Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 205: prison

Three days later, Jin Wei personally sent the examination and approval procedures for entering the 20th floor below the prison to the laboratory.

Before leaving, Qi Yuan thought for a moment, and took the Seraph into his energy heart before he got up and went to the prison.

There are various dangerous existences in the prison. Although they have been detained, close contact is still a dangerous thing.

In front of the existences below the 20th floor of the prison, their own strength is not worth mentioning, even if they are already very weak, they can't stop them from attacking.

Seraph has now faintly recovered to the fourth-order pinnacle, and in case of real danger, he can resist it.

The Danger Management Department, which is in charge of the prison, has become accustomed to researchers entering the prison to collect various experimental materials. It did not make trouble for Qi Yuan and chose to let it go.

Holding the approval procedures, Qi Yuan walked unimpeded all the way to the entrance of the 20th floor before stopping.

A dark gate blocked the way. After waiting for a while, a red curtain of light appeared, and then slowly approached.

Qi Yuan perceives the danger of if there is nothing, and he is approaching him with the light curtain, but Qi Yuan does not move. This light curtain can not only verify the identity of the entrant, but also instantly when an abnormality is discovered. Become a means of terrorist killing.

There are rumors outside that under the 20th floor of the prison, even high-ranking powerhouses are still being held. Once these prisoners escape, it will be a disaster for the Black Steel Shelter.

As the light curtain approached, Qi Yuan vaguely felt that the Seraphim body hidden in the energy heart seemed a little nervous, just like facing Mo Sheng at the beginning.

This means that Seraph also feels danger.

When the light curtain passed over the body, the if there was no danger slowly disappeared, and the tight body of Seraphim slowly relaxed.

The sound of machinery sounded.

"Second-level researcher-Qi Yuan, identity confirmation!"

On the surface of the black metal gate, a blue light flashed, and then a heavy door opened slowly.

The black door separates the upper and lower sides.

Qi Yuan crossed the opened door and walked deep into the corridor. At the end of the corridor, the elevator had already stopped here.

Taking the elevator, Qi Yuan went all the way down to the twelfth floor, and then walked out of the elevator.

At this level, there is a sign-in point!

At the elevator door, a woman in a black robe waited quietly.

The woman's eyes are like cold and venomous snakes, and her gaze falls on her body, giving people a touch of being swept across by greasy tentacles.

"Has your body been mechanically modified?" the woman asked in a hoarse voice.

"The prisoners in this tier are all mechanical lifeforms, including some powerful mechanics, and the limbs that have undergone mechanical transformations are easy to be remotely controlled by them."

"No." Qi Yuan replied.

The woman glanced at it. Although she concealed it well, Qi Yuan still caught a trace of coldness in her eyes, as if he did not welcome his arrival.

"After entering, follow behind me, don't rush over the red line and approach the prisoner." The woman said blankly.

Qi Yuan nodded. If he replaced him, he wouldn't be happy that a weak chicken with only Tier 3 entered such a dangerous place.

The woman turned indifferently and walked forward.

Qi Yuan followed behind and looked at the woman's empty right arm. If she were not working in this special place, she could completely accept mechanical transformation and replace it with a mechanical arm.

Although this woman is a staff member, it is obvious that this kind of work does not often transfer positions. She works here, to some extent, it is not much different from other prisoners in custody.

The footsteps of the two reverberated in the corridor, and Qi Yuan could clearly perceive that the sign-in point was in front, and he was approaching little by little.

Qi Yuan opened the area to explore, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

Unlike the dark and damp prison in the imagination, there is no gloomy atmosphere on the entire twelfth floor, and there are bright lights everywhere.

Passing through a long corridor, the crowded scene in front of you instantly opened up and turned into a large flat floor with no side at a glance. In the empty hall, there are huge silver metal columns, nothing else. Objects, not even guards.

All the silver metal cylinders are tightly connected, and there is no edge or corner, only a circle of light on the ground nearby.

When you enter the eye, the aperture has only two colors, red and green. It doesn't look like a prison at all, but a kind of sci-fi architecture.

"All the prisoners are detained in these silver metal cylinders. Green means vacant and red means there are prisoners inside. Be careful not to cross the aperture."

The one-armed woman said, removing a metal bracelet from her arm and handing it to Qi Yuan.

