands together.

    “Look, you now have two Infinity Stones, and I have three. The Stephen next to me is a new generation of supreme mages, and he also has one. Four vs. two, it’s obvious that we have a better chance of winning!”


    Looking at the three infinity gems in Jerry’s hand, and then at the one on Stephen’s neck next to him, Thanos’ eyes suddenly burst into infinite light.

    He never expected that the six infinity gemstones he had been looking for were all gathered here at this moment.

    “Everyone listen to the order, kill them for me, and grab all the infinite gems!”

    Thanos roared full of excitement, picked up the tyrant’s double blades in his hand, jumped up, and directly thrust towards Jerry.

    “Let him kill!”

    Jerry snapped his fingers and joked.

    Facing Thanos volleying down from the sky, Scarlet Witch stepped forward and stood in front of Jerry, brewing powerful chaos magic with both hands, and abruptly received Thanos’ explosive kill.

    “Seratok’s scarlet chains!”

    Doctor Strange threw out two scarlet magic chains, instantly entangled Thanos.

    Xingjue turned into a stone giant with the power of the gods, and punched Thanos’ head with a punch, trying to smash it into meatloaf with one punch.

    “Small tricks!” Thanos

    roared, let go of the Tyrant’s Double Blades in his hand, and threw Doctor Strange out of his body with force. Then pinch the power gem and push it up into the sky, using the energy of the power gem, the stone giant that Xingjue turned into flew up.

    Although Thanos can’t fly or magic, he has unsurpassed strength, endurance, recovery and agility. His skin is nearly indestructible, especially against cold, heat, electricity, radiation, poison, aging and disease.


    At this time, Aisha, who had already flown into the air, also activated the sleep magic, and Thanos, who had just beaten Star-Lord, suddenly felt his brain become a little chaotic.

    However, due to the super magic antibody, he recovered just by shaking his head.

    But in the blink of an eye, he was knocked down to the ground.

    It turned out that Dr. Banner turned into the Hulk and fell from the sky, and began to hammer him crazily.

    Thanos is much stronger than Hulk. After being hit a few times, he grabbed Hulk’s arm and threw him out angrily.

    However, before he could catch his breath, Thor let out a loud cry, holding Thor’s Hammer, and bombarded the sky with powerful lightning, followed by Vision, Drex, Groot, Iron Man, and War Machine. , Spiderman.

    In this way, although Thanos is extremely powerful, and is assisted by the power gem and the soul gem, he is still suppressed there by the tacit cooperation of everyone.

    As for his three powerful subordinates, they were even worse than him.

    Because they are facing Gamora, Nebula, Mantis, Black Panther, Rocket, Quicksilver, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Falcon, and Winter Soldier led by Captain America.

    The strong-willed Captain America, with Mantis who also has the ability to control the mind, deals with superstars who can manipulate others at will. The others teamed up to besiege General Deathblade and his wife, Proxima Centauri.

    The combat strategy of Tony and Steve is to lead the team separately. Tony takes all the tough superheroes and heroes who can attack with long-range and magic to deal with the most terrifying Thanos.

    Then Steve will take the remaining superheroes to deal with Thanos’ three capable men, and after they are resolved, they will join together to kill Thanos.

    “Thanos, if you want to get the three gems in my hand, pass their level first!”

    Jerry put away the three gems in his hand, slowly lifted into the air, and looked down at the hard-working Thanos below.

    After finishing speaking, he couldn’t help muttering:

    “This feeling, why am I more like a big villain!”

    Generally, it’s not that the big villain holds some treasure, and then the good people go through hardships and defeat the big villain’s various subordinates. Finally, defeat the big villain and get the treasure.

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