Mechanical Flesh

Chapter 206: Butcher

After signing in, Qi Yuan took the elevator and continued down to the ninth floor.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, Qi Yuan felt a strong **** breath spreading over the surface. Qi Yuan looked intently and saw a butcher holding a **** machete standing outside the elevator, staring at him.

The butcher in front of him is a bald head with blood shining in the depths of his eyes. His upper body is naked, his chest covered with black hair, and his chubby belly are exposed. There are many dry blood scabs on his body, but I don’t know what it is. His own blood still comes from the blood of prisoners.

The butcher's lower body, wearing a pair of dark loose trousers, exudes a sour smell mixed with blood.

The most eye-catching thing is that the knife in his hand is still dripping blood. The knife is somewhat similar to a pig-killing knife, but its handle is not held by the butcher, but completely replaced its right hand. Attached to the right wrist.

Above this knife, Qi Yuan felt a palpitating breath, just like when facing the dance of death.

This knife turned out to be a fully activated alienated energy weapon!

A jailer who guards the prison has a powerful alienation energy weapon!

"You are Qi Yuan!" The butcher tried to squeeze a smile.

But with his full face, it made his smile look a bit hideous.

Qi Yuan nodded.

"I am Qi Yuan."

The butcher looked at Qi Yuan up and down, and finally fixed his eyes on the position of the energy heart.

"Qingqing told me that the dance of death was completely activated by you. Originally I thought she was lying to me, but now it seems that you can indeed do it."

Qi Yuan glanced at Seraph inwardly, how could you have been discovered again!

Seraph grievances Baba: It's none of my business, it's that your strength is too weak!

Qi Yuan was surprised at the butcher's strength in his heart, and he was also a little curious about his identity. The Qingqing in his mouth must refer to Fu Qingqing.

Since he called Fu Qingqing by the name "Qingqing", and Fu Qingqing also deliberately told him about his activation of the Dance of Death, it proved that the relationship between the two of them was very close.

However, one of them is Mo Sheng's only student, and the other is a jailer in this nine-story prison, so they shouldn't be involved in any way.

"You follow me."

The butcher said as he walked.

"Although the prisoners on this level are all flesh and blood living beings, they are all bloodthirsty creatures. There were several researchers who accidentally died inside during the sampling process."

"However, don't worry, since you helped Qingqing, that's my friend. As long as you don't seek death by yourself, I will send you out in its entirety!"

What do I mean by myself?

What is complete delivery?

Qi Yuan didn't know how to answer the conversation, but felt that there were groovy points in his words.

After walking through a corridor nearly one hundred meters in length, the two quickly entered the prison cell.

Unlike the prisons on the twelfth floor, which are full of technological sense, the prisons on this floor are hemispherical colored energy shields, with sporadic branches everywhere.

The ground is not the silver-gray, metallic ground of the twelve layers, but a special kind of rock.

The ground was blue-black, and I didn't know whether it was the original color of the ground or the color stained by dried blood.

Qi Yuan looked around and found that the number of prisoners on this floor seemed to be much more than that on the twelfth floor, and the number exceeded two hundred.

These energy shields that imprison the prisoners are all translucent. Although they isolate the observation of the area detection, they do not completely block the line of sight.

Through the energy shield, Qi Yuan could roughly see the appearance of the prisoner inside.

There are humans, insects and beasts, polluting beasts, and some weird and indistinguishable life forms.

Although the prisoners inside looked weak and feeble, Qi Yuan knew that this was nothing more than an appearance. The creatures that could be imprisoned here would definitely not be as harmless as humans and animals on the surface.

Another thing Qi Yuan was a little surprised was that these prisoners seemed very afraid of the butcher. When the butcher passed near the cage, many of the prisoners' bodies would tremble uncontrollably, as if they were afraid of something.

"Just tell me what you want, I'll help you chop it!"

As the butcher said, he waved the dripping knife in his hand, frightened an insect beast next to him, and leaned back in horror. The scarred body accidentally touched the energy shield, and the insect beast suddenly wailed. At the moment when only a section of the docking tail touched the energy shield, it immediately turned into half of pitch black coke.

Qi Yuan's heart shuddered. He recognized the scarred beast inside. It was a bloodthirsty fourth-order beast. Humans are also one of its food. They mainly live in the blue area and occasionally even enter. Hunt down wild hunters in the grey areas.

