Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 178

Chapter 176 Sansha want to jump off the cliff?

Miss Archon spit out the ice cubes and couldn’t wait to ask: “How on earth did you do it?”

Renault smiled slightly: “I will show you it, and you will understand…”

As soon as he finished saying this, the water in the “faucet” stopped abruptly, and then a large white mist gushed out from the mouth of the pipe, and in the blink of an eye it floated to Renault and gathered into a dense ball of fog.

“First use high temperature to evaporate ice cubes into water vapor…”

Renault snapped his fingers, and the fog ball suddenly began to collapse sharply. After a breath, the fog ball shrank to the size of a fist and became a dense white ball.

“Compress it while cooling it…”

Following his words, the fog ball was further compressed, and a cloud of clear water appeared.

At last he said lightly, “Here, that’s it, it’s actually very simple…”

The girl and Lena on the side were already watching.

Its principle is indeed very simple, but is it really that simple to achieve this?

Lena was so stupid that she couldn’t see it. The well-informed lady consul was not so foolish. The girl knew that it was never as simple as Renault said!

It instantly turns ice into gas, and what is melting is the ice in the designated part, but the ice cubes in other locations are completely unaffected.

The instantaneous condensation turns into water, and the cooling is also local water vapor. During this process, the ice cubes must be heated continuously, that is to say, the heating and cooling processes must be performed simultaneously.

The control required behind this is terrifying!

Especially Renault has done it effortlessly, which is even more difficult.

Control power is directly equal to mental power, so this also means that his mental power is already extremely large!

When the girl secretly sighed, Renault threw the little sea loach into the ice tank and repeatedly washed it three times.

After cleaning, he used [Nian Power] to fish up the little sea loach, 2 daggers came together automatically, and frantically scratched the body of the little sea loach, the light of the knife flashed into a dazzling one.

The black-gray fish skin was peeled off, divided into long strips, and then rolled into finger-length fish skin rolls, neatly stacked in a huge wooden plate.

After the skin was peeled off, the flesh of the fish was completely revealed. The flesh of the small sea loach was very beautiful. Not only was it crystal clear, but also with a hint of pink, it seemed to make people have the urge to take a bite.

The dagger danced again, and the light of the knife continued. In just ten seconds, this little sea loach, which was more than 2 meters long, became a pile of palm-length meat.

Every time a sea loach section is cut, it automatically falls into a newly created ice basin, at which time a thin layer of salt and two other spices have been sprinkled in the ice basin.

One of the spice called “Haidongguo” is similar to the peppers on the earth, but it is only slightly numb, not as heavy as pepper, and the fragrance of Haidongguo is stronger.

After dozens of seconds, the neatly arranged sea loach section was filled with an ice basin, and an invisible hand stirred it to mix the spices and the sea loach section evenly.

Then there is the marinating time. This ice basin is not only a marinating container, but also provides a sufficiently low temperature for “low-temperature marinating”.

After marinating for 5 minutes, Sansha and Adanis finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

The panting three silly, lying directly in front of the girl, the dog’s eyes stared at her vigorously, and her voice was full of grievances, and she seemed to blame the girl for not allowing her to ride in the car.

The girl had to touch its furry head, trying to comfort it.

Renault looked at Sanshou with contempt. This boy was almost fattening into a ball. It is estimated that the blood plasma was about to turn milky white. He wanted to ride in the car and was not afraid of sudden death from a stroke that day.

When traversing the mainland, Sansha ran at least 5 to 60 kilometers a day, still full of energy, and I have never seen him so tired. Today, he only walked more than 10 kilometers, and he became tired and became a dead dog.

Since coming to the Hai Tide Islands, San Sha’s exercise volume has dropped drastically, but his appetite has skyrocketed because he doesn’t need to work hard every day.

The reason is simple. There is less time to go on the road and more time to eat. In addition, there are abundant products in the ocean, all kinds of conch, seashells and sea fish, and there are often large beasts hunted by the lord. All kinds of crazy eating and drinking.

The consequence is that it has gained 3 laps!

Fat became a stupid ball!

Its limbs are obviously thick, and the dog’s face has two more meats. The fat on its body is still shaking when walking, and its posture is indescribable.

