Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 910

Chapter 901 Ice Elemental Bullet

When a group of silver kite fighters in the Southern Military Region were performing combat readiness missions, appeared on the horizon with a huge whistling sound, the six flying winged monsters made sharp hissing noises, flapping their membrane wings and quickly lifted into the air, moving away from the sky. Flew in the direction of Yin Yuan.

Below them, the fire blazed into the sky, and there were burning broken walls everywhere. Through the thick smoke and dust, a large number of human corpses were faintly scattered among them.

This is the laboratory of the Agricultural Research Institute that was attacked.

Although Scarlett received the warning and gave the order to evacuate in time, the flying winged monsters were so fast. They only took 1 minute to slaughter dozens of magicians and apprentices, and then went to the laboratory. Launched an attack.

The first group of staff who evacuated the laboratory was unfortunately exposed to the sight of the flying wing demon and was slaughtered.

The other researchers were frightened and dared not go out anymore, all hiding in every corner of the laboratory, but this approach only delayed the arrival of death.

The ferocious flying wing demons smashed several rounds of fireballs, ignited the building, and rushed into the interior of the test chamber, using brute force to wreak havoc on various facilities and kill the researcher.

Only a small number of researchers, hiding in relatively hidden locations, such as basements, secret rooms, etc., survived.

In just over 10 minutes, this large-scale laboratory was completely reduced to ruins.


The commander of this silver kite squadron, the Wind Element Extraordinary, Captain Collins, glanced at the smoky laboratory, gritted his teeth and said:

“Everyone, our task is to do our best to entangle these **** monsters and prevent them from escaping… As long as we can delay for a while and wait for other silver kite squads to arrive, we can have an absolute advantage, even if the enemy has a mysterious flying wing. The devil will also pay a heavy price!”



A group of pilots responded one after another.


The jet engine made a huge whistling sound, and the silver kites rushed towards the flying wing demon.

The maximum speed of the Flying Wing Demon is only over 100 meters per second, which is far less than that of the silver kite flying at supersonic speed. After 2 minutes, the distance between the fleet and the Flying Wing Demon is reduced to 2 kilometers.

Captain Collins looked ahead coldly, and finally issued a loud warning:

“Everyone, please be sure to note that the biggest flying wing demon is likely to be the Profound Wing Demon. It has a high probability of mastering the legendary [Flashing] skill. You must remember to keep your distance from it and never get close. Within 1500 meters… if the opponent attempts to get close, immediately raise the altitude!”

After a pause, he yelled out the command:

“Now, attack!”

The more than 10 silver kites that were originally arranged in a standard queue spread out like blooming orchids, rushing to 6 flying winged monsters from all directions.

“woo woo woo woo……”

Dozens of airborne “Storm Ripper” 35mm six-barrel magic weapons, and at the same time spit out dense metal storms, covering the flying wing demon in the distance.

The Winged Demon reacted extremely quickly. Almost the moment when the “Storm Ripper” opened fire, they ignited a raging fire. Even a pair of membrane wings was no exception. Six huge firebirds appeared in the sky.

However, what surprised the monsters was that every bullet of the large-caliber machine gun, after contacting the blazing extraordinary flames, burst with a “bang” and turned into a cold mist.

This is an ice element bullet made using the “Ice Elemental Stone”!

Since the “Ice Throne” mineral vein in the depths of the permafrost snowfield began to produce “Ice Elemental Stones”, Renault has sufficient resources to mass-produce various ice elemental weapons.


The pure ice element contained in the ice mist had a violent conflict with the fire element that was invisible to the naked eye. The flame around the flying wing demon quickly dimmed, and then a large area was extinguished.

In addition, the burst of ice elemental bullets also formed a weird “elemental vortex”, which had a certain impact on the sea of ​​magical energy in this space within a short period of time.

This caused the Wing Demon to mobilize the fire element in the body, and there was a considerable blockage, which was far less smooth than before.

For example, they used to consume 1 unit of mental power and can mobilize 10 units of fire element, but now, with the same mental power, they can only mobilize 2 units of fire element.

The reduction in “output power” means one thing-the combat power has temporarily dropped by a large margin.

The flying wing demons were shocked and hurriedly flapped their membrane wings, trying their best to dodge the ensuing rain of bullets.

But the bullets were so fast, reaching an astonishing 5 times the speed of sound. They were caught off guard and couldn’t hide at all. Five monsters were hit by bullet rain immediately.

The ice element bullet flying at super high speed caused double damage to the flying wing devil.

The first one is physical damage.

Flying Wing Demon is not good at defensive power. It can be clearly seen that wherever the bullets fall, they will either be shot out of blood holes, or they will be broken.

The second factor is energy damage.

The bullet slammed into ice mist, and large chunks of ice instantly condensed from the surface of the flying wing monster.