Such a powerful and fierce Tier 4 insect beast just touched the energy shield, and half of its tail turned into coke.

If you accidentally touch the energy shield, with your own defensive power, I'm afraid you will die instantly.

The butcher turned his head and looked at the insect beast coldly, and the painful wailing suddenly stopped. The insect beast's tiny eyes were full of fear, and his body was trembling, but he didn't make any more noises.

Every time the black-robed woman took a sample, she would be careful and dare not touch these prisoners at all, but this butcher was able to scare the prisoners shivering.

From the reaction of these prisoners, the butcher is probably the tyrant of this level!

Qi Yuan passed a red energy shield, inside which was curled up a blue-black insect beast that could not distinguish race.

Its body shrank into a ball, like a large rock, motionless.

Among the many prisoners passing by, it was the only one who didn't react to the butcher's approach, and he didn't know if it was dead.

Qi Yuan glanced at it subconsciously. If he didn't know that this layer was full of flesh and blood beings, Qi Yuan would almost think it was an inconspicuous stone.

Perhaps it was because of Qi Yuan's gaze that the blue-black stone, which had been motionless, trembled suddenly, and then, its body surface cracked.

The fissures suddenly opened like eyes, revealing pale eyeballs without pupils. Countless pale eyeballs looked at Qi Yuan at the same time, and the isolated energy shield rippled like water ripples, as if they were disturbed by some kind of interference.

Qi Yuan secretly said that it was not good, and tried to close his eyes and look away.

At the moment when the sights of both sides met, Qi Yuan instantly felt that his thinking was invaded, and his consciousness became dull. He could not complete the action of closing his eyes and looking away.

Qi Yuan lost his mind, and stared at each of the eyeballs without pupils. The skin on the surface of his body wriggled along with it, as if something was trying to get out of his body.

Qi Yuan couldn't care about hiding anymore, trying to call for help, but his slow thinking prevented him from making any sounds, even calling for help.


Seraph's angry roar suddenly sounded in his mind, and Qi Yuan's almost frozen thinking became a little clearer.

When Qi Yuan encountered the thought invasion, Seraph felt something was wrong. Although she had the strength of the fourth-order pinnacle and was able to resist the invasion of various energies, she had nothing to do with the invasion of thinking in the non-energy domain. Constantly roaring to awaken Qi Yuan's consciousness.

The mechanical mind has been fully activated, but in the face of the stare of the pale eyes, it seems helpless. Under the huge power gap, the second-order mechanical mind can only slightly delay the speed of being controlled.

Just when Qi Yuan thought that he would be completely controlled, a ray of scarlet blood suddenly appeared, occupying almost all of his vision.


A stern roar and a cold snort sounded at the same time, and then Qi Yuan finally felt that his stagnant thinking slowly recovered.

Qi Yuan finally recovered from the thought invasion. The first sight he saw was the butcher's big face, which was full of flesh and blood, staring at him at close range.

Qi Yuan was almost taken aback.

"You actually survived!" The butcher looked at Qi Yuan in surprise, seeming a little surprised.

Qi Yuan ignored the butcher's question, suppressed the horror in his heart, and asked with lingering fears, "What is this?"

"I don't know what it is, but I usually call it a beholder, and its strength should be Tier 6." said the butcher.

Sixth order!

The top existence that crushed his three major ranks!

The beholder in the energy shield had closed all eyes and turned into a blue-black stone again, looking the same as before, without any change.

However, Qi Yuan vaguely saw that there was a faint crack on its stone-like skin surface, which almost split it in half.

This knife was cut by a butcher?

Just now, even the energy shield hadn't been turned off, how did the butcher cut it on him with the knife.

Qi Yuan was silent for a few seconds, then raised his right hand and took a look. There were cracks on his arm that were the same as when the beholder opened his eyes. Several cracks have been opened, and the inside can even be seen pale. Eyeballs.

Using area detection, Qi Yuan could clearly perceive that there are still many such cracks in his body. If the butcher's rescue is slowed down for a few seconds, when all these eyes are opened, his consciousness may be completely wiped out.

"This beholder is a monster in the black area. It has been imprisoned here for four years. It only opened its eyes to Mo Sheng once in four years, and then was beaten to death. Then it became honest. I didn't expect it to be. I will do it for you!"

