Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 873

Chapter 865 revolution


When the old wooden door turned, it made a horrible sound.


The chilly breeze poured in instantly, making the warmth in the house dissipated a bit.

Carrying a basket of “black bag cakes”, McKinley walked quickly into the room, closing the wooden door with his backhand.



“Mom… Dad is back… we have something to eat…”

Hearing the lively screams of the two children, McKinley’s tired and solemn face suddenly burst into a beam of joy.

“My dear, you have worked hard…”

His wife, Hannah, greeted him immediately.

Heiqiangbing is a kind of baked noodles with a diameter of about two palms and a thickness of nearly 2 fingers. It looks full of weight.

This is the traditional food of the Silver Lion Kingdom and the most common staple food of the common people. The main ingredient is wheat.

Due to the short fermentation time and the addition of a part of black potato flour, the black sac cake looks black and hard, but this also makes it a long storage time, as long as it is placed in a dry and cool environment, the longest can even be stored 1 Months.

“Oh, the’black bag cake’ I bought today is two yuan less than the previous few days. Has the price increased again?”

Hannah took the rattan basket containing 6 or 7 black sac cakes from her husband, glanced down, her face could not help but a shadow of darkness.

McKinley first hugged the two children and kissed lovingly before answering his wife’s question:

“Yes, today’s price is one more copper narrative than yesterday… The clerk of the noodle shop said that the food supply has become more and more tight recently, and I am afraid that the price of black naan cakes will continue to rise…”

“My God, in the past month, the price of black naan cakes has skyrocketed from the original 5 copper nars to 16 copper nars.”

Hannah placed the rattan basket on the old wooden table, took out a piece of black naan, chopped it up with a knife, and said anxiously:

“If we continue to rise like this, we will soon be unable to even afford to eat…”

“Who would say no… But this is the royal capital’Lion Heart City’. The situation is not bad, and the noodle shop still has black naan cakes… I heard that in a few areas in the south, people can no longer buy black naan. Cake…”

“My dear, when I was chatting with Mrs. Sandra next door this afternoon, she said that there might be a great famine in the kingdom. Is this true?”

“Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that something really is going to happen… Didn’t I tell you a few days ago, the problem is very serious during the black potato harvesting season… According to what I heard in the city hall today? The news, it’s not impossible to receive it completely…”

The two terrifying words “unreceived” made the housewife Hannah exclaimed:

“Father God is on top, so many people will starve to death?”

“I’m afraid so… By the way, the streets have become more and more chaotic recently, and the Public Security Department has been too busy. The hounds have arrested many people these days… You and your children should go out as little as possible. After dark, it is best. stay at home……”

The worries in the parents’ words seemed to affect the two children. They sat quietly at the dining table, waiting for the dinner to start.

However, when I saw that there were fewer broken cakes in the wooden bowl than yesterday, the older children couldn’t help but plead:

“Mom, can you give me more?”

Hannah glanced embarrassedly at the rattan basket containing black naan cakes, gritted her teeth, took a few pieces of broken cakes from her bowl, put them into the child’s bowl, and said with a wry smile:

“Dart, there is only so much… We can’t just focus on today, the black naan cake must save a little… You can drink more salted fish soup later, go to bed early tonight, you won’t feel hungry… ”

The dinner table suddenly became quiet, only the clash of wooden bowls and plates, and the sound of chewing.

“Boom! Boom!”

Suddenly there were several loud knocks on the wooden door.

The whole family was taken aback, stopped to have a meal at the same time, and turned to look at the door.

McKinley stood up slowly, squeezed the metal fork with his right hand, and asked loudly:


But there was no answer at the door.

After another strange rustling noise, the movement disappeared.

McKinley looked at the confined wooden door suspiciously, and boldly walked over, and then he found that a piece of paper full of general writing was actually inserted under the door.

He bent down to pick up the paper, and subconsciously read:

“All the oppressed citizens, this land needs a bottom-up change, to overthrow the decadent aristocracy, and establish a republic serving the masses of civilians…”

McKinley’s face suddenly became extremely horrified.

Overthrow the nobles and establish a republic?

My god, is the Silver Lion Kingdom going to change heaven?

At this moment, he wanted to tear this piece of paper to shreds, but the content on the paper looked like a magnet, attracting him to continue reading.

Hannah saw her husband standing at the door, staring blankly at the paper in her hand, and asked curiously:

“My dear, what is written on the paper?”

McKinley took a deep breath and slowly exhaled two words:




In a dimly lit warehouse, a passionate voice was echoing in it.

“Only an earth-shaking revolution can save our people from the brink of famine and avoid countless human tragedies…”

A large crowd of black and heavy people, with the most enthusiastic eyes, stared at a figure standing on a wooden box, listening to his speech excitedly.

“…According to the information we have heard, as early as 2 months ago, the nobles in Lionheart City had already known about the’black inflammation’ epidemic and the seriousness of the problem, but they let the situation worsen, regardless of the lives and lives of civilians. Sit back and watch the famine break out.”