Due to the mutual restraint of the attributes, the killing effect of the ice elemental force is particularly obvious. The extremely cold force in the ice mist invades their bodies all the way, killing body cells piece by piece, and slowly stifling their vitality.

Although these flying wing demons are all powerhouses of the extraordinary level and above, they are restrained to the utmost, 10% of their combat power can not be displayed 30%.

This is why Renault does not hesitate to venture deep into the northern polar regions to find the mineral veins of “Ice Elemental Stone”!

There was a flying wing demon’s left membrane wing, which was hit by 5 ice element bullets at the same time, and the entire membrane wing was completely frozen, which looked quite ridiculous.

The worst thing is that the terrible “elemental vortex” effect prevents the flying wing demon from melting the ice in time.

These monsters immediately lost their balance and fell straight from the sky.

Only the largest flying winged monster, with its extremely strong flying skills, escaped all bullets.

Seeing this great opportunity, Captain Collins did not hesitate to issue an order:

“Macbeth, Othello, your shooting skills are the best. The three of us hold the big guy together, and the others shoot at the falling Wing Demon with all their strength. Don’t give them a chance to recover!”

“Yes, Lord Captain!”

Three silver kites flew back and forth in the air, spraying strings of bullet rain on the largest flying winged monster.

The remaining nine silver kites were swarming after the 5 flying winged monsters that were falling quickly.

“Swish swish… swish swish…”

The sound of bullets passing by at high speed sounded all over the sky.

“Boom boom boom… boom boom boom…”

Frequent bursts sounded, and the ice on the surface of the five flying wings became thicker and weaker. After more than ten seconds, they all turned into big ice lumps.

A group of pilots cheered loudly.

“Haha, they are dead…”

“Wow, we killed these flying wing demons…”

“Ice element bullets are the nemesis of the flying wing devil. Even if they remove the ice from all over their bodies and invade the cold inside their bodies, they will kill them…”

On the other side, the biggest flying wing demon seemed to feel something. The four blood-red eyes showed obvious shock, as if the ice element bullet was so powerful, and he was deeply surprised, and seemed to be a companion. They died so quickly, and they were shocked.

It opened its mouth and let out a huge roar, and its body suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, its figure suddenly appeared more than 400 meters away.

This is [Flashing]!

“damn it!”

Captain Collins’ eyes condensed, and he once again warned:

“This guy is really a Profound Wing Demon. Keep a safe distance. You must be careful and careful.”

The three silver kites chasing the Profound-level Flying Wing Demon unanimously stretched the distance a little longer, and were more cautious when shooting, not seeking to hit the opponent, but seeking to hold it.

At the time of last year, two silver kites had encountered a Profound Wing Demon over the northern uninhabited land of the Thousand Lakes Republic.

One of the silver kites failed to control the distance. The opponent [flashed] twice in a row, and instantly broke through to within 600 meters of the silver kite, shot down the silver kite with a fireball, and killed two pilots.

The painful lesson this time led the high-level air force of the Hai Chao Ling to issue a death order. Once encountering the Upani-level Flying Wing Demon, a safe distance of more than 1,500 meters must be maintained, and the distance should preferably be more than 2 kilometers.

At the same time, there was a sudden change in the ruins of the laboratory.

In a certain corner, pieces of rubble, mud, or burning wood were suddenly lifted up by force and flew far away.


Various debris fell to the ground, making continuous muffled noises, and the ground shook slightly, and the smoke that had subsided slightly became intense.

After dozens of seconds, more than ten dark green vines suddenly drilled out of the ruins, and together they threw out a few huge rubbles.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

After a few explosions, the ruins fell silent.

A **** hole emerged from where the vines appeared.

A part of the vines twisted and went back to the black hole like a snake, flexibly rolled up a figure, and put them on the ground until the 28th figure appeared, and the vine stopped moving.

They are the survivors of the laboratory.

The two headed by them were the extraordinary geniuses, Scarlett and Darcy.

The young Darcy looked around at the miserable situation around him, his eyes blushing:

“Damn it, where did the others go? I remember there were 127 researchers in the laboratory. Are we the only ones who survived?”

This sentence seemed to trigger something, and there was a low sob in the crowd.

The big Lori Scarlett watched the corpse looming in the smoke, her lower teeth bit her lip tightly.

The young man stretched out his hand and wiped the corner of his eye, leaving a few black marks on his face with his dark fingers. He walked up to Scarlett quickly and asked eagerly:

“Sister Scarlett, what should we do now?”

“Save people!”

Da Lolita retracted her gaze and uttered a few words blankly:

“Maybe there are survivors!”

Afterwards, she was attracted by the howling sound from the sky, raised her head and looked up, and immediately caught the silver kite that was going away.

She clenched her fists hard and whispered:

“Yin Yuan will avenge them!”

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