Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 151: Uprooted

On the way back, Qi Yuan directly used two second-tier talent points to upgrade gun control and annihilation warheads to second-tier.

These two abilities made great contributions when they were in the first tier, and now they are promoted to the second tier, and coupled with the powerful power of the doomsday strike, even without special bullets, they can severely damage or even kill the peak third-tier abilities.

As for the last Tier 3 talent point, Qi Yuan did not rush to use it, but kept it. If it is other time, Qi Yuan may have used the first Tier 3 talent for steel defense, but now The situation is special. The assessment of the Black Steel Sanctuary is coming soon. There is no difference between one more Tier 3 steel defense and one less Tier 3 steel defense. Leave this Tier 3 talent point as a hole card, in case you encounter it. Unexpected circumstances may also bring unexpected surprises.

Under the **** of the blazing angel, Qi Yuan's return journey was extremely smooth. Just as he was about to leave the blue area, Qi Yuan suddenly felt something. He looked back at the location of the headless giant statue.

Looking back, I saw a gray gloomy sky, without any shadow of the headless giant statue.


Qi Yuan frowned.

Although there is a considerable distance from the statue of the headless giant, his eyesight is far stronger than that of ordinary people. Even if you can't clearly see the huge statue of the headless giant, you should be able to see a vague outline.

But the reality is that the headless giant statue seems to have disappeared out of thin air, and there is no trace of existence.

Qi Yuan forcibly resisted the urge to look back. Although the headless giant statue should hide a lot of secrets, for the current self, whether it is a cyclops, a mechanical life, or which faceless one is too much Far away, is not the existence that oneself can peep and touch at all.

During this summit and check-in, I have already grabbed a generous enough return, and continue to entangle, and perhaps only the unknown and danger will remain.

After stepping into the gray area, the seraph cleverly returned to the energy heart. Qi Yuan used the area to detect and glanced at the seraph who had soaked his entire body in the energy of the star energy stone. While drooling, he was relieved to hum. Humbling, a thought flashed through my mind.

As his own powerful support and trump card, Seraph will inevitably step into the sanctuary with him. Although the Insect Beast Detector cannot perceive her existence, Qi Yuan does not have much to check whether Seraph can hide from everyone. grasp.

After entering the shelter, can those fourth-order or even higher-order powerhouses discover her existence?

If Seraph is discovered, with her own strength, she may not be able to hold her. This kind of purely measuring life form is not to say unique, but it is definitely very rare. Those researchers will definitely not let the magical life of Seraph. .

This can be seen from Tan Qiu's body. The curiosity of these researchers has always been very vigorous!

The wilderness was extremely empty. Just as Qi Yuan traversed most of the gray area and was about to reach the steel chariot, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be more wilderness hunters in the surrounding area. They wandered in the wilderness, seeming to be looking for something.

The emergence of Ahn'Qiraj worms quickly attracted the attention of hunters in the surrounding wilderness. Although the steel chariot also has several abilities that can enslaved the worms, those who can control the third-order worms can count it with one hand.

A Tier 3 insect beast is a powerful Tier 3 combat power. Ahn'Qiraj, a seemingly powerful insect beast, makes several hunters who chance encounter frequently cast envy eyes.

Just such an insect beast is stronger than most hunters in a steel chariot!

However, no matter how envious it was, none of the wild hunters who dared to come up to cause trouble, and moved around the steel chariot, had good eyesight. Even if they were newcomers, they had basically seen the portrait of Qi Yuan.

With the second-tier strength, after the record of killing multiple peaks and the third-tier was spread, Qi Yuan’s name has already been spread around several gathering points. This powerful and unrelenting massacre Pi is the least. The existence of provoking.

Qi Yuan looked around for a week and found that the surrounding wilderness was in a mess, as if he had experienced an indiscriminate bombing, and there was even restless energy remaining in the traces of those explosions.

After seeing Tier 4 battles, Qi Yuan quickly realized that not long ago, there had just been a Tier 4 battle here.

As for the two sides of the battle... Qi Yuan himself sensed the residual energy, and quickly locked on a target—Ling You.

There is Ling You's residual energy here, and one of the two fighting parties must be Ling You.

