Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 890

Chapter 881 Yingbird Revolution

Xinghai continent, the kingdom of silver lion.

At the time of the moon of the warbler, this continent with the lowest latitude and the highest average temperature has been stained with obvious greenery by the spring breeze. Walking on the road, you can clearly see that the roadside weeds are turning green and shrubs. The trees all grow many green shoots, or take out new branches.

The commander-in-chief of the Haichao air force, Major General Grum, dressed as a mercenary, riding a common local “Glen Horse”, looking at the vast expanse of plains in front of him, he couldn’t help sighing:

“It is hard to imagine that the geographical conditions of the Silver Lion Kingdom are so superior. Not only are it close to several fishing grounds with extremely rich fishery resources, but there are also large plains such as the’Kala Plain’ and the’Rashida Plain’ in the country, plus the climate. It’s warm and full of light, and many crops can be cooked twice a year… In the words of those magic sticks, this is simply a god-given rich land.”

“Why does the Silver Lion Kingdom always hear about people starving to death every year in normal years? Now that the terrible famine is coming, without our intervention, I am afraid that at least 1/3 of the civilian population will starve to death… …”

A brawny man who followed, said with a smile:

“Major General, this is the reason for the revolution…According to Lord Lord’s prediction, 10 years later, the army of the Void Demon Race will invade this world. We can only integrate the entire human world into a fist. The hope of defeating the Void Demon Race!”

Grum nodded:

“Yes, this rotten land has reached the point where it can’t be revolutionized… However, Tiga, it’s a special operation now. Don’t call me “Major General” anymore.”

“Understood, Lord Gollum!”

The strong man called “Tiga” nodded repeatedly:

“The’Yingbird Revolution’ is a spontaneous choice of the civilians in the Silver Lion Kingdom. It represents the civilians’ pursuit of justice, axioms, and a better life… This is the core program of action, so the color of external interference must be downplayed.”

Another entourage suddenly inserted:

“Hey, Your Excellency Tiga, your statement is not rigorous. It is not’dilute outside interference’, but there is no’external interference’ at all. We are all volunteers supporting the revolution!”

Everyone suddenly laughed together.

Gurum stopped his smile and asked again:

“How many revolutionary strongholds we have in the Silver Lion Kingdom, can you elaborate on their situation?”


Tiga immediately reported a number and introduced it endlessly:

“In the past few years, although we have not intervened in the Xinghai Continent on the surface of Haichao Leadership, our private penetration has been continuously going on… The Haichao Chamber of Commerce has attracted a large number of local chambers of commerce through commercial cooperation, and it is precisely because of this. They have spared no effort to provide assistance and contributed a lot of manpower and material resources, so that we can successfully establish so many revolutionary strongholds.”

“The most ridiculous thing is that the Silver Lion Kingdom is almost infiltrated into a sieve. The arrogant and stupid aristocrats have no idea, and are immersed in the so-called ‘aristocratic glory’ all day long…”

Gurum chuckled softly:

“This is the biggest drawback of the feudal kingdom. The noble class has very weak dominance over the bottom of the society, and the top and bottom are completely separated… The principle of’take the route of the bottom and subvert the top from the bottom’ as instructed by the lord is indeed It is the most wise decision!”

“You are right, the light of wisdom of Lord Lord will always admire mortals!”

Tiga agreed and continued:

“At each revolutionary base, depending on the local situation, we have established a’Revolutionary Guard’ with a total number of as little as 300-500 and as many as 1500-3000… The army has also sent a group of training instructors, Professional training has been carried out on the’Revolutionary Guards’ to ensure that they have certain combat effectiveness.”

“Once the’Yingbird Revolution’ is officially launched, the’Revolutionary Guards’ in various places will launch activities at the same time and launch attacks on various targets according to the predetermined action plan…”


Gurum nodded in satisfaction and emphasized:

“Remember, restrain the’Revolutionary Guards’ everywhere, and try not to hurt the innocent!”

“of course!”

Tiga quickly replied:

“The Lord Lord once said,’The purpose of the revolution is not to kill and destroy, but to rebuild a new order’… Therefore, the Army Joint Military Intelligence Department has established a’supervision team’ at each stronghold, and its members are all elites. The active servicemen of the People’s Republic of China are full-time responsible for punishing and executing offenders, or taking advantage of the opportunity to commit riots.”

“In addition, when the uprising team encounters obstacles on the battlefield, the’supervision team’ will also be responsible for tackling the fortifications and ensuring the smooth progress of the uprising…We are confident enough to make the entire Silver Lion Kingdom look completely new within a week. .”

After a pause, he seemed to think of something, and added with a smile:

“No, it should be the Silver Lion Republic!”

