Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 867

Chapter 859 Humanitarian crisis

Xinghai continent, the kingdom of silver lion.

Under the dim morning light, on a somewhat remote path, a large group of people were rushing silently, and the winding line stretched out nearly 100 meters.


With a wisp of chilly wind quickly passing by, he lifted the corners of Jenkins’s clothes and hair, and he couldn’t help shrinking a few times.

However, compared with a month ago, the temperature has clearly risen a lot, this bit of cold is not intolerable.

In addition, the increasingly strong smell of the sea in the air made the former Chamber of Commerce manager realize that he was not far from the destination, and he even heard the sound of the sea tide faintly, which made him very excited.

“Nancy, the sea is almost here!”

Jenkins held his wife’s hand vigorously and said excitedly:

“As long as we can board the ship to the’Starfish Island’, we can live a good life in the future… That island is a territory ruled by the **** of war. There is endless food. With my talent, it is very easy to find a job. Income will also be higher…”


His wife responded softly, and asked with some worry:

“However, now is the storm season, and dangerous turbulence erupts from time to time in the sea…The journey from’Viscount Sablon’ to’Sea Star Island’ is more than 700 kilometers, can we reach it safely?”

Jenkins tried his best to dispel his wife’s doubts:

“You may not know that Mr.’Angola’ who organized the smuggling of everyone is actually a person of the’Flame Reef Transport Company’… This large chamber of commerce takes over most of the freight work in various ports, behind which is the strong force of Hai Chao Ling. Support, otherwise they cannot have so many rune magic weapons.”

“I have specifically inquired that the stowaway boat arranged by Mr. Angola this time is an extremely strong catamaran magic ship… Although its tonnage is only more than 300 tons, it is not afraid of turbulence at all and can withstand larger ones. storm.”

“Hey, Nancy, if you think about it, besides the people of the sea tide, who can get the catamaran magic ship? I’m sure that the leader behind the scenes must be the sea tide, they are helping the civilians to escape from the Xinghai continent… So, rest assured, this journey is absolutely safe…”

At this time, a voice suddenly rang:

“That’s right. Over this period of time, many people have left the Silver Lion Kingdom and headed to Haixing Island with the help of the Flame Reef Transportation Company… Their ships are the strongest, the most secretive, and safe. Absolutely guaranteed…”

“Other ferry boats are often caught by the Royal Navy… I even heard that some owners of ferry boats **** all the property of the smugglers and throw them into the sea…”

These words frightened the little woman’s body.

Jenkins turned his head and looked around, and found that the speaker was a gentleman walking beside them.

He looked about 30 years old, wearing a woolen coat stained with a lot of stains, and a wrinkled black top hat on his head, looking quite embarrassed.

However, judging from his expression and temperament, a discerning person can still judge that this must be a gentleman with a good education.

Seeing that such a gentleman was also in the smuggling team, the couple felt a little more relieved.

“I’m Clever! Two, good to meet you!”

The gentleman nodded at the couple, showing a polite smile.

“Oh, Mr. Clever, it’s nice to meet you… I’m Jenkins, this is my wife Nancy…”

Jenkins hurriedly reported his name.

Collier lowered his voice and whispered:

“Presumably you two have also heard some wind noises? The black potatoes in many parts of the Silver Lion Kingdom have suffered a very serious reduction… During this period, many farms found that the black potatoes buried in the ground had strange diseases. , The number of results has also been reduced by about half.”

“Yes it is!”

Jenkins nodded sadly:

“It’s not just the Silver Lion Kingdom. Similar situations have happened elsewhere on this continent… I have a cousin who is in charge of a shipping chamber. He travels between various kingdoms all the year round. He told me that, in fact, As early as last year’s cold winter months, the noble lords had already discovered some signs. By now, the disaster has become so serious that it is almost overwhelming…”

Collier sighed anxiously:

“The production cut of black potatoes is so severe and the scope is so extensive. It seems that it will not be long before there will be a great famine in Xinghai Continent… Those of us who are well-informed can leave here first. Civilians, I am afraid that a large number of them will starve to death…”

“Who said no!”

