Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 874

Chapter 866 Freezing storm

The northernmost point of the Thorns Icefield.

Although it was noon at this time, a bright galaxy hung in the sky, as straight as midnight.

“Your Excellency Renault, this is the’Northern Ice Bridge’, and the other end of it is the’Permafrost Snowfield’… I don’t think there is a second place in this world, which is colder than the’Permafrost Snowfield’, where it will always be covered with thick The thick ice and snow have never melted…”

Timothy, the northern soil turtle, pointed to the frozen sea ahead and introduced loudly.

As a result of taking night vision medicine, he can clearly see the scene within 100 meters, and the farther place is much dim.

“The’Northern Ice Bridge’ is actually a strait about 300 kilometers wide between the frozen continent and the permafrost… Most of the year, this strait is completely frozen and becomes a bridge connecting the two continents. Natural bridge.”

“Only in the blazing moon and the blazing red moon, when the temperature is the highest, part of the sea ice around the’permafrost snowfield’ will melt. At this time, some people from the North will take advantage of the higher temperature and travel to the’permafrost’ by sea. Snow field’, search for the stone of ice element…”

“At other times, the temperature of the’permafrost snowfield’ is too low, even the bravest northerners dare not go deep into it… and snowstorms may break out in the snowfield at any time. It is said that there are even more terrifying’extreme freezing storms’. , Even the Awakened can’t last a minute…”

Speaking of this, the rough face of the strong man in the north showed a trace of fear.

“According to the legend handed down in the Northland, it is said that in the winter, from the first snowy month to the dying winter month, there is also a kind of strange calamity called the’breath of death’ in the’permafrost snowfield’. They seem to be wandering. A deadly ghost on the snowy field.”

“If you are contaminated by them, your vitality will be captured in an instant, and your body will be frozen forever in the snowy field…It is now in the middle of the winter moon. If the scientific expedition team enters the depths of the snowy field, they might encounter it.’ Death breath’…”

“Oh, breath of death?”

Renault showed a look of interest.

“Listen to your description, it seems to be a special kind of ultra-low temperature freezing gas, otherwise it is impossible to kill creatures in a short time… If I am right, it should be due to the short-term extreme richness of ice elements. Set, the abnormal phenomenon of magic energy caused…This is really an interesting natural phenomenon, and it is worth studying…”

This “interesting” evaluation gave the Northland guide a strong urge to roll his eyes.

Which northerner was not terribly intimidated by all kinds of stories about “Reaper’s Breath” when he was young? It is simply a nightmare that haunts the hearts of people in the North, you actually find it interesting?

But how dare Timothy refute the words of the strongest man in mankind?

He nodded vigorously and said:

“I firmly believe that you will be able to discover the mystery of’Reaper’s Breath’!”

Renault smiled slightly, glanced across all the team members, and the cat and dog sitting next to him, and said loudly:

“During the last week’s drilling, the scientific expedition team rushed more than 2,000 kilometers in a harsh environment to search for the northern area of ​​the Thorns Icefield, and every place with a higher “energy index”’ice element gathering zone’… Regret. The thing is, we could not find the trace of the ice elemental stone vein.”

“However, these works are not without value…According to the results of the exploration, we have roughly figured out the principle of the accumulation of free ice elements, which is the so-called’Ray-Almian element law’, which is an important result that can be written into a textbook. …”

The high-level magician in the team, Adriano, was almost laughing.

Because of the results of this research, he and Renault jointly completed the two words “Ray-A” in the name of the law, and the “A” in the name refers to him.

More importantly, it is a great honor to co-sign a law with the supreme lord!

With this alone, Adriano felt deeply that even if he died in the permafrost, there would be no regrets in this life.

“…According to this law, we make a preliminary judgment that only when the energy index exceeds 2800 points, the’A-type heterospin variable’ in the’Ray-Alpine state’ will meet the conditions…The ice element node of the’discrete state’, Under the traction of the’elemental rotation force’, the energy resonates with each other, and finally gathers together and transforms into a’uniformly distributed’ ice element nodes, thus forming mineral veins…”

Under the crown of a technical madman, he talked about technical details endlessly.

Except for a few people, everyone else was confused. The two northern turtles were more like listening to the heavenly scriptures, but everyone listened seriously and didn’t dare to distract themselves.

“I believe that this’permafrost snowfield’ ahead has been shrouded in severe cold for at least hundreds of thousands of years, and the power of the ice element has also been entrenched here for hundreds of thousands of years. The probability of the birth of ice elemental stone veins is extremely high…according to According to our calculations, there may even be super-large veins with reserves of hundreds of millions of tons… Therefore, we must go deep into it!”

The two northern turtles looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes at the same time.

According to their knowledge, after digging for a week on the thorny ice sheet, measuring it with weird instruments, and writing and drawing on paper, they actually inferred that somewhere hundreds of kilometers away, there are hundreds of millions. Tons of ice elemental stone, this is really against common sense.

When someone else said this, the two would only laugh at him fiercely.

But the speaker’s identity is as noble as the gods in the starry sky, and the two of them didn’t even have the courage to question.

Renault waved his hand and shouted:

“set off!”

He jumped down from the top of the snow hill, and under the impetus of [Nian Power], he slid down to the “Ultra North Ice Bridge” at high speed, followed by the sled car and other team members.

A long line of people lined up across the thick sea ice and quickly sank into the wind and snow.

Half a day later, the team arrived at the end of the “Ultra North Ice Bridge” and officially set foot on the permafrost, breaking a historical record by the way. For the first time in thousands of years, humans have penetrated here in winter.

However, no one cares about this at the moment.

Because suddenly a strange vision appeared in the sky.

“woo woo woo woo……”

In the stern cold wind with the temperature as low as minus 30 degrees, the originally clear sky suddenly appeared strange mist, revealing a hint of milky white.

Renault clearly felt that there was a strange wave in the sky, like a storm in a stormy season, and it seemed to be mixed with the power of ice.

The whole process was very fast, from the disappearance of the stars in the sky to the lowering of the white sky, it only took less than 10 minutes.

Seeing everyone in this strange scene was amazed.

The two Northland Turtles, Timothy and Patrick, their complexions changed drastically, and they both issued warnings in unison, with great panic in their voices.

“Your Excellency Renault, this is the ‘Freezing Storm’ in the permafrost snowfield. It is very dangerous. We must find a place to avoid it…”

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