“The’Golden Lion Chamber of Commerce’ belonging to the royal family, as well as many large aristocratic chambers of commerce, have begun to secretly hoard grain and speculate on grain prices… In the past half month, grain prices have soared three times, and they are behind the scenes…

Among the people listening to the speech were street vendors, factory apprentices, and even small government employees. Without exception, their faces were full of anger.

“…The most outrageous thing is that some great nobles have joined forces to limit the quantity of soybeans, rice and rice imported from the Thousand Lakes Republic, in an attempt to greatly increase the price of soybeans, rice and rice, in order to make huge profits. ”

“Many poor people in this land are almost unable to survive. The kingdom is still strictly enforcing the **** “Kingdom Security Law” to prevent civilians from fleeing to Starfish Island in the north, or the Farther Thousand Lakes Republic, forcing They starved to death.”

“Last month alone, at least more than 2,000 civilians who intended to smuggle were executed by the nobles, or the whole family was sold as tragic slaves…There are also several chambers of commerce that secretly imported soybeans, rice and rice, confiscated by the nobles… ”

The speaker on the wooden box took a breath and talked about other information.

“…Everyone, the’black inflammation’ epidemic has also occurred in Qianhu Republic, do you know how the parliamentary council of the Republic responded?”

“Under the crown of that great God of War, he directly used the strongest means to set the standard price of grain. Any chamber of commerce may not sell grain at a price higher than the standard price, otherwise it will be subject to a huge fine.”

“The government of the Republic also grants subsidies to a large number of poor people in various names, so that everyone can eat and wear…This is a responsible government, and this is a government that serves the vast majority of civilians… …”

This description made everyone look envious.

The speaker waved his fists and yelled hoarsely:

“In contrast to our Silver Lion Kingdom? From the recent incidents, everyone can clearly see its essence. This is a regime that only serves a small group of people. It is a government that helps the aristocracy and oppresses and exploits the civilian class. Regime…”

“Everyone, are you willing to watch your family starve to death? Anyway, everyone is about to die. Why don’t you stand up and resist? As long as the **** Silver Lion Dynasty is overthrown, we can emulate the system of the Thousand Lakes Republic and establish A new republic.”

“At that time, we will sign a free trade agreement with the Thousand Lakes Country to import a large amount of soybeans, rice and rice… We will fully open the borders so that anyone can freely go to Starfish Island or the Thousand Lakes Republic… We will also learn from the Thousand Lakes Republic, Formulate a series of systems, such as reducing excessive taxes, setting minimum wages, and building roads, bridges and other public projects… We will also hire the Haichao Chamber of Commerce to build the legendary railway…”

The beautiful blueprint drawn by the speaker caused many discussions among the audience, and their faces flushed with excitement.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd:

“Hey, I have a wonderful idea, why not let the great God of War be crowned as our highest speaker and rule this land?”

The warehouse was quiet for a moment, and the argument broke out.

“This is a good idea. The God of War is so powerful that it can help us overthrow the **** aristocracy…”

“Yes, it only took a few years for the God of War to rule the Thousand Lakes Republic into a wealthy country. We should ask the God of War to be the highest speaker…”

But there is no lack of opposition.

“The God of War is only an outsider, not a person from the Xinghai Continent…”

“The future of this land should be decided by the people here…”

Among the many noises, no one noticed that the person who proposed to “let the **** of war be the highest speaker” quietly exchanged glances with the speaker.

A few hundred meters away from the warehouse, two city guard soldiers were patrolling the street with torches.

“Hi, Carl, I recently heard a news that in a warehouse near here, quite a few people were gathering in secret recently…”

A soldier suddenly said a word in a low voice. When he spoke, he carefully looked at the look of his companion.

The soldier called “Carl” curled his lips:

“Hey, Hu Sai, do you want to ask me, have you ever heard of’revolution’, right?”

Hu Sai smiled nonchalantly:

“I think they said quite well, and the revolution doesn’t sound like a bad thing… As far as I know, many soldiers of the City Guard quietly went to listen to speeches on the revolution…”

Carl hummed and replied:

“You better be careful not to let the officers hear.”

Hu Sai said quickly:

“Of course, no matter how stupid I am, I will never talk about revolution in front of the officers…”

After a pause, he asked nervously again:

“Man, if the revolution really breaks out… I mean in case, what are you going to do? Are you helping the corrupt and incompetent aristocratic master, massacring the innocent revolutionary masses, or standing up and fighting for the revolution and building a brand new Country, make a contribution?”

Carl was silent for a moment and sighed:

“I don’t know… I only know that the revolution will kill many, many people…”

Hu Sai questioned:

“Hey, wouldn’t people die without revolution? Now who doesn’t know, the great famine is coming, and if this continues, more people will die!”

“Oh, Hu Sai, don’t get excited… I am neither a noble master, nor the culprit of the famine, nor do I intend to massacre the revolutionary masses…”

“Well, man, if you don’t want to participate in the revolution, it doesn’t matter, you can take your family and hide away…”

As the two of them moved farther and farther, the light of the torch gradually disappeared into the darkness.

In the cold surviving winter months, similar events were frequently staged in various places within the Kingdom of Silver Lion.

An undercurrent surging below the water surface, a word called “revolution” has been deeply imprinted in the minds of many people.

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