Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 133: Trading and investment

As the leader standing at the peak of the gathering point, Luo's private meeting room, like Ling You's, is also full of unique personal style.

In the antique room, there are several pieces of elegant and exquisite wooden furniture. In the center of the room, there is even a set of tea sets.

When Qi Yuan entered the room, he smelled a faint fragrance of tea. Luo He Arclight had already made the tea.

"Sit!" Arc Guang said casually.

Seeing the two people in the room, Qi Yuan was not surprised. It is not a secret that Arc Guang and Luo have a good relationship. Since Arc Guang chose the meeting place in Luo's reception room, it was originally an attitude, regardless of his visit. He didn't intend to keep it from Luo.

Qi Yuan sat down on the chairs that the two had prepared in advance, and Arclight handed over a cup of steaming tea, just like a few friends in the old age together.

Ordinary Tier 2 abilities are not qualified to sit with Luo to drink tea, but Qi Yuan, as a Tier 2 ability who can kill the peak of Tier 3, naturally has the qualifications after World War I in the old city.

After the three met, Qi Yuan straightforwardly stated his needs. Hearing the huge number, Arc Light and Luo's face showed a hint of surprise at the same time. He obviously wanted to know what Qi Yuan needed so many energy cores for.

However, both of them are smart people. Qi Yuan didn't say it clearly, so they didn't ask more, but began to think about the feasibility of this transaction.

Powerful strength, as well as the relationship with the wolffang hunting team, and the reputation without obvious stains, Qi Yuan is undoubtedly a good trading partner, and Qi Yuan has the potential to step into the sanctuary, if you want to hook up with the forces in the sanctuary , Qi Yuan is undoubtedly a good choice.

After pondering for a moment, Arc Guang and Luo looked at each other, and then slowly said

"I do have some energy cores in my hands, but the number is not as large as you need. I can only give you 800 energy cores at most, and they are all first-order."

"According to the calculation of twenty thousand one, the converted cash is 16 million. If you don't have so much cash in your hand, I can also accept other payment methods, such as mechanical weapons, such as genetic medicine, such as...Star Energy Stone!"

Qi Yuan was lost in thought.

Sorry, not only do I have no cash, but I also don’t have enough items to cover my account. I just want to prostitute for nothing...No, can I want to pay on credit?

In the short silence, the arc light's eyes became suspicious. I will give you the lowest price. You have been silent for so long. You won't be empty pockets, want an empty glove white wolf!

Thinking of this, Arc Guang quickly thought of Qi Yuan’s background information. Qi Yuan did not have a long time to come to the steel chariot. Although he was strong, it was obvious that he wanted to gather such a huge wealth in just a few months. It is impossible, even if the two hunting teams of Spike and Thunder Scorpion are added together, it is impossible!

Unless he is willing to take out those star energy stones that disappeared.

Seeing that the atmosphere gradually became awkward, Qi Yuan coughed and said, "I have no money, and I don't have enough to pay off debts."

Arc Guang's expression gradually stiffened, you dare to speak so loudly if you don't have any money!

Two thousand energy cores!

Do you really think I won't turn my face with you?

If Qi Yuan is not the Spike Hunting team maintaining a good relationship, Arc Guang suspects that he has already given Qi Yuan a thunderous blow!

Before Arc Guang was ready to coldly chase the guests, Qi Yuan spoke out his PPT bargaining chip.

"I can arm the machinery you want!"

Before Qi Yuan spoke, Luo and Arc Guang stared at Qi Yuan at the same time. For so many years, this sentence just fell on Arc Guang's heart.

The two have a deep understanding of the difficulty of obtaining mechanical weapons in the element domain.

Arclight has not been able to acquire a suitable mechanical armament, which is enough to prove the rarity of the elemental domain mechanical armament.

In the past two decades, only one elemental domain mechanical armament has flowed out of the Heigang Sanctuary, and it finally fell into the hands of Fu Qingqing, who was in full swing at the time.

In order to compete for that piece of mechanical weapon, Arc Guang and Fu Qingqing had a battle, and finally they lost miserably!

"Do you know what mechanical weapons I want?" Arc Guang said in a deep voice.

"Ordinary mechanical armaments have no meaning to me, what I need is elemental domain mechanical armaments!"

"I know." Qi Yuan said slowly.

"The outer mechanical armaments are basically armored combat domain mechanical armaments, or pure weapon mechanical armaments. There has never been an elemental domain mechanical armament. If you can acquire an elemental domain mechanical armament that fits your capabilities, There are very few that can beat you in these third-tier peaks out there!"

"If you can come up with an elemental domain mechanical weapon that fits the arc light, these 800 energy cores, I will pay for you!" Luo said lightly.

