Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 132: Financing

Tan Qiu's silence made the shelter of the thesis an unknown factor, but Qi Yuan was never a person who was waiting to die, so he decided to add another layer of protective umbrella to himself, that is, Seraphim!

Although Seraph is weak now, it is a Tier 4 energy body after all. If she can restore her full strength, it will be enough to deal with the small methods of sealing dry.

Therefore, Qi Yuan needs energy!

A lot of energy!

Enough to restore the fourth-order powerful energy of Seraph!

The energy core of the laboratory is naturally the most abundant, so Qi Yuan was the first to focus on the composer.

"Two thousand energy cores!"

Master Qu was taken aback by Qi Yuan's appetite, Qi Yuan's demand was very sudden, but he was smart and didn't ask Qi Yuan what he wanted so many energy cores for.

After a brief astonishment, Qu Shi directly opened the energy storage room of the laboratory.

"Recent energy consumption is a bit large. Here are all the energy reserves in the laboratory, as well as 97 first-order energy cores, twelve second-order energy cores, and five third-order energy cores!"

Qi Yuan scratched his head a little. Although Master Qu was willing to take out all the energy cores, he couldn't really absorb them all, otherwise, Master Qu's laboratory would fall into a complete shutdown.

Moreover, although the quality of the second-tier and third-tier energy cores is not high, they are extremely difficult to obtain, and the price is more expensive, even if the music master has the wealth, it is difficult to get more second-tier and third-tier in time. Energy core.

More importantly, the gap in the number of these energy cores is too large, even if you take them all away, it is not enough to stuff the teeth of the Seraphim!

"These are not enough, is there any other way?" Qi Yuan asked.

After pondering for a moment, the Qu master slowly said:

"If you want to acquire a large number of energy cores in a short period of time, there are still several channels."

"The first channel is the arc of Songcheng. Behind him is a channel for smuggling energy cores, and he consumes a lot of energy crystals. His reserve energy core number, even if it does not reach the two thousand yuan you need, at least It can also meet half of your needs."

"The other channel is the magic puppet of the dark fairy tale. Behind him is an energy machinery chamber of commerce, which should reserve a lot of energy cores."

Qi Yuan frowned slightly. In the old city, even though he and Arc Light and Demon Puppet had joined forces once, it was not an easy task to take so many energy cores from each other at once.

Even if it is the cheapest Tier 1 energy core, based on the calculation of 20,000 Tier 1 energy cores, 2,000 Tier 1 energy cores is a full 40 million, which is a huge sum of money!

If you have the venom or puppets of a large gang in your hands, you may still be able to come up with such a huge sum of money. With your current wealth, you can't come up with this money anyway.

How can I persuade them to take out these energy cores?

This kind of cross-gathering credit, and such a large amount, even if the Spike Hunting team is willing to endorse themselves, it is useless.

"In addition to these two, the Black Gold Trade and the Futu Chamber of Commerce, which have established strongholds in steel tanks, should also be able to produce a large amount of energy cores. However, these two companies come out with one-handed payment and one-handed delivery. I want to get credit from them. , The difficulty is more difficult than to Arc Guang them on credit."

After weighing and comparing in his mind, Qi Yuan finally fixed his gaze on Arclight and the magic puppet.

The two chambers of commerce of the steel tanks, their main purpose of setting up a stronghold is to make money, so it is difficult to use other methods to obtain credit from them, but Arclight is different from the magic puppet, and they have other pursuits. This is from their adventure into the old days. The city can see it.

If you can come up with something that makes their heart beat, it may be possible to exchange a lot of energy cores.

After Qi Yuan left the laboratory, he found Hao again. As an old man with a steel chariot, he must know better than himself what arc light and magic puppets need.

"What do Arclight and the magic puppet want?" Li looked at Qi Yuan with a strange expression in his eyes.

"Of course, what Arclight wants most is the opportunity to enter the shelter. You should not be able to take this opportunity. Apart from entering the shelter, what Arclight needs most is a suitable mechanical weapon!"

"Mechanical armed?"

Qi Yuan was a little surprised. Only then did he remember that in the battle in the underground laboratory, Arc Light didn't seem to use mechanical weapons. With his strength, he didn't even have mechanical weapons!

"Arclight is an extreme elemental domain ability person. For him, ordinary mechanical armaments can't bring obvious improvement. What he wants is an elemental domain mechanical armament that can fit his abilities."

"The sanctuary has very strict controls on this type of mechanical armament, and even the arc light has never had the opportunity to obtain it."

The mechanical arms of the element domain!