Especially the belly is chubby. If it weren’t for a male dog, Renault would have suspected that it had a “little silly” in its belly.

Most beasts in other worlds are struggling at the edge of the food and clothing line, but this cheap dog is good, and he is already fat enough to desperately need to lose weight.

What a wonderful thing in a dog!

One of the reasons for having a picnic in such a remote place is to make this cheap dog exercise more.

On the contrary, the little thing, Adanis, performed much better.

After being paralyzed on the grass for a while, it struggled to get up, staggered to Renault’s side, rubbed his small head against his calf, and yelled a few times.

During this time, Adanis has grown up a little bit, her body length is close to 1 meter, she is no longer milkless and unhappy, and her recipe also clearly shows a tendency to carnivorous animals, and even her playful behavior has been reduced a lot.

At the same time, under Renault’s patient guidance, it also learned to control its sharp claws, and no longer scratched like before.

The little milk cat finally grew into a kitten.

Seeing that the little thing was so quiet and well-behaved, behaving so much better than the silly ball, Renault couldn’t help but give a secret compliment, squatted down and stroked its back hair a few times with his hands.

Adanis suddenly narrowed her eyes and let out a few small snoring.

After 20 minutes, the sea loach section was marinated and Renault officially started.

The dish he prepared is called “Salt and Pepper Sea Loach Duan”.

A sharp thorn automatically melted into a thin metal fryer, and it landed on the metal frame, and at the same time a large pot flew over, a large white flowered solid grease came out of the pot mouth, melted while flying, and fell into the fryer. .

The fragrant oily smell quickly diffused.

Adanis’ little nose flicked a few times, and she stepped on the grass with her hind legs. She stood up on tiptoe, staring at the frying pan, trying to figure out what’s in the pan and why. Fragrant.

But unfortunately, it is still too small to reach the fryer even when standing up.

It made a depressed “Woo”, and its two front legs fell on the ground, squatting on the ground, tilted its head, and looked at the fryer without blinking, with a serious look.

Seeing this scene, Renault couldn’t help but shook his head.

Master Mao is surrounded by foodies, even Adanis, who was born less than one month old? Is eating goods really a contagious attribute?

Snack goods are like this, not to mention big foodies.

Almost as soon as the fat entered the pot, the silly ball stopped “complaining” and ran to the fryer quickly, a pair of dogs exuding a pious light.

Renault controlled the sea loach passage into the pan, and took time to glance at the fat ball, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Hum, what do you look at? No matter how serious you look at it, you won’t have your share today!

The hot oil was stroking the pink fish, the surface of the loach segment became golden and crisp at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the strong fragrance in the air became more and more attractive.

The girl and Lena were also attracted by the fragrance, and stood in front of the fryer staring at the loach section tumbling up and down in the hot oil.

After frying for 1 minute, all the sea loach sections are cooked and put in another large basin, and then Renault adds some seasonings to stir-fry the fried sea loach sections over high heat, and the salt and pepper sea loach is officially out of the pot. !

But this is only the first dish, and then there is a second dish-sea loach skin.

This dish is not difficult to prepare. After the fish skin rolls are blanched in boiling water, they are mixed with seasonings, rolled with flour, and finally fried in a pan. The process is only slightly more than that of salt and pepper sea loach.

When Renault was cooking the sea loach fish skin rolls, Linna also began to prepare the tableware in advance. She placed one large and two small three silver bowls on the small table, and placed a small wooden basin on the ground. This was Adanis’s. rice bowl.

Fat Ball also realized that the meal was about to start, and it happily ran over and looked left and right around the dining table, but he did not see his own rice bowl in a circle.

It was puzzled to confirm it again, and even touched Lena with the dog’s head to remind her to prepare a rice bowl for herself, but the little girl just shook her head gently.

After a moment of dumbfounded, the silly ball suddenly rushed to the edge of the cliff, stepped on the edge of the cliff, raised his head and howled wildly, “Aw…Aw…” The bleak howl sounded far away, and the voice was audible. To a huge grievance.

What’s even more amazing is that it also looked down at the bottom of the cliff from time to time. After seeing this scene, the little girl exclaimed: “Three fools, don’t be impulsive…”

Renault was shocked immediately.

MMP, what kind of dog is this special?

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