Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 875

Chapter 867 Upanishad evolution

After hearing the warning from the Northland guide, Renault still stared at the strange mist on the horizon, his expression mixed with thought, confusion, and surprise, with a trace of stunnedness, and he was still muttering something in his mouth.

“It can be like this…”

“The force of nature… it’s amazing…”


The call sign between the heaven and the earth became more and more fierce, and the white sky curtain looked like a peerless beast that swallowed the heaven and the earth, engulfing the earth at a very fast speed, and approaching the direction of the scientific expedition team at high speed.

In another 3 minutes at most, the “extreme freezing storm” will arrive here.

This picture is more frightening than the sandstorm on the earth.

Timothy urged more anxiously:

“Xia Mian, according to the legend handed down in the North, the’Frozen Storm’ contains a terrible chill. There is nothing to resist its erosion. We must find a place to hide…”

Renault turned his head and glanced at the Northland Turtle, his eyes seemed to have lost focus, and he replied casually:

“Timothy, don’t be too credulous in the so-called’legends’ of the North…I already understand what the nature of the’Frozen Storm’ is. It is not as powerful as you think. Just stand here and wait for it to come… ”

After saying this, he turned his head back and continued to stare at the white mist that obscured the sky and the sun.

The two guides wished to spit out a mouthful of old blood, making their butts almost angry.

Fuck, you are a powerful crown, naturally you are not afraid of the “extreme freezing storm”, but we are only awakened, even if we wear magical cold-resistant clothes, we may become frozen corpses…

But this very noble man said that he would “stand here and wait for it to come.” The two dared not defy the order of the first human being, so they had to stand still and greet the “legend” with fear. arrival.


The stern wind became louder and louder. Hearing in the ears of the two northern turtles, it seemed as if the footsteps of death were approaching, making them nervous to breathe.

The other people in the team, including a cat and a dog, were also a little uneasy at this time, but they trusted Lord Lord with all their heart. Since Lord Lord said, “It’s not that powerful,” they completely believed this sentence.

“Haha, I get it!”

Renault suddenly laughed extremely happily.

“That’s it… I can’t imagine that the two different elemental powers, ice element and wind element, can be combined in this way. Sure enough, nature is the birthplace of miracles…”

“This trip to the North Pole did not come in vain… The gains gained today are equivalent to two years of penance, giving me a deeper understanding of the nature of the power of the elements…”

These words made everyone look at each other, and they didn’t understand what the Lord Lord had discovered.

Is it true that there are really shocking secrets hidden in the “Frozen Storm”?

Many people stared at the overwhelming white mist, but they didn’t see anything except the magnificent sight.


Adanis’ eyes danced back and forth between the white mist and the owner, and the big cat’s eyes were full of doubts.

As a wind-type monster, it has a deeper understanding of the power of the wind element than other players, but it has not felt anything special in the white mist, let alone anything that can be called a “miracle.”

This makes Feitian Mao quite frustrated.

“Boom… boom…”

At that time, the “extreme freezing storm” with a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour approached within 10 kilometers, and the squally wind was as loud as thunder.

All the team members saw that under their crowns, they suddenly raised their right arm and held their right fist tightly.

A mysterious wave of magic energy bloomed from his body.

Adanis’s eyes widened suddenly.

It clearly felt that this weird wave was like a wave in a white mist, and it was deeper and more powerful than the white mist.

Feitian Cat also has a faint notice, the aura exuding from the owner’s body seems to be more severe and grander than before, as if a transformation has taken place.

In other words, evolution!


Renault suddenly let go of his fist and snapped his fingers.

The sea of ​​magic energy in the high-dimensional space instantly undergoes strange changes, and countless ripples rise out of thin air, spreading in all directions like lightning.

Everyone had just felt the abnormal movement of the sea of ​​magic energy, and suddenly noticed that there was a shocking abnormality around Lord Lord.

The white mist, the same white mist as the “Extremely Freezing Storm”, unexpectedly rushed out of the lord’s body.

“Oh my God……”

“What the **** did Mianxia do…”



The team members (cats and dogs) cried out in surprise.

The jaws of the two northern turtles were almost falling off, and the scene in front of them completely surpassed their imagination.

War… Under the crown of God of War, changed… into a “Frozen Storm”?


Accompanied by thunder resounding through the world, the “extreme freezing storm” that swallowed the sky and the earth finally came before everyone.

Witnessing this amazing scene, everyone couldn’t help but backed up a few steps.

In addition, the players all felt the biting chill, as if they were immersed in ice water. The warmth from the cold-resistant suits dissipated before it penetrated the body surface.


“Ice Dog” Sansha immediately noticed that the heat in his body was flowing rapidly to another inexplicable dimension, not following the normal heat transfer path at all.

“Leave me apart!”

Everyone saw that Lord Lord took a step forward, roared, his arm turned into a sharp blade, and slashed to the white mist.

The next moment, a sea of ​​white mist suddenly boiled.

The white mist that was originally like a tsunami suddenly appeared in large turbulent eddies, mixed with various vortices and turbulences, and stirred it into a pot of porridge.

The most incomprehensible thing is that the large white fog disappeared out of thin air.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can clearly see that a huge gap with a width of 1 kilometer suddenly appears in the sea of ​​white fog blowing over this area.

The position where Renault stood was like a solid reef, standing amidst the shocking waves caused by the “extreme freezing storm”, despite the turbulent tides, he remained motionless.

When the wind that was originally so violent that it was difficult to breathe, when it hit everyone, its speed dropped by more than half, and the cold that was originally unbearable disappeared for no reason.

At the same time, Adanis and the number of wind-type supernatural beings noticed a large invisible air current formed by wind elements, which rushed straight into the sky and collapsed at a height of thousands of meters.

The “Ice Dog” three silly, and several other ice-type supernatural beings, noticed that a large area in front of them, strangely condensed a wave of ice elements, washing the snowy ground from top to bottom.

A layer of ice appeared out of thin air from the ground and grew rapidly.

10 cm…

30 cm……

0.5 meters…

In just one minute, a layer of ice with a thickness of more than 1 meter was “grown” in this area with a width of 1 km.

This extremely strange sight made everyone amazed.

Ten minutes later, the “Extreme Freezing Storm” crossed this area and blew into the distance.

An iceberg with a height of more than 10 meters stands on the snowfield in front of it, with a width of more than 1 kilometers and a length of not less than 2 kilometers, just like an ice city.

Renault suddenly turned around and said with excitement and excitement that shocked all the team members:

“Everyone, I think I have understood the nature of the elemental power and mastered the mystery of the advanced ‘master’ level!”

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