Ordinary Tier 3 mechanical weapons are certainly not worth so much money, even if the element domain is not worth it, but when the supply and demand relationship is completely out of balance, the market price has no reference meaning.

As the leader of the domineering Songcheng, such a huge sum of money can't help Luo.

Qi Yuan spread his hand and said, "I don't have a finished product in my hand, but I can customize it for you!"

Arc Guang's face sank, and the hope that had just been ignited was instantly shattered, which made him feel angrily being teased.

Outside the shelter, there are indeed people who can make mechanical weapons, but they are some of the roughest weapon-type mechanical weapons. No one has ever completed the production of armored mechanical weapons. Even Qu Shanhai, who has the deepest knowledge of mechanical weapons, can do it. Can't help the mechanical arms he wants.

For the people outside the shelter, the difficulty of making an elemental domain mechanical weapon is much higher than starting from other channels.

"When did you make the mechanical arms I want, let's talk about this deal again!" Arc Guang said coldly.

He has given Qi Yuan enough face without turning his face directly.

Qi Yuan smiled bitterly, using PPT to cheat financing is really easy!

Berserker, start!

Qi Yuan's thoughts moved, a huge spider phantom suddenly appeared, and the powerful energy fluctuations instantly spread.

The arc's eyes condensed, and the blazing white arc rushed out, and the momentum in the room was instantly rattled.

"Don't break this pot of good tea!"

Luo's voice suddenly came, and an invisible energy fluctuation instantly suppressed the aura of the two of them.

Luo filled the teacup in front of them with a new cup of tea, looked at Qi Yuan and asked:

"Is this the mechanical weapon you made?"

The arc light was stunned for a moment before realizing that Qi Yuan didn't want to attack. He looked at the black shadow that enveloped Qi Yuan's body, his eyes were a little jealous, and a little shocked.

The reason why he reacted so fiercely just now was not only because of Qi Yuan's sudden change, but also because he felt a strong danger from this mechanical weapon, a danger of being killed.

Qi Yuan turned off the Berserker, and the shadow-like black energy dissipated, and the fatal sense of danger also slowly disappeared.

"This is a mechanical weapon made by me and the composer!" Qi Yuan said in a deep voice.

Arc Guang looked at Luo with surprise. Although he hadn't seen too many mechanical weapons in direct contact with him, he knew something about the mechanical weapons promoted by the shelter. Qi Yuan’s mechanical weapons were more or less familiar. , Unlike any mechanical weapon in his memory, the powerful energy fluctuations and danger warning made it even more shocking.

Therefore, this is not a standardized mechanical armament of a shelter, but a customized powerful mechanical armament, even more than any mechanical armament they have ever seen.

"This mechanical armament has just been completed. Apart from me and Qu Shi, you are the first to see it!" Qi Yuan said lightly.

Although there was no temptation to fight against each other, he believed that both of them were knowledgeable people, and there were some things that could be seen at a glance.

Arclight glanced at Luo and saw that he nodded slightly, and then took a deep breath. Luo has a peculiar mysterious domain ability. He can distinguish truth from lies, which means that what Qi Yuan said is true. .

The arc light brows twisted. The news that Qi Yuan brought was too shocking. He never thought that outside the shelter, someone could make such a powerful mechanical weapon, which meant that Qi Yuan and Qu Shanhai were really possible. Make the elemental domain mechanical arms he wants.

"How long will it take you to make the mechanical weapons I need?" Arc Guang asked.

Qi Yuan shook his head slightly.

"I need to prepare for the assessment of entering the shelter. There is no way to make a mechanical weapon for you in a short time. I can only promise to help you get a suitable mechanical weapon as soon as possible."

When Arc Light heard this, he fell into silence again. Although Qi Yuan was powerful, he was only Tier 2 after all. The entry test for Heigang Sanctuary was Tier 3. Qi Yuan couldn’t be ignorant of it, so the reason he just said. If it is not a lie, then he has a way to cross this threshold.

Luo lightly drank a cup of tea, he knew more about it, and had vaguely guessed something.

Although Qu Shanhai is well-known in several nearby gathering spots, he knew that Qu Shanhai would definitely not be able to produce such a powerful mechanical armament. Therefore, behind this mechanical armament, Qi Yuan must have exerted a lot of strength, otherwise this A piece of mechanical weapon could not appear on his body.

Since Qi Yuan had such attainments in the production of mechanical weapons, the third-tier threshold for recruitment and assessment really could not stop him.

