Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 150: Bumper harvest

Qi Yuan went all the way up unimpeded and ascended to the top of the headless giant statue. When he did not encounter any danger by accident, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed and became a strange world. The headless giant statue was even more so. Without a trace.

"Where am I?"

Qi Yuan looked around for a week, the sky was no longer a gray plume cloud, but the setting sun like blood, and the gust of wind whistling in his ears.

Is this an illusion?

Qi Yuan frowned.

When the mechanical mind has advanced to the second tier, the ability to quietly fall into the illusion is at least the fourth tier.

This is the danger of the headless giant statue?

Qi Yuan vaguely felt that something was wrong. If the headless giant statue still hides the fourth-order enemy, it can completely crush himself head-on, and there is no need to use this method!

Qi Yuan tried to sense the position of the sign-in beam, but found that the whole world was empty and received no feedback at all.


No matter how powerful the illusion is, it is impossible to affect the talent tree's response to the sign-in beam!

Did my consciousness leave the body?

Just in Qi Yuan's cranky thoughts, a thunderous roar suddenly resounded throughout the world.


This roar was so powerful that the whole Qi Yuan felt that the whole world was beginning to tremble, and the void in front of him was shattered like a mirror.


The earth suddenly cracked, huge cracks spread like spider webs, huge volcanoes rose from the ground, crimson magma spewed out, crimson clouds were washed away by lava, the whole world, a world The sight of the end.

The eruption of endless volcanoes turned the whole world into a sea of ​​red fire.


Another roar resounded throughout the world.

A giant hand that cannot be described in words broke free from the shackles and stretched out from the ground. It tore the earth and shattered the void. After the giant hand stretched out from the ground, Qi Yuan only felt that his eyes were dark, and the whole world seemed to be Occupied by it.

With a thought of Qi Yuan, his field of vision quickly opened, before he could see the whole picture of that giant hand clearly.

It was a blue-black arm, and the muscles on the arm seemed to contain infinite power.


Another arm stretched out from the ground, and the two arms waved wildly in the void, completely shattering the clouds in the sky, and then pressed **** the broken ground to directly press the erupting volcanoes. Into the ground.

A huge head stretched out from the ground. It was a face somewhat similar to a human being. It had a tall nose, a wide mouth, and hideous fangs. But what surprised Qi Yuan most was that it There is only one eye on his face.

This is a cyclops!

The Cyclops came out of the broken ground and let out a loud roar at the endless void.

Qi Yuan followed the gaze of the Cyclops, only to see two burning meteorites, one red and one white, appearing in the void, traversing the void and attacking the world under his feet.

From a free perspective, his eyesight seemed to have become much stronger. Qi Yuan vaguely saw that the two burning meteorites were not real stones, but two powerful invaders.

As the burning meteorite got closer, Qi Yuan finally saw the full picture of the two invaders.

The white meteorite is actually a silver-white void battleship, and the other scarlet meteorite is a faceless man with dancing tentacles.

When the two invaders finally broke through the planet's atmosphere and penetrated into the interior of the planet, Qi Yuan discovered that the two invaders, like the cyclops before them, were huge life forms.

The moment the two sides touched, the battle broke out instantly.

There are no negotiations, no negotiations, no false claims, only violent battles.

The moment the silver-white space battleship entered the atmosphere, it directly transformed into a mechanical giant with a height of several kilometers. Its hand condensed a huge and incredibly white energy sword, which was slashed head-on at the Cyclops.


The Cyclops roared and stretched out his hand to fish in the lava. An equally huge crimson lava battle axe condensed in an instant.

The Cyclops swung his great axe torn apart the void, and the violent power burst out, as if to split the entire void in half.


The energy giant sword and the lava giant axe collided violently, and a destructive energy cloud ring spread out instantly, the broken ground was more fragmented, and the aftermath of destruction spread far away 10,000 meters.

The mechanical giant was slashed with an axe, and the Cyclops just shook slightly, but it had no time to breathe.

Another faceless person condensed in front of him a red-red energy ball like the sun, like a slowly rising sun, the destruction of high temperature and energy fluctuations almost distorted the surrounding void .