In addition to Ling You, there are actually other Tier 4 haunts here!

Who is so courageous to fight Ling You near the steel chariot?

Isn't this hitting the black steel shelter in the face!

Qi Yuan called a wilderness hunter wandering nearby, and after careful inquiry, did he realize that just today, two major events have happened in the Black Steel Shelter.

One of them is this battle!

Several hunters passing by happened to witness part of this battle. Ling You used his own power to forcibly kill a powerful person, and hung his body on the wall of the steel chariot.

Although the corpse of the deceased was already scorched and couldn't see the original appearance, the wilderness hunter who had witnessed that battle confirmed in unison that the enemy killed by Ling Youge was a Tier 4 capable person.

Although many people didn’t believe it and thought it was just a rumor, the traces left by Ling You and Xu Yue’s battle could not be faked. After seeing the traces of the battle, many people began to believe that the intensity of this battle far exceeded that. The pinnacle level three.

An existence that is stronger than the third-order peak is naturally the fourth-order!

And the person who can kill a Tier 4 ability frontally alone will only be another Tier 4 ability person.

Since then, the news that Ling You has stepped into Tier 4 spread like wildfire.

Another major event was that the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce of Steel Chariots was uprooted by Ling You.

As a chamber of commerce that has been entrenched in steel tanks for many years, the strength of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce is not weak, and even has two peak third-tier seats. However, under Ling You's suppression, the entire Black Gold Chamber of Commerce is still suppressed by iron and blood, except for those employees. , There were no core members of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce left, all of them turned into corpses.

According to the gossip from the Futu Chamber of Commerce, the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce was wiped out because they colluded with the remnants of the Xu family in order to seize the position of the leader of the steel chariot, which was then destroyed by Ling You backhand.

Hearing these two news, Qi Yuan quickly captured the key information from the true and false news.

The Futu Chamber of Commerce is the secret child of the Xu family. After the Xu family fell, the only way they wanted to survive was to stay. Even if their brains were flooded, they would not be able to plot Lingyou and seize control of the steel tank.

The Black Gold Chamber of Commerce was uprooted, there is only one possibility, that is, their true identities were exposed, and they were caught by Ling You, so they would be ruined.

As for the Tier 4 that was killed by Ling Youge, if nothing happens, it must be from the Xu family.

However, Qi Yuan felt a little surprised that Ling You was able to kill a Tier 4.

Although I have seen Ling You make a full shot and know her strength is strong, defeating a Tier 4 and killing a Tier 4 are completely different strengths. Since Ling You can kill a Tier 4 head-on, then her strength Probably more powerful than I guessed.

After solving the trouble in the Red Copper Valley, Qi Yuan originally planned to find an opportunity to blackmail the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce again, but he did not expect that Ling You would be so decisive when he started. He just went out and circled, and the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce was not uprooted. Said, even Tier 4 was killed.

This also caused a direct miscarriage of one's own windfall plan.

A big killer Pi that can kill Tier 4 head-on and explode Seraph can only say that he can't afford it!

Just when Qi Yuan was about to leave, a graceful figure in Tsing Yi suddenly appeared in front of him, and Qi Yuan controlled the Ahn'Qiraj insect beast to stop.

Qing Lei!

Qi Yuan looked at Qing Yi in surprise. Although Qing Lei did not show any hostility, he still felt an almost oppressive breath. Even the Seraphim hiding in the energy heart felt the threat from the outside world. Ready to take action at any time.

Although the former Qing Lei was strong and had the strength to fight head-on with Pinnacle Tier 3, in any case, it would not bring such a heavy sense of oppression to herself.

Qing Lei's ability to bring such a powerful oppression to herself means that for one thing, she has stepped into the fourth step.

I went out and went around for a while, and now it's just a fake Tier 3, how come these Tier 4 are all coming out, and they don't give me a chance to pretend to be forceful! Qi Yuan spit out silently in his heart.

"Can you talk about it? It won't take you too long." Qing Lei suddenly said softly.

Qi Yuan glanced at her and nodded.

"Where do you want to talk, or go to the steel chariot here?"