The news from the shelter shows that for this recruitment assessment, the Biological and Mechanical Research Laboratory also gave an assistant quota. Judging from the past few recruitments, this quota must be a carrot pit. If the carrot pit is Prepared for Qi Yuan, then everything can be matched.

"Do you want to enter the biological and mechanical research laboratory?" Luo suddenly asked aloud.

Qi Yuan nodded, and wanted to take away the 800 energy cores from Arclight's hands. Since the payment is not available, it is important to give a piece of news with sufficient weight.

"If your participation in the design and production of this mechanical weapon is high enough, it may indeed send you to the biological and mechanical research laboratory. I want to know how confident you are of passing the assessment?"

Luo's eyes suddenly merged with Qi Yuan's. Luo's eyes were very deep, as if there was a power to see through people's hearts.

"At least 90%!" Qi Yuan said calmly.


Luo retracted his gaze and frowned slightly, Qi Yuan's answer had proved that this carrot pit was prepared for him.

But this means that Qi Yuan must have been appreciated by a certain researcher in the Biological and Mechanical Laboratory, and his status will not be very low, otherwise the other party would not have the strength to dig out this carrot pit.

But the problem is that if there is such a person behind Qi Yuan, it is impossible for Qi Yuan to lack an energy core. Arclight can only get a lot of first-order energy by connecting with an M2 that handles waste energy cores. The core, it's impossible that the one behind Qi Yuan can't get it.

Unless Qi Yuan doesn't want the people behind to know about this!

Recognizing this, Luo instantly made up countless conspiracies and tricks.

In the end, Luo decided to hand over the decision on this matter to Arc Light.

Because this is a hidden danger opportunity.

Since Qi Yuan is 90% sure to pass the assessment, investing in him at this time is definitely the most cost-effective trade. Even if he gives him the energy core in his hand, there is no problem, even if Qi Yuan can’t get the arc light. As long as this line is maintained, the mechanical arms of the United States will continue to bring huge benefits to energy.

This is not a unilateral request after investment, but a win-win cooperation. Some wilderness hunters who pass the assessment and enter the shelter, in order to completely get rid of the shadow of the wilderness refugees, after entering the shelter, they will quickly cut off the wilderness. All contacts.

But more people will choose to keep the connection with the outside because they have no foundation and need more external support to gain a foothold in the shelter.

The wilderness that is detested by the residents of the shelter, although dangerous and barren, also hides many valuable things, such as foreign metals, such as biological samples.

After becoming a real shelter resident, they only need to send out some cheap and irrelevant things, and there will naturally be people outside buying them at a high price, and the price difference is enough to make a new person who enters the shelter a firm foothold.

If Qi Yuan can really enter the Biological and Mechanical Laboratory, then he can make something that is far more precious than the first-order energy core.

The things flowing out of the biological and mechanical laboratory, as long as they are marked with the laboratory's mark, even if they are defective, they are invaluable.

However, Qi Yuan obviously also hides a certain danger. If what he did secretly annoyed the person behind him, let alone stand firm in the shelter, he might even survive. Extravagant expectations also mean that this investment has all been thrown into the water.

"This investment is too big, we need to discuss it first." Luo said slowly.

Qi Yuan smiled slightly, Luo was talking about investment, not trading, which meant that he had secretly overweighted himself in his heart, which was a good thing!

"I'm waiting for your news outside!" Qi Yuan said.

Luo nodded.

"Soon, Arclight will give you a clear answer."

Qi Yuan left the quaint living room, under the guidance of the waiter, entered another secluded room, quietly waiting for the result.

Qi Yuan wasn't in a hurry, Luo's attitude was enough to prove that they had been moved, and the rest of the discussion, but the two people's brains complemented a self-persuasive process.

The finished product of Berserker is far more convincing than PPT!

Ten minutes later, Arclight came by alone.

"When do you need these energy cores?" Arc Guang asked.

Qi Yuan laughed. When a person successfully proves his worth, whether it is to make investment or to negotiate a deal, it will become easier.

Of course, Arc Light is willing to take the risk to give these energy cores in advance In addition to its own value, there are other factors, such as the good reputation of the Spike Hunting Team, such as the reputation of the Qu master for many years.

The gathering of a variety of factors is the reason why Arc Light is willing to take risks.

"The sooner the better, it's better now!" Qi Yuan said sternly.

The arc nodded.

"I have someone send me the energy core, you can count it first."

Qi Yuan shook his head. Since Arc Guang agreed to invest first, naturally he would not do anything in such a place.

"No need to count, just move it to my car!"

Arc Guang smiled and stretched out his right hand.

"I hope that in the future, we will still have opportunities for cooperation!"

"for sure!"

Qi Yuan stretched out his right hand and held it with Arc Guang.

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