Jenkins said angrily:

“The most damning thing is that at this time, Wang Guo knew that a great famine was about to happen, and he was still blocking the coastline, doing his best to prevent civilians from leaving the mainland…”

Clifford gave a wry smile:

“The population exodus in the past few years has been too severe… It is said that in the whole year of the previous year, that is, in the 747 year of the moon and stars, at least 80,000 people in the Silver Lion Kingdom immigrated to Sea Star Island or another continent through various means. Thousand Lakes Republic.”

“In the first half of last year, the number of immigrants was even more, and it is said that no less than 50,000 people…The other two kingdoms of Xinghai Continent, Jinling Kingdom and Xinghui Kingdom, had similar numbers of immigrants.”

“The kings and the nobles were frightened. That’s why they copied the practices of the Thousand Lakes Republic in the second half of last year and promulgated one of the most severe laws in the name of the kingdom’s security, the “Kingdom Security Law.” Prevent civilians from fleeing.”

“According to the law, any civilian who left the kingdom without permission will immediately confiscated all of his family property and be demoted to slavery… and is not even allowed to escape punishment by paying a ransom.”

“Oh, it is too difficult to obtain a’departure permit’ from the nobles…Even if you pay a high bribe, the probability of obtaining the permit is very low, and it can only be done by smuggling…”

Jenkins hummed, and his expression became even more irritable:

“Hey, how did the noble lords care about the life and death of the untouchables? They are just worried about the exodus too much, causing the rent of the farm to fall too sharply, and worrying that the business of their own chamber of commerce is getting worse and worse…”

While the two were chatting, the team of more than 120 “stowaways from other worlds” was getting closer and closer to the sea.


The sound of the wave that was faintly audible at this time also gradually became clear.

The person in charge of the smuggling team, a brawny man named “Total”, who is also the subordinate of “Snakehead” Mr. Angola, suddenly turned around and yelled:

“Everyone, we are almost at our destination!”

There was a commotion among the crowd.

The languid faces showed hope one after another, and everyone speeded up their pace unanimously.

Jenkins turned his head and glanced at the brighter sunrise in the sky, and said in an imploring tone:

“Father God is here, I hope everything goes smoothly on this trip, and everyone can reach Haixing Island safely!”

“Will do!”

Collier clenched his cane tightly, seemingly pleading, and seemingly affirmative in response.

On the top of a mountain a kilometer away, an officer in armor slowly put down his single-scope telescope and cursed in a harsh tone:

“Bah, a bunch of untouchables who have abandoned the kingdom!”

The extremely strong officer suddenly turned around and looked at the large group of heavily armed noble private soldiers under his command. He drew out his long knife with a “knock” and shouted loudly:

“Attention all, prepare to capture the traitors!”

After a pause, the officer “hehe” smiled and added:

“If you encounter any resistance, kill it on the spot… In addition, the female slaves caught in this operation are left to everyone’s disposal… As long as you don’t play to death, it is enough!”


The private soldiers responded with excitement and loudly.

At the same time, on Odin Island thousands of miles away, Miss Archon looked at the highest commander of the army, Moose, and said:

“So, regarding the imminent famine on the Xinghai Continent, Lord Lord has approved us to carry out armed intervention, is the military prepared to deal with it?”

“of course!”

Moose nodded:

“For this intervention, the three armies of the sea tide have formulated a joint operation plan… Air Force Commander Major General Gollum has personally traveled to the Xinghai Continent to prepare for the preliminary operation, and Navy Commander Major General Elon personally sits on Haixing Island… …”

After a pause, he asked again:

“Have Lord Lord mentioned, in what name do we send troops to Xinghai Continent?”

Miss Archon smiled sweetly and uttered a few words:

“Humanitarian crisis!”

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