Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 179

Chapter 177 Adanis committed suicide

This guy hovered on the edge of the cliff, always giving people the illusion of “the next moment it will jump on the ground”. This scene made Angela also anxious, shouting loudly, let Sansha quickly come back.

After hearing the girl’s voice, Sansha suddenly turned his head and glanced at her quickly.

With this look, Renault looked straight.

This is clearly a pair of calm dog eyes, Renault did not see a trace of excitement, nor any resentment.

He realized it instantly.

This guy… actually tried to use the means of jumping off the cliff to blackmail the girl…

After understanding this, Renault felt like ten thousand giants rushing past in his heart.

Damn it, you put on a posture of crying, making trouble, and hanging up. It’s amazing. It turns out that you just want to eat?

Having said that, who did it learn this trick from?

People in other worlds generally love life, and they don’t like to burn charcoal or jump from buildings like the people on earth do. They want to learn and no one can demonstrate it. Did they understand this trick without a teacher?

Reynolds has lived for two lifetimes, and this is the first time he has seen this kind of dog.

To say that the three silly is a strange flower, it is underestimated, it is simply a strange flower in the strange flower.

Renault patted the **** the shoulder, motioning her not to worry, and then said slowly: “San silly, if you jump down, you won’t be able to eat the food that the master made me again…”

Speaking of this, a freshly fried sea loach fish skin roll automatically jumped into his mouth.

After chewing for a few times, feeling the soft and sticky texture, he nodded in satisfaction and continued: “In addition to this fish skin roll, I will cook many, many dishes…”

“Red braised pig’s trotters, black pepper grilled pork ribs, oiled prawns, spicy crabs…sweet and sour crispy fish, honey ribs, bacon stewed beef tendons…”

Renault’s tongue is not knotted, and more than 20 dishes are reported in one go, all of which are hard dishes!

At this time, a funny scene appeared.

There was a trace of saliva from the corners of San’s mouth!

Not only did this weird dog understand everything, but it also slobbered.

Renault said in an almost teasing tone: “There is more, do you want to continue listening?”

“If you really jump off, I can guarantee that these delicious dishes…”

He paused on purpose, and then categorically said: “You can’t eat any of them!!”

After changing to other people, Renault’s words had no effect at all.

But for this fat ball, this is a naked threat!

A very lethal threat!

At this moment, Angela seemed to have noticed something too. She gave Sanshou a fierce look, then turned to Lena and said: “Don’t worry about Sanshou, let’s have dinner…”

Lena hesitated: “But…”

The girl increased her tone: “Eat!”

Lena gave an obedient “Oh”, trot to the table, began to arrange the cutlery, arranged the dishes, and put the silver knives and forks in place one by one.

After the sea loach fish skin rolls were fried, Renault waved his hand, and the fish skin rolls in the pot rose into the air, arranged in 5 long queues, and automatically floated to the 4 rice bowls and the vegetable bowl in the middle of the table.

The three cats immediately started to move, and the grass fell silent for a while, leaving only the crisp biting and chewing sounds unique to fried food, and the occasional praise of two girls.

Adanis also buried her little head in the small tub, eating very vigorously, and snoring loudly from time to time. Renault knew the temperament of little things, and he knew that this meant that the little guy was very happy now.

Seeing that no one took care of him, Sansha seemed to understand that his trick was seen through.

To make matters worse, this trick not only had no effect, but also angered Angela. The three fools could faintly feel the anger hidden under the girl’s calm appearance.

It looked at it droolingly for a while, and suddenly fell on the ground with its head down and the dog’s head stared at the sea in the distance.

At this moment, the figure of the dog looked very depressed.

But Renault only glanced sideways at this boy and saw through its disguise.

Because every time the three of them chewed loudly, Sanshou’s ears would unconsciously move, obviously this guy was listening with his ears upright.

He chuckled secretly, chewed loudly on purpose, and the dog’s ears kept moving.

The extremely tender taste of the sea loach meat, coupled with the unique flavor of salt and pepper, completely occupied his oral nerves, and Renault exhaled in satisfaction.

He turned his head and looked at Adanis again, and saw that the salt and pepper sea loach section in the little guy’s bowl was gone, only some fish skin rolls were left. It was obvious that the little thing preferred the sea loach section.

With a thought to him, in the big basin piled with sea loach segments, more than 20 sea loach segments flew up automatically and fell into the small wooden basin with a crackle.

Adanis’ little grunt suddenly became louder, and it quickly bit a loach segment, raised its head and happily rubbed Renault’s calf, and then buried his head in the basin.

After all, this little female cat is still young and has a small appetite, and she will stop eating when she is full. She is quite restrained in this respect, even if there is food in the tub.

This seems to be related to its nature.

Its mother was captured by balloon spiders alone, which shows that they are creatures that are used to walking alone. If they eat too much, they may cause inconvenience. In case of danger, it is not conducive to escape in time.

So Adanis will not be like a “starved dog” that grows into a ball, and will not give up until he finishes the food in the bowl. It dares to eat as much as you dare to add.

After the little mother cat had finished eating, she squatted on the spot and carefully cleaned the food residues around her mouth with her paws.

Then Adanis pressed her two front paws to the ground, stretched her waist comfortably, and after turning her head to look around, she walked straight to Sansha.

Sansha’s behavior of lying on the edge of the cliff and not even “willing” to eat, made it a little curious.

It is still too small, and its IQ is not as bad as the three fools, so in its little brain, it naturally regards “three fools without food” as “three fools do not want to eat”.

Adanis walked around Sansha for a half circle, and then raised her small paw and tapped on it, as if to say hello.

But Sansha was not in the mood to play with the little female cat, she just wagged its tail and flicked it from the little thing, but the dog’s head remained motionless, still staring at the boundless sea.

Of course, it’s okay to bully the little cat, the clever three fools will never do it.

This fellow knew that the owner of the little cat was terrible, and she certainly wouldn’t be okay to toss little things, because this would only give Renault an excuse to clean up herself, so she was very friendly to Adanis.

Seeing that Sansha kept looking at the distance, the little guy stood on the edge of the cliff and looked up.

This eye seemed to trigger something, and Adanis’s whole body suddenly shook, it stood still for a moment, and then began to slowly retreat.

After exiting 6 or 7 meters, the little guy suddenly accelerated forward, jumped in front of the cliff, and jumped down like this.

Sansha jumped up on the spot with a “whoop”, turned his head and howled at the three of them, and stretched out a dog’s paw to point at the bottom of the cliff.

At the same time, Lena screamed again: “Master is not good, Adanis committed suicide by jumping off the cliff…”

“Puff…” Reynolds spouted food fiercely, and quickly turned his head to look at the cliff.

Sure enough, the little thing had disappeared, only Sansha pulled a stone with his front paws, stretched out the dog’s head and looked down, still anxiously “whooping” in his mouth.

Renault rose into the air without hesitation, his heart was full of shock.

MMP, what a **** it is today.

Three silly chicken tyrants are nothing more than toss, Adanis is so young, what can’t you think of?

Renault’s figure rushed out of the cliff with a gust of wind. After looking down, he couldn’t help but open his mouth.

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