Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 891

Chapter 882 Beat the nobles and divide the land!


A team of powerful men from Kong Wu carried a thick trunk of more than 10 meters on their shoulders, supported the trunk with one hand, and rushed towards the castle gate with a metal shield in the other.

“Ding Ding! Dangdang!”

Many crossbow arrows fell from the castle window, hitting the shield and making various noises, but this did not stop the tree trunk from approaching the castle gate.


The trunk, which was regarded as a “city-hit wood”, slammed into the metal castle gate, making a huge explosion.

The metal door collapsed suddenly, and many stones on the doorway were taken out, flying around.


“Fight the nobles and divide the land!”

“Rush into the castle and arrest the damned noble…”

“Catch Viscount Pinocchio and try him for the sins he has committed against civilians for so many years…”

Hundreds of soldiers of the Revolutionary Guard surrounding the castle, brandishing the standard weapons they received, screamed and rushed towards the castle.

A few sonorous roars were also mixed in it:

“Remember the military regulations of the Revolutionary Guards, it is strictly forbidden to kill innocent people and violate women and children!”

“You can kill enemies with weapons, but you can’t attack unarmed people at will…”

The open space in front of the castle was originally as lively as a vegetable market, but now it only left dead bodies, blood stains all over the floor, and all kinds of weapons, which looked like a mess.

In the small garden farther away, two soldiers in camouflage uniforms were chatting with each other.

“Hey, the Revolutionary Guards in Gingerbread Town, it’s really a bunch of trash… If we hadn’t thrown two’Fire Demon Grenade’ just now and killed many castle guards, I’m afraid they would be defeated by the opponent…”

“Man, your requirements are too high. The Revolutionary Guard has only received a month of simple training. At best, it is just a mob… No one expects the Revolutionary Guard to defeat the castle guards, otherwise they will not send us over… In fact, Their ability to summon the courage to rush up to fight against the private army of the nobles has already impressed me…”

“Well, you’re right… But I have to say, this mission is really boring, I would rather fight against the **** alienated demons, they make me even more excited…”

“Marcus, you are such a pervert!”

Before long, there was a warm cheer from the castle.

“We caught Viscount Pinocchio!”

However, not all the Revolutionary Guards, like Viscount Pinocchio, successfully captured the target.

Some Revolutionary Guards suffered major setbacks.

A fiery ball of fire suddenly rose from behind a low wall, drew an arc in mid-air, and quickly fell into the crowd.


Accompanied by an explosion, within a radius of 10 meters, it instantly turned into a fierce fire.

More than a dozen guard soldiers squeezed into a group were instantly burned to charcoal, and more soldiers were on fire, crying frantically, or rolling all over the floor, trying to extinguish the flames, or fleeing in panic.

This terrible scene caused the morale of this team that had never experienced combat experience to drop to the bottom!

The soldiers in the front row dropped their weapons, turned their heads in droves and fled.

Although the supervision team mixed in the crowd tried their best to stop it, their efforts had little effect.

The panic continued to spread uncontrollably. After a few breaths, everyone except the supervising team kicked their feet and started a desperate race.

At the top of an attic more than 100 meters away, a sea-tide leader army officer whose face was slightly glowing red, slapped the wall with great anger.


There was a muffled sound, the fire was overflowing from the position of the slap, and the brick wall left a clear and dark handprint.

This is impressively an extraordinary person of the fire element.

“Damn it! For the sake of being an extraordinary person of the Fire Element, I had already warned Grom before, and he also promised to leave the Earl of Ernst and no longer serve in the Knights of the Earl… I didn’t expect him He actually came back secretly, hiding here to ambush the Revolutionary Guard…this bastard, dare to play me!”

Another officer picked up a huge magic firearm and said coldly:

“Since this guy who knows nothing about life and death wants to go to a dead end, he can only be fulfilled… Let’s make a cooperation. You will blow up the wall and I will kill him!”


The previous Fire Element Superhero laughed grinningly, raised a huge gun of the same style, and pulled the trigger neatly.


The huge scream tore the air, and a thick black bullet burst out of the gun’s chamber like lightning, and instantly hit the low wall.


The bullet actually exploded!

A huge fireball exploded at the location, and a strong shock wave swept the surrounding area. A short wall nearly 10 meters long was blown to pieces, and rubble flew around like a torrential rain.

This bullet is a “fire element bullet” made from the powder of the fire element stone.

The giant spear used by the Fire Elemental Transcendent is the famous elemental spear-Odin’s Fangs.

A figure wearing a full body armor jumped high from the smoke and dust, and fell to the roof of a wooden house more than 20 meters away.

This is the fire supernatural being described by the officer, and at the same time, it is Grom, the commander of the Knights of the Earl of Ernst.

However, he just flew to the highest point, and when he began to descend, there was another screaming scream in the distance.


Another black shadow flashed at several times the speed of sound and hit Grom’s back with precision.


A fiery ball of fire burst into the sky, like a beautiful and deadly firework.

If you play back the whole process in slow motion, you can clearly see that the fire element bomb penetrated Grom’s armor effortlessly, penetrated into his body, and exploded, exploding it into fragments.

The flesh and blood that burned into coke fell like raindrops, and several pieces of human stumps that were burnt black were thrown away far away.


A black ball, which was blown by the airflow to fly more than 50 meters away, just fell on the street not far from the two officers, bounced a few times after landing, and finally stayed in a pile of rubbish.

This is an indistinguishable head.

It also wore a steel helmet that was deformed and burned. The skin on the face was completely carbonized. The eyeballs, nostrils, and mouth were melted away by high temperature, leaving a dark hole in the mouth, as if accusing the cruel fate.

At the top of the attic, the officer who fired the first shot sighed regretfully:

“Oh, it’s a pity. Originally I planned to spare his life… Obviously an extraordinary person, why should I be a dog for a **** nobleman? Why not keep a useful body and fight against the Void Demon?”

“Even if Grom is unwilling to join the army, he can still play a role in various civilian industries…”

Another officer carefully put away the elemental spear and hummed:

“Hey, Alfred, everyone is dead, you sigh ass… Grom is a kind of thing, it is clear that the “political faculty” refers to the “vested interests”, he is buried with the noble class, this It’s a good death!”

“I feel that instead of regretting here, you might as well think carefully about how to confess to your superiors… If the tasks elsewhere are successfully completed, it will happen that we have caused heavy casualties here. Wouldn’t it be a shame… …Maybe we both will be warned, don’t think about the bonus and honor points for this action…”

The officer who was called “Alfred” had a bitter expression on his face.

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