Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 909

Chapter 900 May Lord Lord be with us

Herselli gritted his teeth, jumped off the all-terrain vehicle, and shouted:

“Barkley, I order you to return to the laboratory immediately, inform everyone that the flying winged monster has attacked… and tell Your Excellency Scarlett that I recommend that all the personnel in the laboratory evacuate immediately…”

Barkley nodded stupidly, and hurriedly turned the front of the car, preparing to return on the same route.

The body just turned around, the young man suddenly remembered something and asked anxiously:

“Your Excellency Herselli, won’t you go back with me?”


Herseli shook his head, his eyes showing determination:

“I am a transcendent, and I have been on the battlefield…I can’t just watch my colleagues in the Rune Research Institute being slaughtered by the Flying Wing Demon, but I turn around and run away…”

He turned his head and glared at Barkley, and yelled:


After that, Hesaili stretched out his hands, and there was a wave of magic energy flashing in his body. Two green vines 5 or 6 meters long suddenly got out of the sleeves, supporting him high.

He swayed his left and right hands quickly, and the two vines danced frequently, as if walking with left and right feet, touching the ground in turn, driving his body to move fast forward, unexpectedly exceeding 35 meters per second.

This is the auxiliary skill of the wood supernatural being-[vine walking].

Barkley watched Hessery go away like a gust of wind, couldn’t help but roar, desperately input mental energy into the control handle of the all-terrain vehicle to adjust the speed to the maximum, hoping to return to the test room sooner.


The magic motive ran at full speed, pushing the all-terrain vehicle across the concrete road at high speed, bringing up a cloud of smoke and dust.

At this moment, Barkley hated his weakness and couldn’t help him with anything.

He knew very well that the main purpose of the kind-hearted Herseli, the main purpose of letting himself go back to report the letter was not to deliver the news, but to leave the dangerous battlefield and save his life.

“Oh, the great lord is here, I sincerely ask you to bless Your Excellency Herseli!”

The oncoming wind blows the young man’s face vigorously, causing tears to fill his eyes.

On the other side, Hesaili, who ran for 2 kilometers, witnessed the entire process of six flying winged monsters descending from the sky.

They made a sharp neighing sound in their mouths, flapping a pair of membrane wings with sharp spikes, and surrounded by flames, like a flame meteor, falling heavily into a clearing more than 100 meters away.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The “Flame Meteor” burst suddenly, and a large blazing flame rose up, licking everything around it with its teeth and claws.

A rune instrument shaped like a hexagonal spire was overturned to the ground by the air wave, and then melted by the extraordinary flames of extremely high temperature, turning into a ball of scrap iron that no one can identify.

A rune magician ignited a fire and fell to the ground, wailing crazy in his mouth, and a few magicians escaped the flames and rushed to the rice fields in horror, trying to hide in it.

However, the Flying Wing Demon swung the membrane wings that were comparable to sharp blades and quickly passed from low altitude, killing them easily.

This is an out-and-out massacre.

This group of magicians who are responsible for debugging instruments, the strongest are only at the Awakening level, and they are not the opponents of the Extraordinary Flying Wing Demon.

Heseli saw with his own eyes, a young magician screaming and running ten steps, a black membrane wing flashed across his waist, instantly splitting him into two.

The upper body of the magician “slammed” to the ground. He screamed in pain, waved his hands desperately, and crawled forward. The internal organs and blood came out of the abdominal cavity, leaving a shocking blood path.

“Damn it!”

With a furious roar, Hesseli rushed towards a flying wing demon, and at the same time, Scarlett’s body violently fluctuated in magic energy.

Six thick black vines burst out from his robe, dancing frantically, like a “vine shield” that protects the whole body.

The flying wing demon on the opposite side also noticed Hesseli. It opened its mouth and roared, and a red light flashed through its throat, and a ball of flames spewed out from the ferocious mouth and shot towards Hesseli.

“stand up!”

Hesseli made a fist with his right hand and shouted.