Lion Heart City.

As the capital of the Silver Lion Kingdom, this magnificent city with an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers and a total population of 300,000 people is the foundation upon which the Lionheart family relies on the rule of the entire kingdom.

On the other hand, this is also the top priority of the “Yingniao Revolution”. If the power of the royal family is not destroyed, the revolution will not be successful.

“…The main goal of the Lionheart City Revolutionary Guard is the core force under the royal family-the Lion King Corps!”

In a manor on the outskirts of Lionheart City, facing the crowds, Gulum solemnly said:

“The Lion King Corps is the most loyal military force of your Majesty. They are the beneficiaries of the old order and the loyal defenders of the old order. We cannot disintegrate this army from within. We can only choose to use violence to destroy this army. .”

Hearing the words “Lion King Corps”, a group of indigenous people looked scared, and many people even trembled their legs.

If there is no Gulum personally oppose the formation, I am afraid that they will go out of the gate of the manor, they will definitely turn around and flee, and even turn to take refuge in the lionheart king above the throne.

“Fortunately, the silver lion kingdom’s former’kingdom double walls’, under the crown of one of them, the’Sacred Armor of Rock’, has been killed in the’fall of sapphire’ several years ago… As for the other’sage Under the steel barrier, I was ordered by the **** of war some time ago to personally visit this subordinate. He has promised to remain neutral and not interfere with the’yingbird revolution’…”

These words caused a commotion in the crowd, and the fear on the black faces of the indigenous people was obviously reduced.

Gurum emphasized his tone and said loudly:

“So, our opponents are only the 18 extraordinary men of the Lion King Legion and 5600 knights… Believe me, they are not invincible forces. As long as the plan can be implemented smoothly, it will be enough to kill them… even the worst. Circumstances can also wipe out more than 50% of the army’s military power!”

He looked around and said word by word:

“Everyone, let us join hands and march towards victory!”


There was a warm applause and cheers in the hall.

Grum’s gaze looked at a middle-aged indigenous man in gorgeous clothes, and nodded:

“Mr. Cervante, you are one of the initiators of this’yingbird revolution’ and the highest leader of the insurrection army. Now it is up to you to report the news of the uprising to the’revolutionary guards’ everywhere.”

The middle-aged man called “Servanti” bowed to Grumm with a smile on his face, and said in a flattering tone:

“Oh, Lord Gollum, you are the key figure in the’yingbird revolution’, and the hero who saved all the citizens of the Silver Lion Kingdom and got rid of the tyranny of the aristocracy. Compared with you, I am just an insignificant little person…”

While talking, Cervanti walked to a magic radio station and, under the guidance of a soldier, began to operate the radio in a frantic manner.

“Hey! Hey! I… I’m Cervante, next… Next, in the name of the highest leader of the rebel army, I will issue… an uprising declaration…”

Cervante held the phone tremblingly, stammering through the pre-written manuscript.

Seeing this guy’s ugliness, some natives showed disdain in their eyes.

Everyone at the scene knew that Cervante was just a puppet of the Haichao collar. The reason why he was able to climb to the high position of the “highest leader” was only because he gave enough money and was obedient enough, not because he had What a great talent.

In the corner of the hall, a group of officers from the sea tide were discussing in a low voice.

“Hey, I think these guys in the Silver Lion Kingdom are all rubbish… If they are allowed to organize the revolution on their own, they will definitely be defeated by the nobles, and the ‘Revolutionary Guard’ will be bloodied…”

“This is not surprising. They are willing to participate in the revolution, just to seek a position as a parliamentarian in the future government of the Republic… To put it bluntly, they are already rich enough and want to taste the taste of power. , The aristocracy does not intend to give up power, they will cooperate with us…”

“I agree with Danot’s point of view… Lord Lord said that if you want the revolution to succeed, you must’unify the majority, strike a handful of people’, and try to draw in all the forces that are worthy of being wooed…”

“But if you let these greedy guys master the power of the government, can you really govern a country? I think they are essentially the same virtues as the nobles…”

“I heard Major General Gollum said that the Lord Lord and Miss Archon have already made arrangements. The most important power will be in our hands. As long as a sound government framework is established, there is a good system to ensure that there will be no What a mess…”

“I agree that fair rewards and punishments are the most basic principle, otherwise no one wants to follow us. They have contributed to the revolution and must be rewarded for their merits… The big deal is to slowly eliminate the moths in the government, and once again’unify the majority. , Hit a handful of’…”

On the other side, Cervante, blushing with excitement, finally read the end of the manuscript.

“I…I declare that the’Yingbird Revolution’ is… officially beginning!”

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