As a Tier 4, Qing Lei was able to ask herself in this tone, it was already a lot of face, and she could not rub her nose on her face, facing a stronger existence than herself, maintaining sufficient humility was one of the criteria for survival.

If Qing Lei wanted to do anything to herself, she would not be able to stop her with only a blazing angel.

"Ling You is in a steel chariot. She doesn't want me to step into the steel chariot, and I don't want to be hung on the city wall by her." Qing Lei said calmly.

Is this admitting that he can't beat Ling You?

Qi Yuan was a little surprised. Qing Lei's frankness was undoubtedly expressing goodwill, and the agreement also confirmed his guess that Ling You's strength may not be as simple as Tier 4.

Qi Yuan looked around for a week and found that there were a few wild hunters around. Although they didn't dare to approach them rashly, a few people who didn't know how to live or die still wandered back and forth on Qing Lei with coveted eyes.

With Qing Lei's appearance and figure, it is indeed a powerful attraction for most wilderness hunters. If Qing Lei is just an ordinary low-level ability person, she may have become a hunter's plaything at this moment.

But now... Qi Yuan shook his head secretly, Tier 4 Qinglei is not a woman that ordinary people can get involved. Although she has the appearance of a mermaid, she is indeed a big shark inside, especially After experiencing the puppet man, the shark will become more sensitive. If anyone wants to get involved, she may be crushed into scum.

"Change to a quieter place." Qi Yuan said.

Qing Lei nodded. As a Tier 4, she didn't want to be stared at by people with such fiery eyes.

Qi Yuan rode the Ahn'Qiraj beetle. After the two left together, several wilderness hunters reluctantly withdrew their gazes.

"This woman is really the best!" someone said with unfulfilled meaning.

"Don't think about it, this woman has already hugged the thigh of the abyss, you are out of play!" Someone said regretfully.

"By the way, has anyone seen this woman? I have never seen her before."

"You haven't seen her because you haven't seen her scenery!" An old hunter with a somewhat vicissitudes of face breathed out a smoke ring and said quietly.

"Do you know her?" The other hunters immediately gathered around.

"Her name is Qinglei, a man in the ghost town who had the strength of the third-order peak ten years ago, but unfortunately there were some accidents and disappeared for many years."

The pinnacle of Tier 3!

Several hunters took a breath at the same time.

In the gathering place, the third-order peak can basically walk sideways, such a stunner-like woman, even had the strength of the third-order peak ten years ago!

"She's Qinglei? I've only heard of this name. It's the first time a real person saw her. I heard that she was hit hard by a demon puppet in the old city and almost died. I didn't expect her to be alive!"

"What are the people in the ghost town doing looking for the abyss?" someone asked suspiciously. UU reading www.

"I heard that in the previous battle of the old city, the steel chariot and the ghost town fought a battle. The abyss killed many people on the opposite side, and killed their two Pinnacle Tier 3, the relationship between the two sides is now very tense. "

"Does this Qing Lei want to invite a battle with the abyss and find a place for the ghost town?"

A few wilderness hunters started talking in a low voice.

Women and the strong are topics that will never go out of style in the wilderness.

Listening to the discussion of the surrounding wilderness hunters, the old hunter did not speak anymore. He just stared blankly at the direction where the two were leaving, spit out eye circles, and then quietly retracted the bug detector into his pocket.

When Qi Yuan was talking with Qing Lei, he quietly pressed the button of the Insect Beast Detector. Qing Lei, who had already possessed the peak third-order strength ten years ago, was not displayed on the screen, which made him a little puzzled.

The insect detector can display most of the existence below the third order, unless the energy level intensity exceeds its limit, otherwise Qing Lei has no reason to disappear in the insect detector.

Is Qing Lei already Tier 4?

If she is really Tier 4, what is the strength of the abyss?

Although the worm and beast detector showed that the abyss was Tier 2, Qing Lei's attitude towards the abyss was not at all like Tier 4's attitude towards Tier 2, instead it gave people a feeling that Qing Lei was at a disadvantage.

The old hunter had a vague illusion. On the insect detector, it was displayed as a third-order abyss, and the true strength might not be weaker than Qing Lei.

In the wilderness, strength is respected, and only the strong will be respected by the strong!

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