Qi Yuan frowned. This is not an easy problem to solve. There are still a lot of dry goods in Seraphim’s belly. Among them, there are some mechanical weapons that can meet the needs of arc light. Although he has the ability to build mechanical weapons, but stay There is not much time for myself, and there is no time to make a mechanical weapon suitable for arc light.

So, first use PPT, go find Arclight and raise money first?

"Does the magic puppet have any special needs?" Qi Yuan continued to ask.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Li's eyes became more and more weird.

First arc, then magic puppet, even if you want PY, can't you find yourself? Must find other gathering spot hunters!

Although the thoughts in Li's heart were broken, but his mouth was very honest and said:

"The magic puppet has abandoned the physical body. All his strengths rely on the body of mechanical transformation. Although he has obtained the No. 2 Star Energy Stone this time, he has lost the original mechanical body, and the reinforcement of the spare body seems to have come out. There is a problem. He has never gone to the Black Steel Shelter to accept modification. I think he should be in great need of an upgrade to the mechanical body now."

It is another requirement that can be achieved, but requires time and effort.

Qi Yuan scratched his head a bit. If he gave himself a few more months, he could easily complete the arc-light mechanical armament or the transformation and upgrade of the magic puppet, but what he lacks most now is time.

If you can't get enough energy cores, you can only try to slaughter the insects and beasts.

However, the efficiency of extracting energy from the corpse of insects and beasts is too low, and more than ten days may not be enough for Seraphim to recover to Tier 4.

After bidding farewell to Liao, Qi Yuan decided to find arc lights and magic puppets to have a try. In case the demand for arc lights or magic puppets is very urgent, his own may really be able to use PPT to pull the large investment he needs!

In the first battle of Qi Yuan financing, he chose the arc of Songcheng.

The reason why Songcheng is called Songcheng is that in the central square of Songcheng, there is a huge pine tree. It is said that this is a huge pine tree that has survived since the old times. It was the one that destroyed the old times. During the great changes, this huge pine tree has undergone some strange changes. Instead of dying in the great changes, it has become stronger, but the color has changed, from the original verdant green to grayish white. .

Not only that, this huge white pine tree also has a strong energy response. If you observe it with the insect detector, you will find that the pine tree will actually show a red dot on the insect detector, which means it has The energy intensity of the third-order insect beast.

The successive lords of Songcheng have been careful to take care of this iconic pine tree and strictly forbid anyone to damage it.

Luo, the lord of Songcheng, would often drink alone under the pine trees, but instead of drinking wine, he drank tea.

Although Luo is only forty years old, because of an accident, his black hair turned from black to white, plus a white coat. In the eyes of many people, Luo, who rarely shoots, is not like a lord at all, but more like a pleasure. The idler of life.

Under Luo's influence, the environment of Songcheng as a whole also appeared to be more comfortable than other gathering spots, without the kind of tension and depression.

Luo, who was in white clothes and white hair, sat under the pine tree, and the arc light sat opposite him. Several guards surrounded him in a circle to prevent them from being disturbed by others.

The hunters in Songcheng have long been accustomed to this kind of scene. Luo likes to drink alone. There are only a few people in Songcheng who are qualified to drink with him. Arclight is undoubtedly the most powerful and the most common one.

Luo and Arclight's two peak third-orders have been intersecting forever. This time Arclight will secretly join forces with the steel chariot and the dark fairy tale. It is also because Luo is persuaded by Ling You that there is the cooperation of the old city.

After the First World War in the Old City, Arclight was the winner. Although it did not divide the largest number one and number two Astral Stones, it also grabbed a few fist-sized Astral Stones, and exchanged them from steel chariots and dark fairy tales. Sufficient benefits are quite rewarding.

Although Songcheng also lost some good Tier 3 hunters this time, compared to Ghost Town and Lionheart Castle, Songcheng’s loss is undoubtedly much smaller. Songcheng, which was not originally strong, after the old city war, There is even a tendency to overwhelm ghost towns and lionheart castles.

Luo gently blew the hot tea and asked:

"This time the communication with the shelter, hasn't there been a response?"

"No!" Arc Guang's tone was obviously disappointed.

The silence of the shelter represents rejection, which means that his application for mechanical weapons has been rejected again.

This kind of denial has happened many times, and the refusal of the shelter has never been justified.

Arc Guang has become accustomed to the refusal from the shelter, but every time his hope is frustrated, it still makes him a little bit unreasonable.

"The sanctuary is always high above. Except for Ling You, everyone outside is a deserter in their eyes. Even if you are willing to hand over the Star Energy Stone, they will not make an exception for you." Luo said lightly. .

