Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 868

Chapter 860 F

When this smuggling team climbed up a low hill, a black catamaran moored on the sea imprinted in everyone’s eyes.

“Oh, I saw the’June Flower’…”

“We can finally leave the Xinghai Continent…”

“Hey, the’June Flower’ is actually an all-metal catamaran. I believe we will arrive at Starfish Island smoothly…”

The crowd cheered uncontrollably.

The Jenkins and his wife are also all smiles.

On this journey, the couple did not know how much they had suffered.

In order to avoid exposure to Tibet, when the team is on the way, they must go day and night, and they must avoid any large-scale towns. Most of the time, they must endure the cold and trek in the wilderness. Many people have to wear the soles of their feet. Blisters.

The head of the smuggling team, Total, also strictly forbids lighting of fires. Everyone has to eat cold dry food, drink cold river water, and hide in the dilapidated and dirty house during rest. Jenkins’s wife Nancy even cried secretly. After several games.

The only good news is that the ticket price of “June Flower” is quite reasonable. You can buy a ticket for only 120 silver nars per person, which is only 40% higher than the normal price.

“Dear Nancy, this is finally over… Mr. Total said that hot meals will be provided on board. Although the cabin is small, it is clean and hygienic. It also provides hot water for bathing… We can ride This magic catamaran arrived at Starfish Island comfortably…”

Jenkins grabbed his wife’s hand and said excitedly.

Even Collefer, who was usually more reserved, was smiling so badly at this time.

“Oh my god, this journey is really not easy… Praise the omnipotent God Father, praise the great God of War, let us arrive here safely…”

If the faculty members of the Church of the Father heard these words, they would be extremely dissatisfied.

How can a mere mortal dare to be called with the gods?

Similarly, if Renault were here, he would be very upset.

He has never dealt with the Church of God the Father, and he hates these gods from the bottom of his heart.

Total, who was walking in the front, folded his hands to his mouth and shouted loudly:

“Everyone, please speed up. It is not convenient for the’June Flower’ to stay here for a long time. We must board the ship as soon as possible and leave the coast early…”

A group of smugglers swarmed down the hillside and rushed toward the reef beach 1 kilometer away.

The catamaran on the other side also had movement.

Several magic boats were lowered from the deck, swiftly sailing across the turbulent sea and approaching the coast.

Jenkins took his wife, Nancy, just a few steps, and suddenly found that a large group of soldiers rushed out of the bushes not far away.

All of them wore fine []good standard armor, a pointed steel helmet, a light shield in their left hand, and a long knife in their right hand, and some soldiers actually held a strong crossbow.

At this moment, Jenkins seemed to be poured down by a bucket of ice water, and his heart was cold.

“Damn it, this is the army led by Viscount Sablon, everyone, run away…”

A panicked voice rang.

The team was in chaos in an instant.

Some people turned their heads and ran away, giving up their plans to board the ship; some desperately rushed to the shore, hoping to board the ship before they were intercepted by the soldiers; some people had no masters, and stayed where they were.

Every smuggler knows very well that if it falls into the hands of this group of noble private soldiers, the end will be miserable. If it is a female, it will definitely be abused in every way, and it is hard to die quickly.

Nan Heather held her husband Jenkins’s arm tremblingly, and asked in a crying voice:

“My dear, what should we do now?”

Jenkins glanced at the wolf-like soldiers, then glanced at the coast, and immediately judged that it was impossible for his husband and wife to get ahead of the soldiers and reach the beach.

Not to mention that the opponent still has a lot of strong crossbows, and the crew of the “June Flower” might not dare to dock easily.


He drank, grabbed his wife’s hand, and rushed desperately into a withered grass.



Jenkins had just ran a few steps, and suddenly heard a sharp neigh, followed by a loud thunderous noise.

He looked back subconsciously and was stunned for an instant.

A fiery ball of fire suddenly soared from the aristocratic private army group, and a large number of soldiers fell around, stumps and pieces of meat were thrown everywhere, and a dozen soldiers were on fire all over, crying and rolling all over the floor. It seems to extinguish the flame on the body.

The other soldiers who were still alive were all terrified and turned around and rushed towards the bushes frantically.

Oh my god, what happened?

Could it be that the legendary silver angel dropped the flames of destruction?

Jenkins had a thought.

As soon as the joy of salvation surged in his heart, he felt his right hand sank again, and heard his wife crying in his ears:

“I… my pants are wet…”

Jenkins looked down and found that Nancy was kneeling on the ground, wet marks on the crotch, and quickly expanded.

Obviously, the poor little woman was scared to pee.

Jenkins put his arms around his wife’s shoulders and comforted:

“Oh, dear, don’t be afraid…someone saved us…”

He hadn’t finished speaking, and from the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the “June Flower” anchored on the sea, and something seemed to flash by on the deck.


The piercing squealing sound once again tore the air.


Among the fleeing soldiers, a second huge cloud of flames rose.

Another large swath of soldiers fell to the ground as if they had been cut wheat, screaming.

Jenkins turned his head and looked at the deck of the “June Flower”. Only then did he notice that two huge metal boxes were installed on the fore decks on both sides of the metal catamaran, and a long one protruded from the front. Metal tube.

What surprised him even more was that the metal tube was actually slowly turning at this time.

At the next moment, he saw very clearly that one of the metal pipes suddenly sprayed out a violent air current.


A black shadow flew out of the metal tube like lightning at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, and fell exactly into the crowd one kilometer away.


The third fire cloud rose up, engulfing several soldiers.

Within a radius of tens of meters, the soldiers seemed to be hit by something terrible, their limbs were instantly torn, blood rushed out, and soldiers farther away were blown to the ground by the air wave.

After these three loud noises, this noble private army with more than 500 people was immediately killed and wounded, and fewer than one-third of the soldiers still standing.

Jenkins opened his mouth wide.

My God, what kind of weapon is this? It’s too scary…

Then, there was a kind of understanding in his heart.


“Mayflower” is by no means a smuggling ferry boat to pick up and ferry passengers, it must be a battleship of Hai Chao Ling!

Mr. Jenkins, the smuggler, is right.

This “Mayflower” is a “Magic Destroyer” affiliated to the Navy, and the “Metal Tube” on the deck is a “Magic Air Cannon” with a caliber of 120 mm on board.

Thanks to the large-scale mining of the “Fire Elemental Stone”, the shells fired by the Magic Air Cannon are no longer solid iron rods, but genuine “flowering shells”, filled with extremely powerful fire magic explosives!

It is precisely because of the existence of the blooming bullet that this feat of “three artillery to defeat an army” has occurred!

“My dear, we are safe now!” Jenkins grabbed his wife and shouted with joy, “The naval warships of the Haichao leader have repelled the private noble army…”

However, the accident happened again.

The two magic gas cannons on the destroyer suddenly began to spin rapidly.

After two breaths, the gas cannon stopped, and the barrel of the black hole pointed in a certain direction on the sea surface.

On the surface of the water more than 200 meters away from the battleship, the sea suddenly bulged.

The next moment, a tall water giant came out of the water.

“Your Excellency of Water System!”

Jenkins cried out.

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