Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 889

Chapter 880 Epic journey

The Cold Mist Warbler, or “the power of prehistoric law”, Miss Eskimo’s ability is more powerful than Renault imagined.

When this guy learned that Renault intends to use the ice element contained in the ice element stone, it unexpectedly said in a big way:

“Renault, do you also want to eat the “white stone” in the “white stone”? I can… can help you take out the “white stone”, you can eat it directly… without digging out the “white stone”, so Do trouble, trouble…”

The so-called “in vain” is the ice element.

“take it out?”

Renault was taken aback and asked:

“Miss Eskimo, are you talking about extracting ‘Free White’ from ‘White Stone’? Can you talk about the specific extraction process?”

This sentence drew everyone’s attention from the nearby transcendents.

What the **** are “white” and “white stone”? Why does Lord Lord always say some inexplicable things these days?

In the past few days, they have only seen Lord Lord speak to Yingniao, Yingniao has never responded, it looks a bit like a fool or a madman talking to himself.

Yingniao stayed for a while:

“The extraction process? I… I let the “free” come out, and it comes out…”

Renault couldn’t help but smashed his mouth.

Well, you are the power of law, you are awesome!

He asked again:

“Then, can you store the ‘free’ you took out in another container?”

With a move of his right hand, he used [Nian Power] to grab a crystal column from the sled.

“Like this?”

Yingniao replied crisply:

“No! Take out the ‘white’, you must eat it immediately, otherwise it will…er…it will run away…yes, just run away! Run to a very dark and dark place…”

Renault couldn’t help showing a hint of disappointment.

It seems that although the power of the law is awesome, it is not omnipotent.

It took nature for thousands of years to pour the ice element into the stone little by little and turn it into a stone of ice element. Even the power of law cannot do the same thing in an instant.

After thinking about it, Renault decided to find something to do for Yingniao, lest it start “deathly nagging” around him again.

“Miss Eskimo, can you help us explore the veins of’White Stone’?”

He picked up a small crystal ring and said:

“This is a’magic signal transmitter’. Please take it and go around the vein. We can determine the approximate range of the vein through the received signal and infer the corresponding reserves… But you have to be careful Converge the energy in the body, because the material of the signal transmitter cannot withstand too low a low temperature.”

Yingniao flapped a pair of wings condensed by cold mist, flew over and grabbed the ring, and asked a series of questions:

“What is the signal transmitter? Why do you want to fly around the “White Rock”? What does the reserve mean…”

Reynolds was questioned for a while, and it took a lot of work to satisfy the extremely exuberant curiosity of this “talking warbler”.

Seeing it melted into a small hole in the ice and slid into it, he let out a long breath.

Two days ago, he was thinking about taking this little thing back to Odin Island, but now he suddenly felt that this idea was so stupid.

After another two hours, the high-ranking rune magician, Adriano, walked over with excitement, waved a stack of manuscripts in his hand, and shouted:

“Under the crown, Miss Eskimo is truly a magical life that has wandered in the permafrost for thousands of years. The mineral vein it led us to find is really amazing…in this piece of ice with a total area of ​​about 1 square kilometer. Below the layer, in the area from 860 meters to 2740 meters, there is a giant vein, including a main vein and 12 branch veins.”

“Oh, please allow me to add a digression. This is the first time I know that the ice layer of the permafrost is nearly 3000 meters deep. This is really unbelievable… I want to be on this vast ice and snow continent. , There must be areas with thicker ice, but it is a pity that Miss Eskimo refuses to communicate with the other members of the scientific expedition team…”

The magician slapped his lips regretfully and continued:

“According to our preliminary estimates, the total reserves of ice elemental stones should not be less than 580 million tons… and most of them are high-quality ice elemental stones. According to the samples brought back by Miss Eskimo, their energy density is generally Between 300 and 450, the energy density of the ice elemental stone at the core of the main vein even reached a staggering 700 points.”

“I personally think that for at least 10 years, we won’t have to look for new mineral veins…”

The two northern turtles, Timothy and Patrick, were shocked after hearing the terrifying data of “580 million tons”.

My god, I actually found a mineral vein…the **** of ice and snow is on the top, 580 million tons of ice elemental stone, what a huge fortune…

With the poor mathematics of the two, it is not counted how many Kinnars this vein is worth, only knowing that there must be a long string of “zeros” after the number.

“Very good! Organize the mineral vein data and the collected samples!”

Renault nodded with great satisfaction, then looked at all the players not far away, and shouted:

“Everyone, I announce that the mission of the scientific expedition team has been successfully completed. Thank you for your hard work on this journey… I will give you half an hour to clean up. After half an hour, we will set off on time and return to Haichao Islands!

As soon as this remark came out, everyone cheered loudly.

This time the polar expedition trip, from leaving Odin Island to today, a full 28 days have passed, almost nearly a month.

The scientific expedition team has experienced many obstacles. In the environment of ice and snow, they trek nearly 10,000 kilometers, traverse the entire frozen continent, and explore nearly 1/3 of the permafrost snowfield. The team members are exhausted physically and mentally. , Each is clenching their teeth.

When everyone set out, it was still the moon of lingering winter, and now it was the moon of warblers and birds in spring.

In the eyes of any outsider, this is definitely an epic journey.

Now, all this is finally over!

Three days later, the Arctic Ice Bridge.

This ultra-long ice bridge connecting the frozen continent and the permafrost snowfield still maintains its previous appearance, without a trace of melting, but the scientific expedition team members look at it in completely different moods.

When crossing the ice bridge before, everyone, including Renault, was in a sense of anxiety. No one knew what kind of dangers would be encountered in this area that had been frozen by ice and snow for thousands of years.

When standing in front of the ice bridge for the second time, everyone was smiling.

The only exception to this is the Warcraft Ice Seal, with the exception of Ishir.

Because it is facing a crucial moment in the “sea leopard birth”-promotion to the level of Upanishad.

Renault stood in the void, staring at the fleshy ice seal, and said faintly:

“Ishill, I have explained to you the whole process of promotion to Profound meaning in detail, from’connecting element space’ to’spiritual resonance’, establishing a’dimensional link’ with element space, and then to’condensing soul imprint’, In the end,’Condensing the Heart of Upright’…Have you remembered all of them?”

The ice seal tapped its chubby head.

Originally, it didn’t have the slightest idea of ​​promotion and the difficulty of it, but after listening to Renault’s explanation in detail, it realized that the difficulty is as difficult as heaven.

It is almost certain that by itself, the chance of being promoted to Upanishad in this life will never exceed 1%, which is approximately equal to nothing.


Renault nodded slightly:

“Let’s start with the first step, which is the’connected element space’… This step is not too difficult, and the probability of failure is very low. I will guide you slowly… However, starting from the second step, the difficulty It will get bigger and bigger, every step may encounter danger, and may even be backlashed by mental power or magic power, and die…Are you ready?

The ice seal nodded frantically again, with determination in his eyes.

“Keep this will, it may save your life at the critical moment!”

Renault stretched out his right hand and patted the ice seal on the head:

“Get down and relax…”

The ice seal lies on the snow with humility, like a humble servant serving his master.

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