"Can Ling You come forward?" Arc Guang asked.

"Ling You won't agree." Luo shook his head.

"You haven't dealt with her before, so you don't know her character, when it comes to the shelter, even if Li and Xie ask her for help, she won't take it easily."

Luo paused and continued:

"I heard that Qu Shanhai can customize some semi-mechanical weapons. Would you like to customize one for you?"

Arclight pondered for a while, and finally nodded. In the case that the mechanical arm couldn't ask for it, he could only choose to retreat.

"Qu Shanhai's semi-mechanical armament, if it fits my abilities, I can barely give it a try."

In the past, Arclight didn't have much interest in cyborgs, but the shot Qi Yuan used to kill the venom made him change his mind.

In addition to Qi Yuan's power, the most important thing about that gun is the power of the gun.

Although semi-mechanical weapons are not as powerful as mechanical weapons, if they can fit their own energy, they can also play a huge role at critical moments.

"Pay attention to the magic puppet and Heisha. The two seem to be a little crazy recently. In order to take over the power left by the venom, they have recently fought several times in a row. They have repelled those who tried to get their hands on the venom, and they have also lost a lot. Manpower." Luo reminded softly.

The relationship between the several gathering points has always been delicate and not very harmonious, but there has not been a large-scale frontal conflict. Nowadays, the magic puppet and the black sand are expanding their forces and accumulating wealth, and they are not very smart. The behavior will not only cause the fear of the black knight, the leader of the dark fairy tale, but also the dissatisfaction of the surrounding gathering points.

In the past, the black sand and the magic puppet, although occasional conflicts broke out, were not so radical. After the old city war, the two seemed to have changed themselves. Not only did they begin to expand aggressively, but the methods were quite rude.

Arclight also said with some confusion: "I also heard some news about them. After the old city war, they should have obtained a large star energy stone. Even if they can't enter the shelter, they should be able to exchange it from the shelter. When enough benefits were obtained, the magic puppet seemed to have taken the initiative to abandon the debugging of the new mechanical body, and did not go to the shelter to replace it with a new body. They seemed to be planning something secretly."

When the two were chatting, a young capable person suddenly ran from a distance, directly past the surrounding guards, walked to the side of the two, and whispered a few words in the arclight ear.

"Qi Yuan came to Songcheng, and he called me for something?"

Arc Guang was a little surprised. Although the two had a brief collaboration in the underground laboratory, they had no other exchanges. Qi Yuan's visit was undoubtedly a bit abrupt.

"Qi Yuan?" Luo raised his brow slightly.

"It just broke out suddenly in the old city, and killed the venom, the magic puppet, the blood crocodile, the newcomer of the three peak third-tier with one person?"

"It's him!" Arc Guang said.

"I was able to kill Guimian because he used a plasma bomb to inflict heavy damage to Guimian. Strictly speaking, the four peak third-tiers that died in the underground laboratory are inseparable from him."

Luo put down the teacup in his hand and groaned.

As the leader of Songcheng, Luo will naturally know the peak third level of several gathering spots around him. After Qi Yuan's sudden rise, relevant materials are naturally placed on his desk, so although he has not had any direct contact, Luo passed Side Qiyuan has some understanding.

"I heard that he has a good relationship with the Wolffang Hunting Team and Qu Shanhai. People who can be recognized by these people are generally not the kind of treacherous people. This Qi Yuan can get in touch." Luo said.

The arc nodded.

"Since Qi Yuan took the initiative to come to the door, perhaps because he has something to ask for, I will meet him in another place."

As a participant in the battle of the underground laboratory in the old city, Arclight has always suspected that the disappeared Astral Stones were taken by Qi Yuan. Although Li has explained that he did not find Astral Stones on Qi Yuan, it can be seen from the time. Judging by the situation, Qi Yuan is the most suspected person.

At this time, Qi Yuan didn't hide in the steel chariot, but ran to Songcheng to find himself. He must have something to ask for.

With Qi Yuan's strength, ordinary things couldn't help him at all, Arc Guang also wanted to know what else could hold Qi Yuan, so that he would not hesitate to risk leaving the steel chariot and come to Songcheng.

"Go to my place, I also want to meet this interesting young man. In a few years, he may be able to enter the black steel shelter." Luo said.

"It is indeed a young man who makes people jealous." Arc Guang sighed.

"The shelter has always favored young people. Every time a young man like Qi Yuan passes the assessment, he is a young but powerful young man like Qi Yuan."

Arc Guang said to the messenger: "Take Qi Yuan to Luo's private meeting room. I'll wait for him over there."

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