Accompanied by a intensive soft noise, more than ten green vines suddenly drilled out of the mud, arranged into a “wall of vines,” blocking the fireball.


The fireball burst, blasting the “wall of vines” to pieces, and a small part of the vines were even burned to ashes.

From this point, it can be seen that in terms of the power of extraordinary combat skills, those with wood-type abilities are indeed inferior to those with fire-type abilities.

Flying Wing Demon’s four red eyes flashed, quickly flapped a pair of membrane wings, and rammed Hesaili directly.

“Give me to die!”

Hesseli shouted again.

More than a dozen green vines broke out of the ground and rolled into the flying wing demon in midair, trying to entangle it.

Seeing that the green vine was about to touch the Flying Wing Demon, it suddenly wrapped its body with membrane wings and spun at high speed like a windmill.


The sharp bone spurs on the membrane wings turned into a terrible “blade storm”, which instantly cut a dozen green vines into pieces.

Heseli was taken aback, and hurriedly mobilized the extraordinary power of the wood in his body, planning to create a batch of new vines.

Several fires flashed in the distance, and 4 fireballs flew from all directions, and in the blink of an eye they hit Hesaili, who could not be avoided.

“Boom! Boom!”

The sound of explosions and the whistling of air flow followed one after another, and the six protective vines in Hesaili were blown apart every inch, and the whole person was completely engulfed by the hot flames.

When the flame dissipated, Hesaili, who was dying, saw the last scene of a black shadow that swept toward him.

The next moment, he only felt a pain in his neck, the world was spinning around, and his consciousness quickly blurred.

After a breath, Herseli fell into eternal sleep.

Barkley’s guess was correct, and Herseli sent him back, not really asking him to confess.

In fact, just before the flying wing demon struck, Scarlett, who was working in the test room, received a warning from the rune magicians through the communicator.

“…Your Excellency Scarlett, I am Abidal, an intermediate magician… I have something very urgent to tell you. We found the traces of the Wing Demon… Oh my god, they are swooping down, look. They are going to attack the’Subspace Wave Detector’…”

“…Please evacuate all the personnel in the laboratory immediately, and evacuate as soon as possible… The laboratory is not far from the instrument debugging site, and it is very likely to be attacked by the flying wing monster. Do not try to rescue us…”

“…Repeat it again, don’t try to rescue us…Oh, the flying wing demon is coming soon, I can’t continue speaking…May Lord Lord be with us…”

After this sentence, the sound disappeared, leaving only the “hissing” noise.

In the spacious room, it became quiet, and all the researchers looked apprehensive, with worries, fears, and grief in their eyes.

Scarlett had a tight face, put down the communicator in her hand, and shouted loudly:

“Darcy, you immediately contact the Southern Military District…Florence, Frost, you two organize the evacuation of others, remember to pack up important documents…”


The test room was instantly messed up.

Darcy, a genius boy, did not contact the Southern Military Region immediately, but rushed over and asked loudly:

“Sister Scarlett, are we really not going to rescue the magician from the Rune Research Institute?”

Scarlett bit her lip and shook her head vigorously:

“It’s too late… We are only researchers, not full-time combatants. Even if we rush over now, we can only collect their corpses, and we will also take ourselves in. Such sacrifices are meaningless.”

“In addition, the attack of the Flying Wing Demon proves that our guess is correct. The Void Demon Race must spread the’black inflammation’ through the’subspace transition’.”

“If I’m right, the magician team led by Mr. Abidal, when debugging the instrument, most of the magic energy fluctuations in the subspace were caused. This alarmed the demons and finally attracted the flying wings magic……”

After a pause, Scarlett said in a deep voice:

“The Flying Wing Demon is too powerful. There must be many supernatural ranks, and there may even exist Profound Level powerhouses. We must never conflict with them… Only when we survive can we pick out the damned devil and become the tragic devil. Mechanic revenge!”

Darcy clenched his fists and nodded heavily:

“Okay, I’m going to inform the Southern Military District!”

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