The butcher rubbed his hands, obviously apologizing for his negligence. He just said that he would send Qi Yuan out intact. In a blink of an eye, Qi Yuan was attacked by a beholder and almost killed, which made him a little embarrassed.

"That..." The butcher said hesitantly, "I will help you build an alienated energy weapon. Can you tell Qingqing about this?"

Qi Yuan looked at the butcher in astonishment. He was able to slash the Tier 6 beholder to autism in a single stroke, proving that his strength was absolutely powerful. He would care so much about Fu Qingqing who stepped into the shelter from the wilderness!

Although Qi Yuan was curious about the relationship between the two, since the other party didn't say anything, Qi Yuan was not easy to ask, so he nodded.

"Don't worry, I will be tight-lipped about this matter! As for the alienated energy weapons, I don't need them for the time being. I'm only Tier 3, and I can't control the alienated energy weapons."

Although prostitution is a virtue, rashly prostituting a stranger who is much stronger than yourself is definitely not a smart choice.

The butcher smiled satisfied when he heard the words, he patted his thick chest covered with black hair, and said:

"You can resist the erosion of the beholder, and you will definitely not have any pressure to advance to Tier 4. After you are Tier 4, you can come to me again. There are enough prisoners here. Killing a few more will always produce an alienated energy weapon!"

Qi Yuan smiled and did not answer the conversation. The craftsmanship of alienated energy weapons is not complicated. The reason why it is difficult to get started is mainly because of the consumption of powerful flesh and blood life forms and various rare materials, and the probability of successful precipitation in the end. Not too high.

When the luck is bad, the precipitation fails many times in a row, even if the strong family is rich, it may be hollowed out.

In the prison, although there are a large number of flesh and blood life to consume, but various rare materials are not there, so even if the butcher really wants to make an alienated energy weapon, it is not that simple.

The butcher glanced at the half-open eyes in Qi Yuan's hand, hesitated and said:

"Those are the residual energy left by the beholder invading you. It may be a little troublesome, but that little guy should be able to help you clean it up."

Qi Yuan nodded, knowing that the little guy in his mouth was referring to Seraph.

However, Qi Yuan did not use Seraph, but tried to activate the steel self-healing, and found that the steel self-healing can also clear these eyes on his body, but the speed is relatively slow.

After all, it is the residual energy left by the invasion of the sixth-order creature, and the second-order steel self-healing is strong enough to recover.

Slowly, Qi Yuan finally walked to the sign-in point, but the prisoner in front of him made Qi Yuan a little bit difficult.

The prisoners in front were relatively normal in size, and most of them were small, with few monsters of huge size.

But the monster in front of him that coincides with the sign-in point is a big tree.

Although its top branches have obvious logging marks, so that its height does not exceed three meters, its branches stretched like wicker, but it occupies a huge space with a diameter of nearly 20 meters.

This is the largest prisoner Qi Yuan has ever seen since entering the ninth floor, and there is no energy shield around it, only a few black metal rods with the thickness of arms running through the entire tree trunk.

The dark red wickers danced lightly, and the palm-sized leaves were scattered and withered, but there was no fallen leaf around.

Qi Yuan asked if he didn't understand.

"what's this?"

"You can call it the tree of annihilation, or annihilation of flesh and blood." the butcher said.

"It looks like a plant, but it doesn't have the structure of a plant in its body. It strengthens itself by devouring flesh and blood, and there is a strange existence between flesh and blood and energy flowing in it, which has a strong annihilation power."

"Strength is barely considered the pinnacle of Tier 4. UU reading"

The strength of Tier 4 peak!

After Qi Yuan pondered for a moment, he asked, "I want to take a sample on it with my own hands. Is there any way to make it quieter?"

The butcher thought for a moment, then nodded.

Afterwards, Qi Yuan saw the butcher holding the machete in his hand, walking to the Tree of Oblivion at will, and stabbing it into its trunk.

Qi Yuan felt his heart twitch for a while, even if the knife wasn't stabbed on him, there was a vague feeling of empathy.

After the butcher's machete was inserted, the Tree of Annihilation trembled frantically, and dark red wicker was flying, seeming to want to counterattack, but as the butcher vigorously stirred the inserted machete, all the flying wicker fell weakly. , None of them dared to fall on the butcher.

"Okay, you can collect samples!" the butcher said.

Qi Yuan opened his mouth suddenly, unable to say a word for a while.

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