"The bracelet stores the information of all the prisoners on this layer. As long as you get close to the cage, you can get the information about the prisoners from it."

Qi Yuan put the bracelet on his right wrist, and then walked slowly into the metal forest made up of silver cylinders.

Qi Yuan clearly felt that the sign-in point was on this floor, within a certain silver metal cylinder in the depths.

The sign-in point was right in front of him, but Qi Yuan did not go directly, but tentatively approached a silver metal cylinder showing a red aperture.

The bracelet quickly displays the corresponding information.

Number: 12-00105.

Type: Terran Mechanic

Level: Fourth-order mechanical body

Degree of danger: ★★

Qi Yuan paused for two seconds, then walked to the next silver metal cylinder with a red aperture.

Number: 12-00312.

Species: Mechanical insects

Level: Tier 5 mechanical body

Degree of danger: ★★★

What is mechanical insects and beasts, mechanical transformation of insects and beasts?

Qi Yuan Machinery continued to walk into the depths. As the prisoner's information showed, Qi Yuan slowly realized how powerful the Black Steel Shelter really is.

Although most of the silver metal cylinders on this floor are vacant, there are also nearly a hundred metal cylinders, showing a red aperture, which means that at least nearly a hundred prisoners are imprisoned here.

Qi Yuan tentatively approached more than a dozen silver metal circles that had imprisoned prisoners. None of the prisoners inside was below Tier 4 in strength.

Even some prisoners whose danger level shows only one star are also Tier 4 mechanical bodies.

In a metal cylinder, Qi Yuan even discovered a six-level mechanical body, which was a pure mechanical life, with the highest degree of danger reaching five stars!

Around the sixth-level mechanical body, the red aperture on the ground has the largest range, covering hundreds of meters around it. The circle of silver stone pillars around it is empty, without any prisoners being held.

After passing the prisoners, Qi Yuan stopped in front of a metal cylinder showing a red aperture.

Number: 12-00012.

Type: Fallen Machinery

Level: Fourth-order mechanical body

Degree of danger: ★★★

Fallen machinery!

Qi Yuan quickly thought of the polluter, and the power of pollution was also called the power of depravity!

In that battle in the old city, Qi Yuan also saw many polluters and polluting beasts.

Whether it’s a smart polluter, a beast polluter, or a polluting beast, their bodies are filled with black mucus, like a melting pot of bones and skin. The thick black mucus hides their true The core of the control, the kind of monster that is somewhat similar to the black octopus.

Among the large number of polluters, Qi Yuan did not see any traces of the polluters being mechanically altered. The polluters’ strange body structure has erased most of the vitals of the body and brought strong resilience. But it is also destined that they cannot be mechanically modified.

So, what is the degenerate machinery inside?

The strength of Tier 4, but the danger of Samsung, is enough to prove that the fallen machinery inside is not simple.

After pondering for a moment, Qi Yuan said to the one-armed woman.

"Open it, I need to take a sample."

When the one-armed woman heard the words, her brows suddenly frowned.

Although 12-00012 is not the most powerful prisoner in it, nor the most dangerous prisoner, it is a prisoner who is very difficult to sample.

The power of that weird and degenerate machine has a very strong power of pollution. Her arm was accidentally contaminated with the power of pollution during a sampling of 12-00012, and she was forced to amputate her limbs.

"Are there any requirements for sampling?" the one-armed woman asked hoarsely.

"There is no special requirement, but the sample weight cannot be less than ten grams!" Qi Yuan said.

The one-armed woman took an irregular sphere the size of a fist, and then carefully stood above the red aperture, a light curtain swept across, and then a holographic virtual console appeared in front of her.

The one-armed woman stretched out her left hand, clicked on it, and then entered control instructions.

Soon, Qi Yuan felt an extremely cold breath, condensing in the silver cylinder in front of him.

After nearly a minute, the red light on the virtual console jumped to green, and the one-armed woman entered the control command again, and a fist-sized gap appeared in the center of the metal cylinder that was originally tightly stitched.

The one-armed woman carefully put the irregular sphere in her hand into the gap, and entered a series of instructions again.

The gap is slowly closed.

About half a minute later, when the gap opened again, the one-armed woman carefully took out the irregular sphere from the inside.

