Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 716

  The world Anxelam is in is called Andrew’s Great World, a fantasy world full of swords and magic.

    Those who use swords can practice Dou Qi and are called Dou Zhe. The powerful Dou Di can even cut a mountain with a single sword, which is very powerful.

    The use of magic is called a magician, divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, mage, and magister. The destructive power of taboo magic used by a powerful magister is far greater than that of a fighter.

    Anxelam was the most powerful magician in the Andrew Continent at that time. He devoted himself to studying magic and hoped to discover the true meaning of magic one day.

    Until one day, he finally broke through the bottleneck that magicians had never broken through, mastered the mysteries of life and death, and could use magic to revive family members and friends who had been dead for hundreds of years.

    Even later he began to realize the true meaning of magic, and created an independent space that he could completely control.

    It was at that time that Andrew, the God of Creation in the Andrew Continent, appeared in front of him.

    Creator God Andrew did not reward him for his achievements, but instead angrily accused him of being a shameless mortal who stole the authority of the gods and needed to be erased forever to wake up the world.

    Fortunately, although he lost to Andrew at that time, he also had the power to protect himself. Taking advantage of Andrew’s underestimation of the enemy, he temporarily blocked Andrew with the special magic he invented, broke through the shackles of the world in time, and entered the dark place beyond the world. land.

    “What’s a dark place?”

    Jerry interjected.

    Andrew paused and explained:

    “All the worlds created by the creator gods exist in the Darklands, and the Darklands have no beginning and no end. Actually, I am not very clear about the details. Even the name of the Darklands, It was also created by some creator gods.

    If you don’t use space magic to locate the coordinates and appear in my world in a teleport, but break the barrier of your original world, you need to go through the endless dark land to find my world .”

    Hearing Andrew’s explanation, Jerry understood instantly.

    It’s like in the universe, from one planet to another, you have to drive a spaceship through the vast space. If you know the specific space coordinates, you can jump directly to the space.

    And when entering another world from a living world, if there is no spatial coordinate, then you need to go through an endless land of darkness.

    It’s just that some worlds are one world, and some worlds are multiple worlds, or even one universe, multiple universes, depending on the strength of the creator god.

    If Jerry wants to, he can also break out of the barrier of the Marvel universe, enter the endless dark land outside, and find a fixed place to place himself in the ring world, just like Anxelam now.

    However, he felt that it would be better to stay in the main Marvel universe first. The main Marvel universe is obviously the top-level world, which is very inclusive and can accommodate many existences like him who have their own dimensional world.

    “After escaping Andrew’s pursuit, I wandered in the endless darkness. I have encountered many worlds and many creator gods like Andrew.

    Some of them are friendly, but most of them are Not friendly, wanted to kill me, swallowed my magic power to strengthen myself, especially those creation gods who were stronger than me.

    After going through a lot of things, I became a lot stronger, secretly returned to Andrew’s world, killed Andrew merged his world with the world I created to form the world you see now.”

    Anxelam’s narration ended, and Jerry fell into deep thought again.

    He knew that Anxelam had beautified himself to a certain extent when he narrated his experience, but he didn’t care. What he cared about was that Anxelam didn’t know who the real creator of the panel was.

    It was only when he entered this world for the first time that Anxelam felt a powerful aura that could easily destroy him, so he didn’t dare to act rashly towards him.

    So what is certain is that the creator of the panel must be a powerful existence far beyond diversity. As for who is stronger than the creator of the Marvel universe, it is hard to say.

    Of course, after learning about Anxelam’s experience, Jerry also had a huge harvest.

    That is, he knows that he can not only rely on his own positioning to enter the small world in the future, but also no longer need to rely on the panel to capture new worlds for him.

    As long as he is brave enough, he can enter the dark land by himself to find the new world that may exist in it, and he doesn’t have to be limited to a small magical world.

    But there is also a premise, that is, it is best to mention his strength again, because according to Anxelam, the creation gods in the Darklands are not good.

    But even if there is danger, he will definitely set foot on the dark land in the future.

    Because if you want to enter the multiverse and create new universes one by one by yourself, it is definitely a very time-consuming thing, and it may not be completed in tens of billions of years.

    It is obviously much faster to absorb and integrate those worlds that already exist, and merge the worlds that they have evolved for countless years into their own world.

    Sometimes, he even wondered if the owner of the panel also wanted to swallow the Marvel multiverse, so he would be sent in by reincarnation as an outpost.

    “Brother, we had a good chat, and I will come back to ask you for advice when I have time!”

    Feeling that it was almost done, Jerry got up and said goodbye to Anxelam.

    And Anxelam didn’t try to persuade him to stay, but said meaningfully:

    “I hope that my little brother and I won’t be enemies in the future!”

    “Don’t worry, brother, there are many friends of mine in this world. I can come and see them when I have time.”

    Jerry knew what Anxelam meant, and gave his answer very sincerely.

    This is indeed the answer he gave from the heart.

    He and Anxelam didn’t really have any friendship, at most they used each other to exchange some knowledge.

    But he has a good friendship with everyone in Fairy Tail, so even if his strength surpasses that of Anxelam in the future, he will not start a war with him and forcefully include this world into his future multi-system.

    This includes the world of Harry Potter and the world of the wizard’s apprentice that he has experienced now, and the same is true.

    After feeling Jerry’s assurance from the heart, Anxelam’s heart was finally relieved.

    In fact, since Jerry first appeared, he has never let go of his heart, and has been worried that one day his world will be swallowed up, because he has done this kind of thing before.

    In this way, after bidding farewell to Anxelam, Jerry returned to the Fairy Tail guild again.


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