With a light push on the dancing tentacles of the Faceless, the ruining sun instantly accelerated and crashed into the Cyclops.

The fierce light in the Cyclops' eyes skyrocketed. It lifted its left foot and stepped on the ground with one foot. The ground trembled suddenly.


The crimson sun hit the crimson mountain, the sun shattered instantly, and the whole world turned into a dazzling red, broken lava, diffused energy, and collapsed void, everything seemed to become endless chaos.

Qi Yuan watched from the perspective of God. The battle to destroy the world lasted for a whole day and night before finally closing down. The two invaders finally defeated the cyclops at the cost of being hit hard by themselves. The mechanical giant smashed it with a single sword. The huge head was decapitated, completing the final fatal blow.

The decapitated Cyclops did not die immediately. It still stood between the sky and the earth, waving its arms in vain, until the body finally turned into a stone, turning into a headless stone sculpture holding the sky with both hands.

Looking at the appearance of the sculpture, Qi Yuan's pupils shrank. The stone sculpture made by this cyclops after his death was not the statue of the headless giant he encountered!

The statue of the headless giant that I saw was much smaller than the statue of the cyclops in front of me after his death, but the appearance of the statue was almost exactly the same.

With the death of the Cyclops, the whole world began to shake, the sky shattered, and the earth sank, as if an invisible hand was wiping out the world.

Qi Yuan glanced at the slowly disappearing world and realized that he was about to leave. At this moment, Qi Yuan saw from the perspective of God, there seemed to be a beam of eyes looking at him from below.

Qi Yuan lowered his head subconsciously, only to see that the seriously injured Faceless Man was raising his head, and the transparent tentacles were gently dancing.

Although the Faceless Man has no eyes, Qi Yuan clearly felt the meaning of the Faceless Man. It was using its way to greet itself.

Did it find me?

But how is this possible!

Could it be that what I just saw was not a replay of a battle scene, but a live broadcast of the battle?

Just when Qi Yuan was puzzled, the doomsday-like world illusion finally disappeared, the **** flowing cloud turned into a heavy lead cloud, and the howling wind pulled Qi Yuan back to reality.

Qi Yuan looked around and found that he had returned to the top of the headless giant statue, above the fracture of his neck, the sign beam emitted a slight white light.

However, Qi Yuan's gaze did not look at the sign-in beam that symbolized Tier 3, but fell below the sign-in beam, where a weird head stone sculpture several meters high was placed.

Although this weird stone head sculpture is huge, it looks extremely small compared to the huge body of the headless giant.

What surprised Qi Yuan even more was the appearance of this weird stone statue. It was obviously not the head of the headless giant, but the head of the faceless man. The wiggling tentacles seemed to be with him. Say hello, just like the last scene you saw before leaving the illusion.

At this moment, Qi Yuan vaguely felt a sense of chaos in time and space. The Cyclops fought fiercely against the mechanical giant and the faceless battle. He did not know how much time and space there was from him now, but when he finally left, he looked at the faceless man. , And the weird head statue in front of me, but it seems to overlap, it reminds me all the time that everything I see is not far away from me, they are right in front of me.

When the three battles, the scene of destroying the world and the earth is still vivid for Qi Yuan. Although it is impossible to accurately judge the strength of the three, Qi Yuan can be sure that their strength is definitely far beyond his own. Imagine.

If a powerhouse of the rank of Faceless One is placed on the Seablue Star, even if it is the current Seablue Star, it is probably a true god-like existence. How could he say hello to himself as a second-order?

The current self, and the gap between it, is simply the difference between clouds and mud.

If there is something in oneself that can make a strong person like the faceless one care, only the talent tree has a trace of possibility.

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan thought, could it be that the super life talent tree in his body is the handwriting of the Faceless Man.

Super life talent tree!

If there really is a super life form in this world, then the cyclops that I have seen, as well as the mechanical form and the faceless one, must be one of them.

The wind whistling in his ears, Qi Yuan slowly reduced his divergent consciousness, staring at the weird statue in front of him.

Star Energy Stone!

The head of the Faceless Man is not an ordinary statue, but a stone sculpture of star energy.

The entire statue is a huge star energy stone!

Is this a gift from the Faceless One to himself?