Before the irregular sphere was placed, it was originally as transparent as crystal, but at this moment, it became pitch black like ink.

Even if it was blocked by a special material, Qi Yuan could still feel that the evil degenerate force inside was tumbling.

Qi Yuan did not rashly take the irregular metal sphere in the hand of the one-armed woman, and said directly to her: "Send someone to send it to my laboratory."

The one-armed woman turned around silently, placed the crystal ball loaded with fallen metal, and then followed Qi Yuan and moved on.

Slowly, Qi Yuan finally approached the silver metal cylinder where the sign-in point was.

Number: 12-00055.

Type: Mechanical Beast

Level: Fourth-order mechanical body

Degree of danger: ★★

Remarks: Mechanical King Court creation.

A Tier 4 mechanical king's creation, and the degree of danger is only two stars!

Qi Yuan was surprised in his heart, but his face was calm.

A place that can become a Tier 3 sign-in point will definitely not be an ordinary Tier 4 mechanical body.

Although this Tier 4 mechanical body seemed to be only two stars in danger, since it came from the Mechanical King Court, it must have hidden other secrets, but it has not been discovered.

"Open it, I need to take a sample." Qi Yuan said calmly.

The one-armed woman quietly breathed a sigh of relief. A Tier 4 mechanical beast with only two stars in danger is a relatively safe prisoner on this floor, and it is much safer to sample.

"Are there any special requirements?" the one-armed woman asked routinely.

Qi Yuan didn't answer her, but tried to explore the area, but found that he couldn't penetrate the metal cylinder at all, and he sensed the mechanical beast inside. Then he said slowly:

"I want to take a look at the structure of this mechanical beast"

The one-armed woman paused, and stood directly above the red aperture to summon the console. After inputting a series of commands, the holographic projection phantom of the mechanical beast appeared in front of Qi Yuan.

It was a spider-like mechanical beast, with eight sharp metal limbs shining with faint blue light, the joints of the joints, there was a faint blue light film, and the back was inlaid with a huge blue crystal.

It doesn't look like a mechanical beast at all, but more like a handicraft.

Qi Yuan carefully stared at the phantom of the mechanical war beast in front of him, and found no abnormalities, so he could only shook his head in his heart.

It is impossible to detect and perceive with the area, only relying on a virtual projection, it is impossible to see the clue at all.

"I need to take samples from its mechanical limbs, chimeric joints, and crystals on its back."

The one-armed woman didn't notice the abnormality. This fourth-level mechanical beast was a creation of the Mechanical Royal Court. There were many researchers who looked at it for sampling. Every part of it had undergone repeated sampling, and Qi Yuan was just one of them.

As the one-armed woman left to fetch the container containing the sample, Qi Yuan took a deep breath and quietly crossed the red line, reaching out and pressing on the silver metal cylinder.

A cold touch followed, and at the same time, familiar feedback appeared again.

is complete!

Qi Yuan shook his fist fiercely in his heart. Although there are various strong people in the Black Steel Sanctuary, as long as the preliminary preparations are made, the sign-in at these sign-in points is not as difficult as imagined.

After his network of connections was rolled out, Qi Yuan believed that he would soon complete all the registrations to the Black Steel Shelter.

Feeling the cold touch between his fingers, Qi Yuan tried to activate the steel self-healing. was surprised to find that the silver cylinder could not be shaken.

In the face of metal, steel, which has never been disadvantaged, is self-healing, and this is the first time this situation has occurred.

There are only two possibilities, either these silver cylinders are not real metals, or they are very strange exotic metals.

Reminiscing that the entire layer is a silver cylinder, Qi Yuan is more inclined to the first guess.

After signing in, Qi Yuan released his right hand on the silver cylinder and slowly retreated beyond the red line, just in time to see the one-armed woman walking back quickly.

"I reminded you that it is dangerous to cross the red line. If you continue to do this dangerous behavior, your permission will be cancelled!" The one-armed woman said with a serious expression.

"Sorry, there won't be another time!"

Qi Yuan apologized in a sincere tone, and at the same time stepped back two steps to show his attitude.

The one-armed girl's face was slightly dark, and she didn't continue to struggle with this matter, and quickly took out the three samples Qi Yuan needed for his name from the prison.

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