Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 869

Chapter 861 Transnational law enforcement

Seeing the magical air cannon of the “June Flower” pointing towards him, the water giant hurriedly waved two giant hands condensed by sea water, and the water surface surged again, and its hands instantly condensed two huge “water shields”. , Stand in front of you.

At the same time, most of its body sank into the sea, only 1/3 of its body was exposed, ready to dive underwater at any time.

Obviously, the amazing power of the magic air cannon makes the water system transcendents known as “invincible in water” also deeply jealous.

However, the magic gun did not fire.

The transcendents on the other side of the water system seem to know that this metal catamaran is a naval battleship of the sea tide, and has not acted rashly.

After all, attacking civilians is very different from attacking the army.

In particular, the opponent is the ocean leader of the Megatron World, and its owner is still the strongest man in mankind.

Suddenly, the two sides were strangely deadlocked.


On the towering ship building in the middle of the catamaran, a few strange beeps suddenly sounded, a loud voice, spread across the sea.

“We are the South China Sea Fleet of Hai Chao Ling, and are performing missions in the’Star Blue Sea Area’… Your Excellency, do you really intend to fight Hai Chao Ling as an enemy?”

“Perform the task?”

The Water Elemental Extraordinary spoke, his voice was obviously weird, and a slight mockery:

“This is the Viscount Sablon, your fleet of Haichao, at the door of the Silver Lion Kingdom, performing missions?”

This is really a sharp accusation, even the smuggler Jenkins feels a bit too much.

But the voice on the radio is still justified:

“Your Excellency, what we are performing is a’humanitarian rescue mission’… I think you should understand what happened to the Xinghai Continent… Under the crown of the great God of War, and the entire Sea Tide collar, you cannot sit back and watch the terrible famine come. Do not accept millions of innocent civilians and die from the ignorant and brutal tyranny of aristocracy…”

The word “aristocratic tyranny” simply spoke of Jenkins’s heart, causing the balance in his heart to instantly fall to the tide to lead the navy.

As for the words “humanitarian”, he seemed to understand but not understand, and he remembered it deeply.

The water giant was silent.

However, it did not back down and remained in the rolling ocean tide.

“Your Excellency, please forgive me, relying solely on your strength alone can never kill everyone here… As long as one person survives successfully, do you think our ocean wave leader will let you go? The entire human world, no People dare to protect you, even under the crown of the Profound One…”

The voices on the radio actually began to threaten and lure.

“What’s more, don’t you realize that the power of change is getting stronger and stronger? The power of the old nobles will surely be buried in the torrent of the times. Are you really willing to bury them?”

This time, there was a longer silence.

After 5 minutes, the water giant collapsed suddenly.

The transcendent of the water system retreated.

Jenkins could see that his jaw was about to fall.

My goodness, with just a few words, you can scare off a powerful water system transcendent lord…The army of the ocean tide is so powerful…


Several magic boats rushed to the beach, and several strong men jumped up and shouted loudly:

“Everyone, get ready to board the ship!”

Jenkins took his wife’s hand, and there was an urge to weep with joy.


A **** head was thrown in front of a middle-aged nobleman in a Chinese suit, and he was scared to limp on the wool carpet.

“Viscount Sablon, do you recognize it?”

Gollum looked at the Viscount with a mocking look, and asked faintly.

“I… I recognize that he is the captain of the territory guard… Emerson…”

The Viscount tremblingly replied, big sweat oozing from his forehead at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Your Excellency, I am willing to pay a large ransom in accordance with the tradition of the nobility. Please forgive my life…”


A heavy footstep came from far and near, and a big man dressed as a mercenary strode into the luxuriously decorated living room.

Judging from the walking posture, this is obviously a well-trained soldier.

The soldier offered a military salute to Grum, and reported loudly:

“Major General, we have already interrogated the soldiers of the **** who fled back. According to their confessions, they intercepted and killed at least 15 stowaways in the past six months, and many stowaways who were killed and sold as slaves. At 1,000 people.”

“Even two regular merchant ships were framed as smuggling vessels. A large amount of cargo on the merchant ships was confiscated, and the owner and all sailors were all hanged… In addition, the personnel of the Military Intelligence Department were still found in the warehouse on the bottom of the castle. The remains of a missing intelligence officer, which confirms the previous speculation of the Military Reporting Department…”

As the soldiers narrated, the trembling of the Viscount became more and more intense, and wet marks appeared on the crotch.

Gurum snorted and gave the command coldly:

“Let the military judge immediately organize a military court to try this gang of scum in accordance with the relevant regulations of the military law… I will shoot all the people who should be shot, and don’t let any of them go!”


The soldier responded loudly.

Gurum glanced at the Viscount who was paralyzed on the ground in disgust, and sneered:

“The first to judge this guy!”


The two soldiers grabbed the Viscount’s arms, dragging him towards the door.

The Viscount struggled desperately, howling frantically in his mouth:

“I am a noble of the Silver Lion Kingdom, and only the noble elders of the kingdom have the right to judge me… Let me go, I know who you are… Your behavior is to provoke a war between two continents…”

“You will pay a heavy price for all this, the Silver Lion Kingdom will not let you go, and the Church of God the Father will not let you go…”

Gurum frowned and snorted coldly:

“Let him shut up!”

A soldier gave a grin and punched the Viscount in the face.


The Viscount snorted in pain and almost passed out.

A dozen teeth stained with blood fell out of his mouth, and his mouth quickly swelled up high.

“Hey, Silver Lion Kingdom… The Father God Church…”

Gurum murmured, his eyes darkened.

“Back then, the Profound Ones were dispatched to besiege Lord Lord’s account in the Sapphire Lake. I haven’t settled with you yet… this time it happened to be settled together…”

Ten minutes later, the neighing sound of the magic air gun faintly passed into the Viscount’s castle.

Similar actions were also carried out in several territories near the Viscount Sablon.

Since this area is the territory closest to Haixing Island, most smuggling boats depart from this area, and the interception and killing of smuggling boats by local lords is also the most rampant.

In recent days, several intelligence personnel from Haichao were killed when they returned to Haixing Island on a smuggled ferry.

Therefore, when Hai Chao Ling began the “humanitarian rescue” operation, the military immediately carried out the most severe transnational law enforcement (the most fierce retaliation).

All those involved in this matter were shot to death and their family members were also arrested. What awaits them will be a long and hard labor.


An officer yelled.

A dozen soldiers trot a few steps and threw palm-sized black **** into a military camp more than 60 meters away.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

A large explosion burst out loudly, followed by dense screams and crying.

These black spheres are the newly equipped “Fire Demon Grenade” of the Hai Tide Army, which is filled with “Fire Demon Explosive” made from the “Fire Element Stone” powder, as well as a large number of prefabricated fragments and small metal balls.

Its power is quite powerful. Once it explodes, fragments and metal **** will fly around, causing death or injury within 10 meters. Even the body armor cannot hold the grenade.

“Enter the barracks!”

The officer shouted again.

A group of soldiers wearing armor and holding magical air guns rushed into the barracks like wolves.


The air neighing sounded through the world, and a cold-blooded massacre began.

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