Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 717

   Chapter 717 The Powerful Detention Team (Second Update)

    “President Malalov, I am Bulga, the captain of the first freshman detention team, and I am representing the newly established Magic Council, and I want to arrest you Fairy Tail Sorcerer Prey Hitt Gelberg, Urrutia Milkovich, and Gerald Fernandez. The

    three of them are suspected of sabotaging the former Magic Council and inducing the power of magic elves. They are all bad things. People!”

    At the entrance of the Fairy Tail Guild, a strong middle-aged mage led thousands of mages in the uniform of the detention army, and surrounded the entire Fairy Tail guild.

    His tone was full of the superior attitude of the superior, and he didn’t care about those Fairy Tail wizards who were about to go berserk.

    In his eyes, Fairy Tail, as the number one wizards guild in the mainland, is indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it must be checked and balanced by the Magic Council.

    As the captain of the first detention unit, he represented the Magic Council, and he was supported by all the members behind him. In this situation, Makarov had to look at his face in front of him.

    And this time he brought thousands of mages, even if the mages of Fairy Tail really resisted, he was not afraid of force.

    He even hoped that all the mages of Fairy Tail would do it, so that he could make an example of others, and let all the mages’ guilds know that their new magic council was not comparable to the old fools.

    This is also the real reason why he has been so arrogant since he appeared.

    Makarov, who was standing at the front of the guild, stared at the extremely arrogant Bugar with an angry look on his face. He was not a good-tempered person.

    Although the previous magic councils often troubled their guilds, it was because the guild’s mages always made troubles and caused a lot of damage when performing tasks.

    And it won’t be real, most of the time it’s a verbal warning, and the meaning is over.

    Because the councilors are well aware of the strength of the major wizard guilds, and understand that many things need the help of the wizard guilds to solve them.

    Although the status of the Magic Council is higher than that of the Wizards Guild, in fact, the former Magic Council has been getting along well with the major guilds.

    But the new Magic Council is obviously different now. Their actions are very domineering, without prior notice, they directly send a detention team to surround the guild.

    He also threatened that as long as he dared to cover up the three of Gerald, he would directly assign Fairy Tail to the Dark Mage Guild and arrest all members publicly without leaving any room for it.

    Makarov didn’t pay attention to these miscellaneous fish in front of him at all. Let alone attacking them himself, Natsu and Gray could wipe them all out with the cooperation of the two.

    It’s just that the newly-born Magic Council has deep ties with the country’s high-level officials. Once it turns against them, it will be very troublesome if Fairy Tail is defined as the Dark Mage Guild.

    “No, no one can take away our guild partners. If you want to take them away, you have to step over my corpse first!

    ” Erza slapped him unconscious from behind with a big sword.

    “Makarov, because you are the Holy Ten Sorcerer, and the Fairy Tail Guild has made a lot of contributions, so I didn’t take action at the beginning.

    But my patience is limited, and I warn you one last time, Hand over the three of them immediately, or don’t blame us for being rude!”

    Bugar’s tone became more and more arrogant, and even he and all the wizards of the detention team behind him had magic circles raised on them, as if they were ready at any time hands on.

    “Threat me? When I, Makarov, became famous, you were not born yet! I don’t know how to hand over people, and the last thing we Fairy Tail fear is fighting!”

    Makarov was also pissed off by the words of the captain of the detention team on the opposite side. Laughed, I will immediately beat the other party to the ground regardless of the three seven twenty-one.

    But before he could make a move, a voice stopped him.

    “Makarov, stop, let’s go with them!”

    It was the second-generation president Prechto who led Gerald and Urrutia out of the crowd behind and stopped Makarov. next decision.

    Seeing that Makarov wanted to object, Prechto waved at him.

    “Although we have corrected our sins now, we did do a lot of wrong things and caused many tragedies back then. We should be arrested and tried.”

    Since waking up from Fairy Tail a month ago, seeing the revived Mei After Biss, the darkness in Prechto’s heart also disintegrated, and he returned to the original kind-hearted second-generation president.

    And Ulutia also learned the truth from Ulu. It wasn’t that Ulu didn’t want her back then, but because Ulu was deceived into thinking that she was dead.

    So in the end, not only the Tower of Paradise, but also all the mages in the heart of the devil created by the second-generation president Prechto, also joined Fairy Tail.

    Now they are all Fairy Tail wizards.

    It’s just that they didn’t expect that the first thing the new Magic Council would do after its establishment would be to perform surgery on them to demonstrate their rights.

    In order to prevent the Fairy Tail guild created by Mebis from becoming a dark guild, he, Gerald, and Urrutia resolutely decided not to resist and take the initiative to follow the detention team back to the Council for trial.

    Hearing Prechton’s words, Makarov and Mebis who came behind had uncomfortable expressions on their faces, but they didn’t object.

    Seeing the Fairy Tail mages gritted their teeth and remained silent, Bulga immediately showed a complacent expression, and waved his hand to let the mages under him step forward to put the magic-proof handcuffs on all three of them, and escort them back to the review meeting.

    However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the direction of the guild gate.

    “Hey, I’ve only been away for three days, how come the guild has become so lively?”

    Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was the fourth-generation guild leader Jerry Carmen who disappeared with God Anxelam a month ago.

    “What three days, Jerry, you disappeared for a month!”

    At this moment, Lucy hurriedly reminded.

    “One month, it seems that the time flow in Anxelam Temple is a bit different from the time flow here.”

    At this moment, Jerry suddenly realized.

    It’s no wonder that as soon as he returned to the guild, he saw that the new council had actually sent someone to block the door. It stands to reason that the revocation of the old council and the establishment of the new council could not be completed in three days.

    Turns out it’s been a month.

    In fact, if you think about it, the time flow rate in the astral world is different from the time flow rate in the normal world below. In the normal astral world, three months have passed in the lower world.

    Although the location of the temple of God Anxelam is not in the Astral World, it is also above the Astral World. It is normal that the flow of time is somewhat different.

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