Qi Yuan flicked the sign-in beam with his right hand, completed the last sign-in of Tier 2, and obtained the last Tier 2 talent point at the same time, and the second broken Tier 3 pass also appeared at the same time.

Two broken passes are combined into one, turning into a Tier 3 talent point.

The mist that enveloped the third-tier talent tree then dissipated. At this point, Qi Yuan's path to the third-tier ability was no longer obstructed.

Qi Yuan pressed his hand on the head of the Faceless One, and with a thought, the huge astral energy stone instantly turned into astral energy stone. The energy was integrated into the body. After the energy control was promoted to the second-order, not only did he have a stronger control over energy, but also had more energy. The reserve strength has also increased a lot, even if it is to absorb such a multi-ton star energy stone, it is not the slightest effort.

After completing the sign-in and absorbing the Xingneng Stone, Qi Yuan's sign-in trip finally completed his merits.

Qi Yuan looked down. The Seraphim who was entangled with Black Sand had already stood under the statue at some point, and the Black Sand was no longer visible. The Seraphim was holding his head up and looking at him eagerly.

Even if it was hundreds of meters away, Qi Yuan could see that the saliva of Seraph had burst the bank.

Where is Heisha?

Holding the impermanent black sand, the strength is not inferior to that of Seraph, Seraph can't solve it so quickly.

Qi Yuan shook his head and suppressed the thoughts that had arisen. This was a wilderness, a blue area, a weird statue of a headless giant, not a place for him to think about life.

Using both hands and feet, Qi Yuan quickly left the headless giant statue and returned to the ground.

Seraph immediately rushed forward and hugged Qi Yuan's thighs, hung his whole body up, and looked at Qi Yuan with large eyes with great water spirit Ka Zilan.

Qi Yuan smiled. No matter where Heisha went, Seraph could lead him away. Without interference, he had already completed the task very well.

"Good job!"

Qi Yuan touched the head of the blazing angel, directly condensing ten energy of the star energy stone, and threw it into her hand.

Seraph embraced the energy of the Star Energy Stone, sat on Qi Yuan's shoulders, and ate happily. While eating, she also sneaked a glance at the location of Qi Yuan's energy heart.

So many more delicious foods!

I can eat for a long time! Long time!

Seraphim was thinking, and his saliva came out!

"Don't slobber, work quickly after eating." Qi Yuan urged with a smile.

Seraph nodded seriously.

You have something delicious! You decide!

While licking the energy of the Star Energy Stone, the Seraph stood up and began to search for the beast that could serve as a mount. Soon, the Seraph returned to Qi Yuan with a huge Ahn'Qiraj beast.

Riding on the Ahn'Qiraj insect beast, Qi Yuan and Seraph quickly returned to the steel chariot.

It took a long time to leave the steel chariot, and if you didn't go back, the Qu Master would soon be noisy.

Ahn'Qiraj worms sprinted like flying, Qi Yuan sat on his back steadily, and began to think about the pros and cons of this sign-in trip.

Although the difficulty of the second-order sign-in point has been out of control, and he has encountered all kinds of incredible dangers, but with the help of Seraph, he has completed the sign-in every time without any risk.

In just one day not only successfully completed the six second-tier check-in points, grabbed six second-tier abilities, but also opened the door to the third-tier, and at the same time harvested one The huge Astral Energy Stone, as long as you don't squander it, this huge Astral Energy Stone should be enough to promote yourself to Tier 4.

This trip can be said to be a bumper harvest!

However, as his strength became stronger and stronger, Qi Yuan still felt that he was somewhat inadequate. Even with Tier 3 talent points in his hand, he could not bring himself a sense of security.

My current self may be able to crush the gathering point in the wilderness directly, but the environment he will face has changed from the gathering point to a shelter. I want to have enough self-protection power in the shelter, Tier 4 The strength is the minimum guarantee.

The difficulty of the second-order sign-in point has been obviously out of balance, if the third-order sign-in point is also like this, then I really should have a headache.

In the sanctuary, although there are more powerful existences, they are not blazing angels. They only need a mouthful of the star energy stone, and they are willing to fight with everything.

Wanting to impress those with powerful abilities is not as simple as imagined.

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